Udemy Developer Bootcamp C Sharp and ASP Dot NET Core



6.1 GB | 27min 42s | mp4 | 1920X1080 | 16:9
Genre:eLearning |Language:English

Files Included :
1 - Introduction.mp4 (186.04 MB)
2 - Considerations before we start and Important Information.mp4 (200.41 MB)
3 - History of Information Technology and Software Development.mp4 (28.38 MB)
4 - Journeys and roles within IT.mp4 (65.53 MB)
100 - The Challenge Exceptions and Serilog.mp4 (41.38 MB)
101 - The Solution Exceptions and Serilog.mp4 (31.35 MB)
91 - Introduction to the exception handling section.mp4 (10.47 MB)
92 - What is exception handling in C and Net.mp4 (16.87 MB)
93 - Using an exception Sample 1.mp4 (23.97 MB)
94 - Catch Blocks Sample 2.mp4 (42.37 MB)
95 - Finally Blocks Sample 3.mp4 (24.33 MB)
96 - Create and Throw Exceptions Sample 4.mp4 (31.26 MB)
97 - Overview of Exception handling Serilog log4net and NLog Theory.mp4 (64.34 MB)
98 - Install and use Serilog Practical write to console.mp4 (48.14 MB)
99 - Use Serilog to log errors to files.mp4 (28.83 MB)
102 - Introduction to the OOP Section and Agenda.mp4 (21.66 MB)
103 - Introduction to OOP.mp4 (17.47 MB)
104 - What is a Class in C Sample.mp4 (30.56 MB)
105 - What is a Class in C Solution.mp4 (45.65 MB)
106 - What is members of a class.mp4 (39.08 MB)
107 - Members Fields Constructors Sample.mp4 (24.76 MB)
108 - Members Fields Constructors Solution.mp4 (35.29 MB)
109 - Members Constants Sample.mp4 (26.34 MB)
110 - Members Constants Solution.mp4 (22.65 MB)
111 - Members Properties Sample.mp4 (11.9 MB)
112 - Members Properties Solution.mp4 (22.64 MB)
113 - Members Methods Sample and Solution.mp4 (37.86 MB)
114 - Members Events Sample.mp4 (32.19 MB)
115 - Members Events Solution.mp4 (27.72 MB)
116 - Members Finalizers Sample and Solution.mp4 (39.37 MB)
117 - Members Indexers Sample and Solution.mp4 (72.29 MB)
118 - Members Operators Sample and Solution.mp4 (104.74 MB)
119 - Members Nested Types Sample and Solution.mp4 (26.28 MB)
120 - Theory on what is Accessibility.mp4 (34.95 MB)
121 - Encapsulation Sample and Solution.mp4 (76.66 MB)
122 - Inheritance Sample and Solution.mp4 (39.53 MB)
123 - Abstraction Sample and Solution.mp4 (44.78 MB)
124 - Polymorphism Sample and Solution.mp4 (37.73 MB)
125 - The SOLID Principles.mp4 (38.98 MB)
126 - The Challenge OOP Programming.mp4 (37.3 MB)
127 - The Solution OOP Programming.mp4 (47.83 MB)
128 - Introduction to the database theory section.mp4 (13.96 MB)
129 - What is Databases.mp4 (40.43 MB)
130 - Types of Database Relational Databases.mp4 (16.83 MB)
131 - Types of Databases Relational Databases Design and SQL.mp4 (46.46 MB)
132 - Three more database types noSQL KeyValue Store and ColumnOriented Databases.mp4 (35 MB)
133 - What is MySQL and SQLite Relational Databases and how does it compare.mp4 (71.51 MB)
134 - What is ORM ObjectRelational Mapping.mp4 (34.38 MB)
135 - Introduction to SQLite Section.mp4 (9.15 MB)
136 - Setup VSCode and install SQLite.mp4 (86.5 MB)
137 - Demo Projects and Steps using Visual Studio Code.mp4 (137.82 MB)
139 - Introduction to building a Web Application Section.mp4 (20.78 MB)
140 - ASPNET Core Agenda.mp4 (40.65 MB)
141 - What is ASPNET Core and its key features and concepts.mp4 (31.61 MB)
142 - ASPNET Core Project Structure and MVC.mp4 (26.68 MB)
143 - Setup Environment for ASPNET Core in Visual Studio Code.mp4 (30.88 MB)
144 - Sample 1 Quick ASPNET Web App.mp4 (23.08 MB)
