Udemy NodeJS The Complete Web Developer Bootcamp



4.73 GB | 00:15:43 | mp4 | 1280X720 | 16:9
Genre:eLearning |Language:English

Files Included :
001 Introduction (33.6 MB)
002 Prerequisites (12.73 MB)
003 Exercise Files (2.72 MB)
001 What is Node (6.18 MB)
002 What is NPM (20.24 MB)
003 Installing Node (9.63 MB)
004 hello-node (793 B)
004 Writing your first Node App (15.89 MB)
005 hello-node (1.86 KB)
005 Rendering HTML Pages Using Node (29.75 MB)
001 What is Express (19.99 MB)
002 Running Express Server (54.63 MB)
002 running-express-server (659.88 KB)
003 Installing Nodemon (32.02 MB)
004 Hello Express (25.82 MB)
004 hello-express (1.28 MB)
001 What are Routes (10.82 MB)
002 Route Basics (24.69 MB)
002 route-basics (642.3 KB)
003 Parameters (23.09 MB)
003 route-parameters (1.28 MB)
004 query-string-route-2 (1.28 MB)
004 QueryString (19.49 MB)
005 JSON (8.16 MB)
005 returning-json (1.27 MB)
001 What is a POST Request (3.87 MB)
002 implement-post-routes (1.28 MB)
002 Implementing Post Route in Express (28.78 MB)
003 Parsing Body Using BodyParser (16.66 MB)
003 parsing-using-body-parser (1.29 MB)
001 What are Server Side Pages (3.55 MB)
002 Server Side Pages Frameworks (14.79 MB)
003 Node Express Templates Engines (19.08 MB)
001 mustache-pages (1.55 MB)
001 Setting Up Mustache (24.29 MB)
002 Passing Data to Mustache Pages (15.38 MB)
002 passing-mustache-data (3.27 MB)
003 display-list-mustache (3.28 MB)
003 Displaying List in Mustache Pages (19.18 MB)
004 conditions-mustache (3.26 MB)
004 Implementing Conditions in Mustache Pages (9.81 MB)
005 Posting Data through Mustache Pages (69.29 MB)
005 posting-data-mustache (3.28 MB)
006 Parsing Body Using Body Parser (21.59 MB)
006 parsing-body-using-body-parser (3.34 MB)
001 What are Partials (9.41 MB)
002 Registering Partials (7.82 MB)
002 registering-partials (3.27 MB)
003 Rendering Partials (13.4 MB)
003 rendering-partials (3.26 MB)
001 What are Static Files (2.64 MB)
002 Setting Up Static Resources (28.24 MB)
002 setting-static-resources (3.3 MB)
001 What is Express Router (6.66 MB)
002 impl-express-router (3.27 MB)
002 Implementing Express Router (47.55 MB)
003 What is Middleware (5.65 MB)
004 impl-custom-middle-ware (660.74 KB)
004 Implementing your Custom Middleware (34.78 MB)
001 What is Session (6.35 MB)
002 Initializing Session (39.57 MB)
002 initializing-session (3.33 MB)
003 Populating and Accessing Session Values (18.16 MB)
003 populating-and-accessing-session (3.47 MB)
004 impl-auth-using-middleware-session (5.03 MB)
004 Implementing Authorization Using Session and Middleware (23.3 MB)
001 What is Debugging (8.49 MB)
002 Launching Node Debugger in Chrome (54.84 MB)
001 Installing PostgreSQL Database (18.07 MB)
002 Installing Postico (8.27 MB)
003 Creating Database and Tables (16.08 MB)
004 Basic SQL Commands (40.65 MB)
001 What is pg-promise (7.96 MB)
002 Connecting to PostgreSQL Using pg-promise (12.49 MB)
002 connecting-to-pg-promise (369.22 KB)
003 Inserting Record Using pg-promise (33.8 MB)
003 inserting-records-using-pg-promise (757.88 KB)
004 Retrieving Records Using pg-promise (25.17 MB)
004 retrieving-records-pg-promise (752.33 KB)
005 Update Record Using pg-promise (22.42 MB)
005 updating-record-pg-promise-2 (748.95 KB)
006 Deleting Record Using pg-promise (6.62 MB)
006 deleting-record-pg-promise (749.01 KB)
001 What we will be building (2.35 MB)
002 A Note About Designing the User Interface (15.82 MB)
003 Setting Up the Node Project (9.87 MB)
004 Setting Up Database Tables (21.7 MB)
005 newsapp-setting-mustache-bootstrap (4.03 MB)
005 Setting Up Mustache Engine and Bootstrap (49.69 MB)
