Udemy Mastering Java Development Build 65 Hands On Projects



43.86 GB | 00:24:51 | mp4 | 1280X720 | 16:9
Genre:eLearning |Language:English

Files Included :
1 Introduction to the course (11.91 MB)
2 Projects Outline (16.08 MB)
1 Introduction to CRUD REST API (31.07 MB)
1 Introduction to Gym Management System (28.1 MB)
2 Setting up the frame with labels (53.93 MB)
3 Setting up the database, JDBC and JAR (27.95 MB)
4 Implementing the Add functionality (53.04 MB)
5 Implementing the Update Functionality (32.54 MB)
6 Displaying the details in textbox (78.51 MB)
1 Introduction to Temperature Converter (18.95 MB)
2 Setting up the frame (68.54 MB)
3 Setting up the variable name with EXIT button (20.18 MB)
4 Implementation of Celsius (92.37 MB)
5 Implementation of Fahrenheit (47.5 MB)
6 Implementation of Kelvin (42.92 MB)
1 Introduction to File System Handling (25.07 MB)
2 Creating project, command line menu (29.06 MB)
3 Create operation (32.1 MB)
4 Write Operation (25.67 MB)
5 Read Operation (22.26 MB)
6 Append Operation (26.11 MB)
7 Delete Operation (25.57 MB)
1 Introduction of Bus Ticket Booking (29.15 MB)
2 Creating project, database, JDBC (40.39 MB)
3 Setting up the frame (88.97 MB)
4 Implementing CHECK AVAILABILITY (73.15 MB)
5 Implementing BOOK TICKET (34.07 MB)
6 Implementing SHOW BOOKINGS (44.42 MB)
1 Introduction to Admin Portal (16.19 MB)
3 Implementing admin header and admin page (43.35 MB)
4 Implementing user list (39.19 MB)
6 Implementing security question page (44.18 MB)
7 Implementing change mobile page (53.03 MB)
1 Introduction to Guess the number (23.71 MB)
2 Setting up the frame (45.7 MB)
3 Implementing friend section (42.73 MB)
4 Implementing computer section (65.05 MB)
1 Introduction to Find The Twins (12.19 MB)
2 Setting Up The Frame (61.95 MB)
3 Symbols and Play Button (76.63 MB)
4 Implementing Symbol Buttons (101.37 MB)
1 Introduction to Musical Inst Invt Management System (18.57 MB)
2 Database, Jar, JDBC (44.95 MB)
3 Setting up the frame (58.17 MB)
4 Constructor and the Remove button (52.26 MB)
5 Add button (24.04 MB)
6 Update Button (38.1 MB)
1 Introduction to Parental Piggy Bank (16.96 MB)
2 Database, Jar, JDBC (34.19 MB)
3 Setting up the frame (53.41 MB)
4 Implementing Get Button (39.15 MB)
5 Implementing Reward Button (47.37 MB)
6 Implementing Punish Button (13.93 MB)
7 Implementing Redeem Button (25.85 MB)
8 Implementing Show History Button (26.49 MB)
1 Introduction to TIC TAC TOE (6.08 MB)
2 Creating Frame and Implementing Buttons (59.06 MB)
3 Implementation of Labelling of Buttons (63.89 MB)
4 Implementing the winning conditions (86.64 MB)
1 Introduction to food stock management system (14.5 MB)
2 Database, JDBC, JAR (28.3 MB)
3 Setting up the frame (38.03 MB)
4 Get Button (22.93 MB)
5 Add Button (14.03 MB)
6 Add More Button (34.72 MB)
7 Take Button (33.24 MB)
1 Introduction To Budget Tracker (19.44 MB)
2 Database, JDBC, JAR (26.62 MB)
3 Setting up the frame (49.81 MB)
4 New Data in Database (46.89 MB)
5 Money Earned and Saved (30.77 MB)
6 Money Spent, Invested and Money in hand (31.49 MB)
1 Introduction (21.7 MB)
2 Libraries and Creation of Database (78.01 MB)
3 Coding of About, Login and SignUp classes (128.13 MB)
4 Coding Main page and New Customer classes (147.2 MB)
5 Coding of Customer, Deposit and Meter details (113.55 MB)
6 Coding for Bill and Update Information (107.28 MB)
7 Coding For Information and Paying Bill (108.96 MB)
8 Coding for generating Bill Details (102.48 MB)
