Nintendo Wii Spiele Sammlung - WBFS - PAL (Einzeln & Komplett Ladbar) *Update 09.01.24*




Format WBFS
Plattform: Nintendo Wii
Sprache: PAL (EN, FR, DE, ES, IT)

1 - Meine Tierpension + Meine Tiersprechstunde [SL7DML]
2-in-1: Pony Friends 2 + My Riding Stables: Life with [S26PML]
007 - Ein Quantum Trost [RJ2P52]
10 Minute Solution [SM2P52]
101-in-1 Party Megamix [RYEPHZ]
101-in-1 Sports Party Megamix [SOIPHZ]
2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa [SFWP69]

A Boy and His Blob [SBLP5G]
ABBA - You Can Dance [S2EP41]
AC DC Live - Rock Band Song Pack [R33P69]
Academy of Champions Fussball [R5FP41]
ACB Total 2010 bis 2011 [SACSVS]
Action Girlz Racing [RGYPUG]
Addy Junior und die verzauberte Natur [R8UXMR]
Adibou [R8UXMR]
AFL - Australian Football League [SAFUHS]
AFL Live Game of the Year Edition [SS6UHS]
Agatha Christie Das Bo?se unter der Sonne [RQEP6V]
Agent Hugo Hula Holiday [R3HP6Z]
Agent Hugo Lemoon Twist [RHGP6Z]
Aladin - Magic Racer [SARPNK]
Alan Hansen's Sports Challenge [RCKPGN]
Alice Im Wunderland [SALP4Q]
Alien Monster Bowling League [SABPJG]
Alien Syndrome [RLSP8P]
Aliens in the Attic [RUOPPL]
All Round Hunter [SFSPGT]
All Star Cheerleader 1 [RCXP78]
All Star Cheerleader 2 [R5YP78]
All Star Karate [SKTP78]
Alone in the Dark [RRKP70]
Alvin and the Chipmunks - Chipwrecked [SA3P5G]
Alvin and the Chipmunks [RVBPRS]
Alvin und Die Chipmunks 3 Chip Brunch [SA3P5G]
America´s Next Top Model [R6MPML]
AMF Bowling World Lanes [R6WP68]
AMF Bowling Pinbusters! [RMFP68]
Andrew Lloyd Webber Musicals - Sing and Dance [S3LPY1]
Angry Birds - Star Wars [S7DP52]
Angry Birds Trilogy [SAWP52]
Animal Crossing Let's Go to the City [RNOP01]
Animal Planet Tierarzt [R82P52]
ANNO - Erschaffe eine neue Welt [RN4P41]
Another Code - R - Die Suche nach der verborgenen Erinnerung [RNOP01]
Anubis II [RNVXUG]
Aqua Panic! [RO9PNK]
Arcade Zone [R9XP52]
Arctic Tale [RT2P7J]
Army Men Soldiers of Misfortune [RKYP7J]
Asterix bei den Olympischen Spielen [RQXP70]
Astro Boy The Video Game [R56PG9]
Attack of the Movies 3D [S3APGT]
ATV Fever [SH7PNJ]
ATV Quad Kings [R47P20]
Avatar Der Herr der Elemente - Der Pfad des Feuers [RV9P78]
Avatar The Legend of Aang - The Burning Earth [RVAP78]
Avatar The Legend of Aang [RLVP78]

