15.88 GB | 00:16:23 | mp4 | 1920X1080 | 16:9
Genre:eLearning |Language:English
Files Included :
1 - Introduction (26.65 MB)
11 - Whats a Transaction (101.47 MB)
12 - Whyd We Wait (25.07 MB)
14 - Basic Blockchains (139.12 MB)
15 - Block Time (140.16 MB)
16 - Smart Contracts (79.12 MB)
17 - The Solidity Programming Language (134.71 MB)
19 - 20-our-first (356 B)
19 - Our First Contract (31.96 MB)
2 - diagrams (1004.89 KB)
20 - Contract Structure (70.1 MB)
21 - Function Declarations (136.12 MB)
23 - Testing with Remix (52.33 MB)
24 - 25-redeploying (330 B)
24 - Redeploying Contracts (17.06 MB)
25 - Behind the Scenes of Deployment (79.28 MB)
26 - More on Running Functions Than You Want to Know (208.91 MB)
27 - Wei vs Ether (19.34 MB)
28 - Gas and Transactions (164.64 MB)
29 - Mnemonic Phrases (189.49 MB)
3 - A Short History Lesson (31.28 MB)
30 - We Need More Test Ether (4.58 MB)
5 - What is Ethereum (34.9 MB)
6 - Interfacing with Ethereum Networks (15.58 MB)
8 - Metamask Setup (68.99 MB)
9 - Ethereum Accounts (24.55 MB)
33 - Contract Deployment (35.62 MB)
34 - boilerplate-inbox (1.84 KB)
35 - Project Requirements (65.78 MB)
36 - Project File Walkthrough (43.46 MB)
38 - 38-compiling (1.42 KB)
38 - Compiling Solidity (29.99 MB)
40 - The Compile Script (75.08 MB)
41 - Testing Architecture (79.3 MB)
42 - Installing Modules (63.37 MB)
43 - Web3 Versioning (44.89 MB)
44 - Web3 Providers (20.8 MB)
45 - 46-testing (1.97 KB)
45 - Testing with Mocha (210.58 MB)
46 - Mocha Structure (29.6 MB)
47 - 48-fetching (1.96 KB)
47 - Fetching Accounts from Ganache (39.49 MB)
48 - 49-refactor (1.96 KB)
48 - Refactor to AsyncAwait (15.7 MB)
49 - 50-deployment (2.08 KB)
49 - Deployment with Web3 (61.62 MB)
50 - Deployed Inbox Overview (54.54 MB)
51 - Asserting Deployment (35.77 MB)
52 - 53-verifying (2.15 KB)
52 - Verifying the Initial Message (106.28 MB)
53 - 54-testing-message (2.18 KB)
53 - Testing Message Updates (62.9 MB)
54 - Deployment with Infura (82.57 MB)
57 - Wallet Provider Setup (78.71 MB)
58 - 61-deployment-rinkeby (2.82 KB)
58 - Deployment to Testnet (50.97 MB)
59 - Observing Deployment on Etherscan (30.54 MB)
61 - Deployed Contracts in Remix (108.32 MB)
62 - Project Review (136.36 MB)
63 - inbox-update (2.99 KB)
64 - The Lottery Contract (11.54 MB)
65 - Lottery Design (13.28 MB)
67 - Basic Solidity Types (124.93 MB)
68 - Starting the Lottery Contract (47.27 MB)
69 - 69-message (309 B)
69 - The Message Global Variable (55.03 MB)
70 - Overview of Arrays (141.98 MB)
71 - Overview of Mappings and Structs (17.98 MB)
72 - Big Solidity Gotcha (77.2 MB)
73 - Entering the Lottery (41.47 MB)
74 - 76-validation (369 B)
74 - Validation with Require Statements (132.5 MB)
75 - The Remix Debugger (33.13 MB)
76 - 76-pseudo (430 B)
76 - Pseudo Random Number Generator (130.43 MB)
77 - Selecting a Winner (50.69 MB)
78 - 78-sending (484 B)
78 - Sending Ether from Contracts (31.78 MB)
79 - Resetting Contract State (48.38 MB)
80 - 80-requiring (504 B)
80 - Requiring Managers (38.57 MB)
81 - Function Modifiers (63.15 MB)
82 - Returning Players Array (13.19 MB)
83 - 83-review (547 B)
83 - Contract Review (19.43 MB)
84 - lottery-boilerplate (133.03 KB)
85 - New Test Setup (15.96 MB)
86 - 89-test-project (2.98 KB)
86 - Test Project Updates (9.04 MB)
