Udemy Blazor The Complete Guide NET 9 (2024) E commerce



14.54 GB | 11min 56s | mp4 | 1920X1080 | 16:9
Genre:eLearning |Language:English

Files Included :
001 Introduction.mp4 (10.09 MB)
002 Demo - What we will build in the course.mp4 (67.79 MB)
003 blazor-snippets.zip (25.22 MB)
001 Create Project.mp4 (7.98 MB)
002 Add Project to source control.mp4 (18.21 MB)
003 Run default application.mp4 (2.98 MB)
001 Create First Blazor Component.mp4 (51.99 MB)
002 One way data binding.mp4 (17.34 MB)
003 Tow way data binding.mp4 (37.09 MB)
004 Assignment 1.mp4 (1.19 MB)
005 Assignment 1 Solution.mp4 (25.13 MB)
006 Dropdown in Blazor.mp4 (59.32 MB)
007 Global using statement.mp4 (31.87 MB)
008 Product List.mp4 (24.63 MB)
009 Assignment 2 - Product Table.mp4 (1.74 MB)
010 Assignment 2 Solution - Product Table.mp4 (14.46 MB)
011 Assignment 3 - Binding Product Table to Product Summary.mp4 (1.85 MB)
012 Assignment 3 Solution- Binding Product Table to Product Summary.mp4 (9.52 MB)
013 Assignment 4 - Product Demo Component.mp4 (2.74 MB)
014 Assignment 4 Solution- Product Demo Component.mp4 (59.21 MB)
015 Button clicks in Blazor.mp4 (26.52 MB)
016 Passing parameter to method calls in blazor.mp4 (4.94 MB)
017 Assignment 4 - Delete Product.mp4 (1.25 MB)
018 Assignment 5 Solution - Delete Product.mp4 (18.61 MB)
001 Create Shared Component.mp4 (67.97 MB)
002 Passing Props to Shared Components.mp4 (41.16 MB)
003 Assignment 6 - Shared Component.mp4 (12.15 MB)
004 Assignment 6 Solution - Shared Component.mp4 (14.55 MB)
005 Create Favorite CheckBox.mp4 (14.12 MB)
006 Event Callback.mp4 (51.83 MB)
007 Assignment 7 - Event CallBack.mp4 (7.11 MB)
008 Assignment 7 Solution - Event Callback.mp4 (43.88 MB)
001 Create Parent and Child Components.mp4 (20.56 MB)
002 Render Fragment.mp4 (19.85 MB)
003 Simple EventCallBack for methods with no parameters.mp4 (14.99 MB)
004 Multiple Render Fragment.mp4 (35.01 MB)
005 Passing Parameters at multiple level.mp4 (44.03 MB)
006 Cascading Parameter.mp4 (37.42 MB)
007 Cascading Parameter with Name.mp4 (49.31 MB)
001 Routing Basics.mp4 (13.16 MB)
002 Passing parameters to route.mp4 (5.73 MB)
003 Multiple Parameters.mp4 (8.54 MB)
004 Route Constraints.mp4 (14.19 MB)
005 Catch all Route Parameters.mp4 (7.62 MB)
006 NavLink.mp4 (49 MB)
007 Named Elements Routing.mp4 (5.78 MB)
008 Query Parameters.mp4 (33.32 MB)
009 Navigate using Navigation Manager.mp4 (15.02 MB)
010 Force Refresh.mp4 (6.99 MB)
011 Query String.mp4 (20.25 MB)
001 Confirmbox in Blazor.mp4 (51.47 MB)
002 Toastr JS.mp4 (51.53 MB)
003 Toastr JS Part 2.mp4 (49.49 MB)
004 JS Runtime Extensions.mp4 (26.11 MB)
005 Assignment 8 - SweetAlert.mp4 (27.32 MB)
006 Assignment 8 Solution - SweetAlert.mp4 (44.35 MB)
007 Referencing Components.mp4 (47.89 MB)
008 Remove Default Components.mp4 (45.63 MB)
001 OnInitialized LifeCycle.mp4 (76.92 MB)
002 OnParameterSet LifeCycle.mp4 (21.74 MB)
003 OnAfterRender Lifecycle.mp4 (64.61 MB)
004 Should Render and StateHasChanged.mp4 (77.85 MB)