Baby and Me [R6APPU]
Back to the Future The Game [S5BPKM]
Bakugan - Defenders of the Core [SB6P52]
Ballerina [SBRPKM]
Balls of Fury [RBFP7J]
Band Hero [SXFP52]
Barbie [SNZPVZ]
Barbie & the 3 Musketeers [R23P52]
Barbie and Her Sisters Puppy Rescue [SVQPVZ]
Barbie as The Island Princess [RBVP52]
Barbie Groom and Glam Pups [SB9P78]
Barbie - Pferdeabenteuer - Reitcamp [RRCP52]
Barbie Jet, Set & Style [S3EP78]
Barnyard [RBYP78]
Baroque [RM6P99]
Batman - The Brave and the Bold [S3BPWR]
Battalion Wars 2 [RBWP01]
Battle of the Bands [RHXP78]
Battle vs Chess [SVSPZX]
Battleship [SVBP52]
Beach Fun - Summer Challenge [RV8PRT]
Beat the Beat - Rhythm Paradise [SOMP01]
Bee Movie Game [RBEP52]
Ben 10 - Omniverse 2 Uploaded By BazMkt [SVYPAF]
Ben 10 Alien Force - Vilgax Attacks [SBNPG9]
Ben 10 Alien Force [RWTPG9]
Ben 10 Galactic Racing [SA6PAF]
Ben 10 Omniverse [S5TPAF]
Ben10 -Protector of Earth [RBNXG9]
Benjamin Bluemchen [SUZD7K]
Bibi Blocksberg - Das große Hexenbesen-Rennen! [SGWD7K]
Bibi und Tina Das grosse Reiterfest [SA9D7K]
Big Beach Sports [RVVP78]
Big Brain Academy für Wii [RYWP01]
Big Family Games [RN7P78]
Blast Works - Build, Trade, Destroy [RBRP5G]
Blazing Angels - Squadrons of WWII [RBAP41]
Bleach - Shattered Blade [RBLP8P]
Bomberman Land Wii [RBBP99]
Brico Party - Werde Heimwerker-Ko?nig [R9EPNP]
Broken Sword - Shadow of the Templars - The Director's Cut [RSJP41]
Brunswick Pro Bowling [RBPPGT]
Build A Bear Friendship Valley NOE [R9UPGY]
Bully - Scholarship Edition [RB7P54]

Cabela's Big Game Hunter [RCBP52]
Call of Duty - Black Ops [SC7P52]
Call of Duty 3 [RCDP52]
Carnival Games [RCGP54]
Carnival Games Mini Golf [RG9P54]
Cars 2 [SCYP4Q]
Cars Mater-National [RC2X78]
Crash 2008 [RC8P7D]
CSI - Deadly Intent [R5UP41]
CSI - Hard Evidence [RCIP41]
Cursed Mountain [RQ6PKM]

Disney Epic Mickey [SEMP4Q]
Disney Epic Mickey 2 - The Power of Two
Donkey Kong Country Returns [SF8P01]
Donkey Kong Jet Race [RDKP01]
Donkey Kong Jungle Beat R49P01]

F1 2009 [R9FP36]
Family Party - 30 Great Games - Outdoor Fun [R63PG9]
Family Party - 30 Great Games - Winter Fun [S3WPG9]
Family Party - Party Pack [SFYPAF]
Fire Emblem - Radiant Dawn [RFEP01]
Far Cry Vengeance [RCVP41]
FIFA 09 All-Play [RF9P69]
FIFA 12 [SI3P69]
FIFA 13 [S3FP69]
FIFA 14 [SVHP69]
FIFA 15 [SQVP69]

Guitar Hero - Aerosmith [RGVP52]
Guitar Hero - Metallica [SXBP52]
Guitar Hero - Van Halen [SXDP52]
Guitar Hero 5 [SXEP52]
Guitar Hero Greatest Hits [SXCP52]

Happy Feet [RHFP5D]
Happy Feet 2 [SHXPWR]
Harry Potter und die Heiligtümer des Todes - Teil 1 [SHHP69]
Harry Potter und die Heiligtümer des Todes - Teil 2 [SH5P69]

James Bond - Golden Eye [SJBP52]
Just Dance [SDNP41]
Just Dance 2 [SD2P41]
Just Dance 3 [SJDP41]
Just Dance 4 Special Edition [SJXD41]
Just Dance 2015 [SE3P41]
Just Dance 2016 [SJNP41]
Just Dance 2017 [SZ7P41]
Just Dance 2018 [SE8P41]
Just Dance 2019 [S5EP41]
Just Dance 2020 [S2UP41]
Just Dance Best Of [SJTP41]
Just Dance Disney Party 2 [S5DP41]
Just Dance Kids [SJZP41]
Just Dance Kids 2014 [SJ7P41]