87 - Test Helper Review (18.07 MB)
88 - 91-asserting (3.28 KB)
88 - Asserting Deployment (15.09 MB)
89 - 92-entering (3.4 KB)
89 - Entering the Lottery (41.79 MB)
90 - 93-asserting-multiple (3.44 KB)
90 - Asserting Multiple Players (19.33 MB)
91 - 94-try-catch (3.5 KB)
91 - TryCatch Assertions (31.67 MB)
92 - 95-testing-function (3.53 KB)
92 - Testing Function Modifiers (14.41 MB)
93 - 96-end-to-end (3.63 KB)
93 - End to End Test (65.52 MB)
101 - 104-web3 (35.6 KB)
101 - Web3 Setup (74.19 MB)
102 - 106-deploying-Lottery (3.63 KB)
102 - 106-deploying (35.6 KB)
102 - Deploying the Lottery Contract (79.39 MB)
103 - 107-local (36.49 KB)
103 - Local Contract Instances (62.15 MB)
104 - 108-rendering (37.17 KB)
104 - Rendering Contract Data (50.03 MB)
105 - Instance Properties (7.83 MB)
106 - 110-accessing (36.52 KB)
106 - Accessing More Properties (38.23 MB)
107 - 111-enter (36.69 KB)
107 - The Enter Form (50.21 MB)
108 - Form Setup (44.06 MB)
109 - 113-entering (36.84 KB)
109 - Entering the Lottery (63.48 MB)
110 - 114-picking (36.91 KB)
110 - Picking a Winner (85.54 MB)
111 - Project Review (34.18 MB)
112 - lottery-react (36.98 KB)
112 - lottery-updated (7.75 KB)
94 - Ethereum App Architecture (60.54 MB)
95 - lottery-react-boilerplate (475.49 KB)
96 - Application Overview (48.04 MB)
97 - Getting Started with CreateReactApp (28.29 MB)
98 - 102-multiple (34.9 KB)
98 - Multiple Web3 Instances (65.27 MB)
114 - Solving Real Problems with Contracts (70.55 MB)
115 - Fixing Kickstarters Issues (52 MB)
116 - Campaign Contract Design (127.8 MB)
118 - Campaign Constructor (43.62 MB)
119 - Contributing to the Campaign (18.79 MB)
120 - 118-quick-test (396 B)
120 - A Quick Test (15.03 MB)
121 - The Request Struct (132.26 MB)
122 - More on Function Modifiers (45.35 MB)
123 - Creating Struct Instances (32.12 MB)
124 - Instance Creation Syntax (102 MB)
125 - Storage and Memory (91.97 MB)
126 - More on Storage vs Memory (229.51 MB)
127 - Voting System Requirements (34.48 MB)
128 - The Wrong Voting System (25.09 MB)
129 - Issues with Arrays (49.45 MB)
130 - Mappings vs Arrays (25.79 MB)
131 - Basics of Mappings (100.3 MB)
132 - Refactoring to Mappings (42.6 MB)
133 - Refactoring Request Stucts (14.02 MB)
134 - More on Struct Initialization (43.92 MB)
135 - Approving a Request (48.91 MB)
136 - 134-testing-approvals (951 B)
136 - Testing Request Approvals (44.6 MB)
137 - Finalizing a Request (55.06 MB)
138 - 136-last-test (1014 B)
138 - Last Remix Test (25.16 MB)
139 - Thinking about Deployment (64.73 MB)
140 - Solution to Deployment (43.53 MB)
141 - Adding a Campaign Factory (49.52 MB)
142 - 140-testing-factory (1.08 KB)
142 - Testing the Factory (29.25 MB)
143 - kickstart-boilerplate (5.3 KB)
144 - 146-project-setup (597 B)
144 - Project Setup (12.64 MB)
145 - 147-directory (2.41 KB)
145 - Directory Structure (11.21 MB)
146 - A Better Compile Script (27.24 MB)
147 - 149-single-run (25.97 KB)
147 - Single Run Compilation (111.07 MB)
148 - 150-more-compile (25.97 KB)
148 - More on Compile (114.2 MB)
149 - Test File Setup (51.94 MB)
150 - Creating Campaign Instances (149.75 MB)
151 - 153-testing-warmup (26.71 KB)
151 - Testing Warmup (19.31 MB)
152 - 154-accessing-mappings (26.84 KB)
152 - Accessing Mappings (71.45 MB)
