582.45 MB | 00:07:02 | mp4 | 1280X720 | 16:9
Genre:eLearning |Language:English
Files Included :
1 Course Overview (2.35 MB)
101 Sandbox (203.02 KB)
01 Introduction (3.55 MB)
02 Creating a New Console App (15.3 MB)
03 Checking if a File Exists (11.41 MB)
04 Getting the Parent Directory of a Path (7.89 MB)
05 Checking if a Directory Exists and Creating New Directories (11.45 MB)
06 Copying a File (10 MB)
07 Moving a File (11.7 MB)
08 Getting the File Extension from a File Name (7.99 MB)
09 Checkpoint 01 - Get the Parent Directory for a Path (226.93 KB)
10 Changing a Filename Extension (9.71 MB)
11 Checkpoint 02 - Get the Extension Part of a Filename (221.28 KB)
12 Deleting a Directory (8.7 MB)
13 Enumerating All the Files in a Directory (11.33 MB)
14 Summary (2.19 MB)
15 Exercise 01 - Copying and Deleting Files (212.12 KB)
01 Introduction (3.09 MB)
02 Introducing the FileSystemWatcher Class (2.26 MB)
03 The InternalBufferSize Property (3.67 MB)
04 Configuring Notification Filters (1.46 MB)
05 Additional Properties (967.03 KB)
06 Refactoring to Use a FileSystemWatcher (20.03 MB)
07 Checkpoint 03 - Define a New FileSystemWatcher Instance in Code (223.92 KB)
08 Observing the FileSystemWatcher Events (12.67 MB)
09 Automatically Processing Created Files (11.6 MB)
10 Automatically Processing Changed Files (6.76 MB)
11 Checkpoint 04 - Set a FileSystemWatcher to notify solely on file name changes (231.36 KB)
12 Ignoring Duplicate FileSystemWatcher Events with a ConcurrentDictionary (17.84 MB)
13 Ignoring Duplicate FileSystemWatcher Events with a MemoryCache (21.64 MB)
14 Adding Existing File Processing (5.39 MB)
15 FileSystemWatcher Testing Considerations (2.35 MB)
16 Summary (1.81 MB)
01 Introduction (2.52 MB)
02 Reading and Writing Text Files (14.85 MB)
03 Checkpoint 05 - Use the File class to read all the text from a file into a string (228.21 KB)
04 Reading and Writing Text Files with String Arrays (8.71 MB)
05 Checkpoint 06 - Use the File class to write a string instance to a text file (237.97 KB)
06 Specifying Text Encodings (5.86 MB)
07 Appending Text Content (1.79 MB)
08 Reading and Writing the Entire Contents of Binary Files (9.95 MB)
09 Checkpoint 07 - Use the File class to read binary data from a file into a byte array (229.53 KB)
10 Considerations (1.74 MB)
11 Summary (1.64 MB)
12 Exercise 03 - Write a simple app to read text from a text file, convert it to uppercase, and write it out to a new file (245.52 KB)
01 Introduction (2.32 MB)
02 An Introduction to Streams (3.63 MB)
03 The Benefits of Streams (1.68 MB)
04 NET Class Hierarchy Overview (4.8 MB)
05 Using Streams to Read and Write Text Content (24.56 MB)
06 FileStreamOptions Properties (7.08 MB)
07 Simplifying StreamReader and StreamWriter Creation (7.32 MB)
08 Checkpoint 08 - Use a static method on the File class to define a StreamReader instance (236.43 KB)
09 Checkpoint 09 - Define a StreamWriter instance for a given file path (226.38 KB)
10 Selectively Processing Part of Stream (4.38 MB)
11 Using Streams to Read and Write Binary Data (9.51 MB)
12 Using BinaryReader and BinaryWriter (18.16 MB)
13 Checkpoint 10 - Define a FileStream instance using a static File method to read data (244.67 KB)
14 Specifying Text Encodings (1.9 MB)
15 Using Streams to Append Data (1.26 MB)
16 Random FileStream Access (3.29 MB)
17 MemoryStream Overview (1.95 MB)
18 Asynchronous Streams (4.18 MB)
19 Thread-safe File IO (3.47 MB)
20 Summary (2.36 MB)
21 Exercise 04 - Create a simple application to read binary data one byte at a time using a stream (238.15 KB)
01 Introduction (2.52 MB)