006 Implementing User Registration (39.62 MB)
006 newsapp-user-registration (3.97 MB)
007 newsapp-persisting-user-database (4.02 MB)
007 Persisting User in the Database (34.32 MB)
008 Encrypting Password Using Bcrypt (25.45 MB)
008 newsapp-encrupt-password (4.71 MB)
009 Authenticating the User (60.55 MB)
009 newsapp-authenticating-user (5.49 MB)
010 Adding Session to the News App (61.81 MB)
010 newsapp-adding-session (5.5 MB)
011 Implementing Partials (34.87 MB)
011 implementing-partials (5.55 MB)
001 Creating New Articles (71.21 MB)
001 creating-new-articles (5.55 MB)
002 newsapp-retriving-list-of-articles (5.68 MB)
002 Retrieving List of Articles for User (69.34 MB)
003 newsapp-updating-articles (5.59 MB)
003 Updating Articles (64.75 MB)
004 Deleting Articles (31.04 MB)
004 newsapp-deleting-articles (5.59 MB)
005 Adding CSS Static Resources (30.61 MB)
005 newsapp-adding-static-css (5.59 MB)
006 newsapp-view-all-articles (5.6 MB)
006 View All Articles (20.69 MB)
001 Implementing Express Routers (36.78 MB)
001 newsapp-imple-express-routers (5.64 MB)
002 newsapp-protecting-routes-middleware (5.71 MB)
002 Protecting Routes Using Middleware (23.54 MB)
003 newsapp-toggling-menu-options (5.64 MB)
003 Toggling Menu Options Using Response Locals (34.56 MB)
004 Implementing Logout (5.47 MB)
004 newsapp-implementing-logout (5.62 MB)
005 Async and Await (36.53 MB)
005 newsapp-async-await (5.54 MB)
001 Deployment Options (12.65 MB)
002 newsapp-async-await (7.74 MB)
002 Setting Up and Deploying Node Project to Heroku (161.35 MB)
003 Configuring PostgresSQL Database on Heroku (31.33 MB)
004 Generating SQL Using pg dump Command Line Tool (17.21 MB)
005 Running the Script on the Server (15.32 MB)
006 newsapp-async-await (5.6 MB)
006 Visiting the App Live on Heroku Server (18.55 MB)
001 What is an ORM (8.91 MB)
002 A Look at Different ORM Frameworks (18.09 MB)
003 ORM Frameworks in JavaScript (18.44 MB)
001 Installing Sequelize (19.6 MB)
001 installing-sequelize (2.52 MB)
002 configuring-sequelize (5.27 MB)
002 Understanding Sequelize Configurations (16.38 MB)
004 Creating Models Using Sequelize CLI (57.56 MB)
004 creating-models-sequelize (5.49 MB)
005 Saving Models (21.64 MB)
005 saving-models (5.39 MB)
006 retriev-records (5.41 MB)
006 Retrieving List of Records (40.26 MB)
007 up-records (5.37 MB)
007 Updating Record (26.47 MB)
008 delete-record-sq (5.42 MB)
008 Deleting Record (7.48 MB)
001 What we will be building (6.97 MB)
002 A Note About User Interface (12.91 MB)
003 Setting Up the Node Project (15.33 MB)
003 sys-setting-up-node-project (4.44 MB)
004 Configure Mustache Pages and Partials (9.69 MB)
004 sys-configure-mustache-pages (8.95 MB)
005 Implementing Header, Footer and Menu Using Partials (56.93 MB)
005 sys-imple-header-footer-partials (9.01 MB)
006 Setting Up Registration and Login Mustache Pages (18.12 MB)
006 sys-setting-up-registra-and-logi-2 (9.01 MB)
007 Configure ElephantSQL Account (7.65 MB)
008 Initialize Sequelize (56.47 MB)
008 sys-initialize-sequelize (8.91 MB)
009 Implementing User Registration (33.6 MB)
009 sys-imple-user-registration (8.95 MB)
010 Encrypting and Persisting Passwords (24.42 MB)
010 sys-encrypting-passwords (8.92 MB)
011 Implementing User Login (44.39 MB)
012 Refactoring Code Using React Routers (43.58 MB)
012 sys-refactoring-react-routers (8.98 MB)
001 Designing the Add Product Page (68.07 MB)
001 sys-design-add-product (8.89 MB)
002 sys-uploading-files-to-server (9.09 MB)
002 Uploading File to Server Folder (56.13 MB)
003 Generating Unique Names for Uploaded Files (21.83 MB)
003 sys-generating-unique-names-for-upload-files (9.48 MB)
