Purple Haze
Keine Stadt der Welt ohne Graffiti!
Der Film „AlterEgo – A worldwide Graffiti Documentary“ nimmt einen auf die Reise in 6 große Städte in 6 Ländern der Erde.
Nach insgesamt 6 Jahren Dreharbeiten, Reisen und entlichen Pausen hat Daniel Thouw in Eigenfinanzierung ein interessantes Portrait des internationalen Graffiti geschaffen.
Renomierte Graffitikünstler kommen zu Wort und sprechen über die weltweit etablierte Kunstform des Graffiti. Die Weltreise führt auch nach Hamburg und Berlin, wo die Künstler DAIM und ZAK, sowie JUST und CALIGULA zu Wort kommen.
Gefragt werden die Künstler unter Anderem nach Motiven und persönlichen Beweggründen ihrer Arbeiten und weshalb sie den öffentlichen Raum der Stadt als Medium nutzen.
Größe: 716 MB
Format: .AVI
Dauer: 00:62:00 Minutes
Auflösung: 512 x 384p
Audio: English, German Lame MP3
Keine Stadt der Welt ohne Graffiti!
Der Film „AlterEgo – A worldwide Graffiti Documentary“ nimmt einen auf die Reise in 6 große Städte in 6 Ländern der Erde.
Nach insgesamt 6 Jahren Dreharbeiten, Reisen und entlichen Pausen hat Daniel Thouw in Eigenfinanzierung ein interessantes Portrait des internationalen Graffiti geschaffen.
Renomierte Graffitikünstler kommen zu Wort und sprechen über die weltweit etablierte Kunstform des Graffiti. Die Weltreise führt auch nach Hamburg und Berlin, wo die Künstler DAIM und ZAK, sowie JUST und CALIGULA zu Wort kommen.
Gefragt werden die Künstler unter Anderem nach Motiven und persönlichen Beweggründen ihrer Arbeiten und weshalb sie den öffentlichen Raum der Stadt als Medium nutzen.
| | | | ___,__
. . . . |:: _| __
_______ |||||.|| |:: |C|' | ___) ______
(_____ |_____),,,,,, ||||||||. ___|::__|OC_) | |.. |- - -._____| _____)
(___ |. .,xxxxxx .|__ ||_ OCO_ C | |: |=====| | ___)
(_ | |XXXXX(_____| ,___)|' |__C (__._| |__|___; | ) | _)
(_|__| |XXXXX| ||| | | | O | ||| | _|__| , | | |_)
|. .| | , ||__| | | C |__|| | | .| | | |__|
| | | | | ||6_| | | || |_#|| | | :| |--|__ |
_ | | | | |__| _) _ (_ | (_ |_ _| | | | | )__
_( ) |.___.| ___| | (___, | | || ___) _) | X | | | )S )___
(____ \/\/\/| | | \ )___ |//|//|| ___\ )---|: :| |sSSSSS _______)
/\/\/\| | | // |___|//|//||___| \,~ |. |====='SSSSSS ///C=
___======|_____\\\\ (O_OOO)//|//|[___] | __|- - - )))))) ///
__( -2o''''''//// _ $ '//' . . ( (( /
(__________________\\\\ _) .;/ 1999-2012+ ) /__
// - AEROHOLiCS - -(-=+-- - /
\ /!\ /
________________\ _________________________ : O _______________\/_
__( . \ )__
_(. -->> THE AEROHOLiCS BRiNG YOU ToDAY <<-- .)_
| |
| Alter.Ego.-.A.Worldwide.Documentary.About.Graffiti.Writing.2009.LiMiTED.DVDRip.XviD-AEROHOLiCS
| ......................................................................... |
| Release Date 26th March 2012 Supplier/Ripper AEROHOLiCS |
| DVD Street Date 2009/2010 Language English/German/Portuguese |
| Screening Date 2008/2009 Screenings Film Festivals/Cinemas |
| IMDB Rating n/a Produced by Thouw Media |
| Movie Runtime 62:32 mins Locations Worldwide |
| Release Size 699 MB/49x15 MB Subtitles English/German |
| Extras 26 mins 190 MB/14x15 MB DVD Covers 300 dpi |
| Filenames ahs-ae Genre/Style Graffiti Documentary |
| ......................................................................... |
| Video Codec XviD 1.2.1 Audio Codec MP3 Lame 3.97 |
| Video Bitrate 1415 kb/s Audio Bitrate 137 kb/s VBR Stereo |
| Video Bitrate Extras 882 kb/s Audio Bitrate 148 kb/s VBR Stereo |