153 - 155-requiring-minimum (26.9 KB)
153 - Requiring Minimum Contributions (22.01 MB)
154 - 156-array-getters (26.98 KB)
154 - Array Getters (40.07 MB)
155 - 157-end-to-end (27.11 KB)
155 - One End to End Test (123.52 MB)
156 - Deployment (13.74 MB)
157 - 160-refactoring-deployment (27.61 KB)
157 - Refactoring Deployment (92.96 MB)
158 - App Mockups (47.15 MB)
159 - CRA vs Next (62.01 MB)
160 - Nexts Pages Architecture (30.83 MB)
161 - 165-basics-routing (8.51 MB)
161 - Basics of Next Routing (32.58 MB)
162 - 166-root-routes (8.51 MB)
162 - Root Routes (58.08 MB)
164 - CampaignFactory Instance (35.49 MB)
166 - Getting a Test Campaign (62.12 MB)
167 - 171-fetching (24.25 MB)
167 - Fetching Deployed Campaigns (61.32 MB)
168 - Why Nextjs Anyways (73.25 MB)
170 - 174-server-vs-client (24.28 MB)
170 - Server vs Client Web3 Instances (92.48 MB)
171 - 175-getinitialprops (24.28 MB)
171 - GetInitialProps Function (67.63 MB)
172 - Semantic UI React (74.54 MB)
173 - Card Group Setup (49.54 MB)
174 - 178-rendering-card (25.63 MB)
174 - Rendering Card Groups (75.67 MB)
175 - 179-adding-css (25.63 MB)
175 - Adding CSS (58.55 MB)
176 - 180-adding-button (25.56 MB)
176 - Adding a Button (87.8 MB)
177 - The Need for a Layout (75.08 MB)
179 - 183-layout (25.63 MB)
179 - The Layout Component (78.29 MB)
180 - 184-assembling (25.64 MB)
180 - Assembling a Header (70.95 MB)
181 - 185-constraining (25.64 MB)
181 - Constraining Content Width (20.37 MB)
182 - 186-two-column (25.64 MB)
182 - Two Column Layout (23.82 MB)
183 - 187-nested (25.73 MB)
183 - Nested Routing (53.89 MB)
184 - 188-final-css (23.01 MB)
184 - Final CSS Fix (51.61 MB)
185 - 189-form-creation (23.01 MB)
185 - Form Creation (34.45 MB)
186 - 190-input-change (23.01 MB)
186 - Input Change Handlers (42.53 MB)
187 - 191-testing (68.9 MB)
187 - Form Submittal (25.59 MB)
188 - Testing Submittal (21.65 MB)
189 - 193-form-error (68.9 MB)
189 - Form Error Handling (163.94 MB)
190 - 194-button (45.07 MB)
190 - Button Spinners (47.47 MB)
192 - Routing Issues (13.23 MB)
193 - 197-next-routes (49.04 MB)
193 - Next Routes Setup (122.23 MB)
194 - 198-automatic (45.57 MB)
194 - Automatic Navigation (63.77 MB)
195 - 199-header-navigation (49.75 MB)
195 - Header Navigation (68.89 MB)
196 - 200-routing-campaigns (41.32 MB)
196 - Routing to Campaigns (80.42 MB)
198 - 202-route-mappings (46.46 MB)
198 - Route Mappings (72.51 MB)
199 - 203-planning (48.06 MB)
199 - Planning CampaignShow (38.53 MB)
200 - 204-redeploying (46.39 MB)
200 - Redeploying CampaignFactory (118.03 MB)
201 - 205-campaignshow (52.26 MB)
201 - CampaignShows GetInitialProps (93.87 MB)
202 - 206-accessing (50.56 MB)
202 - Accessing a Campaign (83.77 MB)
203 - Summary Translation Layer (50.89 MB)
204 - 208-custom-card (93.6 MB)
204 - Custom Card Groups (74.38 MB)
205 - 209-one-card (89.45 MB)
205 - One Card Per Property (33.6 MB)
206 - 210-contribute-form (74.97 MB)
206 - The Contribute Form (99.87 MB)
207 - 211-grid-layouts (74.96 MB)
207 - Grid Layouts (53.85 MB)
208 - Form State (28.28 MB)
209 - Communicating the Campaign Address (32.06 MB)
210 - 214-making-contribution (74.96 MB)
210 - Making a Contribution (60.03 MB)
211 - 215-refreshing (74.96 MB)
211 - Refreshing Contract Data (48.8 MB)
