Udemy Complete NodeJS Developer GraphQL MongoDB more



23.34 GB | 00:11:40 | mp4 | 1280X720 | 16:9
Genre:eLearning |Language:English

Files Included :
1 -Course Outline (99.01 MB)
2 -Join Our Online Classroom! (75.42 MB)
3 -Node js - How We Got Here (140.93 MB)
4 -Node js Runtime (120.92 MB)
5 -How To Succeed In The Course (59.28 MB)
6 -Latest Version Of Node js (5.85 MB)
7 -ZTM Resources (44.63 MB)
1 -Testing In Node (32.48 MB)
2 -Testing APIs With Jest (102.69 MB)
3 -Testing API Endpoints With Supertest GET (64.24 MB)
4 -Testing API Endpoints With Supertest POST (96.12 MB)
5 -Testing API Endpoints With Supertest Error Cases (70.4 MB)
1 -Node Server Performance (69.4 MB)
10 -Using PM2 To Create Clusters (76.79 MB)
11 -Managing Live Clusters With PM2 (47.68 MB)
12 -Zero Downtime Restart (24.25 MB)
13 -Improving Performance Of Our NASA Project (85.73 MB)
14 -Worker Threads (122.82 MB)
15 -Worker Threads In Action (47.18 MB)
2 -Building A Simple Blocking Server (75.47 MB)
3 -Real Life Blocking Functions (67.09 MB)
4 -Running Multiple Node Processes (40.54 MB)
5 -The Node Cluster Module (20.07 MB)
6 -Clustering In Action (90.45 MB)
7 -Maximizing Cluster Performance (53.66 MB)
8 -Load Balancing (48.59 MB)
9 -The PM2 Tool (19.7 MB)
1 -Introduction to Databases (20.57 MB)
10 -Creating Mongoose Schema for Launches (113.02 MB)
11 -Exercise Creating Mongoose Schema for Planets (38.77 MB)
12 -Creating Models From Schemas (43.52 MB)
13 -Mongoose Models vs MVC Models (36.1 MB)
14 -Creating and Inserting Documents (67.98 MB)
15 -Finding Documents (50.39 MB)
16 -The Upsert Operation (77.92 MB)
17 -Exploring Data Using Atlas (46.91 MB)
18 -Updating Project Architecture (54.61 MB)
19 -ObjectIDs (30.5 MB)
2 -Comparing SQL vs NoSQL (32.98 MB)
20 -Excluding Fields From The Response (25.98 MB)
21 -Saving Launches (42.66 MB)
22 -Listing All Launches (27.71 MB)
23 -Referential Integrity (90.83 MB)
24 -Auto Increment In MongoDB (73.98 MB)
25 -Getting Latest Flight Number (42.41 MB)
26 -Scheduling New Launches (80.34 MB)
27 -Investigating A Mongoose Mystery (67.99 MB)
28 -Aborting Launches (104.92 MB)
29 -Updating Tests For Mongoose 1 (133.48 MB)
3 -Database Schemas & Schemaless Databases (17.38 MB)
30 -Updating Tests For Mongoose 2 (90.58 MB)
4 -Choosing a Database for our NASA Project (54.49 MB)
5 -SQL vs MongoDB Trends and Object-Relational Impedance Mismatch (87.84 MB)
6 -SQL vs MongoDB Schemas, References, and ACID Transactions (139.75 MB)
7 -Setting up MongoDB Atlas (96.54 MB)
8 -Connecting to MongoDB (72.26 MB)
9 -Mongoose (75.92 MB)
1 -Working With SpaceX (34.44 MB)
10 -Minimizing API Load (56.67 MB)
11 -Persisting SpaceX Launches (71.21 MB)
12 -Paginating Our Endpoints 1 (58.33 MB)
13 -Paginating Our Endpoints 2 (120.47 MB)
14 -Sorting Paginated Data (36.58 MB)
15 -Cleaning Up Launch Data (46.8 MB)
16 -Managing Secrets With Dotenv (59.73 MB)
17 -Securing Leaked Secrets (37.98 MB)
2 -The SpaceX API (39.49 MB)
3 -Versioning Node APIs (70.45 MB)
4 -Updating Our API Tests (10.1 MB)
5 -Exploring SpaceX Launches API (45.14 MB)