| Video Framrate 25 fps Video Resolution 592 x 320 |
| Aspect Ratio 1.85:1 DVD Source NTSC Region Free |
| Source Information Retail DVD5 DVD Original 16:9 |
| |
| Info/URL:
| |
| x
| . . x(XXx ,xXXx, ,xXXX
(_(____________________________________) ___) X
(____________________________________) ..............RELEASE NOTES X
..)╝╝╝(. 'xxX Alter Ego - The Movie (2009/DE) Xx
.╜╜╜╝╜╝. -~X~ ........................................ ~X
╜╜╜╝╜╜.xXXXXXX X
╝╝╜╝╜╝╝╜╝╝╜╜╜X Tags, throwups and pieces are part of X
____ _ !╝╝__ .__╝╜╝╜' almost every major cityscape around the X
___\ _____ '╜\__)(__/╝╝' world, and are more or less part of our X
╖ _____\ _ \ ('╜╝ - ╝' )X everyday life. X
\\ _ _\) \\ \ \_ '--o'__/.X Alter Ego takes you to 9 major cities X
_____ \\\\ \ __//\/) \> (X around the world and into the lifes of X
\ _ _\_\ _ ___ \. !_/ / /\ \__ some very passionate individuals standing X
_\\\\ \ \\ __\_(__) / / < ! / behind those written identities, walking X
\ \ _ \ ╖(___/ \_/ | _/ _)(_X the borderline between creation and X
\ \\ . \ (__/__) /---\____\ X destruction, art and vandalism. X
\ ╖ '-' !-) _ ( X X
\ Mt _/ / \ _/X They describe the motivation that drives X
╖ _/ (____)) X them to paint the streets, explaining X
\_ _ _ __\!_\\ X their work and their personal backgrounds X
<//_!_\\_> X what graffiti is, what it means to them. X
.-,------------X X
|#| X The camera follows them into places, one X
|#| X would hardly see on their own, shows them X
|#| X on their urban missions as well as their X
|#| X studios and homes. X
|#| X X
|#| X Most of the featured artists pursue a X
|#| X professional career already, either as X
|#| X artists or designers or in fields not X
|#| X related to art at all. They come from X
|#| X different social backgrounds, different X
|#| X countries and cultures, but they all have X
|#| X one thing in common - the love for their X
|#| X creation and expression, and everything X
|#| X that comes out of it. X
|#| X X
|#| X X
|#| X Enjoy this release from the legendary X
|#| X X
|#| X X
|#| ' |####XXXXXXXXXXXX~
|#| Alter Ego (2009/DE) |#|
|#| A Worldwide Documentary About Graffiti Writing |#|
|#| |#|
|#| Featured Writers/Crews:............................ |#|
|#| |#|
|#| ASKEW (Auckland, New Zealand) |#|
|#| CAIB (Sydney, Australia) |#|
|#| CALIGULA (Berlin, Germany) |#|
|#| CANTWO (Mainz, Germany) |#|
|#| DAIM (Hamburg, Germany) |#|
|#| EWOK (Los Angeles, USA) |#|
|#| FDC (Hong Kong, China) |#|
|#| HERBERT BAGLIONE (Sßo Paulo, Brasil) |#|
|#| JUST (Berlin, Germany) |#|
|#| KRUSH (Los Angeles, USA) |#|
|#| NUNCA (Sßo Paulo, Brasil) |#|
|#| ORDER (Amsterdam, Netherlands) |#|
|#| SABER (Los Angeles, USA) |#|
|#| SMASH137 (Basel, Switzerland) |#|
|#| STEVEN GRODY (Los Angeles, USA) |#|
|#| T-KID (New York City, USA) |#|
|#| ZAK (Hamburg, Germany) |#|
|#| |#|
|#| Subtitles:......................................... |#|
|#| |#|
|#| English/German for the main movie and the Extras |#|
|#| |#|
|#| Extras:............................................ |#|
|#| |#|
|#| About the Film |#|
|#| Trailer |#|
|#| Slideshow |#|
|#| |#|
|#| Producion:......................................... |#|
|#| |#|
|#| written, produced and directed by Daniel Thouw |#|
|#| director of photography, Daniel Thouw |#|
|#| edited by Andy Frentzel-Beyme |#|
|#| colorcorrection, Marcus Stotz/Nico Hauter DAS WERK |#|
|#| sound design by Andreas Paruschke |#|
|#| music by Anaphie, Defcut, Face Error, Stieber Twins |#|