004 Displaying the Uploaded Product Image (90.07 MB)
004 sys-displaying-uploaded-product-image (9.48 MB)
005 Creating the Product Model Using Sequelize (12.34 MB)
005 sys-creating-product-model-using-sequelize (9.56 MB)
006 Implementing Migration to Add Foreign Key Constraint (32.03 MB)
006 sys-mig-to-add-fk (9.22 MB)
007 Adding Product Info to the Database Using Sequelize (30.28 MB)
007 sys-adding-product-to-db (9.39 MB)
008 Retrieving All the User Products (31.66 MB)
008 sys-ret-all-user-products (9.55 MB)
009 Deleting the Product (23.48 MB)
009 sys-deleting-the-product-2 (9.6 MB)
010 sys-updating-product (9.73 MB)
010 Updating the Product Part 1 (75.18 MB)
011 sys-updating-prd-part-2 (10.04 MB)
011 Updating the Product Part 2 (116.4 MB)
001 Displaying All Products (29.89 MB)
001 sys-displaying-all-products (10.17 MB)
002 Creating the Product Details Screen (24.69 MB)
002 sys-creating-product-details-screen (10.28 MB)
003 Adding Comment Model Through Migration (35.08 MB)
003 sys-creating-comment-model-and-constraint (10.36 MB)
004 Saving Comment to the Database (31.86 MB)
004 sys-adding-comment-to-db (10.14 MB)
005 Adding hasMany Relationship Between Product and Comment (9.26 MB)
005 sys-adding-has-many-relationship (10.24 MB)
006 sys-viewing-all-comments-for-product (10.3 MB)
006 Viewing All Comments for a Product (33.75 MB)
007 Adding belongsTo Relationship Between Comment and Post (21.11 MB)
001 sys-updating-the-menu (10.1 MB)
002 Protected Routes Using Middleware (17.47 MB)
002 sys-protecting-routes-using-middleware (10.33 MB)
003 sys-toggle-menu-options (10.12 MB)
003 Toggling Menu Options Using Response Locals (38.05 MB)
004 Implementing Logout (10.88 MB)
004 sys-implement-logout (10.08 MB)
001 What is a Document Database (7.2 MB)
002 Types of Document Databases (6.36 MB)
003 Installing and Running MongoDB (42.14 MB)
001 What is Mongoose (3.88 MB)
002 Connecting to MongoDB Database Using Mongoose (47.06 MB)
002 setting-up-mongoose (2.22 MB)
003 Creating the Schema and the Model (8.59 MB)
003 creating-schema-and-model (4.49 MB)
004 Inserting Data to the MongoDB Database (44.67 MB)
004 inserting-data-mongodb-database (4.53 MB)
005 retr-all-records-mongodb (4.49 MB)
005 Retrieving All Records from MongoDB Database (20.37 MB)
006 Updating Record in MongoDB Database (51.76 MB)
006 updating-record-mongodb (4.48 MB)
007 Deleting Record in MongoDB Database (12.5 MB)
007 deleting-records-mongodb-database (4.55 MB)
008 Installing and Running MongoUI (18.13 MB)
001 What we will be building (3.76 MB)
002 A Note about User Interface (4.42 MB)
003 Configuring the Project and Installing Packages (14.44 MB)
003 sl-configure-project-and-packafges-2 (3.25 MB)
004 Connecting Server to the MongoDB Database (22.21 MB)
004 connecting-server-to-mongodb (6.49 MB)
005 Implementing Models for ShoppingList and GroceryItem (16.09 MB)
005 sl-implementing-models-for-shopping-list (6.6 MB)
006 Creating a new Shopping List (17.26 MB)
006 sl-creating-shopping-list (6.47 MB)
007 Saving Shopping List Using User Interface (82.54 MB)
007 saving-shopping-list-through-ui (6.52 MB)
008 Retrieving Shopping Lists (50.53 MB)
008 sl-view-all-shopping-list (6.47 MB)
009 imple-api-to-add-grocery-item (6.51 MB)
009 Implementing API to Add Grocery Item (28.25 MB)
010 Adding Grocery Item to Shopping List Using User Interface (122.07 MB)
011 Displaying Grocery Items of Selected Shopping List (83.75 MB)
012 Displaying the Shopping List Name and Empty Grocery Items Message (19 MB)
013 deleing-grocery-item (6.44 MB)
013 Deleting Grocery Items from a Shopping List (67.23 MB)