212 - 216-spinners (74.97 MB)
212 - Spinners and Error Handlers (57.44 MB)
213 - 217-listing-requests (75.06 MB)
213 - Listing Requests (36.8 MB)
214 - 218-grids (75.06 MB)
214 - Grids vs Columns (20.93 MB)
215 - 219-more-routing (76.67 MB)
215 - More Routing (48.61 MB)
216 - 220-request (76.57 MB)
216 - Request Creation Form (127.62 MB)
217 - 221-creating-request (75.19 MB)
217 - Creating a Request (94.6 MB)
218 - 222-form-polish (75.36 MB)
218 - Form Polish (74.45 MB)
219 - Creating a Request (3.96 MB)
220 - Requests One by One (21.89 MB)
221 - 225-fancy (93.61 MB)
221 - Fancy Javascript (104.22 MB)
222 - 226-small-typo (89.32 MB)
223 - 227-rendering (93.53 MB)
223 - Rendering a Table (33.3 MB)
224 - 228-request-row (89.31 MB)
224 - Request Row Component (65 MB)
225 - 229-request-row-content (89.32 MB)
225 - Request Row Content (79.7 MB)
226 - 230-approvers-count (89.32 MB)
226 - Approvers Count Cell (33.03 MB)
227 - 231-approving-request (89.32 MB)
227 - Approving a Request (49.25 MB)
228 - 232-finalizing (89.32 MB)
228 - Finalizing Requests (28.03 MB)
229 - Testing Finalization (11.24 MB)
230 - 234-row-status (97.93 MB)
230 - Row Status Styling (75.67 MB)
231 - 235-finishing (89.49 MB)
231 - Finishing Requests Index (33.52 MB)
232 - Wrapup (2.74 MB)
233 - kickstart-updated (293.79 KB)
235 - Purpose of Boilerplate Projects (27.45 MB)
236 - 234-environment (120.84 KB)
236 - Environment Setup (20.22 MB)
237 - Project Setup (27.46 MB)
238 - 236-jsx (6.09 KB)
238 - JSX (51.47 MB)
239 - More on JSX (17.06 MB)
240 - 238-es6-imports (6.12 KB)
240 - ES6 Import Statements (16.19 MB)
241 - 239-reactdom (6.13 KB)
241 - ReactDOM vs React (10.22 MB)
242 - 240-component-instances (6.13 KB)
242 - Component Instances (29.18 MB)
243 - 241-render (6.16 KB)
243 - Render Targets (24.99 MB)
244 - 242-component-structure (77.38 KB)
244 - Component Structure (72.04 MB)
245 - 243-youtube (7.29 KB)
245 - Youtube Search API Signup (67.6 MB)
246 - 244-export (7.41 KB)
246 - Export Statements (38.78 MB)
247 - 245-class (7.44 KB)
247 - Class Based Components (30.68 MB)
248 - 246-handling (7.47 KB)
248 - Handling User Events (49.39 MB)
249 - 247-introduction (7.51 KB)
249 - Introduction to State (21.58 MB)
250 - 248-state-continued (7.52 KB)
250 - State Continued (30.1 MB)
251 - 249-controlled (7.54 KB)
251 - Controlled Components (31.66 MB)
252 - Breather and Review (39.16 MB)
253 - 251-youtube-search (7.61 KB)
253 - Youtube Search Response (26.65 MB)
254 - 252-refactoring (7.58 KB)
254 - Refactoring Functional Components to Class Components (95.68 MB)
255 - 253-props (7.74 KB)
255 - Props (84.13 MB)
256 - 254-building-lists (7.89 KB)
256 - Building Lists with Map (26.28 MB)
257 - 255-list-item-keys (7.9 KB)
257 - List Item Keys (35.17 MB)
258 - 256-video-list (8.04 KB)
258 - Video List Items (53.01 MB)
259 - 257-detail (8.31 KB)
259 - Detail Component and Template Strings (40.78 MB)
260 - 258-handling-null (8.36 KB)
260 - Handling Null Props (77.99 MB)
261 - 259-video-selection (8.47 KB)
261 - Video Selection (156.76 MB)
262 - 260-styling (8.67 KB)
262 - Styling with CSS (47.05 MB)
263 - 261-searching (8.74 KB)
263 - Searching for Videos (118.89 MB)
264 - 262-throttling (8.77 KB)
264 - Throttling Search Term Input (46.49 MB)