|#| T.Raumschmiere, The Crack Whore Society |#|
|#| |#|
|#| |#|
|#| Release Notes:..................................... |#|
|#| |#|
|#| This DVD consists of various video sources, day and |#|
|#| night scenes, expect a variety in video quality. |#|
|#| General high quality DVD production with proper |#|
|#| camera-work and postproduction. |#|
|#| |#|
|#| Featuring English, German and Portuguese language |#|
|#| and English/German subtitles for the respective |#|
|#| segments on the main movie and the extras. |#|
|#| |#|
|#| Screened at atleast six different film festivals |#|
|#| and various independent cinemas across the world. |#|
|#| |#|
|#| |#|
|#| |#|
|#| we have returned 100% after a little bit of silence |#|
|#| hopefuly you're all enjoying our recent activities. |#|
|#| |#|
|#| We are the original crew to bring you some the best |#|
|#| quality graffiti releases through the proper ways. |#|
|#| We might be looking for some things or new support! |#|
|#| If you want to contact us ask our partners in crime |#|
|#| or find the most notorious oldschool bbs system. |#|
|#| Greetings to everybody out there enjoying our work. |#|
|#| |#|
|#| Watch out for more nice videos & books real soon. |#| X
|#| Stay tuned and greets to all our friends! |#| ,XXX
'#| AEROHOLiCS - Reclaim' the streets 1999-2012! |#' XX
|#|_______________________________X_____________________;|. X
. . . . |:: _| __
_______ |||||.|| |:: |C|' | ___) ______
(_____ |_____),,,,,, ||||||||. ___|::__|OC_) | |.. |- - -._____| _____)
(___ |. .,xxxxxx .|__ ||_ OCO_ C | |: |=====| | ___)
(_ | |XXXXX(_____| ,___)|' |__C (__._| |__|___; | ) | _)
(_|__| |XXXXX| ||| | | | O | ||| | _|__| , | | |_)
|. .| | , ||__| | | C |__|| | | .| | | |__|
| | | | | ||6_| | | || |_#|| | | :| |--|__ |
_ | | | | |__| _) _ (_ | (_ |_ _| | | | | )__
_( ) |.___.| ___| | (___, | | || ___) _) | X | | | )S )___
(____ \/\/\/| | | \ )___ |//|//|| ___\ )---|: :| |sSSSSS _______)
/\/\/\| | | // |___|//|//||___| \,~ |. |====='SSSSSS ///C=
___======|_____\\\\ (O_OOO)//|//|[___] | __|- - - )))))) ///
__( -2o''''''//// _ $ '//' . . ( (( /
(__________________\\\\ _) .;/ 1999-2012+ ) /__
// - AEROHOLiCS - -(-=+-- - /
\ /!\ /
________________\ _________________________ : O _______________\/_
__( . \ )__
_(. -->> THE AEROHOLiCS BRiNG YOU ToDAY <<-- .)_
| |
| Alter.Ego.-.A.Worldwide.Documentary.About.Graffiti.Writing.2009.LiMiTED.DVDRip.XviD-AEROHOLiCS
| ......................................................................... |
| Release Date 26th March 2012 Supplier/Ripper AEROHOLiCS |
| DVD Street Date 2009/2010 Language English/German/Portuguese |
| Screening Date 2008/2009 Screenings Film Festivals/Cinemas |
| IMDB Rating n/a Produced by Thouw Media |
| Movie Runtime 62:32 mins Locations Worldwide |
| Release Size 699 MB/49x15 MB Subtitles English/German |
| Extras 26 mins 190 MB/14x15 MB DVD Covers 300 dpi |
| Filenames ahs-ae Genre/Style Graffiti Documentary |
| ......................................................................... |
| Video Codec XviD 1.2.1 Audio Codec MP3 Lame 3.97 |
| Video Bitrate 1415 kb/s Audio Bitrate 137 kb/s VBR Stereo |
| Video Bitrate Extras 882 kb/s Audio Bitrate 148 kb/s VBR Stereo |
| Video Framrate 25 fps Video Resolution 592 x 320 |
| Aspect Ratio 1.85:1 DVD Source NTSC Region Free |
| Source Information Retail DVD5 DVD Original 16:9 |
| |
| Info/URL:
um Links zu sehen.
