Led Zeppelin - The Song Remains The Same Fan Edition
MPEG 2, NTSC, 16 : 9, 720 x 480p, Englisch PCM/2
Led Zeppelin - The Song Remains The Same Fan Edition
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DVD 1:
1. Bron-Yr-Aur
2. Rock And Roll
3. Celebration Day
4. Black Dog
5. Over The Hills And Far Away
6. Misty Mountain Hop
7. No Quarter
8. Since I've Been Loving You
9. The Song Remains The Same
10. The Rain Song
DVD 2:
1. Dazed And Confused
2. Stairway To Heaven
3. Moby Dick
4. Heartbreaker
5. Whole Lotta Love
6. Ocean
7. End Credits
Led Zeppelin Madness Live” is a traditional classic film that has passed down the story of the band's courage in the 1970s.
The long version will be released in the same order as the original live performance.
This is a re-edited version of the film in the same order as the original live performance.
The film is an edited version of “Live Madness,” which was produced by overseas fans in 2009
and took the world by storm when it was released.
As you know, the video version of “Live Madness” was not a pure live performance. It was not a pure live performance,
but rather a video version of the concert, with plenty of off-shot footage and images of each member of the band,
and the order of the songs was drastically different from that of the actual performance.
Although the official DVD release in 2007 made it possible to see some of the songs that had been cut from the film,
the style of the film itself remained the same. In the end, the style of the film remains the same as before,
and we want to see the film as it was made on stage.
This film is a “live performance in the same order as the actual performance”
created by overseas fans who were driven by this desire. This is a long work of 2 hours and 26 minutes,
skillfully edited, and not simply rearranged. The careful attention to detail in the editing makes it seem as if it was
“this kind of work from the very beginning. The sound is especially wonderful,
and the cheers that were intentionally covered in the official CD version have been eliminated,
making it sound more like a natural live performance.
The length of the show exceeds the official version; even the official DVD from 2007 did not include the second half of “Heartbreaker,”
but this DVD includes it in its entirety. Of course, there is no footage of that part of the song, but the film makes good use of imagery.
The film was produced in such a way that it can be viewed naturally as a visual work. As a result of such work,
this film is much longer than the official version.
While the original film was approximately 138 minutes long and the official CD was approximately 132 minutes long,
this film is approximately 146 minutes long.
DVD 1:
1. Bron-Yr-Aur
2. Rock And Roll
3. Celebration Day
4. Black Dog
5. Over The Hills And Far Away
6. Misty Mountain Hop
7. No Quarter
8. Since I've Been Loving You
9. The Song Remains The Same
10. The Rain Song
DVD 2:
1. Dazed And Confused
2. Stairway To Heaven
3. Moby Dick
4. Heartbreaker
5. Whole Lotta Love
6. Ocean
7. End Credits
Led Zeppelin Madness Live” is a traditional classic film that has passed down the story of the band's courage in the 1970s.
The long version will be released in the same order as the original live performance.
This is a re-edited version of the film in the same order as the original live performance.
The film is an edited version of “Live Madness,” which was produced by overseas fans in 2009
and took the world by storm when it was released.
As you know, the video version of “Live Madness” was not a pure live performance. It was not a pure live performance,
but rather a video version of the concert, with plenty of off-shot footage and images of each member of the band,
and the order of the songs was drastically different from that of the actual performance.
Although the official DVD release in 2007 made it possible to see some of the songs that had been cut from the film,
the style of the film itself remained the same. In the end, the style of the film remains the same as before,
and we want to see the film as it was made on stage.
This film is a “live performance in the same order as the actual performance”
created by overseas fans who were driven by this desire. This is a long work of 2 hours and 26 minutes,
skillfully edited, and not simply rearranged. The careful attention to detail in the editing makes it seem as if it was
“this kind of work from the very beginning. The sound is especially wonderful,
and the cheers that were intentionally covered in the official CD version have been eliminated,
making it sound more like a natural live performance.
The length of the show exceeds the official version; even the official DVD from 2007 did not include the second half of “Heartbreaker,”
but this DVD includes it in its entirety. Of course, there is no footage of that part of the song, but the film makes good use of imagery.
The film was produced in such a way that it can be viewed naturally as a visual work. As a result of such work,
this film is much longer than the official version.
While the original film was approximately 138 minutes long and the official CD was approximately 132 minutes long,
this film is approximately 146 minutes long.

Darsteller/actor: Led Zeppelin
MPEG 2, NTSC, 16 : 9, 720 x 480p, Englisch PCM/2
Sprache/Idioma: Englisch

Bildseitenformat/relación de aspecto: 16 : 9
Datenträger/portador de datos: 2 DVD (s) - 5
Studio/Estudio: Aud & ProShot
Erscheinungsjahr/año de publicación: 2009
Produktionsjahr/ano de produccion: 2009
Laufzeit/Duración: 145 Minuten
Größe/Tamaño ca. 6502,4 Megabyte in 14 Links
Größe der Parts/tamaño de la pieza: 500 Megabyte

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