Udemy TypeScript Masterclass (2024) Edition React NodeJS Project



7.21 GB | 00:12:58 | mp4 | 1280X720 | 16:9
Genre:eLearning |Language:English

Files Included :
003 How To Take Full Advantage Of The Course (4.81 MB)
004 Course Update And Change Log (16.23 MB)
005 What Is TypeScript (28.65 MB)
006 Setup Development Environment (12.59 MB)
007 Setting Up TypeScript Compiler (30 MB)
008 How TypeScript Helps You Catch Errors (24.3 MB)
009 Your First TypeScript Program (33.2 MB)
010 Deep Dive into the JavaScript File Generated by TypeScript (14.72 MB)
011 TypeScript Type System (11.09 MB)
001 Introduction To Primitive Types (2.55 MB)
002 string, number and boolean (14.68 MB)
003 null and undefined Types (6.21 MB)
004 bigint Type (16.64 MB)
005 symbol Type (8.22 MB)
006 ★ Practice The Primitive Types ★ (1.12 MB)
007 ★Solution The Primitive Types★ (2.19 MB)
001 Introduction To TypeSystem (4.54 MB)
002 any Type (8.49 MB)
003 unknown type (6.34 MB)
004 Type Alias (8.53 MB)
005 Inference, Annotation, Duck Typing and Declaration (10.74 MB)
006 Union Types (11.49 MB)
007 Quick Conditional Types (5.06 MB)
008 Understanding Type Hierarchy (39.31 MB)
009 Type Casting (7.62 MB)
010 ★Practice Type System★ (6.89 MB)
011 ★ Solution Type System ★ (40.31 MB)
001 Introduction To Objects (1.96 MB)
002 Working With Objects (8.06 MB)
003 Type Alias For Objects (9.1 MB)
004 Nested Objects (6.23 MB)
005 Index Signatures With Objects (13.54 MB)
006 Optional And Readonly Properties (9.59 MB)
007 Union Types With Objects (12.13 MB)
008 Discriminating Unions (16.76 MB)
009 Intersection Types (7.12 MB)
010 ★Practice Strictly Type an Object★ (992.04 KB)
011 ★Solution Strictly Type an Object★ (7.74 MB)
001 Introduction To Arrays And Enums (2.74 MB)
002 Strictly Typing Arrays (13.51 MB)
003 Tuples (17.77 MB)
004 Readonly Arrays and Tuples (10.24 MB)
005 Enums (18.61 MB)
006 Enums are Available At Runtime (9.3 MB)
007 Enums Vs Objects (12.15 MB)
008 Computed Enums (4.35 MB)
009 Enums as Unions and Types (11.65 MB)
010 ★Practice Arrays and Enums★ (1.43 MB)
011 ★Solution Arrays and Enums★ (16.55 MB)
001 Declaring Functions (10.17 MB)
002 Default and Optional Parameters (4.91 MB)
003 Custom Parameters And Return Types (11.1 MB)
004 Function Call Signatures (8.84 MB)
005 Anonymous Functions (3.59 MB)
006 void and never Types (8.56 MB)
007 Async Functions (9.04 MB)
008 Rest Parameters And Arguments (17.45 MB)
009 Parameter Destructuring (7.43 MB)
010 Introduction to Function Overloading (11.25 MB)
011 Function Overloading In TypeScript (61.05 MB)
012 ★Practice Functions in TypeScript★ (2.61 MB)
013 ★Solution Functions in TypeScript★ (44.52 MB)
001 What are Generics (17.32 MB)
002 Generic Function Declarations (19.99 MB)
003 Generic and Constraints With Arrays (8.56 MB)
004 Generics With Objects (15.69 MB)
005 keyof Type Operator (23.44 MB)
006 Generic Default Values (17.74 MB)
007 Implementing A Polymorphic Function (34.1 MB)
008 Problems With Function Overloads (7.69 MB)
009 Using Generics Instead Of Function Overloads (11.71 MB)
010 ★Practice Implement Map Function★ (7.27 MB)
011 ★Solution Implement Map Function★ (13.65 MB)