|| |
| x
| . . x(XXx ,xXXx, ,xXXX
(_(____________________________________) ___) X
(____________________________________) ..............RELEASE NOTES X
..)╝╝╝(. 'xxX Alter Ego - The Movie (2009/DE) Xx
.╜╜╜╝╜╝. -~X~ ........................................ ~X
╜╜╜╝╜╜.xXXXXXX X
╝╝╜╝╜╝╝╜╝╝╜╜╜X Tags, throwups and pieces are part of X
____ _ !╝╝__ .__╝╜╝╜' almost every major cityscape around the X
___\ _____ '╜\__)(__/╝╝' world, and are more or less part of our X
╖ _____\ _ \ ('╜╝ - ╝' )X everyday life. X
\\ _ _\) \\ \ \_ '--o'__/.X Alter Ego takes you to 9 major cities X
_____ \\\\ \ __//\/) \> (X around the world and into the lifes of X
\ _ _\_\ _ ___ \. !_/ / /\ \__ some very passionate individuals standing X
_\\\\ \ \\ __\_(__) / / < ! / behind those written identities, walking X
\ \ _ \ ╖(___/ \_/ | _/ _)(_X the borderline between creation and X
\ \\ . \ (__/__) /---\____\ X destruction, art and vandalism. X
\ ╖ '-' !-) _ ( X X
\ Mt _/ / \ _/X They describe the motivation that drives X
╖ _/ (____)) X them to paint the streets, explaining X
\_ _ _ __\!_\\ X their work and their personal backgrounds X
<//_!_\\_> X what graffiti is, what it means to them. X
.-,------------X X
|#| X The camera follows them into places, one X
|#| X would hardly see on their own, shows them X
|#| X on their urban missions as well as their X
|#| X studios and homes. X
|#| X X
|#| X Most of the featured artists pursue a X
|#| X professional career already, either as X
|#| X artists or designers or in fields not X
|#| X related to art at all. They come from X
|#| X different social backgrounds, different X
|#| X countries and cultures, but they all have X
|#| X one thing in common - the love for their X
|#| X creation and expression, and everything X
|#| X that comes out of it. X
|#| X X
|#| X X
|#| X Enjoy this release from the legendary X
|#| X X
|#| X X
|#| ' |####XXXXXXXXXXXX~
|#| Alter Ego (2009/DE) |#|
|#| A Worldwide Documentary About Graffiti Writing |#|
|#| |#|
|#| Featured Writers/Crews:............................ |#|
|#| |#|
|#| ASKEW (Auckland, New Zealand) |#|
|#| CAIB (Sydney, Australia) |#|
|#| CALIGULA (Berlin, Germany) |#|
|#| CANTWO (Mainz, Germany) |#|
|#| DAIM (Hamburg, Germany) |#|
|#| EWOK (Los Angeles, USA) |#|
|#| FDC (Hong Kong, China) |#|
|#| HERBERT BAGLIONE (Sßo Paulo, Brasil) |#|
|#| JUST (Berlin, Germany) |#|
|#| KRUSH (Los Angeles, USA) |#|
|#| NUNCA (Sßo Paulo, Brasil) |#|
|#| ORDER (Amsterdam, Netherlands) |#|
|#| SABER (Los Angeles, USA) |#|
|#| SMASH137 (Basel, Switzerland) |#|
|#| STEVEN GRODY (Los Angeles, USA) |#|
|#| T-KID (New York City, USA) |#|
|#| ZAK (Hamburg, Germany) |#|
|#| |#|
|#| Subtitles:......................................... |#|
|#| |#|
|#| English/German for the main movie and the Extras |#|
|#| |#|
|#| Extras:............................................ |#|
|#| |#|
|#| About the Film |#|
|#| Trailer |#|
|#| Slideshow |#|
|#| |#|
|#| Producion:......................................... |#|
|#| |#|
|#| written, produced and directed by Daniel Thouw |#|
|#| director of photography, Daniel Thouw |#|
|#| edited by Andy Frentzel-Beyme |#|
|#| colorcorrection, Marcus Stotz/Nico Hauter DAS WERK |#|
|#| sound design by Andreas Paruschke |#|
|#| music by Anaphie, Defcut, Face Error, Stieber Twins |#|
|#| T.Raumschmiere, The Crack Whore Society |#|
|#| |#|
|#| |#|
|#| Release Notes:..................................... |#|
|#| |#|
|#| This DVD consists of various video sources, day and |#|
|#| night scenes, expect a variety in video quality. |#|
|#| General high quality DVD production with proper |#|
|#| camera-work and postproduction. |#|
|#| |#|
|#| Featuring English, German and Portuguese language |#|
|#| and English/German subtitles for the respective |#|
|#| segments on the main movie and the extras. |#|
|#| |#|
|#| Screened at atleast six different film festivals |#|
|#| and various independent cinemas across the world. |#|
|#| |#|
|#| |#|
|#| |#|
|#| we have returned 100% after a little bit of silence |#|
|#| hopefuly you're all enjoying our recent activities. |#|
|#| |#|
|#| We are the original crew to bring you some the best |#|
|#| quality graffiti releases through the proper ways. |#|
|#| We might be looking for some things or new support! |#|
|#| If you want to contact us ask our partners in crime |#|
|#| or find the most notorious oldschool bbs system. |#|
|#| Greetings to everybody out there enjoying our work. |#|
|#| |#|
|#| Watch out for more nice videos & books real soon. |#| X
|#| Stay tuned and greets to all our friends! |#| ,XXX
'#| AEROHOLiCS - Reclaim' the streets 1999-2012! |#' XX
|#|_______________________________X_____________________;|. X
Größe: 716 MB
Format: .AVI
Dauer: 00:62:00 Minutes
Auflösung: 512 x 384p
Audio: English, German Lame MP3

um Links zu sehen.