145 - Sample 2 Add and List Products.mp4 (93.8 MB)
146 - ASPNET Core Project break down and detail explanations.mp4 (193.64 MB)
147 - Sample 3 Product Web App with SQLite Database.mp4 (70.71 MB)
148 - Sample 3 Product App with SQLite Database Continue.mp4 (124.15 MB)
150 - Debug your ASPNET Code by enabling debugging.mp4 (169.38 MB)
151 - Challenge Create an Online Shopping Web Application.mp4 (172.34 MB)
152 - The Solution Online Shopping Web Application.mp4 (271.98 MB)
153 - Introduction to the version control section.mp4 (13.5 MB)
154 - What is Version Control and Git and Version Control Platforms to use.mp4 (31.42 MB)
155 - 3 VersionControl.mp4 (93.23 MB)
155 - Git Version Control Capabilities.mp4 (29.69 MB)
156 - 4 VersionControl.mp4 (69.54 MB)
156 - Key concepts of Git.mp4 (21 MB)
157 - Agenda for the Demo using Github.mp4 (14.81 MB)
158 - How to create a GitHub account and create your first Repository.mp4 (47.16 MB)
159 - 7 VersionControl.mp4 (228.06 MB)
159 - Install Git locally on your PC and enable it on Visual Studio Code.mp4 (182.05 MB)
160 - How to create branches on GitHub and pull to local and push back to GiHub.mp4 (55.43 MB)
161 - How to perform a pull request on GitHub.mp4 (45.69 MB)
162 - How to pull code from Visual Studio Code using the UI.mp4 (17.76 MB)
163 - How to clone a Repo from GitHub using Visual Studio Code.mp4 (33.2 MB)
164 - Git Flow Branching Model Best Practices.mp4 (66.63 MB)
165 - Introduction to Security using Authentication and Authorization Section.mp4 (20.69 MB)
168 - Introduction to Unit testing and TDD Section.mp4 (13.3 MB)
169 - Unit testing frameworks mocking and TDD.mp4 (32.73 MB)
170 - Example of Using xUnit using Visual Studio Code.mp4 (275 MB)
171 - Introduction to the APIs Section.mp4 (12.26 MB)
174 - Solution ASPNET Core Web API Project.mp4 (40.13 MB)
175 - Introduction to Hosting ASPNET Core Web Applications Section.mp4 (10.24 MB)
176 - Theory of Hosting ASPNET Web Applications and various options of hosting.mp4 (52.77 MB)
177 - Example Deploy a ASPNET Core Web App to Azure App Services.mp4 (101.08 MB)
10 - Programming Languages.mp4 (25.74 MB)
11 - Development Environments such as IDE and Editors.mp4 (22.33 MB)
12 - Basic Programming Constructs.mp4 (27.59 MB)
13 - ObjectOriented Programming OOP.mp4 (30.53 MB)
14 - Software Development Life Cycle SDLC.mp4 (8.14 MB)
15 - Basic Algorithms and Problem Solving.mp4 (18.29 MB)
16 - Testing and Debugging.mp4 (49.66 MB)
17 - Web Development Basics.mp4 (42.06 MB)
18 - Introduction to Mobile Development.mp4 (19.09 MB)
19 - Database Fundamentals.mp4 (32.93 MB)
20 - Security in Software Development.mp4 (14.4 MB)
21 - Basics of networking and protocols.mp4 (14.35 MB)
22 - Introduction to Infrastructure.mp4 (61.88 MB)
23 - DevOps Continuous IntegrationContinuous Deployment CICD.mp4 (28.18 MB)
24 - Code Reviews and Documentation Standards.mp4 (95.01 MB)
5 - Introduction to Software Development 101.mp4 (13.83 MB)
6 - Definition and importance of software development.mp4 (55.91 MB)
7 - Basic Understanding of Software.mp4 (10.15 MB)
8 - Role of Software in Various Industries.mp4 (32.53 MB)
9 - Fundamental Concepts in Software Development.mp4 (19.28 MB)
178 - Final Words.mp4 (11.12 MB)
25 - Introduction to this section of understanding C.mp4 (17.17 MB)
26 - History of C by Microsoft.mp4 (8.28 MB)
27 - Key Concepts of C OOP TypeSafe managed code modern features and more.mp4 (65.58 MB)