001 What Are Classes (6.56 MB)
002 Running TypeScript In Browser (16.32 MB)
003 Creating First Class And Instance (11.38 MB)
004 Constructor Function (13 MB)
005 this Keyword (11.59 MB)
006 Classes as Types (10.74 MB)
007 Optional And Readonly Fields (25.57 MB)
008 Inheritance With Classes (19.02 MB)
009 super Method (32.69 MB)
010 ★ Practice Classes Exercise 1 ★ (5.44 MB)
011 ★Solution Classes Exercise 1★ (78.65 MB)
012 Access Modifiers (7.56 MB)
013 public Members (17.96 MB)
014 protected Members (36.33 MB)
015 private Members (9.45 MB)
016 Which Access Modifier to Use (3.18 MB)
017 Overriding Methods In Child Classes (15.29 MB)
018 Shorthand For Constructor (16.18 MB)
019 More Control Over Classes (19.09 MB)
020 Using Mutators - Setters (22.76 MB)
021 Using Accessors - Getters (11.68 MB)
022 Static Members (10.84 MB)
023 Understanding Static Blocks (15.13 MB)
024 Generics With Classes (12.64 MB)
025 Generics Use Case (30.86 MB)
026 Concrete Implementation With User Type (10.74 MB)
027 Intro To Mixins (4.79 MB)
028 Composing New Classes With Mixins (22.16 MB)
029 ★Practice Classes Exercise 2★ (2.37 MB)
030 ★Solution Classes Exercise 2★ (67.3 MB)
001 Module Introduction - Abstract Classes And Interfaces (2.26 MB)
002 Introduction To Abstract Classes (14.38 MB)
002 project (7.57 KB)
003 Shared methods in Abstract Classes (9.81 MB)
004 project (7.39 KB)
004 Protected Constructor And Child Classes (22.87 MB)
005 Adding Holidays To Classes (13.7 MB)
005 project (7.94 KB)
006 Print Holidays Method (41.39 MB)
006 project (7.94 KB)
007 Method Overriding In Child Class (21.67 MB)
007 project (7.94 KB)
008 Introduction to Abstract Methods (23.95 MB)
008 project (7.94 KB)
009 Introduction to Interfaces (263.04 MB)
010 Introduction to Interfaces (7.28 MB)
010 project-82 (9.44 KB)
011 Extending Interfaces using extends keyword (13.95 MB)
011 project-83 (9.51 KB)
012 Inheriting From Multiple Interfaces (26.91 MB)
012 project-84 (9.69 KB)
013 Interfaces and Generics (4.17 MB)
013 project (7.56 KB)
014 Assigning Generics To Interfaces (10.17 MB)
014 project (7.56 KB)
015 project (7.56 KB)
015 Using Multiple Types as Generics (18.81 MB)
016 project (7.56 KB)
016 Using interfaces with classes (29.18 MB)
017 Multiple Classes Using the Same Interface (15.48 MB)
017 project (7.56 KB)
018 Implementing Multiple Interfaces (14.47 MB)
018 project (7.58 KB)
019 Multiple inheritance in classes using interfaces (7.32 MB)
019 project (7.53 KB)
020 Interfaces and Access Modifiers (12.55 MB)
020 project (7.6 KB)
021 Declaration Merging Interfaces (5.38 MB)
022 Difference Between a Type and an Interface (19.27 MB)
022 project (7.41 KB)
023 Difference Between a Abstract Class and an Interface (21.41 MB)
023 project (8.11 KB)
024 Difference Between Interfaces and Abstract Classes 2 (17.24 MB)
024 project (8.11 KB)
025 What should you use Abstract Class or Interfaces (8.88 MB)
001 Module Introduction - The TypeScript Compiler (1.59 MB)
002 project (4.38 KB)
002 Setting up a Base Project (4.16 MB)
003 Including and Excluding Files (18.99 MB)
003 project (5.03 KB)
004 project (6.33 KB)
004 rootDir and outDir (17.44 MB)
005 project (6.33 KB)