6 -Running Search Queries (81.96 MB)
7 -Loading SpaceX Data In Our API (114.51 MB)
8 -Mapping SpaceX Data To Our Database (76.86 MB)
9 -Using Paginated APIs (53.35 MB)
1 -Security and Authentication Overview (34.53 MB)
10 -JWT Tokens (83.95 MB)
11 -The OAuth Standard (42.31 MB)
12 -OAuth 2 0 Authorization Code Flow (70.09 MB)
13 -OAuth In Action with Single Sign On (161.06 MB)
14 -Registering with the Google Authorization Server (113.77 MB)
15 -Authentication Endpoints With Middleware (70.98 MB)
16 -Passport js (26.72 MB)
17 -Dotenv for Client Secrets (57.27 MB)
18 -Authentication With Google And OAuth 1 (83.38 MB)
19 -Authentication With Google And OAuth 2 (103.87 MB)
2 -Encrypted Connections with SSL and TLS (87.57 MB)
20 -Cookie Based Authentication (44.52 MB)
21 -Sessions (46.54 MB)
22 -Server VS Client Side Sessions With Cookies (65.68 MB)
23 -Session Middleware in Express (78.1 MB)
24 -Setting Up OAuth Cookie Session (76.96 MB)
25 -Reading and Writing the OAuth Session 1 (103.86 MB)
26 -Reading and Writing the OAuth Session 2 (58.18 MB)
27 -Restricting Access to Endpoints (67.5 MB)
28 -Implementing Logout (53.24 MB)
29 -Experimenting With Fake Sessions (39.78 MB)
3 -Digital Certificates, Signing, and Man In The Middle Attacks (73.38 MB)
30 -Wrap Up and Next Steps (49.02 MB)
4 -Setting Up Our Security Example (24.43 MB)
5 -HTTPS With Node, Self Signed Certificates, and Public Key Cryptography (112.32 MB)
6 -Helmet js (72.89 MB)
7 -Authentication vs Authorization (95.33 MB)
8 -Social Sign In (38.14 MB)
9 -API Keys (82.82 MB)
1 -Introduction to CI and CD (105.11 MB)
10 -GitHub Actions Marketplace (30.46 MB)
11 -Continuous Integration Test Pipeline (78.46 MB)
12 -Mocking Out Databases (30.63 MB)
13 -Databases With Continuous Integration (77.72 MB)
14 -Populating Data For Continuous Integration (78.94 MB)
2 -Continuous Integration (54.28 MB)
3 -Continuous Delivery (138.22 MB)
4 -Continuous Deployment (86.83 MB)
5 -Pipelines (14.93 MB)
6 -GitHub Actions (68.16 MB)
7 -Setting Up GitHub Actions (34.16 MB)
8 -Continuous Integration Build Pipeline (45.46 MB)
9 -Build Pipeline In Action (52.36 MB)
1 -Deploying to the Cloud (20.27 MB)
10 -Updating Our API URL (17.97 MB)
11 -Building NASA Project Docker Image (40.46 MB)
12 -Running NASA Project in a Container (33.21 MB)
13 -Pushing Images to Docker Hub (22.57 MB)
14 -Exploring Amazon Web Services (54.22 MB)
15 -Creating an EC2 Instance 1 (65.32 MB)
16 -Creating an EC2 Instance 2 Security (120.09 MB)
17 -What is SSH (26.75 MB)
18 -Connecting To Our EC2 Instance With SSH (60.73 MB)
19 -Setting Up Our EC2 Server (38.27 MB)
2 -Serverless vs Containers (27.75 MB)
20 -Deploying Our NASA API (107.98 MB)
3 -Virtual Machines (37.04 MB)
4 -What is a Container (36.66 MB)
5 -Installing Docker (33.69 MB)
6 -Running Our First Docker Container (43.18 MB)
7 -Your DockerHub Account (10.62 MB)
8 -Creating a Dockerfile (94.34 MB)
9 -Dockerfile (356 B)
9 -Improving Our Dockerfile With Layers (76.7 MB)
1 -GraphQL Overview (75.45 MB)
10 -GraphQL Tools (34.75 MB)