28 - What is NET MAUI.mp4 (47.39 MB)
29 - The Net Framework Architecture.mp4 (23.66 MB)
30 - Theory Installing the Net Tools and System Requirements.mp4 (36.22 MB)
31 - Practical Installing the Net SDKs.mp4 (22.92 MB)
32 - Practical Installing Visual Studio Code.mp4 (30.56 MB)
33 - Practical Install Extension needed for Visual Studio Code and C.mp4 (44.87 MB)
34 - How to use Visual Studio Code.mp4 (94.75 MB)
35 - Introduction to C using Strings.mp4 (11.15 MB)
36 - Introduction to C Basics.mp4 (82.07 MB)
37 - C Basics Agenda for this String section.mp4 (16.79 MB)
38 - Introduction to Strings.mp4 (15.38 MB)
39 - Practical Write your first Hello World program.mp4 (49.48 MB)
40 - Using a String variable Example 2.mp4 (35.99 MB)
41 - Working with strings Example 3.mp4 (19.81 MB)
42 - Trimming Strings Example 4.mp4 (29.51 MB)
43 - Replace Case methods in strings Example 5.mp4 (34.38 MB)
44 - Search strings Example 6.mp4 (17.86 MB)
45 - The String Challenge.mp4 (30.67 MB)
46 - String Challenge The Solution and Code.mp4 (16.88 MB)
47 - Introduction to Numbers Section.mp4 (12.38 MB)
48 - Introduction to Numbers the agenda and what Numbers are in C.mp4 (28.34 MB)
49 - Working with Integers Example 1.mp4 (25.76 MB)
50 - Double Type Example 2.mp4 (17.1 MB)
51 - Decimal Types Example 3.mp4 (27.15 MB)
52 - The Numbers Challenge.mp4 (13.37 MB)
53 - The Number Challenge The solution.mp4 (10.09 MB)
54 - Introduction to this Arrays Section.mp4 (15.98 MB)
55 - Agenda for Arrays using C.mp4 (16.76 MB)
56 - Singledimension Arrays Example 1.mp4 (45.37 MB)
57 - Multidimensional Arrays Example 2.mp4 (79.44 MB)
58 - Jagged arrays Example 3.mp4 (77.9 MB)
59 - Implicitly typed arrays Example 4.mp4 (28.47 MB)
60 - The Arrays Challenge.mp4 (25.7 MB)
61 - The Arrays Challenge The Solution.mp4 (50.86 MB)
62 - Introduction to the Conditional Logic Section.mp4 (19.55 MB)
63 - What is Conditional Logic and Decision Statements in C.mp4 (35.99 MB)
64 - Decision Statements Sample 1.mp4 (18.27 MB)
65 - If and else statement Sample 2.mp4 (39.37 MB)
66 - Switch statement Sample 3.mp4 (26.44 MB)
67 - Using the Loop Statement Sample 4.mp4 (23.88 MB)
68 - Do while loop Sample 5.mp4 (15.21 MB)
69 - The for loop statement Sample 6.mp4 (18.48 MB)
70 - Nested loops Sample 7.mp4 (31.89 MB)
71 - The Challenge Combine conditions and loops.mp4 (25.17 MB)
72 - Combine conditions and loops The Solution.mp4 (15.31 MB)
73 - Introduction to the list collection section.mp4 (12.48 MB)
74 - List Collection Agenda.mp4 (11.36 MB)
75 - What is Generics and what is lists in C.mp4 (48.41 MB)
76 - Create list Sample 1.mp4 (55.67 MB)
77 - Modify list contents Sample 2.mp4 (40.34 MB)
78 - Search and sort lists Sample 3.mp4 (51.73 MB)
79 - Lists of other types Sample 4.mp4 (18.61 MB)
80 - The Challenge Using List Collections.mp4 (10.86 MB)
81 - The Solution Using List Collections.mp4 (12.94 MB)
82 - Introduction to the functional programming section.mp4 (12.79 MB)
83 - Functional Programming Agenda.mp4 (13.15 MB)
84 - Pattern matching and Casting Sample 1.mp4 (57.48 MB)
85 - Explicit Casting Sample 2.mp4 (32.01 MB)
86 - Using as Operator Sample 3.mp4 (41.53 MB)
87 - Null Checks Sample 4.mp4 (74.39 MB)
88 - Using Key Value Pairs Sample 5.mp4 (37.63 MB)
89 - Challenge List Filtering with Key Value Pair.mp4 (18.19 MB)
90 - The Solution List Filtering with Key Value Pair.mp4 (24.41 MB)

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