005 Setting a Compilation Target (13.49 MB)
006 project (6.35 KB)
006 TypeScript Core Libs (29.61 MB)
007 Project (6.42 KB)
007 Type Checking Options (39.9 MB)
008 JS in Browser Using Liver Server (4.64 MB)
009 project (6.66 KB)
009 Understanding Source Maps (5.46 MB)
001 Module Introduction - Prototypes And Objects (2.4 MB)
002 project (6.16 KB)
002 This Keyword In JS (9.36 MB)
003 project (6.21 KB)
003 Weird Behaviour Of The This Keyword (14.6 MB)
004 Constructor Functions (6.89 MB)
004 project (7.58 KB)
005 Javascript's Own Constructor Function (21.95 MB)
005 project (6.86 KB)
006 project (6.88 KB)
006 Understanding Prototypes (15.16 MB)
007 project (7.66 KB)
007 Prototypical Inheritance Theory (9.17 MB)
008 Inheriting The User Properties (17.71 MB)
008 project (6.95 KB)
009 Inheriting The User Prototypes (17.74 MB)
009 project (7.73 KB)
010 Alternate Methods Of Creating Objects (12.32 MB)
010 project (6.75 KB)
011 Introduction To Property Descriptors (13.01 MB)
011 project (6.89 KB)
012 defineProperty Method (11.17 MB)
012 project (6.78 KB)
013 How Classes Are Syntactic Sugar On Prototypes (9.12 MB)
013 project (7.11 KB)
001 Introduction to Decorators (20.11 MB)
002 project (7.43 KB)
002 Writing Our First Decorator (21.7 MB)
003 project (7.52 KB)
003 When Are Decorators Invoked (7.69 MB)
004 Introduction To Decorator Factories (8.62 MB)
004 project (7.56 KB)
005 Changes To Decorators In TypeScript 5 (99.92 MB)
006 Adding To Prototype (42.53 MB)
006 project (7.83 KB)
007 Interfaces For Prototypes (5.78 MB)
007 project (7.87 KB)
008 Adding Functions to Prototypes (7.42 MB)
008 project (8.04 KB)
009 project (8.08 KB)
009 Using Same Decorator With Multiple Classes (9.38 MB)
010 Method Decorators (40.44 MB)
010 project (7.8 KB)
011 project (7.81 KB)
011 Static Method Decorators (11.09 MB)
012 Decorators For Method Parameters (9.33 MB)
012 project (7.59 KB)
013 Decorators For Class Properties And Accessors (15.59 MB)
013 project (7.61 KB)
014 Multiple Decorators And Returning Values from Class Decorators (60.53 MB)
014 project (7.24 KB)
015 Decorator Composition and Evaluation (8.89 MB)
001 Introduction To Namespaces (13.3 MB)
002 Starting With Namespaces (13.91 MB)
003 Namespaces In Multiple Files (31.64 MB)
004 Working With ESM Modules (45.48 MB)
005 Mixed Module Interoperability (25.24 MB)
001 Transitioning JavaScript to TypeScript (24.58 MB)
002 First Declaration File (15.93 MB)
003 Reusable Types With Interfaces (13.25 MB)
004 Function Overloads With Declaration Files (14.87 MB)
005 Using Namespaces In Declaration Files (19.37 MB)
006 Declaration For Classes (25.96 MB)
007 Ambient Declarations (32.52 MB)
008 Using @Types Packages (6.18 MB)
001 Module Introduction - Advanced Concepts and Features (1.48 MB)
002 Understanding Subtypes And Supertypes (12.45 MB)
003 How TypeScript Checks Compatibility (5.43 MB)
003 project (6.49 KB)
004 Project (6.75 KB)
004 Type Widening (15.83 MB)
005 project (6.7 KB)
005 Typecasting (14.75 MB)
006 project (8.05 KB)
006 Totality (10.05 MB)
007 Discriminated Unions (15.47 MB)
007 project (7.91 KB)
008 keying-in or Index Accessed Types (25.22 MB)
008 project (7.37 KB)