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Learn Html And Css In 7 Days | Web Developer Bootcamp
Published 7/2024
MP4 | Video: h264, 1920x1080 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz
Language: English | Size: 2.65 GB | Duration: 5h 48m​

Create amazing websites with HTML, CSS and learn responsive web design with CSS Flexbox and Grid Layouts

What you'll learn

Create amazing websites with HTML & CSS

Develop Responsive Websites that fit on every device

Learn modern CSS concepts like Flexbox & Grid

Apply your knowledge with Practical Projects

How to deploy a website to the internet with your own domain


No programming skills needed. You will learn everything completely from scratch


Are you eager to build amazing and responsive websites using HTML and CSS? You're in the right place!Welcome to the 7-Day Web Developer BootcampIn just one week, you'll master the technologies, concepts, and theory behind HTML and CSS. More importantly, you'll apply your new skills through a series of practical projects.Start Your Web Development Journey HereHTML and CSS are the foundational languages of the web and essential for a successful career in tech. This course is the perfect starting point for beginners.Learn by DoingOur course emphasizes hands-on learning with coding exercises, quizzes, mini-projects, and major projects designed to enhance your skills through active recall.Why Choose This Course?We value your time, which is why our course is direct and to the point. Like a boot camp, we focus on the key concepts of web development, delivered through:precise voiceoversAnimated visualsConcise explanationsCourse StructureWe begin with a comprehensive HTML course, ensuring that even those with no prior coding experience can follow along and start building projects right away.The primary focus of this course is CSS, covering everything from basic syntax to advanced concepts. We break down complex ideas into digestible information, ensuring you understand how browsers interpret your CSS code.One of the most critical aspects of the course is Responsive Web Design, where you'll master CSS Flexbox and Grid Layouts to create responsive layouts for real-world projects.Course Features5+ hours of animated video explanationsMini-projects in every sectionQuizzes and coding exercises for reinforcementSource code available for every lesson2 complete website projectsAbout UsWe are Fabian and Pavel from Berlin. As freelance developers, we specialize in creating full-stack web applications for clients. Our mission is to share our programming knowledge with aspiring developers like you.Our unique teaching style on YouTube has united thousands of web developers worldwide. This course aims to deliver quality education on a larger scale, providing more in-depth learning than possible in short YouTube videos.Frequently Asked QuestionsDo I need any prior knowledge? No prior coding experience is required. Absolute beginners will learn everything step-by-step.What tools or software are required? A computer with internet access. We'll guide you through setting up any necessary software.


Section 1: About the Course | Material | Downloads

Lecture 1 Welcome to DAY 1 | Course Outline

Lecture 2 Install Visual Studio Code

Lecture 3 Download Course Material

Section 2: DAY 1: HTML5 Fundamentals

Lecture 4 What is HTML?

Lecture 5 Create your first web page with HTML

Lecture 6 Tags and Attributes

Lecture 7 How to use the Code Editor Visual Studio Code

Lecture 8 The Basic HTML Structure

Lecture 9 Setting up a Live Server (Automatic Browser Refresh)

Lecture 10 Add Images to your website

Lecture 11 How to specify relative paths

Lecture 12 Understanding HTML Images (Attributes)

Lecture 13 Supplementary Lesson: Semantic HTML Tags

Lecture 14 Text Formatting Tags

Lecture 15 Add Hyperlinks to your website (anchor Tag)

Lecture 16 Create Bookmark Links

Lecture 17 Lists

Lecture 18 Comments

Lecture 19 HTML Beginner Project

Lecture 20 Solution Code for the HTML Beginner Project

Section 3: DAY 1: Advanced HTML Concepts

Lecture 21 What to expect

Lecture 22 Forms

Lecture 23 Input Types

Lecture 24 Developer Tools: How to Inspect a Website in the Browser

Lecture 25 How to create tables ( tag)

Lecture 26 Create a simple Layout with a table

Lecture 27 Add Videos to your web page

Lecture 28 Embed YouTube Videos

Lecture 29 Define Tooltips

Section 4: DAY 1: Introduction into CSS

Lecture 30 What is CSS?