11 -Modularizing Large GraphQL Projects Schemas (93.62 MB)
12 -Resolvers (75.43 MB)
13 -Modularizing Large GraphQL Projects Resolvers (55.22 MB)
14 -Filtering with Queries and Resolvers (60.01 MB)
15 -Exercise Query Products By ID (38.05 MB)
16 -Mutations In Action (56.36 MB)
17 -Implementing Mutations on the Server (66.56 MB)
18 -Exercise Add New Product Review (72.26 MB)
19 -GraphQL With Apollo (60.64 MB)
2 -Our First GraphQL Query (28.23 MB)
20 -Building an Apollo Server With Node js (84.78 MB)
3 -GraphQL Queries In Action (43.62 MB)
4 -GraphQL vs REST Over-fetching & Under-fetching (162.14 MB)
5 -GraphQL vs REST Summary (131.01 MB)
6 -Exploring GraphQL Implementations (24.89 MB)
7 -GraphQL In Node (56.84 MB)
8 -GraphiQL (25.95 MB)
9 -Designing An E-Commerce Schema (83.69 MB)
1 -Introduction to Sockets (36.16 MB)
10 -Multiplayer Pong Message Sequence (79.73 MB)
11 -Setting Up a socket io Server (31.65 MB)
12 -Connecting to socket io (35.2 MB)
13 -Identifying Connected Clients (79.09 MB)
14 -Listening for Events in the Pong Server (34.91 MB)
15 -Broadcasting Events (28.32 MB)
16 -Handling Events in the Pong Client (63.57 MB)
17 -Implementing the Game Logic Paddle (79.05 MB)
18 -Implementing the Game Logic Ball (74.41 MB)
19 -What Happens When You Disconnect (39.44 MB)
2 -Polling (17.68 MB)
20 -Using Socket io with Express (91.43 MB)
21 -Namespaces (34.83 MB)
22 -Rooms (80.16 MB)
3 -What is a Socket (39.06 MB)
4 -Sockets VS Polling (63.18 MB)
5 -WebSockets (54.63 MB)
6 -Introduction to socket io (21.84 MB)
7 -socket io Client and Server APIs (93.21 MB)
8 -Multiplayer Pong Overview (41.2 MB)
8 -single-player-pong (3.33 KB)
9 -Reviewing Our Pong Front End (97.15 MB)
1 -Thank You! (20.95 MB)
1 -OPTIONAL Installing Node js (53.63 MB)
2 -OPTIONAL Windows Installation Tips (25.94 MB)
3 -The Node js Release Cycle (26.11 MB)
4 -The Node js REPL (55.57 MB)
5 -Setting Up Our Developer Environment (34.13 MB)
6 -Our First Node js App (82.44 MB)
7 -Node js VS JavaScript (75.45 MB)
8 -The global Object (75.74 MB)
9 -Introduction to Backend VS Frontend (115.86 MB)
1 -Why Deno (76.27 MB)
10 -Deno Metrics (43.05 MB)
11 -Exercise Deno Architecture (43.65 MB)
12 -Deno Game Changers (127.97 MB)
13 -Deno Game Changers 2 (103.13 MB)
14 -Will Deno Kill NodeJS (18.71 MB)
15 -Single Executable To Rule Them All (22.85 MB)
16 -Deno Security (121.09 MB)
17 -Deno Permissions (38.91 MB)
18 -Deno Permissions 2 (12.67 MB)
19 -Deno Permissions 3 (40.62 MB)
2 -Deno Runtime And V8 Engine (71.91 MB)
3 -Deno Installation (43.16 MB)
4 -MACLINUX Installation Tips (62.93 MB)
5 -WINDOWS Installation Tips (9.85 MB)
6 -Setting Up Our Developer Environment (44.34 MB)
7 -Our First Deno App (70.3 MB)
8 -The Most Important Video (15.08 MB)
9 -Deno Internals And Architecture (183.77 MB)
1 -JavaScript Engine (60.35 MB)
10 -Call Stack and Memory Heap (163.66 MB)
11 -Stack Overflow (45.36 MB)
12 -Garbage Collection (54.58 MB)
13 -Memory Leaks (49.72 MB)
14 -Single Threaded (25.79 MB)
15 -Exercise Issue With Single Thread (25.41 MB)
