Udemy Master Laravel PHP From Beginner to Advanced OLD CONTENT



14.56 GB | 00:16:18 | mp4 | 1280X720 | 16:9
Genre:eLearning |Language:English

Files Included :
001 Laravel Project Structure Overview (17.77 MB)
002 Artisan Command (40.59 MB)
001 Understanding Routing in Laravel (19.18 MB)
002 Defining Routes (15.61 MB)
003 Managing and Naming Routes (24.9 MB)
004 Route Parameters (16.47 MB)
005 Optional Route Parameters (20.72 MB)
006 Constraining Possible Route Parameters Values (33.15 MB)
001 Understanding Templating, Views and Blade (65.5 MB)
002 Template Inheritance and Layouts (61.21 MB)
003 Passing and Rendering Data in Templates (38.89 MB)
004 Simple View Rendering Routes (18.59 MB)
005 Conditional Rendering (31.72 MB)
006 Conditional Rendering Alternatives (30.61 MB)
007 Loops in Templates (54.64 MB)
008 More Control Inside Loops (52.16 MB)
009 Partial Templates (Including Templates) (35.87 MB)
010 Partial Templates in Loops (14.6 MB)
001 Responses, Codes, Headers, and Cookies (51.61 MB)
002 Redirect Responses (43.53 MB)
003 Returning JSON (9.91 MB)
004 Returning File Downloads (12.62 MB)
005 Grouping Routes (32.61 MB)
006 Request Input (Reading User Input) (45.69 MB)
007 Request Input - An Overview of Options (8.8 MB)
008 Middleware - Running Code Before & After Request (50.23 MB)
001 Controllers (51.6 MB)
002 Single Action Controllers (15.45 MB)
003 Resource Controllers (14.68 MB)
004 Implementing a Resource Controller (61.25 MB)
001 Configuration and Environments Overview (46.64 MB)
002 Configuring the Database Connection (24.08 MB)
001 Databases Bird s Eye Overview (11.38 MB)
002 Migrations Overview (26.85 MB)
003 Creating and Running Migrations (44.47 MB)
001 Understanding Eloquent ORM Models (10.64 MB)
002 Models - Creating and Updating, Introducing Tinker (21.16 MB)
003 Models - Retrieving Single Model (7.75 MB)
004 Models - Retrieving Multiple Models and Collections Overview (11.62 MB)
005 Models - Using the Query Builder (18.13 MB)
006 Practical - List of Blog Posts and Single Blog Post (15.29 MB)
001 Forms Markup (36.58 MB)
002 Cross Site Request Forgery Explained (31.97 MB)
003 Forms - Storing Submitted Data (13.35 MB)
004 Forms - Input Validation (18.67 MB)
005 Forms - Displaying Validation Errors (23.4 MB)
006 Forms - Form Request Classes (24.81 MB)
007 Session Flash Messages (17.52 MB)
008 Forms - Old Input Helper (14.54 MB)
009 FormsModels - Model Mass Assignment (57.27 MB)
001 CRUD - Edit Form (53.59 MB)
002 CRUD - Update Action (18.66 MB)
003 CRUD - Deleting Using Forms (49.04 MB)
004 CRUD - Deleting Models (23.23 MB)
001 Introduction to Laravel Mix (17.41 MB)
002 Installing Bootstrap CSS Framework (25.25 MB)
003 Using NPM and Compiling Assets With MixWebpack (38.89 MB)
004 Including Assets in Views (6.42 MB)
005 Versioned Assets (Cache Improvements) (26.15 MB)
006 Introduction to Bootstrap CSS (21.27 MB)
007 Understanding CSS Flexbox in General and in Bootstrap (16.4 MB)
008 Layout Grid and Styling Header Bar (71.1 MB)
009 Styling Forms (18.45 MB)
010 Styling Post List Page (18.31 MB)
011 Styling Single Post Page (15.78 MB)
012 Styling Flash Messages and Error Messages (12.67 MB)
001 Testing (51.78 MB)
002 Testing configuration and environment (50.42 MB)
003 Writing first functional test (39.82 MB)
004 Testing database interactions (57.99 MB)
005 Testing store() action (model creation) (36.05 MB)
006 Testing for failure (44.45 MB)
007 Testing update() action (model updates) (74.48 MB)
008 Testing delete() action (model deletion) (48.19 MB)
001 One to One relation with migration (45.15 MB)
002 One to One assigning relationship (66.12 MB)
003 One to One querying relationship (37.14 MB)
001 One to Many relation with migration (50.01 MB)
002 One to Many assigning relationship (37.9 MB)
003 One to Many querying relationship (26.88 MB)
001 Lazy Loading vs Eager Loading (49.64 MB)
002 Querying relationship existence (63.88 MB)
003 Querying relationship absence (17.22 MB)
004 Counting related models (24.17 MB)
005 Using withCount() in practice (fetching count of comments) with test (47.23 MB)
001 Model Factory introduction (138.29 MB)
002 Model Factory states (156.28 MB)