9 Final Project Run (143.47 MB)
1 Introduction (24.51 MB)
2 Libraries and Creation of Database (81.4 MB)
3 Coding for Home,login and Dashboard page (126.03 MB)
4 Coding for Reception and adding Driver and Employee page (149.19 MB)
5 Coding for adding Room and Customer (139.19 MB)
6 Coding for displaying information of Customer, Employee and Manager (116.9 MB)
7 Coding for Checkout and CheckIn (130.99 MB)
8 Coding for searching and updating Room and Pickup (134.33 MB)
9 Live Run (131.96 MB)
1 Introduction (30.55 MB)
2 Creation of Database and Libraries (105.53 MB)
3 Coding for Login Page (90.21 MB)
4 Coding for Main Page (107.92 MB)
5 Coding for adding Customer (130.42 MB)
6 Coding of Flight Information file (114.71 MB)
7 Coding for Journey Details file (118.75 MB)
8 Coding for Payment and Cancelling Ticket (109.85 MB)
9 Live Run (89.96 MB)
1 Introduction (24.5 MB)
2 Libraries and Creation of Database (103.43 MB)
3 Coding for adding Teacher, Login and Main page (154.64 MB)
4 Coding for Student and Teacher details files (113.2 MB)
5 Coding for Student and Teacher attendance (104.97 MB)
6 Coding for Marks and Exam details (132.74 MB)
7 Coding for Updating details of Teacher and Student (135.43 MB)
8 Coding for Fees Form and Structure (145.34 MB)
9 Live Run (156.77 MB)
1 Introduction (24.4 MB)
2 Libraries and creation of Database (93.26 MB)
3 Coding for Login, signup and Forgot Password page (125.52 MB)
4 Coding for Main page and adding and updating Customer (136.57 MB)
5 Coding for displaying and deleting Customer and Package page (128.64 MB)
6 Coding for booking Package and Hotel (140.19 MB)
7 Coding for details of Hotels (125.34 MB)
8 Coding for Payment and About page (95.83 MB)
9 Live Run (132.93 MB)
1 Intoduction (16.81 MB)
2 Libraries and Creation of Database (91.33 MB)
3 Coding Database methods and Login page (137.75 MB)
4 Coding for Invoice, Cashier and Admin Page (144.28 MB)
5 Coding for adding, searching and delete Cashier (102.1 MB)
6 Coding for adding and searching Product (99.33 MB)
7 Coding for updating and delete Product (103.98 MB)
8 Coding for Sale and Stock Files (120.57 MB)
9 Live Run (70.98 MB)
1 Introduction (21.22 MB)
2 Libraries and Creation of Database (68.01 MB)
3 Coding for Login and Pin files (113.21 MB)
4 Coding for Signup page (110.41 MB)
5 Coding for next Signup pages (126.89 MB)
6 Coding for Deposit and Withdrawl page (96.24 MB)
7 Coding for Transaction and MiniStatement page (96.77 MB)
8 Coding for Fast Cash and Balance Enquiry files (85.89 MB)
9 Live Run (89.2 MB)
1 Introduction (13.51 MB)
2 Coding for counting Words and Characters (85.6 MB)
3 Coding for Font Chooser file (115.85 MB)
4 Coding for Calculator Page (115.39 MB)
5 Coding for online test and IP finder page (90.22 MB)
6 Coding for Puzzle game (91.3 MB)
7 Coding for Tic Tac Toe Game (91.53 MB)
8 Live Run (48.73 MB)
1 Introduction To Calculator Application (9.99 MB)
2 Setting up the strucutre of calculato (19.84 MB)
3 Creating the buttons (45.72 MB)
4 Labelling the buttons (50.76 MB)
5 Naming the buttons (13.5 MB)
6 Implementing the operations (96.61 MB)
7 Short exercise of colouring the buttons (21.65 MB)
1 Introduction (17.16 MB)
2 Libraries and Creation of Database (71.02 MB)
3 Coding for First and Login page (87.91 MB)
4 Coding for Main page (121.58 MB)
5 Coding for adding and printing Employee details (100.13 MB)
6 Coding for taking and displaying attendance (92.09 MB)
7 Coding for adding and updating Salary (123.73 MB)