16 -Javascript Runtime (124 MB)
17 -Node js (59.43 MB)
2 -Exercise Javascript Engine (13.14 MB)
3 -Inside the Engine (43.25 MB)
4 -Exercise JS Engine For All (35.19 MB)
5 -Interpreters and Compilers (53.23 MB)
6 -Inside the V8 Engine (94.72 MB)
7 -Comparing Other Languages (33.64 MB)
8 -Writing Optimized Code (61.73 MB)
9 -WebAssembly (41.76 MB)
1 -Section Overview (32.49 MB)
2 -Promises (158.04 MB)
3 -ES8 - Async Await (113.89 MB)
4 -ES9 (ES2018) (39.45 MB)
5 -ES9 (ES2018) - Async (113.37 MB)
6 -Job Queue (48.43 MB)
7 -Parallel, Sequence and Race (81.81 MB)
8 -ES2020 allSettled() (30.32 MB)
9 -Threads, Concurrency and Parallelism (66.31 MB)
1 -Pong Project Overview (4.09 MB)
2 ---+template-pong (4.92 KB)
2 -JS - Create Canvas (119.14 MB)
3 -JS - RequestAnimationFrame (113.94 MB)
4 -JS - Game Over (97.02 MB)
4 -pong (4.88 KB)
5 -Code Review (40.58 MB)
1 -Introduction To TypeScript (8.34 MB)
10 -TypeScript 5 (38.55 MB)
11 -TypeScript 6 (29.77 MB)
12 -TypeScript 7 (20.11 MB)
13 -TypeScript 8 (39.34 MB)
14 -TypeScript 9 (6.92 MB)
15 -TypeScript 10 (7.2 MB)
2 -Dynamic vs Static Typing (71.91 MB)
3 -Strongly vs Weakly Typed (23.99 MB)
4 -Static Typing In JavaScript (60.82 MB)
5 -OPTIONAL Installing TypeScript Compiler (48.63 MB)
6 -TypeScript (69.05 MB)
7 -TypeScript 2 (33.15 MB)
8 -TypeScript 3 (33.58 MB)
9 -TypeScript 4 (33.48 MB)
9 -typescript (1.79 KB)
1 -Exercise Building Amazon (60.09 MB)
10 -SQL Standards (74.38 MB)
11 -Tables (44.4 MB)
12 -Columns (56.09 MB)
13 -Rows (34.8 MB)
14 -Primary And Foreign Keys (69.23 MB)
15 -Relational vs NoSQL, PostgreSQL vs MongoDB Databases (142.91 MB)
16 -Scalability (71.1 MB)
17 -Sharding (51.05 MB)
2 -Exercise Building Amazon 2 (64.59 MB)
3 -5 Types Of Databases (95.31 MB)
4 -Exercise What Is A Database (19.76 MB)
5 -SQL Playground (16.1 MB)
6 -What Is SQL (37.93 MB)
7 -What Is A Query (92.06 MB)
8 -Imperative vs Declarative (58.68 MB)
9 -History of SQL (39.53 MB)
1 -What Node js Includes (157.71 MB)
10 -The Event Loop (23 MB)
11 -Callback Queues (63.19 MB)
12 -Phases of the Event Loop (148.18 MB)
13 -Comparing Node With PHP and Python (87.75 MB)
14 -What Is Node js Best At (25.12 MB)
15 -Observer Design Pattern (27.99 MB)
16 -The Node Event Emitter (97.12 MB)
2 -Node Internals Deep Dive (125.72 MB)
3 -libuv Internals Deep Dive (107.09 MB)
4 -Synchronous vs Asynchronous (81.85 MB)
5 -Asynchronous Callbacks (28.95 MB)
6 -Non-Blocking Input & Output (13.51 MB)
7 -Exercise Is JavaScript Asynchronous (6.08 MB)
8 -Multi-Threading, Processes, and Threads (201.22 MB)
9 -Is Node js Multi-Threaded (183.49 MB)
1 -The require Function (49.17 MB)
10 -Should We Use index js (45.45 MB)
2 -Making HTTP Requests (58.07 MB)
3 -Why Use Modules (67.2 MB)
4 -Creating Our Own Modules (76.07 MB)
5 -Exporting From Modules (24.92 MB)
6 -CommonJS vs ECMAScript Modules (28.66 MB)
7 -Creating Our Own ECMAScript Modules (43.28 MB)
8 -Module Caching (52.34 MB)
9 -Using index js (64.6 MB)
1 -NPM The Node Package Manager (41.58 MB)
2 -Creating Our First NPM Package (65.71 MB)