003 Model Factory callbacks (afterCreating, afterMaking) (61.14 MB)
004 Application Implementing comment list (69.84 MB)
002 Authentication overview (137.14 MB)
003 How user registration works in Laravel (132.66 MB)
004 Guard component and how logging users in works (144.27 MB)
005 Custom registration form and Auth routes (47.91 MB)
006 Formatting validation errors (75.51 MB)
007 RedirectIfAuthenticated middleware (18.3 MB)
008 Log-in form with Remember Me feature (80.04 MB)
009 Logging out, @Guest directive, debugging CSRF token errors (110.95 MB)
010 Retrieving the currently authenticated user (39.57 MB)
011 Protecting routes (requiring authentication) (28.22 MB)
012 Testing routes that require authentication (47.35 MB)
001 Refreshing database, database foreign keys and existing data (157.89 MB)
002 Problem SQLite test database NOT NULL problem (15.43 MB)
003 Database seeding basics (56.93 MB)
004 Using Model Factory inside Seeder (66.25 MB)
005 Model relations inside seeder (107.3 MB)
006 Individual seeder classes (98.06 MB)
007 Making seeder interactive (121.72 MB)
001 Deleting related model using model events (53.98 MB)
002 Deleting related models using cascading (31.91 MB)
003 Soft deletes (54.79 MB)
004 Soft deletes querying (54.46 MB)
005 Restoring soft deleted model (118.88 MB)
006 Testing soft deleted models (22.11 MB)
001 Authorization introduction (62.11 MB)
002 Introduction to Gates (57.17 MB)
003 Using authorize() helper (19.76 MB)
004 Verifying permissions of the user (25.88 MB)
005 Admin users and overriding permissions (142.56 MB)
006 Policies introduction (80.27 MB)
007 Policy or Gate (90.91 MB)
008 Verifying permissions in Blade templates (56.46 MB)
009 Using middleware to authorize routes (87.87 MB)
010 Application updating tests (62.29 MB)
001 Application setting user id for the new BlogPost (32.41 MB)
002 Global Query Scopes introduction (58.05 MB)
003 Global Query Scopes and potential issues (131.56 MB)
004 Local Query Scopes introduction (92.14 MB)
005 Practical Local Query Scope - most commented posts (92.11 MB)
006 Practical Local Query Scope - most active users (85.92 MB)
007 Practical Local Query Scope - most active users last month (79.62 MB)
008 Practical Global Query Scope - admin can see deleted posts (172 MB)
001 Blade Components introduction (80.74 MB)
002 Component aliases (37.62 MB)
003 Conditional rendering in Component (47.99 MB)
004 Practical creating reusable component for dates (55.86 MB)
005 Complicated example of conditional rendering (108.36 MB)
006 Application Fixing an issue with HAVING clause (20.96 MB)
001 Caching introduction (60.25 MB)
002 Laravel Debugbar (135.59 MB)
003 Storing data in cache (107.2 MB)
004 Removing from cache (50.78 MB)
005 Cache facade (12.33 MB)
006 Practical using cache as storage (32.27 MB)
007 Practical using cache for storage implementation (87.35 MB)
008 Using and setting up Redis as cache storage (88.61 MB)
009 Cache tags introduction (28.55 MB)
010 Practical using cache tags (98.4 MB)
001 ManyToMany introduction (10.94 MB)
002 ManyToMany migration (39.11 MB)
003 Defining ManyToMany on models (39.89 MB)
004 Associating models in ManyToMany (66.37 MB)
005 Querying the ManyToMany relation and Pivot tables (63.63 MB)
006 Practical displaying the list of tags using Blade component (73.07 MB)
007 Practical list of blog posts by tag (89.26 MB)
008 Blade View Composers (94.98 MB)
009 View Composer with @include (36.73 MB)
010 ManyToMany seeding (140.38 MB)
001 Practical User to Comment OneToMany relation and migration (75.93 MB)
002 Practical comments form and reusable errors component (57.37 MB)
003 Route Model Binding (123.74 MB)
004 Eager loading nested relationships (49.47 MB)
005 Converting repeating queries to query scopes (34.42 MB)
001 File Storage introduction (45.98 MB)
002 File upload form (13.87 MB)
003 Handling file uploads (96.77 MB)
004 Using Storage facade to store files (119.1 MB)
005 Getting the URL of stored file (101.36 MB)
006 Practical Image model, OneToOne relation and migrations (89.6 MB)
007 Uploaded image URL (63.62 MB)
008 Practical Displaying uploaded image and styling (51.26 MB)