8 Coding for Updating Employee and PaySlip (121.04 MB)
9 Live Run (100.25 MB)
1 Introduction (17.87 MB)
2 Libraries and Creation of Database (65.76 MB)
3 Coding the Signup, Login and Forgot Password files (150.67 MB)
4 Coding the main page and adding, displaying the customer detail (157.28 MB)
5 Coding for Updating and Deleting Customer and Booking Intracity Cab (160.77 MB)
6 Coding for details and booking of Intercity and Intracity cabs (135.78 MB)
7 Coding for booking truck and displaying cabs and truck (141.28 MB)
8 Coding for Payment, Check bill and About page (112.2 MB)
9 Live Run (123.03 MB)
1 Introduction (8.13 MB)
2 Creating a Song class (7.51 MB)
3 Creating a Album class (81.21 MB)
4 Creating a Main s (82.78 MB)
5 Implementing the switch cases (61.44 MB)
1 Introduction (6.09 MB)
2 Update new link and progress bar on user interaction (235.17 MB)
3 Update URL text field (190.56 MB)
4 Create the Graphical User Interface of application (107.86 MB)
5 Implementation of main class (238.24 MB)
6 Deployment Creation of Java Jar file (7.03 MB)
1 Introduction (7.22 MB)
2 Shape class development (126.13 MB)
3 Building coordinate values (138.77 MB)
4 Building game logic (99.69 MB)
5 Building Game Board (87.15 MB)
6 Building all objects on the board (160.35 MB)
7 Building new Tetris piece (156.27 MB)
8 Building GameCycle (279.54 MB)
9 Set up the game (18 MB)
1 Introduction (5.57 MB)
2 Design the game (54.47 MB)
3 Create a new instance of the game (121.89 MB)
4 Respond to user actions in the UI (164.72 MB)
5 Develop UI on Swing API (213.71 MB)
6 Redefine the paintComponent method (132.27 MB)
7 Finally, play! (83.25 MB)
1 Introduction (10.13 MB)
2 Development of JFrame (180.76 MB)
3 Changing currency units (168.91 MB)
4 Convert currency (221.86 MB)
5 Reset the textfields (108.93 MB)
6 Final output (26.04 MB)
7 Development of second part in the application (240.66 MB)
8 Using Yahoo API for currency converter (240.02 MB)
9 Exception handling (21.24 MB)
1 Introduction (10.29 MB)
2 Development of UI (303.68 MB)
3 Adding jLabels in the table (102.17 MB)
4 Implementation of random images (112.53 MB)
5 Add the mouseListener event (107.64 MB)
6 Implementing User actions part b (179.7 MB)
7 Enable the jLabels (285.2 MB)
8 Implementing the button actions (70.32 MB)
1 Introduction (16.24 MB)
2 Develop UI (119.75 MB)
3 Creates a game frame (141.67 MB)
4 Display images in jLabel (134.75 MB)
5 Add items to the list (169.07 MB)
6 Get the winner (144.41 MB)
7 Finally, play! (68.79 MB)
1 Introduction (9.67 MB)
2 Create the game variables (45.49 MB)
3 Create the player variables (47.89 MB)
4 Start of our game (74.03 MB)
5 Interacting with the user (80.62 MB)
6 Attack the enemy (115.71 MB)
7 Player healthPotion (95.12 MB)
8 Check if the player is dead! (190.2 MB)
9 Finally, Go on to the adventure (96.95 MB)
1 Introduction To Find The Path (5.36 MB)
2 Setting Up The Frame (79.56 MB)
3 Importing Images (71.59 MB)
4 Intializing Identifiers and Images (65.2 MB)
5 Implementin Mouse Events (74.59 MB)
6 Implementing The Labels, Game Button And Message (96.92 MB)
1 Introduction (7.45 MB)
2 Design the game part a (140.01 MB)
3 Design the game part b (53.71 MB)
4 Set up the mine field (164.29 MB)
5 Find the empty cells (121.76 MB)
6 Convert number to images (104.14 MB)
7 User interaction (213.28 MB)
8 Implementation of main class (113.27 MB)
1 Introduction (10.7 MB)
10 Player class creation (21.54 MB)
11 Baggage class creation (18.52 MB)
12 Area class creation (9.37 MB)