265 - React Wrapup (33.15 MB)
11 - Whats a Transaction (101.47 MB)
12 - Whyd We Wait (25.07 MB)
14 - Basic Blockchains (139.12 MB)
15 - Block Time (140.16 MB)
16 - Smart Contracts (79.12 MB)
17 - The Solidity Programming Language (134.71 MB)
19 - 20-our-first (356 B)
19 - Our First Contract (31.96 MB)
2 - diagrams (1004.89 KB)
20 - Contract Structure (70.1 MB)
21 - Function Declarations (136.12 MB)
23 - Testing with Remix (52.33 MB)
24 - 25-redeploying (330 B)
24 - Redeploying Contracts (17.06 MB)
25 - Behind the Scenes of Deployment (79.28 MB)
26 - More on Running Functions Than You Want to Know (208.91 MB)
27 - Wei vs Ether (19.34 MB)
28 - Gas and Transactions (164.64 MB)
29 - Mnemonic Phrases (189.49 MB)
3 - A Short History Lesson (31.28 MB)
30 - We Need More Test Ether (4.58 MB)
5 - What is Ethereum (34.9 MB)
6 - Interfacing with Ethereum Networks (15.58 MB)
8 - Metamask Setup (68.99 MB)
9 - Ethereum Accounts (24.55 MB)
33 - Contract Deployment (35.62 MB)
34 - boilerplate-inbox (1.84 KB)
35 - Project Requirements (65.78 MB)
36 - Project File Walkthrough (43.46 MB)
38 - 38-compiling (1.42 KB)
38 - Compiling Solidity (29.99 MB)
40 - The Compile Script (75.08 MB)
41 - Testing Architecture (79.3 MB)
42 - Installing Modules (63.37 MB)
43 - Web3 Versioning (44.89 MB)
44 - Web3 Providers (20.8 MB)
45 - 46-testing (1.97 KB)
45 - Testing with Mocha (210.58 MB)
46 - Mocha Structure (29.6 MB)
47 - 48-fetching (1.96 KB)
47 - Fetching Accounts from Ganache (39.49 MB)
48 - 49-refactor (1.96 KB)
48 - Refactor to AsyncAwait (15.7 MB)
49 - 50-deployment (2.08 KB)
49 - Deployment with Web3 (61.62 MB)
50 - Deployed Inbox Overview (54.54 MB)
51 - Asserting Deployment (35.77 MB)
52 - 53-verifying (2.15 KB)
52 - Verifying the Initial Message (106.28 MB)
53 - 54-testing-message (2.18 KB)
53 - Testing Message Updates (62.9 MB)
54 - Deployment with Infura (82.57 MB)
57 - Wallet Provider Setup (78.71 MB)
58 - 61-deployment-rinkeby (2.82 KB)
58 - Deployment to Testnet (50.97 MB)
59 - Observing Deployment on Etherscan (30.54 MB)
61 - Deployed Contracts in Remix (108.32 MB)
62 - Project Review (136.36 MB)
63 - inbox-update (2.99 KB)
64 - The Lottery Contract (11.54 MB)
65 - Lottery Design (13.28 MB)
67 - Basic Solidity Types (124.93 MB)
68 - Starting the Lottery Contract (47.27 MB)
69 - 69-message (309 B)
69 - The Message Global Variable (55.03 MB)
70 - Overview of Arrays (141.98 MB)
71 - Overview of Mappings and Structs (17.98 MB)
72 - Big Solidity Gotcha (77.2 MB)
73 - Entering the Lottery (41.47 MB)
74 - 76-validation (369 B)
74 - Validation with Require Statements (132.5 MB)
75 - The Remix Debugger (33.13 MB)
76 - 76-pseudo (430 B)
76 - Pseudo Random Number Generator (130.43 MB)
77 - Selecting a Winner (50.69 MB)
78 - 78-sending (484 B)
78 - Sending Ether from Contracts (31.78 MB)
79 - Resetting Contract State (48.38 MB)
80 - 80-requiring (504 B)
80 - Requiring Managers (38.57 MB)
81 - Function Modifiers (63.15 MB)
82 - Returning Players Array (13.19 MB)
83 - 83-review (547 B)
83 - Contract Review (19.43 MB)
84 - lottery-boilerplate (133.03 KB)
85 - New Test Setup (15.96 MB)
86 - 89-test-project (2.98 KB)
86 - Test Project Updates (9.04 MB)
87 - Test Helper Review (18.07 MB)
88 - 91-asserting (3.28 KB)