Lecture 31 CSS Syntax

Lecture 32 How to implement CSS in your HTML Code

Lecture 33 Colors

Lecture 34 Classes and IDs

Section 5: DAY 2: CSS Basics Section

Lecture 35 Welcome to DAY 2 | Section Outline

Lecture 36 Control the Height and Width of Elements

Lecture 37 Add Borders to your elements

Lecture 38 The Border Shorthand

Lecture 39 Margins

Lecture 40 The Boxmodel

Lecture 41 Boxsizing Border Box

Lecture 42 Universal Selector

Lecture 43 Block-level vs. inline-level elements

Lecture 44 Display Property

Lecture 45 Rounded Corners (border-radius property)

Lecture 46 Text Styling Properties

Lecture 47 Font Settings

Lecture 48 font-family and font-weight

Lecture 49 Center Elements

Section 6: DAY 3: CSS Intermediate Section

Lecture 50 Welcome to DAY 3 | Section Outline

Lecture 51 Background Property (Add Images to your website)

Lecture 52 Transparent Colors, Alpha Values and Opacity

Lecture 53 Linear-Gradient and Radial-Gradient

Lecture 54 Shadows

Lecture 55 Combinators

Lecture 56 Attribute Selector

Lecture 57 Pseudo-Classes

Lecture 58 Transitions

Lecture 59 Positions

Lecture 60 Positions Mini Project: Create a Popup

Lecture 61 Pseudo-Elements

Lecture 62 CSS Variables | Custom Properties (Modern CSS Concept)

Section 7: DAY 4: Beginner Project | Create a multi-page website

Lecture 63 Welcome to DAY 4 | Section Outline

Lecture 64 Navigation Bar

Lecture 65 Homepage

Lecture 66 About Page

Lecture 67 min-width and max-width

Lecture 68 Products Page

Lecture 69 Login Page

Section 8: DAY 4: CSS Animations

Lecture 70 Animations

Lecture 71 Mini Project: Create a Loading Screen Animation

Section 9: DAY 5: CSS Flexbox & Responsive Web Design

Lecture 72 Welcome to DAY 5 | Section Outline

Lecture 73 Horizontal and Vertical Alignment

Lecture 74 flex-direction and gap

Lecture 75 space-between, space-around, space-evenly

Lecture 76 flex-wrap | align-content vs. align-items

Lecture 77 Nested Flexbox Layouts & column-gap vs. row-gap

Lecture 78 flex-grow vs. flex-shrink

Lecture 79 Combine Flexbox with min-width & max-width

Lecture 80 Media Queries

Lecture 81 Extra Tips and Summary

Lecture 82 PROJECT: Build a Responsive Flexbox Layout

Lecture 83 SOLUTION: Build a Responsive Flexbox Layout

Section 10: DAY 6: CSS Grid

Lecture 84 Welcome to DAY 6 | Section Outline

Lecture 85 Columns and Rows

Lecture 86 Alignment within a grid cell

Lecture 87 Automatic Columns and Rows for infinite grids

Lecture 88 grid-auto-flow

Lecture 89 Stretch Element Across Multiple Cells

Lecture 90 Create a complex Bento Grid with grid-template-areas

Section 11: DAY 6 EXTRA: Modern CSS Mix

Lecture 91 About this section

Lecture 92 Create a Responsive Navigation Bar with Sidebar Animation

Lecture 93 :not() and :has() pseudo-classes

Lecture 94 Create Border Animations using conic-gradients and custom-properties

Section 12: DAY 7 PROJECT: Build & Deploy a Portfolio Website

Lecture 95 Welcome to DAY 7 | Section Outline

Lecture 96 Preparations

Lecture 97 Header Section

Lecture 98 My Skillset Section

Lecture 99 Project Section

Lecture 100 Footer & Responsive Web Design

Lecture 101 Deploy the website (optional)

Section 13: NEXT STEPS

Lecture 102 Final thoughts

This course is meant for beginner developers in HTML & CSS. If you want to become a web developer this course will be the optimal starting point for you. Since you will also learn about Responsive Web Design and other advanced CSS concepts you will learn many new concepts, even if you already have a lot of experience with HTML & CSS. So, absolute beginners AND intermediate developers will find the content of this course valuable.


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