009 keyof operator (23.19 MB)
009 projects (6.89 KB)
010 typeOf Operator (7.73 MB)
011 Mapped Types (14.2 MB)
011 project (7.03 KB)
012 project (6.93 KB)
012 Using Mapped Types (33.54 MB)
013 Conditional Types (9.63 MB)
013 project (7.34 KB)
014 ★ Practice Conditional Types (6.59 MB)
015 Solution Conditional Types (26.62 MB)
016 Constraints on conditional types (19.5 MB)
017 Inferring With Conditional Types (13.9 MB)
018 Infer The Return Type Of A Function (10.28 MB)
019 Infer Function Arguments (34.14 MB)
020 Satisfies Operator (TS Version 5 feature) (22.12 MB)
001 Introduction To Type Guards (7.84 MB)
002 typeof Type Guards (18.19 MB)
003 Truthiness Narrowing (11.12 MB)
004 Equality Narrowing (9.53 MB)
005 in Operator narrowing (6.99 MB)
006 instanceOf Type Guards (45.57 MB)
001 Intro To Built In Utility Types (11.81 MB)
002 How Do Utility Types Work Behind The Scenes (18.27 MB)
003 AwaitedType (8.5 MB)
004 RecordKeys, Type (42.4 MB)
005 PickType, Keys (9.36 MB)
006 OmitOldType, Keys (19.3 MB)
007 PartialType (15.07 MB)
008 RequiredType (6.5 MB)
009 ReadonlyType (3.92 MB)
010 String Manipulation Types (8.69 MB)
001 An Overview Of The Application (25.39 MB)
002 Development Paths (6.49 MB)
003 A Note About ESLint And Prettier (16.12 MB)
004 Using Type Definitions (12.43 MB)
001 A Look At The Design And What We Are Going To Build (5.51 MB)
002 project (302.09 KB)
002 Using Create React App With TypeScript (5.43 MB)
003 Installing And Configuring ESLint (21.68 MB)
003 project (305.9 KB)
004 Installing And Configuring Prettier (8.16 MB)
004 project (307.33 KB)
005 Our First TSX React Component (34.04 MB)
005 project (304.5 KB)
006 Getting Started With Material UI (11.95 MB)
006 project (312.8 KB)
007 Create Custom Material UI Theme (42.88 MB)
007 projects (313.34 KB)
008 Creating Our First Page (35.84 MB)
008 project (28.42 KB)
009 Breaking Dashboard Into Components (28.82 MB)
009 project (29.6 KB)
010 Creating Profile Component (16.17 MB)
010 project (30.16 KB)
011 Profile Component Layout (13.31 MB)
011 project (30.41 KB)
012 Adding Props (22.18 MB)
012 project (30.51 KB)
013 project (30.54 KB)
013 Using TypeScript With Props (25.8 MB)
014 Interfaces or PropTypes (29.35 MB)
014 project (30.55 KB)
015 Creating CreateATask Component (25.61 MB)
015 project (32.99 KB)
016 Creating Title And Description Components (47.36 MB)
016 project (34.67 KB)
017 Making Components Dynamic Using Interfaces (112.17 MB)
017 project (33.53 KB)
018 project (33.64 KB)
018 Using PropTypes (14.27 MB)
019 Creating DateField Component (70.6 MB)
019 project (34.29 KB)
020 Adding Props to DateField (62.5 MB)
020 project (34.75 KB)
021 Creating taskSelectField Component (37.6 MB)
021 project (35.38 KB)
022 Interfaces for taskSelectField (99.04 MB)
022 project (36.02 KB)
023 project (37.14 KB)
023 PropTypes And Dynamic Options (58.78 MB)
024 project (37.38 KB)
024 Task Area Layout (33.09 MB)
025 project (38.08 KB)
025 The Task Counter Component (18.45 MB)
026 project (38.23 KB)
026 Styling The Task Counter (5.94 MB)
027 Making Values Dynamic (22.77 MB)
027 project (38.93 KB)
028 Creating The Correct Border Color (47.51 MB)
028 project (39.72 KB)