88 - Asserting Deployment (15.09 MB)
89 - 92-entering (3.4 KB)
89 - Entering the Lottery (41.79 MB)
90 - 93-asserting-multiple (3.44 KB)
90 - Asserting Multiple Players (19.33 MB)
91 - 94-try-catch (3.5 KB)
91 - TryCatch Assertions (31.67 MB)
92 - 95-testing-function (3.53 KB)
92 - Testing Function Modifiers (14.41 MB)
93 - 96-end-to-end (3.63 KB)
93 - End to End Test (65.52 MB)
101 - 104-web3 (35.6 KB)
101 - Web3 Setup (74.19 MB)
102 - 106-deploying-Lottery (3.63 KB)
102 - 106-deploying (35.6 KB)
102 - Deploying the Lottery Contract (79.39 MB)
103 - 107-local (36.49 KB)
103 - Local Contract Instances (62.15 MB)
104 - 108-rendering (37.17 KB)
104 - Rendering Contract Data (50.03 MB)
105 - Instance Properties (7.83 MB)
106 - 110-accessing (36.52 KB)
106 - Accessing More Properties (38.23 MB)
107 - 111-enter (36.69 KB)
107 - The Enter Form (50.21 MB)
108 - Form Setup (44.06 MB)
109 - 113-entering (36.84 KB)
109 - Entering the Lottery (63.48 MB)
110 - 114-picking (36.91 KB)
110 - Picking a Winner (85.54 MB)
111 - Project Review (34.18 MB)
112 - lottery-react (36.98 KB)
112 - lottery-updated (7.75 KB)
94 - Ethereum App Architecture (60.54 MB)
95 - lottery-react-boilerplate (475.49 KB)
96 - Application Overview (48.04 MB)
97 - Getting Started with CreateReactApp (28.29 MB)
98 - 102-multiple (34.9 KB)
98 - Multiple Web3 Instances (65.27 MB)
114 - Solving Real Problems with Contracts (70.55 MB)
115 - Fixing Kickstarters Issues (52 MB)
116 - Campaign Contract Design (127.8 MB)
118 - Campaign Constructor (43.62 MB)
119 - Contributing to the Campaign (18.79 MB)
120 - 118-quick-test (396 B)
120 - A Quick Test (15.03 MB)
121 - The Request Struct (132.26 MB)
122 - More on Function Modifiers (45.35 MB)
123 - Creating Struct Instances (32.12 MB)
124 - Instance Creation Syntax (102 MB)
125 - Storage and Memory (91.97 MB)
126 - More on Storage vs Memory (229.51 MB)
127 - Voting System Requirements (34.48 MB)
128 - The Wrong Voting System (25.09 MB)
129 - Issues with Arrays (49.45 MB)
130 - Mappings vs Arrays (25.79 MB)
131 - Basics of Mappings (100.3 MB)
132 - Refactoring to Mappings (42.6 MB)
133 - Refactoring Request Stucts (14.02 MB)
134 - More on Struct Initialization (43.92 MB)
135 - Approving a Request (48.91 MB)
136 - 134-testing-approvals (951 B)
136 - Testing Request Approvals (44.6 MB)
137 - Finalizing a Request (55.06 MB)
138 - 136-last-test (1014 B)
138 - Last Remix Test (25.16 MB)
139 - Thinking about Deployment (64.73 MB)
140 - Solution to Deployment (43.53 MB)
141 - Adding a Campaign Factory (49.52 MB)
142 - 140-testing-factory (1.08 KB)
142 - Testing the Factory (29.25 MB)
143 - kickstart-boilerplate (5.3 KB)
144 - 146-project-setup (597 B)
144 - Project Setup (12.64 MB)
145 - 147-directory (2.41 KB)
145 - Directory Structure (11.21 MB)
146 - A Better Compile Script (27.24 MB)
147 - 149-single-run (25.97 KB)
147 - Single Run Compilation (111.07 MB)
148 - 150-more-compile (25.97 KB)
148 - More on Compile (114.2 MB)
149 - Test File Setup (51.94 MB)
150 - Creating Campaign Instances (149.75 MB)
151 - 153-testing-warmup (26.71 KB)
151 - Testing Warmup (19.31 MB)
152 - 154-accessing-mappings (26.84 KB)
152 - Accessing Mappings (71.45 MB)
153 - 155-requiring-minimum (26.9 KB)
153 - Requiring Minimum Contributions (22.01 MB)