Kirby's Adventure Wii [SUKP01]
Kirby und das magische Garn [RK5P01]

Legend of the Guardians - The Owls of Ga'Hoole [R9GPWR]
LEGO Harry Potter - Years 1-4 [R25PWR]
LEGO Harry Potter - Years 5-7[SLHPWR]
LEGO Indiana Jones - The Original Adventures [RLIP64]
LEGO Indiana Jones 2 [RL4P64]
LEGO Star Wars - The Complete Saga [RLGP64]
Lernerfolg Grundschule Deutsch
Lernerfolg Grundschule Englisch
Lernerfolg Grundschule Mathematik
Let's Sing 2014 [S7KPKM]
Let's Sing 2015 [SY8PKM]
Let's Sing 2016 [SLGPKM]
Let's Sing 2017 [S33DKM]
Let's Sing 2018 Deutsche Hits [S34DKM]
Let's Sing 2019 Deutsche Hits [SL5DKM]

Madden NFL 07
Madden NFL 08
Madden NFL 09 All-Play
Madden NFL 10
Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games [SIIP8P]
Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games [ROLP8P]
Mario Party 8 [RM8P01]
Mario Party 9 [SSQP01]
Mario Power Tennis [RMAP01]
Mario Strikers Charged Football [R4QP01]
MarioKartWii [RMCP01]
Marvel Super Hero Squad [SMZP78]
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 [RMSP52]
Medieval Games [R2OP68]
Men In Black - Alien Crisis [S3ZP52]
Metroid Prime 3 - Corruption [RM3P01]
Metroid Prime Trilogy [R3MP01]
Minon - Everyday Hero [RDMPHZ]
Monopoly [RWOP69]
Monster Hunter Tri [RMHP08]
Monster4x4 [RQZP41]
My Fitness Coach - Cardio Workout [REKP41]
My Fitness Coach - Dance Workout [SCWP41]
My Fitness Coach [RFKX41]
My Fitness Coach Club [SF5P41]
My French Coach [REFP41]
MySims [RSIP69]
MySims Agents [R5XP69]

New Super Mario Bros. Wii[SMNP01]
Nitrobike [RNRE41]

Obscure 2 [ROBPPL]

Pandora s Tower [SX3P01]
Pokemon Battle Revolution [RPBP01]
PokePark Wii [R8AP01]
Punch Out [R7PP01]

Quiz Party [SQUPX3]

Red Steel 2 [RD2X41]

Schlag den Raab - Das 2. Spiel [SCQDRV]
Schlag den Raab - Das 3. Spiel [SUYDRV]
Schlag den Raab [SSDDRV]
Silent Hill - Shattered Memories [SHLPA4]
Super Mario All-Stars 25th Anniversary Edition [SVMP01]
Super Mario Galaxy [RMGP01]
Super Mario Galaxy 2[SB4P01]

Tetris Party Deluxe [STEPTR]
The Ant Bully [RI3P5D]
The Last Story [SLSP01]
The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword [SOUP01]
The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess [RZDP01]

Ultimate I SPY [RUZP5G]

Wario Land - The Shake Dimension [RWLP01]
Wii Music [R64P01]
Wii Party [SUPP01]
Wii Play [RHAP01]
Wii Sports [RSPP01]
Wii Sports Resort [RZTP01]

Xenoblade Chronicles [SX4P01]

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em00n kommentiert
Danke für deinen Upoad. Mario Party 9 und All Stars scheinen Teile zu fehlen.
em00n kommentiert
New Super Mario Bros. leider ebenfalls.
Errorfile kommentiert

Mario Party 9 hat nur 1 Part.

Und bei fragen oder Problem schreibt mir bitte eine PN!
Errorfile kommentiert

Auch das spiel kann man Problem los downloaden und entpacken.
em00n kommentiert
Ja du hast recht, JDL mault nur rum wegen der 001, das Programm erwartet weitere Archive.
Errorfile kommentiert
Es wird ein Update kommen.
Hoster wird erstmal nur DDownload sein.
Aladin1206 kommentiert
Gibt´s die auch mal auf rapid....?
Errorfile kommentiert

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