3 -Packages And The NPM Registry (12.28 MB)
4 -Using Third Party Modules (75.41 MB)
5 -The node modules Folder (88.9 MB)
6 -Semantic Versioning (14.11 MB)
7 -package-lock json and Versioning (67.39 MB)
8 -Vulnerabilities In Dependencies (45.02 MB)
9 -Installing NPM Tools nodemon (72.06 MB)
1 -Exploring Planets With Node (27.01 MB)
2 -Importing Kepler Space Telescope Data (50.75 MB)
3 -Setting Up Our CSV Parser (36.98 MB)
4 -Streaming Large Data Files (50.19 MB)
5 -Reading Our Planets Data (43.03 MB)
6 -Parsing Our Planets Data (36.78 MB)
7 -Finding Habitable Planets (80.18 MB)
8 -Exploring Habitable Planets (63.92 MB)
1 -What is a Web Server (85.41 MB)
10 -POSTing Data to the Server (74.96 MB)
11 -Requests and Responses as Streams (89.83 MB)
12 -Web Servers Recap (22.97 MB)
2 -Introduction to HTTP Responses and Requests (42.67 MB)
3 -HTTP Requests (114.71 MB)
4 -HTTP Responses (131.96 MB)
5 -Our First Webserver (42.11 MB)
6 -HTTP APIs and Routing (67.99 MB)
7 -Parameterized URLs (62.22 MB)
8 -Same Origin Policy (48.44 MB)
9 -Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) (61.11 MB)
1 -Why Express (21.34 MB)
10 -Model View Controller (MVC) (60.97 MB)
11 -Model View Controller in Express (145.05 MB)
12 -Express Routers (144.58 MB)
13 -RESTful APIs (49.44 MB)
14 -Create Read Update and Delete (CRUD) (50.44 MB)
15 -Sending Files (47.62 MB)
16 -Serving Websites With Node (85 MB)
17 -Templating Engines (110.55 MB)
18 -Layouts and Separation of Concerns (62.73 MB)
2 -Introduction to Express (66.54 MB)
3 -Express vs Next js vs Koa (70.57 MB)
4 -Route Parameters (61.76 MB)
5 -Postman and Insomnia (46.2 MB)
6 -Development Dependencies (23.85 MB)
7 -Middleware (22.63 MB)
8 -Writing Our Own Logging Middleware (73.2 MB)
9 -POST Requests in Express (124.6 MB)
1 -Introduction & Architecture (62.21 MB)
10 -The Planets Model (50.92 MB)
11 -Loading Data On Startup (144.94 MB)
12 -Automating Full Stack Applications With NPM (110.56 MB)
13 -Serving React js Front End In Production (138.3 MB)
14 -Logging Requests With Morgan (80.75 MB)
15 -The Launches Model (113.28 MB)
16 -GET launches (155.48 MB)
17 -Serving Applications With Client Side Routing (57.96 MB)
18 -Working With Data Models Building a Data Access Layer (63.11 MB)
19 -POST launches Creating Launches 1 (94.74 MB)
2 -NASA Dashboard Front End Setup (46.26 MB)
2 -nasa-front-end (1.4 MB)
20 -POST launches Creating Launches 2 (90.82 MB)
21 -POST launches Validation For POST Requests (94.09 MB)
22 -Connecting POST launches With Front End Dashboard (145.92 MB)
23 -DELETE launches Aborting Launches 1 (115.67 MB)
24 -DELETE launches Aborting Launches 2 (123.19 MB)
25 -Updating Our Architecture Diagram (111.85 MB)
26 -Exercise Imposter Syndrome (44.29 MB)
3 -NASA Dashboard Functionality (78.58 MB)
4 -What You Need To Know (8.67 MB)
5 -React js Front End Code Walkthrough (192.38 MB)
6 -API Server Setup (87.23 MB)
7 -GET planets (130.47 MB)
8 -CORS Middleware (59.69 MB)
9 -Models vs Controllers vs Routers (18.72 MB)


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