009 Deleting files (51 MB)
010 Validating uploaded files (size, type, dimensions) (33.96 MB)
001 Section intrduction (10.51 MB)
002 Practical Scaffolding UserController and UserPolicy, using authorizeResource (76.91 MB)
003 Practical Views for showingediting user profile (119.74 MB)
004 OneToOne Polymorphic explained (26.89 MB)
005 OneToOne Polymorphic migration (49.25 MB)
006 OneToOne Polymorphic defining relation (15.68 MB)
007 OneToOne Polymorphic associating (36.79 MB)
008 Practical OneToOne Polymorphic with BlogPost and Image (113.17 MB)
001 OneToMany Polymorphic explained (11.6 MB)
002 OneToMany Polymorphic migration & relation (36.66 MB)
003 OneToMany Polymorphic associating (87.66 MB)
004 Practical OneToMany Polymorphic views (129.56 MB)
005 Practical Running tests on MySQL database (78.2 MB)
006 OneToMany Polymorphic seeder (68.33 MB)
001 ManyToMany Polymorphic explained (51.04 MB)
002 ManyToMany Polymorphic migration (118.56 MB)
003 ManyToMany Polymorphic relations (39.84 MB)
004 Understanding model Traits (22.85 MB)
005 Creating Taggable model trait (188.75 MB)
001 Development setup for sending emails (51.81 MB)
002 The Mailable class explained (43.8 MB)
003 Rendering e-mail content and e-mail sending (75.23 MB)
004 Attaching files & data to e-mails (67.12 MB)
005 Embedding an image inside the e-mail (57.97 MB)
006 Markdown Mailable classes explained (22.34 MB)
007 Creating the Markdown Mailable class (75.22 MB)
008 Custom Markdown e-mail component and styling (69.28 MB)
009 Rendering e-mail previews in browser (14.73 MB)
001 Queues and background processing introduction (48.5 MB)
002 Configuring queues, creating and running the first job (63.95 MB)
003 Optional e-mail queuing and execution delay (44.85 MB)
004 Dealing with failed jobs (98.89 MB)
005 Creating and dispatching custom jobs (36.61 MB)
006 Implementing custom job that dispatches other jobs (106.5 MB)
007 Rate Limiting queues (165.22 MB)
008 Named queues and prioritizing (63.8 MB)
001 Model Observers (127.7 MB)
002 Events and Listeners (90.55 MB)
003 Practical Custom Event and Listener (91.43 MB)
004 Second example of Event and Listener (85.35 MB)
005 Logging basics in Laravel (63.76 MB)
006 Handling built-in Laravel events with Subscriber (71.42 MB)
001 Localization introduction and demo (22.78 MB)
002 Configuring locale and translation overview (37.42 MB)
003 Translating plural forms, passing data (92.35 MB)
004 Storing translations in JSON (44.74 MB)
005 Translating the application (87 MB)
005 translations (6.54 KB)
006 Storing user preffered language in database (95.28 MB)
007 Creating custom Locale Middleware (95.89 MB)
008 Adding language to URL through Apache configuration (98.69 MB)
001 What is a Service and creating a custom one (81.27 MB)
002 Service Container in practice (117.27 MB)
003 Basic Dependency Injection (83.75 MB)
004 Dependency Injection and Contracts (145.87 MB)
005 Contracts explained (110.65 MB)
006 Facades explained (66.43 MB)
001 Postman - a quite long introduction (137.19 MB)
002 How Model serialization works (67.26 MB)
003 Hiding model attributes (40.13 MB)
004 Serializing model relations (42.32 MB)
001 API Resources introduction (80.04 MB)
002 Serializing model relations using a Resource class (24.81 MB)
003 Limiting serialization only to eager loaded relations (26.07 MB)
004 Conditional serialization of properties (22.38 MB)
001 API routes and controllers (157.53 MB)
002 Practice defining API routes (178.75 MB)
003 Returning a resource collection and response wrapping (45.99 MB)
004 Collection pagination (24.56 MB)
005 Collection pagination and custom parameters (29.43 MB)
006 Storing a new resource (33 MB)
007 API Tokens explained and implemented (144.74 MB)
008 Returning one, updating and deleting resources (94.52 MB)
009 Handling 404 (resource not found) (97.55 MB)
010 API Authorization (190.63 MB)
001 Testing API GET methods, verifying JSON structure (60.74 MB)
002 Testing API GET methods, verifying JSON structure II (67.16 MB)
003 Test API storing (POST) resources, authentication and validation (86.86 MB)


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