001 Create Blazor Web App - SSR.mp4 (12.49 MB)
002 Enhanced Navigation in Blazor.mp4 (9.13 MB)
003 Make Data Permanant in Nagivation.mp4 (3.87 MB)
004 Stream Rendering in Blazor.mp4 (26.69 MB)
005 Stream Rendering Example.mp4 (20.33 MB)
006 Blazor Server Project with Global.mp4 (39.95 MB)
007 Global vs Component Level Interactivity.mp4 (26.96 MB)
008 Blazor WASM Standalone vs Blazor Web App.mp4 (26.46 MB)
009 Blazor Auto Interactivity.mp4 (17.78 MB)
010 Blazor Server VS WASM VS Auto in Action.mp4 (46.48 MB)
011 Focus on Learning Blazor.mp4 (17.89 MB)
001 Product Model Setup.mp4 (18.22 MB)
002 Edit Form in Blazor.mp4 (29.64 MB)
003 Bind Method for Form Submit.mp4 (20.54 MB)
004 Validations in Blazor Forms.mp4 (52.19 MB)
005 More Input Types.mp4 (29.46 MB)
006 Display Created Product.mp4 (34.3 MB)
007 Bind Property to Form.mp4 (58.77 MB)
001 Create Project.mp4 (7.21 MB)
002 Add Project to GitHub.mp4 (12.12 MB)
003 Setup Project.mp4 (7.57 MB)
004 Create Database.mp4 (24.91 MB)
001 Create Category Model and Table.mp4 (23.69 MB)
002 Create ICategoryRepository.mp4 (7.81 MB)
003 Implement Category Repository.mp4 (27.82 MB)
004 Category List UI.mp4 (69.62 MB)
005 Show Loading Spinner.mp4 (13.28 MB)
006 Load Categories Table.mp4 (76.89 MB)
007 Importance of Await.mp4 (16.88 MB)
008 Async Repository.mp4 (67.1 MB)
009 Another approach to load initial data.mp4 (46.76 MB)
010 Upsert Category Component.mp4 (32.33 MB)
011 Add Bootstrap JQUERY and Toastr CDN.mp4 (43.85 MB)
012 Category Upsert UI.mp4 (65.97 MB)
013 Edit and Create Category.mp4 (85.83 MB)
014 Add toastr to Project.mp4 (94.32 MB)
015 How to Show and Hide Modal.mp4 (61.69 MB)
016 Show Modal from Delete Button.mp4 (47.75 MB)
017 Delete Endpoint in CategoryList.mp4 (25.4 MB)
018 Delete in Action.mp4 (42.16 MB)
019 Modal Parameters.mp4 (29.15 MB)
001 Create Product Model.mp4 (27.88 MB)
002 Product Repository and Components.mp4 (64.69 MB)
003 Add More Input Fields.mp4 (72.77 MB)
004 Product List UI.mp4 (24.24 MB)
005 Input for File Upload.mp4 (30.91 MB)
006 Load Files Method.mp4 (62.18 MB)
007 Upload Product.mp4 (64.9 MB)
008 Delete Image.mp4 (40.5 MB)
009 Hide Input Field.mp4 (20.08 MB)
010 Delete Product in Action.mp4 (25.93 MB)
001 Authentication Demo in the Application.mp4 (9.22 MB)
002 Final Built in Pages for Authentication.mp4 (81.88 MB)
003 Register Component Redesign.mp4 (53.74 MB)
004 Role Dropdown.mp4 (49.13 MB)
005 Register with Roles in Action.mp4 (124.55 MB)
006 Redesign Login.mp4 (37.84 MB)
007 Authorize View in Action.mp4 (24.43 MB)
008 Multiple NavBar.mp4 (32.99 MB)
009 Links in NavBar.mp4 (16.56 MB)
010 Dynamic NavBar based on Role of the user.mp4 (43.4 MB)
011 Display links based on authorization state.mp4 (38.51 MB)
001 Templates for Home UI.mp4 (16.78 MB)
002 Add Shopping Cart Link in NavBar.mp4 (16.93 MB)
003 Add Shopping Cart Component.mp4 (18.46 MB)
004 Show spinner and load Products.mp4 (38.62 MB)
005 Show all Products.mp4 (56.53 MB)