154 - 156-array-getters (26.98 KB)
154 - Array Getters (40.07 MB)
155 - 157-end-to-end (27.11 KB)
155 - One End to End Test (123.52 MB)
156 - Deployment (13.74 MB)
157 - 160-refactoring-deployment (27.61 KB)
157 - Refactoring Deployment (92.96 MB)
158 - App Mockups (47.15 MB)
159 - CRA vs Next (62.01 MB)
160 - Nexts Pages Architecture (30.83 MB)
161 - 165-basics-routing (8.51 MB)
161 - Basics of Next Routing (32.58 MB)
162 - 166-root-routes (8.51 MB)
162 - Root Routes (58.08 MB)
164 - CampaignFactory Instance (35.49 MB)
166 - Getting a Test Campaign (62.12 MB)
167 - 171-fetching (24.25 MB)
167 - Fetching Deployed Campaigns (61.32 MB)
168 - Why Nextjs Anyways (73.25 MB)
170 - 174-server-vs-client (24.28 MB)
170 - Server vs Client Web3 Instances (92.48 MB)
171 - 175-getinitialprops (24.28 MB)
171 - GetInitialProps Function (67.63 MB)
172 - Semantic UI React (74.54 MB)
173 - Card Group Setup (49.54 MB)
174 - 178-rendering-card (25.63 MB)
174 - Rendering Card Groups (75.67 MB)
175 - 179-adding-css (25.63 MB)
175 - Adding CSS (58.55 MB)
176 - 180-adding-button (25.56 MB)
176 - Adding a Button (87.8 MB)
177 - The Need for a Layout (75.08 MB)
179 - 183-layout (25.63 MB)
179 - The Layout Component (78.29 MB)
180 - 184-assembling (25.64 MB)
180 - Assembling a Header (70.95 MB)
181 - 185-constraining (25.64 MB)
181 - Constraining Content Width (20.37 MB)
182 - 186-two-column (25.64 MB)
182 - Two Column Layout (23.82 MB)
183 - 187-nested (25.73 MB)
183 - Nested Routing (53.89 MB)
184 - 188-final-css (23.01 MB)
184 - Final CSS Fix (51.61 MB)
185 - 189-form-creation (23.01 MB)
185 - Form Creation (34.45 MB)
186 - 190-input-change (23.01 MB)
186 - Input Change Handlers (42.53 MB)
187 - 191-testing (68.9 MB)
187 - Form Submittal (25.59 MB)
188 - Testing Submittal (21.65 MB)
189 - 193-form-error (68.9 MB)
189 - Form Error Handling (163.94 MB)
190 - 194-button (45.07 MB)
190 - Button Spinners (47.47 MB)
192 - Routing Issues (13.23 MB)
193 - 197-next-routes (49.04 MB)
193 - Next Routes Setup (122.23 MB)
194 - 198-automatic (45.57 MB)
194 - Automatic Navigation (63.77 MB)
195 - 199-header-navigation (49.75 MB)
195 - Header Navigation (68.89 MB)
196 - 200-routing-campaigns (41.32 MB)
196 - Routing to Campaigns (80.42 MB)
198 - 202-route-mappings (46.46 MB)
198 - Route Mappings (72.51 MB)
199 - 203-planning (48.06 MB)
199 - Planning CampaignShow (38.53 MB)
200 - 204-redeploying (46.39 MB)
200 - Redeploying CampaignFactory (118.03 MB)
201 - 205-campaignshow (52.26 MB)
201 - CampaignShows GetInitialProps (93.87 MB)
202 - 206-accessing (50.56 MB)
202 - Accessing a Campaign (83.77 MB)
203 - Summary Translation Layer (50.89 MB)
204 - 208-custom-card (93.6 MB)
204 - Custom Card Groups (74.38 MB)
205 - 209-one-card (89.45 MB)
205 - One Card Per Property (33.6 MB)
206 - 210-contribute-form (74.97 MB)
206 - The Contribute Form (99.87 MB)
207 - 211-grid-layouts (74.96 MB)
207 - Grid Layouts (53.85 MB)
208 - Form State (28.28 MB)
209 - Communicating the Campaign Address (32.06 MB)
210 - 214-making-contribution (74.96 MB)
210 - Making a Contribution (60.03 MB)
211 - 215-refreshing (74.96 MB)
211 - Refreshing Contract Data (48.8 MB)
212 - 216-spinners (74.97 MB)
212 - Spinners and Error Handlers (57.44 MB)