029 Emitting Correct Label (45.93 MB)
029 project (42.26 KB)
030 project (43.39 KB)
030 Starting with the Task Component (26.91 MB)
031 project (44.37 KB)
031 The Task Header Component (42.75 MB)
032 project (45.21 KB)
032 Task Description Component (25.29 MB)
033 project (45.77 KB)
033 Task Footer Component (34.19 MB)
034 Making Task Footer Dynamic (51.69 MB)
034 project (46.33 KB)
035 Adding Props To Task Component (42.75 MB)
035 project (46.93 KB)
036 Dynamic Colors to Border In Task Component (31.19 MB)
036 project (47.49 KB)
037 Concluding Front-end Development (3.07 MB)
037 project (47.49 KB)
001 Module Introduction Building Node API With TypeScript (9.35 MB)
002 Creating A Basic Node Server (21.23 MB)
002 project (1.6 KB)
003 Adding TypeScript To Node Server (21.07 MB)
003 project (5.14 KB)
004 Converting index js to index ts (27.86 MB)
004 project (5.16 KB)
005 Automating the Development Process (54.18 MB)
005 project (4.69 KB)
006 ESlint And Prettier Integration (21.27 MB)
006 project (5.45 KB)
007 Understanding TypeORM (15.69 MB)
008 Integrating TypeORM (39.24 MB)
008 project (5.77 KB)
010 Adding Other Dependencies (16.77 MB)
010 project (5.86 KB)
011 project (8.03 KB)
011 Understanding TypeORM Entities (19.16 MB)
012 Adding Primary Key To Task Entity (17.62 MB)
012 project (7.3 KB)
013 Completing Task Entity (30 MB)
013 project (7.41 KB)
014 Abstracting Routing Logic (37.05 MB)
014 project (7.75 KB)
015 Understanding Application Flow (18.74 MB)
016 Creating A Tasks Controller (13.41 MB)
016 project (7.98 KB)
017 Creating A TypeORM Repository (8.65 MB)
017 Project (8.15 KB)
018 project (8.31 KB)
018 Using Repository To Get All Tasks (17.65 MB)
019 project (11.13 KB)
019 Setup For Testing HTTP Requests (15.48 MB)
020 Checking Results From Repository (13.51 MB)
020 project (8.65 KB)
021 Introduction to Class Transformer (23.03 MB)
021 project (178 B)
022 project (8.74 KB)
022 Sending A Response From Tasks Router (10.08 MB)
023 Creating The Post Endpoint (6.98 MB)
023 project (8.75 KB)
024 Introduction To Express Validator (65.41 MB)
024 project (9.32 KB)
025 project (9.6 KB)
025 Using The Validator (20.93 MB)
026 project (9.54 KB)
026 Refactoring Router And Controller (95.04 MB)
027 Moving Validation Logic To Controller (24.35 MB)
027 project (9.55 KB)
028 Completing The Post Controller (34.85 MB)
028 project (9.72 KB)
029 Creating Update Request Validator (17.36 MB)
029 project (9.72 KB)
030 Creating a PUT Request Route (15.72 MB)
030 project (9.76 KB)
031 Implementation Of Update Method (82.22 MB)
031 project (9.98 KB)
032 Testing And Conclusion (11.04 MB)
001 A Quick Introduction (4 MB)
002 Introduction To React Tanstack Query (4.57 MB)
003 Integrating Tanstack Query (19.36 MB)
003 project (51.26 KB)
005 Introduction To Queries And Mutations (20.62 MB)
006 project (51.26 KB)
006 The Fetch API (62.71 MB)
007 Creating States For Our Form (21.75 MB)
007 project (51.26 KB)
008 project (51.26 KB)
008 Using States With Form Fields (21.07 MB)
009 Adding Button, Alert and Progress (26.87 MB)
009 project (51.26 KB)
010 Adding The useMutation Hook (20.72 MB)
010 project (51.26 KB)