13 Main class creation (104.77 MB)
2 Design the game (119.11 MB)
3 Initiates the game world (102.09 MB)
4 Draw the game world on the window (121.59 MB)
5 Respond to user actions in the UI (169.59 MB)
6 Ensure the objects collision (101.01 MB)
7 Check if th level is completed (58.07 MB)
8 Base class creation (69.68 MB)
9 Wall class creation (12.83 MB)
1 Introduction to the Project (79.7 MB)
2 Setup for the Project (107.97 MB)
3 Building the Student Class (94.02 MB)
4 Making of the Teacher class (114.49 MB)
5 Introducing the concept of ArrayList (123.09 MB)
6 Formation of the School class (130.62 MB)
7 Formation of the Main class (132.34 MB)
8 Testing and Execution of all the Classes (141.65 MB)
1 Introduction to NoteItDown (57.42 MB)
2 Working of the NoteItDown (33.15 MB)
3 Creating a New Project with Classes (73.38 MB)
4 Making of the Notepad Class (107.35 MB)
5 Making of the About Class (97.58 MB)
6 Customizing the Application (115.21 MB)
7 Customizing the Action Listeners (141.51 MB)
8 Concluding everything by adding Shortcuts (148.02 MB)
1 Indroduction to The Snakophillia (45.01 MB)
2 Working of the application (73.07 MB)
3 Creating a java project in the compiler (105.89 MB)
4 Making of the Snake class (132.07 MB)
5 Making of the board class (134.29 MB)
6 Adding Keyboard Events (146.12 MB)
7 Creating a Moving Snake with Move function (147.27 MB)
1 Introduction to application (71.65 MB)
2 Woking of the application (72.42 MB)
3 Creating a new project in the IDE (100.72 MB)
4 Making of the Song class (116.95 MB)
5 Making of the Album class (145.53 MB)
6 Making of the Main class (137.91 MB)
7 Adding functions to the Main class (111.7 MB)
8 Testing and running of the application (139.68 MB)
1 Introduction to the Application (73.03 MB)
2 Working of the application (64.42 MB)
3 Creating the main class (100.7 MB)
4 Launching the Frame (127.86 MB)
5 Functionality for Winning (147.57 MB)
6 Setting contents inside the frame (162.95 MB)
7 Customizing the Application (175.52 MB)
1 Introduction to the application (65.04 MB)
2 Working of the application (44.72 MB)
3 Making the Label class (127.39 MB)
4 Customizing the Label class (149.38 MB)
5 Making the Beverage class (127.02 MB)
6 Creating the Menu Items class-I (104.02 MB)
7 Creating the Menu Items class-II (127.13 MB)
8 Testing Running the application (164.77 MB)
1 Introduction to the Application (62.99 MB)
2 Working of the Application (67.8 MB)
3 Making of the Main class (129.17 MB)
4 Customizing the Main Class (175.04 MB)
5 Creating the ProgressRenderer class (149.65 MB)
6 Making of the Table Model Class (150.03 MB)
7 Creating the Download class (188.29 MB)
1 Introduction to application (83.63 MB)
2 Working of the project (73.9 MB)
3 Making of the main class (103.94 MB)
4 Creating the Account class (149.16 MB)
5 Customizing the Account class (167.13 MB)
6 Creating the Option Menu class (154.35 MB)
7 Testing and Running the project (184.5 MB)
1 Introduction to Student Profile (18.41 MB)
3 Attributes Intialization (44.76 MB)
4 Main method structure (47.09 MB)
5 Implementing Add operation (77.22 MB)
6 Implementing display operation (48.9 MB)
7 Implementing displayID (44.08 MB)
8 Implementing delete operation (47.91 MB)
9 Implementing Update Operation (82.65 MB)
1 Introduction To Application (63.44 MB)
2 Working Of The Project (54.47 MB)
3 Making Of The Main Class (95.57 MB)
4 Creating The Contact class (131.91 MB)
5 Making Of The Object Repository (148.1 MB)