02 An Overview of the CsvHelper Library (2.21 MB)
03 Reading CSV Data Dynamically (18.25 MB)
04 Checkpoint 11 - Define a CsvConfiguration that uses an invariant culture (225.52 KB)
05 Checkpoint 12 - Use CsvHelper to read all the records in a CSV file as dynamic data (230.39 KB)
06 Configuring CSV Comment Reading (6.19 MB)
07 Configuring Trimming of Whitespace (4.52 MB)
08 Configuring CSV Blank Line Handling (4.57 MB)
09 Configuring CSV File Headers (7.03 MB)
10 Configuring a Custom Delimiter (7.1 MB)
11 Checkpoint 13 - Configure CsvHelper to use a semicolon instead of a comma (230.72 KB)
12 Reading CSV Data in a Strongly Typed Way (7.48 MB)
13 Configuring Custom Class Mapping (13.59 MB)
14 Creating Custom Type Converters (9.07 MB)
15 Configuring Header Validation and Missing Field Actions (10.34 MB)
16 Writing CSV Files (5.69 MB)
17 Summary (2.39 MB)
18 Exercise 05 - Create Strongly typed Classes (215.98 KB)
01 Introduction (1.87 MB)
02 The Problems with Testing File Access Code (3.04 MB)
03 An Overview of System IO Abstractions (2.92 MB)
04 Refactoring for Testability (25.56 MB)
05 Adding a TextFileProcessor Test (24.11 MB)
06 Checkpoint 14 - Create a MockFileData instance containing 3 lines of text (240.28 KB)
07 Adding a BinaryFileProcessor Test (9.51 MB)
08 Checkpoint 15 - Add a file to a MockFileSystem instance (218.42 KB)
09 Adding a CsvFileProcessor Test (10.62 MB)
10 Checkpoint 16 - Add a directory to a MockFileSystem instance (223.38 KB)
11 Checkpoint 17 - Read a file from a MockFileSystem instance (220.63 KB)
12 Asserting Mock File Output with Approval Tests (19.15 MB)
13 Summary, Resources, and Further Learning (3.03 MB)
14 Exercise 06 - Write a class that abstracts away the physical file system so that it can be unit tested (241.33 KB)
c-sharp-10-working-files (2.22 MB)
101 Sandbox (203.02 KB)
01 Introduction (3.55 MB)
02 Creating a New Console App (15.3 MB)
03 Checking if a File Exists (11.41 MB)
04 Getting the Parent Directory of a Path (7.89 MB)
05 Checking if a Directory Exists and Creating New Directories (11.45 MB)
06 Copying a File (10 MB)
07 Moving a File (11.7 MB)
08 Getting the File Extension from a File Name (7.99 MB)
09 Checkpoint 01 - Get the Parent Directory for a Path (226.93 KB)
10 Changing a Filename Extension (9.71 MB)
11 Checkpoint 02 - Get the Extension Part of a Filename (221.28 KB)
12 Deleting a Directory (8.7 MB)
13 Enumerating All the Files in a Directory (11.33 MB)
14 Summary (2.19 MB)
15 Exercise 01 - Copying and Deleting Files (212.12 KB)
01 Introduction (3.09 MB)
02 Introducing the FileSystemWatcher Class (2.26 MB)
03 The InternalBufferSize Property (3.67 MB)
04 Configuring Notification Filters (1.46 MB)
05 Additional Properties (967.03 KB)
06 Refactoring to Use a FileSystemWatcher (20.03 MB)
07 Checkpoint 03 - Define a New FileSystemWatcher Instance in Code (223.92 KB)
08 Observing the FileSystemWatcher Events (12.67 MB)
09 Automatically Processing Created Files (11.6 MB)
10 Automatically Processing Changed Files (6.76 MB)
11 Checkpoint 04 - Set a FileSystemWatcher to notify solely on file name changes (231.36 KB)
12 Ignoring Duplicate FileSystemWatcher Events with a ConcurrentDictionary (17.84 MB)
13 Ignoring Duplicate FileSystemWatcher Events with a MemoryCache (21.64 MB)
14 Adding Existing File Processing (5.39 MB)
15 FileSystemWatcher Testing Considerations (2.35 MB)
16 Summary (1.81 MB)
01 Introduction (2.52 MB)
02 Reading and Writing Text Files (14.85 MB)
03 Checkpoint 05 - Use the File class to read all the text from a file into a string (228.21 KB)