213 - 217-listing-requests (75.06 MB)
213 - Listing Requests (36.8 MB)
214 - 218-grids (75.06 MB)
214 - Grids vs Columns (20.93 MB)
215 - 219-more-routing (76.67 MB)
215 - More Routing (48.61 MB)
216 - 220-request (76.57 MB)
216 - Request Creation Form (127.62 MB)
217 - 221-creating-request (75.19 MB)
217 - Creating a Request (94.6 MB)
218 - 222-form-polish (75.36 MB)
218 - Form Polish (74.45 MB)
219 - Creating a Request (3.96 MB)
220 - Requests One by One (21.89 MB)
221 - 225-fancy (93.61 MB)
221 - Fancy Javascript (104.22 MB)
222 - 226-small-typo (89.32 MB)
223 - 227-rendering (93.53 MB)
223 - Rendering a Table (33.3 MB)
224 - 228-request-row (89.31 MB)
224 - Request Row Component (65 MB)
225 - 229-request-row-content (89.32 MB)
225 - Request Row Content (79.7 MB)
226 - 230-approvers-count (89.32 MB)
226 - Approvers Count Cell (33.03 MB)
227 - 231-approving-request (89.32 MB)
227 - Approving a Request (49.25 MB)
228 - 232-finalizing (89.32 MB)
228 - Finalizing Requests (28.03 MB)
229 - Testing Finalization (11.24 MB)
230 - 234-row-status (97.93 MB)
230 - Row Status Styling (75.67 MB)
231 - 235-finishing (89.49 MB)
231 - Finishing Requests Index (33.52 MB)
232 - Wrapup (2.74 MB)
233 - kickstart-updated (293.79 KB)
235 - Purpose of Boilerplate Projects (27.45 MB)
236 - 234-environment (120.84 KB)
236 - Environment Setup (20.22 MB)
237 - Project Setup (27.46 MB)
238 - 236-jsx (6.09 KB)
238 - JSX (51.47 MB)
239 - More on JSX (17.06 MB)
240 - 238-es6-imports (6.12 KB)
240 - ES6 Import Statements (16.19 MB)
241 - 239-reactdom (6.13 KB)
241 - ReactDOM vs React (10.22 MB)
242 - 240-component-instances (6.13 KB)
242 - Component Instances (29.18 MB)
243 - 241-render (6.16 KB)
243 - Render Targets (24.99 MB)
244 - 242-component-structure (77.38 KB)
244 - Component Structure (72.04 MB)
245 - 243-youtube (7.29 KB)
245 - Youtube Search API Signup (67.6 MB)
246 - 244-export (7.41 KB)
246 - Export Statements (38.78 MB)
247 - 245-class (7.44 KB)
247 - Class Based Components (30.68 MB)
248 - 246-handling (7.47 KB)
248 - Handling User Events (49.39 MB)
249 - 247-introduction (7.51 KB)
249 - Introduction to State (21.58 MB)
250 - 248-state-continued (7.52 KB)
250 - State Continued (30.1 MB)
251 - 249-controlled (7.54 KB)
251 - Controlled Components (31.66 MB)
252 - Breather and Review (39.16 MB)
253 - 251-youtube-search (7.61 KB)
253 - Youtube Search Response (26.65 MB)
254 - 252-refactoring (7.58 KB)
254 - Refactoring Functional Components to Class Components (95.68 MB)
255 - 253-props (7.74 KB)
255 - Props (84.13 MB)
256 - 254-building-lists (7.89 KB)
256 - Building Lists with Map (26.28 MB)
257 - 255-list-item-keys (7.9 KB)
257 - List Item Keys (35.17 MB)
258 - 256-video-list (8.04 KB)
258 - Video List Items (53.01 MB)
259 - 257-detail (8.31 KB)
259 - Detail Component and Template Strings (40.78 MB)
260 - 258-handling-null (8.36 KB)
260 - Handling Null Props (77.99 MB)
261 - 259-video-selection (8.47 KB)
261 - Video Selection (156.76 MB)
262 - 260-styling (8.67 KB)
262 - Styling with CSS (47.05 MB)
263 - 261-searching (8.74 KB)
263 - Searching for Videos (118.89 MB)
264 - 262-throttling (8.77 KB)
264 - Throttling Search Term Input (46.49 MB)
265 - React Wrapup (33.15 MB)
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