006 Home Page with all Product Image.mp4 (72.4 MB)
007 Display Category in Filter.mp4 (25.88 MB)
008 Add methods to Filter.mp4 (60 MB)
009 Search in Action.mp4 (28.75 MB)
010 Category Filters.mp4 (45 MB)
011 Active style of selected category.mp4 (22.71 MB)
001 Shopping Cart UI Template.mp4 (11.53 MB)
002 Shopping Cart Model.mp4 (12.81 MB)
003 Shopping Cart Interface.mp4 (6.31 MB)
004 Shopping Cart Repository.mp4 (35.8 MB)
005 Add Item to Cart Login.mp4 (98.75 MB)
006 Demo - Add to cart.mp4 (31.46 MB)
007 Load Shopping Cart.mp4 (45.59 MB)
008 Display Shopping Cart Items.mp4 (50.01 MB)
009 Order Header and Details Model.mp4 (50.51 MB)
010 Toggle counter in shopping cart.mp4 (62.95 MB)
011 Cart Form and Validations.mp4 (86.3 MB)
012 Cart Total and Cleanup.mp4 (79.79 MB)
001 Order Status.mp4 (11.81 MB)
002 Order Repository Interface.mp4 (12.57 MB)
003 Order Repository Implementation.mp4 (32.88 MB)
004 Convert shopping cart to order detail.mp4 (31.22 MB)
005 Order Confirmation.mp4 (30.01 MB)
006 Create Order.mp4 (45.48 MB)
001 Order List.mp4 (129.69 MB)
002 Order Details UI.mp4 (62.23 MB)
003 Dynamic Order Details.mp4 (38.79 MB)
004 Authorization on Order List.mp4 (75.02 MB)
005 Default Icons.mp4 (15.01 MB)
006 Update Status.mp4 (76.68 MB)
007 Only admin can update status.mp4 (20.93 MB)
001 Styling Navbar.mp4 (26.96 MB)
002 Radzen Components.mp4 (69.8 MB)
003 Radzen Html Editor.mp4 (129.48 MB)
004 DataGrid in Radzen.mp4 (137.27 MB)
005 Get for a User.mp4 (30.57 MB)
001 Shared State Service.mp4 (21.33 MB)
002 Cart Counter in Action.mp4 (78.76 MB)
003 Update cart counter on cart modification.mp4 (52.63 MB)
001 Facebook Login.mp4 (54.92 MB)
002 Facebook Login in Action.mp4 (63.42 MB)
003 Social Login with Microsoft.mp4 (23.21 MB)
004 Updates and multiple login method.mp4 (32.77 MB)
005 Set Password for a social login account.mp4 (7.69 MB)
006 Social login with Google.mp4 (70.31 MB)
007 Buttons Design.mp4 (15.57 MB)
001 Add Stripe Secret Key to Project.mp4 (13.08 MB)
002 Add columns to order header for Stripe.mp4 (8.66 MB)
003 Stripe Flow.mp4 (6.85 MB)
004 Add more endpoints in Order Repository.mp4 (16.48 MB)
005 Payment service to create stripe session.mp4 (82.03 MB)
006 Check Session and update payment intent id.mp4 (38.48 MB)
007 7 Order Confirmation Update.mp4 (52.85 MB)
008 Modify Cart to process stripe.mp4 (21.26 MB)
009 9 Stripe Demo.mp4 (28.86 MB)
010 Db Context Lifetime.mp4 (23.89 MB)
011 Quick Update to Button Status.mp4 (10.6 MB)
001 Welcome.mp4 (8.87 MB)
002 Project Demo.mp4 (25.05 MB)
004 5 What is Blazor.mp4 (9.53 MB)
006 Blazor client vs Blazor server.mp4 (10.16 MB)
007 What this course is not about.mp4 (7.07 MB)
008 Create Project.mp4 (20.9 MB)
009 Run the application.mp4 (10.92 MB)
010 Source Control.mp4 (3.75 MB)
001 Blazor Files Overview.mp4 (47.42 MB)
002 Blazor Server Project Flow.mp4 (92.48 MB)
003 Blazor Web Assembly Project Brief Overview.mp4 (25.3 MB)
004 Understand the Default Home Page.mp4 (10.15 MB)