04 Reading and Writing Text Files with String Arrays (8.71 MB)
05 Checkpoint 06 - Use the File class to write a string instance to a text file (237.97 KB)
06 Specifying Text Encodings (5.86 MB)
07 Appending Text Content (1.79 MB)
08 Reading and Writing the Entire Contents of Binary Files (9.95 MB)
09 Checkpoint 07 - Use the File class to read binary data from a file into a byte array (229.53 KB)
10 Considerations (1.74 MB)
11 Summary (1.64 MB)
12 Exercise 03 - Write a simple app to read text from a text file, convert it to uppercase, and write it out to a new file (245.52 KB)
01 Introduction (2.32 MB)
02 An Introduction to Streams (3.63 MB)
03 The Benefits of Streams (1.68 MB)
04 NET Class Hierarchy Overview (4.8 MB)
05 Using Streams to Read and Write Text Content (24.56 MB)
06 FileStreamOptions Properties (7.08 MB)
07 Simplifying StreamReader and StreamWriter Creation (7.32 MB)
08 Checkpoint 08 - Use a static method on the File class to define a StreamReader instance (236.43 KB)
09 Checkpoint 09 - Define a StreamWriter instance for a given file path (226.38 KB)
10 Selectively Processing Part of Stream (4.38 MB)
11 Using Streams to Read and Write Binary Data (9.51 MB)
12 Using BinaryReader and BinaryWriter (18.16 MB)
13 Checkpoint 10 - Define a FileStream instance using a static File method to read data (244.67 KB)
14 Specifying Text Encodings (1.9 MB)
15 Using Streams to Append Data (1.26 MB)
16 Random FileStream Access (3.29 MB)
17 MemoryStream Overview (1.95 MB)
18 Asynchronous Streams (4.18 MB)
19 Thread-safe File IO (3.47 MB)
20 Summary (2.36 MB)
21 Exercise 04 - Create a simple application to read binary data one byte at a time using a stream (238.15 KB)
01 Introduction (2.52 MB)
02 An Overview of the CsvHelper Library (2.21 MB)
03 Reading CSV Data Dynamically (18.25 MB)
04 Checkpoint 11 - Define a CsvConfiguration that uses an invariant culture (225.52 KB)
05 Checkpoint 12 - Use CsvHelper to read all the records in a CSV file as dynamic data (230.39 KB)
06 Configuring CSV Comment Reading (6.19 MB)
07 Configuring Trimming of Whitespace (4.52 MB)
08 Configuring CSV Blank Line Handling (4.57 MB)
09 Configuring CSV File Headers (7.03 MB)
10 Configuring a Custom Delimiter (7.1 MB)
11 Checkpoint 13 - Configure CsvHelper to use a semicolon instead of a comma (230.72 KB)
12 Reading CSV Data in a Strongly Typed Way (7.48 MB)
13 Configuring Custom Class Mapping (13.59 MB)
14 Creating Custom Type Converters (9.07 MB)
15 Configuring Header Validation and Missing Field Actions (10.34 MB)
16 Writing CSV Files (5.69 MB)
17 Summary (2.39 MB)
18 Exercise 05 - Create Strongly typed Classes (215.98 KB)
01 Introduction (1.87 MB)
02 The Problems with Testing File Access Code (3.04 MB)
03 An Overview of System IO Abstractions (2.92 MB)
04 Refactoring for Testability (25.56 MB)
05 Adding a TextFileProcessor Test (24.11 MB)
06 Checkpoint 14 - Create a MockFileData instance containing 3 lines of text (240.28 KB)
07 Adding a BinaryFileProcessor Test (9.51 MB)
08 Checkpoint 15 - Add a file to a MockFileSystem instance (218.42 KB)
09 Adding a CsvFileProcessor Test (10.62 MB)
10 Checkpoint 16 - Add a directory to a MockFileSystem instance (223.38 KB)
11 Checkpoint 17 - Read a file from a MockFileSystem instance (220.63 KB)
12 Asserting Mock File Output with Approval Tests (19.15 MB)
13 Summary, Resources, and Further Learning (3.03 MB)
14 Exercise 06 - Write a class that abstracts away the physical file system so that it can be unit tested (241.33 KB)
c-sharp-10-working-files (2.22 MB)
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