6 Creating The Frame Class (162.95 MB)
7 Testing Running Of The Application (177.63 MB)
1 Introduction To The Application (78.58 MB)
2 Working Of The Project (70.09 MB)
3 Making Of The Circle Class (110.3 MB)
4 Creating The Rectangle Class (127.64 MB)
5 Building The Main Class (219.19 MB)
6 Making of The Shape Class (180.02 MB)
7 Testing Running Of Project (162.76 MB)
1 Introduction To The Application (77.83 MB)
2 Woking Of The Project (86.29 MB)
3 Making The Main Class (132.11 MB)
4 Initializing The Frame (171.29 MB)
5 Adding Action And Key Listener Method (126.99 MB)
6 Making Add And Delete Functions (169.79 MB)
7 Testing And Running Of The Application (131.57 MB)
1 Introduction To The Application (138.17 MB)
2 Working Of The Project (230.82 MB)
3 Making Of The Main Class (126.02 MB)
4 Adding Components To Frame (201.94 MB)
5 Adding Action Listeners (202.51 MB)
6 Open,Read And Write File Functions (212.2 MB)
7 Testing And Running Of The Application (192.58 MB)
1 Introduction To The Project (73.41 MB)
2 Working Of The Project (71.63 MB)
3 Making Of The Main Class (111.87 MB)
4 Creating The Home Page (152.82 MB)
5 Creating The Schedule Page (177.19 MB)
6 Making The Help End Page (160.28 MB)
7 Testing Running Of Application (144.62 MB)
1 Introduction to Project and setup (95.88 MB)
2 Creating classes and methods part 1 (113.85 MB)
3 Creating classes and methods part 2 (111.59 MB)
4 Random password generation method (113.98 MB)
5 Set methods of project (87.26 MB)
6 Creating main method to Run progra (118.58 MB)
7 Final execution of project creating single execution file (141.54 MB)
1 Introduction setup Building (97.12 MB)
2 Basics of Java servlet and creating index page (138.64 MB)
3 Admin Page Login validation servlet (165.46 MB)
4 Java Servlet Basics Advantages Participants page Part 1 (124.82 MB)
5 Participant Login page part 2 Use of JDBC (141.07 MB)
6 Participants Login fetching data from database (135.51 MB)
7 JDBC connection Creating Event inside application (136.44 MB)
8 Payment part of event registrtion buliding project (181.02 MB)
1 Setup of project creating landing page (112.37 MB)
2 JSP basics part 1 student login JSP page (117.01 MB)
3 Creating Student login Servlet Part 1 (90.28 MB)
4 Connection method for database login methods (143.83 MB)
5 Logout students admin methods (146.52 MB)
6 Creating JSP pages Part 1 (140.71 MB)
7 Creating JSP pages Part 2 (135.67 MB)
8 Creating JSP pages part 3 Deploying project on server (119.36 MB)
1 Introduction project setup (74.93 MB)
2 Basics of servlet creating servlets (118.68 MB)
3 Creating login methods in java servlets (128.88 MB)
4 Database connection method (147.71 MB)
5 Creating controlling servlets (107.28 MB)
6 Creating Final HTML pages deploying web app on server (111.5 MB)
1 Introduction to project setup (83.78 MB)
2 Creating server program socket part 1 (99.94 MB)
3 Starting method for server in chat application (151.96 MB)
4 Creating threads for Client connections (117.13 MB)
5 Creating default methods for connection (69.59 MB)
6 Creating client part and handling errors exceptions (163.67 MB)
7 Running for more clients connection server to remote port with serve (127.48 MB)
8 Creating GUI for client window & deploying using remote port system New (137.57 MB)
1 Introduction of restaurant management system (16.79 MB)
2 Intializing frames and side panels (64.47 MB)
3 Boxes and Buttons (50.34 MB)
4 Main method structure (47.07 MB)
5 Implementing Add operation (77.2 MB)