005 Creating Razor Component.mp4 (29.98 MB)
001 One way Data Binding.mp4 (20.9 MB)
002 3 Two Way Data Binding.mp4 (52.52 MB)
003 4 Assignment 1 - Data Binding.mp4 (1.84 MB)
004 5 Assignment 1 Solution - Data Binding.mp4 (20.16 MB)
005 6 Dropdowns and Data Binding.mp4 (71.38 MB)
006 7 Organizing Individual Product Playground.mp4 (60.4 MB)
007 8 Product List.mp4 (21.05 MB)
008 9 Assignment 2 - Bind Property.mp4 (3.84 MB)
009 10 Assignment 2 Solution - Bind Property.mp4 (52.54 MB)
010 Assignment 3 - Razor Component.mp4 (3.03 MB)
011 Assignment 3 Solution - New Razor Component.mp4 (43.6 MB)
001 Create Shared Component.mp4 (44.05 MB)
002 Passing Props to Shared Component.mp4 (11.38 MB)
003 Assignment 4 - Shared Components.mp4 (5.15 MB)
004 Assignment 4 Solution - Shared Components.mp4 (10.06 MB)
005 Favourites CheckBox.mp4 (28.83 MB)
006 Event Callback.mp4 (64.15 MB)
007 Assignment 5 - Event Callback.mp4 (3.1 MB)
008 Assignment 5 Solution - Event Callback.mp4 (29.48 MB)
001 Render Fragment.mp4 (43.65 MB)
002 Another way for Basic Event Call Back.mp4 (27.17 MB)
003 Multiple Render Fragment.mp4 (29.64 MB)
004 Assignment 6 - Render Fragment.mp4 (1.6 MB)
005 Assignment 6 Solution - Render Fragment.mp4 (8.7 MB)
006 why we need attribute splatting.mp4 (41.88 MB)
007 Attribute Splatting.mp4 (17.59 MB)
008 Capture all values with splatting.mp4 (16.21 MB)
009 Passing Parameters at multiple level.mp4 (18.67 MB)
010 Cascading Parameter.mp4 (17.39 MB)
011 Cascading Parameter with Name.mp4 (24.2 MB)
012 Routing Basics.mp4 (24.41 MB)
013 Routing - Query Parameters.mp4 (33.05 MB)
014 Routing - Navigation Manager.mp4 (19.81 MB)
001 Confirm Box in Blazor.mp4 (40.93 MB)
002 Toastr JS.mp4 (86.89 MB)
003 JsRuntime Extensions.mp4 (47.39 MB)
004 Assignment 7 - SweetAlert.mp4 (3.38 MB)
005 Assignment 7 Solution - SweetAlert.mp4 (33.76 MB)
006 Referencing Components.mp4 (32.75 MB)
007 Remove Default Components.mp4 (27.53 MB)
001 OnInitialized Lifecycle.mp4 (51.64 MB)
002 OnParameterSet Lifecycle.mp4 (27.69 MB)
003 OnAfterRender.mp4 (53.42 MB)
004 Should Render and StateHasChanged.mp4 (49.91 MB)
001 Add Projects to Solution.mp4 (7.83 MB)
002 Setup ApplicationDbContext.mp4 (32.52 MB)
003 Add DbContext to Container.mp4 (58.97 MB)
004 Push Category to Database.mp4 (53.36 MB)
005 Category DTO.mp4 (17.64 MB)
006 ICategory Repository.mp4 (16.54 MB)
007 Category Repository Setup.mp4 (32.64 MB)
008 AutoMapper.mp4 (77.17 MB)
009 Implement Category Repository.mp4 (91.41 MB)
001 Create Category List Component.mp4 (14.7 MB)
002 Forms in Blazor Part 1.mp4 (30.31 MB)
003 Forms in Blazor Part 2.mp4 (12.66 MB)
004 Validations in Blazor Form.mp4 (57.04 MB)
005 Create Category.mp4 (22.39 MB)
006 List Category.mp4 (24.61 MB)
007 Loading Spinner.mp4 (34.04 MB)
008 Load Category on Edit.mp4 (37.64 MB)
009 Edit Category.mp4 (6.72 MB)
001 Delete Confirmation Component.mp4 (53.38 MB)
002 Delete Method and Assignment 8.mp4 (17.68 MB)