011 Creating The ICreateTask Interface (12.78 MB)
012 project (51.26 KB)
012 Use Mutation To Create A New Task (38.46 MB)
013 Managing Loading States (23.88 MB)
013 project (51.26 KB)
014 Managing Side Effects In Mutation (66.37 MB)
014 project (51.26 KB)
015 Create Our First Query (44.04 MB)
015 project (51.26 KB)
016 Interface For GET Request (12.43 MB)
016 project (51.26 KB)
017 Minor Changes to ITask Interface (35.38 MB)
017 project (51.26 KB)
018 Adding Alert Messages (17.36 MB)
018 project (51.26 KB)
019 Looping Through Query Data (44.99 MB)
019 project (51.26 KB)
020 project (51.26 KB)
020 Setting inProgress Switch State (41.05 MB)
021 Create Mutation For Updating Task (40.93 MB)
021 project (51.26 KB)
022 onStatusChangeHandler (22.19 MB)
022 project (51.26 KB)
023 markCompleteHandler (16.76 MB)
023 project (51.31 KB)
024 countTasks Function (46.01 MB)
024 project (51.99 KB)
025 project (52.39 KB)
025 Working On Task Counters (28.44 MB)
026 project (52.07 KB)
026 Understanding Why We Need React Context (4.14 MB)
027 Creating React Context (49.95 MB)
027 project (53.14 KB)
028 project (53.22 KB)
028 Using Context In Our App (14.76 MB)
029 project (54.04 KB)
029 TaskStatusChangedContext (44.81 MB)
030 project (54.18 KB)
030 Using The Context (36.03 MB)
031 project (54.29 KB)
031 Updating Task List On Context Change (39.01 MB)
032 Testing Our App And Concluding (14.28 MB)
001 What Is Typescript (9.4 MB)
002 Installing NodeJS On Your Machine (11.25 MB)
003 Installing Typescript And Preparing Your IDE (31.5 MB)
004 A Note About Resources (8.91 MB)
005 Your First TypeScript Program (49.81 MB)
006 How TypeScript Helps you Catch Errors (39.07 MB)
007 Deep Dive into the JavaScript File Generated by TypeScript (6.8 MB)
008 Setting up Auto Compilation (34.73 MB)
001 Module Introduction - All About Types (8.16 MB)
002 Introduction to Types (7.53 MB)
003 any Type (13.93 MB)
003 project (7.21 KB)
004 project (7.29 KB)
004 unknown Type (28.32 MB)
005 boolean Type (20.39 MB)
005 project (7.3 KB)
006 number Type (6.59 MB)
006 project (7.23 KB)
007 bigint Type (40.52 MB)
007 project (7.63 KB)
008 project (7.52 KB)
008 string Type (6.92 MB)
009 project (7.56 KB)
009 Type Inference in TypeScript (12.86 MB)
010 Object Type (17.24 MB)
010 project (7.38 KB)
011 project (7.38 KB)
011 Type Aliases with type Keyword (9.14 MB)
012 ★ Practice Create Strictly Typed Nested Objects (2.36 MB)
013 ★ Solution Create Strictly Typed Nested Objects (23.39 MB)
014 project (7.38 KB)
014 The union types (9.11 MB)
015 project (7.38 KB)
015 Union Types with Primitive Types (9.63 MB)
016 Intersection Types In TypeScript (11.37 MB)
017 Index Signatures (35.24 MB)
017 project (7.45 KB)
018 Arrays in TypeScript (12.2 MB)
018 project (7.45 KB)
019 project (7.58 KB)
019 Tuples (12.94 MB)
020 project (7.32 KB)
020 Read only Arrays (8.25 MB)
021 null and undefind in TypeScript (23.63 MB)
021 project (7.37 KB)
022 void and never types (5.16 MB)
023 Enums (21.44 MB)
023 project (7.58 KB)
024 ★ Practice Strictly Type A Complex Object (11.44 MB)
025 ★ Solution Strictly Type A Complex Object (32.12 MB)


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