6 Implementing display operation (48.89 MB)
7 Implementing displayID (44.08 MB)
8 Implementing delete operation (47.92 MB)
9 Implementing Update Operation (82.66 MB)
1 Introduction to spring framework (82.51 MB)
2 Advantages of spring framework importing project in IDE (81.22 MB)
3 Adding Dependancy injection creating requests (149.9 MB)
4 Creating instances of methodes to store use data from csv file (119.12 MB)
5 Controller for web application (133.38 MB)
6 Deploying application on web creating UI (170.5 MB)
1 Setup of project creating index JSP page (76.09 MB)
2 Devloping Index JSP page (113.64 MB)
3 Devloping Admin side pages using JSP (137.3 MB)
4 Creating connection with Database (139.89 MB)
5 Creating Pages for people to post information (124.8 MB)
6 Deploying app on server (129.63 MB)
1 Introduction and Setup of project (103.61 MB)
2 Creating servlet and devloping index JSP page (120.96 MB)
3 Creating mail client to fetch data (122.02 MB)
4 Creating class to handel data create getter setter methods (96.69 MB)
5 Creating method for SMTP properties (121.32 MB)
6 Creating sessions connection to SMTP server Part 1 (148.22 MB)
7 Creating sessions connection to SMTP server Part 2 handling errors (173.39 MB)
8 Deploying application on Server (119.92 MB)
1 Introduction (59.68 MB)
2 Devloping Java code for source destination Part 1 (95.65 MB)
3 Devlioping Java code for source destination Part 2 (95.42 MB)
4 Packet Sniffer UI using netbans IDE and Swing in Java (130.79 MB)
5 Maven application Part 1 (131.08 MB)
6 Maven application Part 2 Deploying app (42.43 MB)
1 Introduction to Project (52.25 MB)
2 Baisc Information about cryptography (65.34 MB)
3 Creating Key Generator class (95.21 MB)
4 Creating Driver class to generate random key (131.22 MB)
5 Creating command line application Part (123.58 MB)
6 Creating command line application Part 2 (163.34 MB)
7 Developing Servlet application using JSP part 1 (124.47 MB)
8 Developing Servlet application using JSP part 2 (56.64 MB)
1 Introduction (94.04 MB)
2 Creating services package part 1 (55.72 MB)
3 Creating services package part 2 JPA (89.72 MB)
4 Creating repostiory functions functions (110.64 MB)
5 Developing controller classes NEW (107.36 MB)
6 Developing application properties , handling MySQL database and Deployment (190.14 MB)
1 Introduction to Project (84.59 MB)
2 Creating Gameplay class Part 1 (60.19 MB)
3 Creating Gameplay classe part 2 (118.97 MB)
4 Methods for gameplay part 1 (116.61 MB)
5 Methods for gameplay part 2 (111.48 MB)
6 Creating Main map generator functions and creating main method (129.94 MB)
1 Introduction of User Management (12.49 MB)
3 Boxes and Buttons (50.34 MB)
4 User List (47.27 MB)
5 Remove User (33.55 MB)
6 Edit User details (50.8 MB)
1 Introduction of Music Player Interface (18.59 MB)
2 Creation of Collection and Music Class (27.94 MB)
3 Methods of Collection and Music (Part 1) (37.74 MB)
4 Methods of Collection and Music (Part 2) (33.67 MB)
5 Creating music driven interface (23.6 MB)
6 Implementing Playlist section (86.4 MB)
7 Implementing the main menu (53.3 MB)
1 Introductiion to One on One Communication (11.42 MB)
2 Setting Up upper and lower panels (Part 1) (74.27 MB)
3 Setting Up upper and lower panels (Part 2) (47.62 MB)
4 Setting up message labels with time (Part 1 (87.84 MB)
5 Setting up message labels with time (Part 2) (32.52 MB)
6 Setting up server socket and message labels (81.32 MB)


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