003 Assignment 8 - Delete Confirmation EventCallBack.mp4 (17.39 MB)
004 Processing on Delete Confirmation.mp4 (20.67 MB)
005 Cleaning Up Task.mp4 (28.21 MB)
006 Assignment 9 - OnAfterRenderAsync.mp4 (3.7 MB)
007 Assignment 9 Solution - OnAfterRenderAsync.mp4 (7.46 MB)
008 Async Repository.mp4 (37.8 MB)
001 Section Introduction.mp4 (17.34 MB)
002 Create Product Table.mp4 (19.79 MB)
003 Product DTO.mp4 (10.63 MB)
004 Assignment 10 - Product Rpeository.mp4 (3.15 MB)
005 Assignment 10 Solution - Product Repository.mp4 (44.04 MB)
006 Product List Component.mp4 (34.08 MB)
007 Product Upsert Component.mp4 (69.2 MB)
008 Error Solving in Blazor.mp4 (23.29 MB)
009 Category Dropdown.mp4 (57.92 MB)
010 FileUpload Service.mp4 (53.03 MB)
011 Handle File Upload.mp4 (43.63 MB)
012 Create Product.mp4 (17.81 MB)
013 Update Product.mp4 (14.76 MB)
014 Delete Product.mp4 (56.88 MB)
015 Syncfusion Components.mp4 (17.32 MB)
016 Syncfusion RichTextEditor in Action.mp4 (182.38 MB)
017 Create Products.mp4 (3.87 MB)
001 What we will cover.mp4 (3.82 MB)
002 Product Price Model and DTO.mp4 (30.97 MB)
003 Assignment 11 - Product Price Repository.mp4 (4.06 MB)
004 Assignment 11 Solution - Product Price Repository.mp4 (22.73 MB)
005 Load Product Details and Product Price.mp4 (33.75 MB)
006 Show Product Summary.mp4 (47.35 MB)
007 Add Syncfusion DataGrid.mp4 (57.42 MB)
008 Syncfusion DataGrid Settings Part 1.mp4 (67.75 MB)
009 Syncfusion DataGrid Settings Part 2.mp4 (38.68 MB)
010 Syncfusion DataGrid Settings Part 3.mp4 (24.16 MB)
011 Syncfusion DataGrid Settings Part 4.mp4 (65.97 MB)
001 Create Tangy API.mp4 (7.45 MB)
002 Add Connection String to API Project.mp4 (30.21 MB)
003 Success Error DTO.mp4 (22.28 MB)
004 Product Controller API Endpoint.mp4 (44.3 MB)
005 Return Product Prices from Product API.mp4 (50.19 MB)
001 Add AppSettings to WASM Project.mp4 (11.94 MB)
002 Changing default navigation.mp4 (39.8 MB)
003 Basic Settings like Server Project.mp4 (30.79 MB)
004 Product Service Interface.mp4 (23.77 MB)
005 Product Service Calls.mp4 (39.29 MB)
006 Home Page UI.mp4 (30 MB)
007 Retrieve Products from API.mp4 (44.49 MB)
008 Home Page In Action.mp4 (76.18 MB)
009 Details UI.mp4 (77.38 MB)
010 Details VM.mp4 (25.29 MB)
011 Selecting Product Price.mp4 (28.3 MB)
012 Details UI - Add to Cart Toggle.mp4 (35.78 MB)
001 Add Blazored Local Storage.mp4 (22.57 MB)
002 Cart Service.mp4 (8.5 MB)
003 Implement Cart Service.mp4 (78.72 MB)
004 Cart Service Add to Cart in Action.mp4 (61.01 MB)
005 Shopping Cart UI.mp4 (42.74 MB)
006 Shopping Cart Load Data.mp4 (58.47 MB)
007 Increment and Decrement Cart.mp4 (55.12 MB)
008 Displaying Cart Counter.mp4 (41 MB)
009 Update NavBar On Cart Update.mp4 (62.92 MB)
001 Create Order Header and Detail.mp4 (59.98 MB)
002 Create Order Model and DTO.mp4 (26.05 MB)
003 Order Repository.mp4 (12.3 MB)
004 Order Create Method.mp4 (37.81 MB)
005 Order Repository Implementation.mp4 (63.38 MB)
006 API - Create order controller.mp4 (16.49 MB)
007 Order Service.mp4 (22.42 MB)
008 Order Summary Part 1.mp4 (36.99 MB)
009 Order Summary Part 2.mp4 (65.55 MB)
010 Order Summary UI.mp4 (77.16 MB)
001 Scaffold Identity in Blazor Server.mp4 (94.18 MB)
002 Add Identity Tables.mp4 (65.58 MB)
003 Add Columns to ASP Net Users Table.mp4 (41.72 MB)
004 Register First User.mp4 (51.03 MB)
005 Login and Logout.mp4 (48.49 MB)
006 Show Email of Logged in User.mp4 (8.61 MB)
007 Authorize Attribute.mp4 (27.37 MB)
008 Authentication State in OnInitialized.mp4 (63.48 MB)
009 Create Admin User.mp4 (99.43 MB)
010 Roles in Action.mp4 (15.99 MB)
011 DbInitializer.mp4 (71.4 MB)
012 Seed New Database.mp4 (38.47 MB)
013 Authorization In NavMenu.mp4 (26.14 MB)
001 Add Identity to API.mp4 (11.89 MB)
002 Account Controller.mp4 (22.04 MB)
003 SignIn SignUp DTO.mp4 (31.02 MB)
004 SignUp API Endpoint.mp4 (21.63 MB)
005 Demo - SignUp API.mp4 (21.58 MB)
006 SignIn API Endpoint Part 1.mp4 (29.23 MB)
007 API Settings Section.mp4 (38.6 MB)
008 SignIn Helper Methods.mp4 (37.44 MB)
009 Sign In Endpoint Part 2.mp4 (93.1 MB)
010 Add Authentication to API.mp4 (41.59 MB)
011 Add Bearer to Swagger.mp4 (58.39 MB)
001 JwtParser.mp4 (26.34 MB)
002 Add AuthenticationState Provider.mp4 (34.95 MB)
003 Custom Authentication State Demo.mp4 (41.26 MB)
004 IAuthenticationSerivce.mp4 (12.17 MB)
005 Login Service.mp4 (74.96 MB)
006 Register and Logout Service.mp4 (22.23 MB)
007 Register and Login UI.mp4 (13.52 MB)
008 Register Component.mp4 (62.1 MB)
009 Registration in Action.mp4 (32.98 MB)
010 Splitting code files.mp4 (24.31 MB)
011 Login in Action.mp4 (64.81 MB)
012 Toggle Navbar on Authorization.mp4 (9.14 MB)
013 Login and Logout in Action.mp4 (32.3 MB)
014 Avoid force load on auth state change.mp4 (58.77 MB)
015 Redirect to Login.mp4 (104.91 MB)
016 Load User Details.mp4 (26.32 MB)
001 Call Create Order From Summary.mp4 (66.84 MB)
002 Create Order Header and Details.mp4 (47.5 MB)
003 Create Stripe Account.mp4 (7.25 MB)
004 Add Stripe to API Project.mp4 (31.95 MB)
005 Payment Service in Blazor WASM.mp4 (52.53 MB)
006 Stripe Payment Controller Method.mp4 (129.64 MB)
007 Call Stripe.mp4 (54.15 MB)
008 Issue with Order Total.mp4 (33.8 MB)
009 Order Confirmation.mp4 (43.12 MB)
010 Stripe Session Status and Payment Successful.mp4 (87.91 MB)
011 Summary Processor.mp4 (14.68 MB)
001 Create Order List Component.mp4 (53.66 MB)
002 Radzen Component.mp4 (132.07 MB)
003 Order Details Component.mp4 (20.13 MB)
004 Order Details UI.mp4 (47.24 MB)
005 Update Order Details.mp4 (40.67 MB)
006 Ship Order.mp4 (15.23 MB)
007 Payment Intent ID.mp4 (96.15 MB)
008 Refund Order.mp4 (98.22 MB)
001 Send Email using MailKit and MimeKit.mp4 (91.69 MB)
002 Send Email using SendGrid.mp4 (30.6 MB)
003 Blazor WebAssembly Package Issues.mp4 (15.15 MB)
001 Azure SQL Database.mp4 (44.04 MB)
002 Blazor Server Deployment.mp4 (36.84 MB)
003 API Deployment.mp4 (45.35 MB)
004 Blazor Client Deployment.mp4 (70.99 MB)

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