8.24 GB | 00:16:48 | mp4 | 1280X720 | 16:9
Genre:eLearning |Language:English
Files Included :
1 -Introduction (55.35 MB)
2 -Course for the best price (19.41 MB)
3 -GitHub & Discord & Youtube & FB (51.55 MB)
4 -What will you learn in this course (41.96 MB)
5 -Get the most of this course and how to use the attached resources (46.82 MB)
6 -App Demo + More About this course (107.8 MB)
7 -Course and Udemy important hints (97.72 MB)
8 -Source code on Github + Attached lectures (34.97 MB)
1 -BLoC Intro - Theory (120.16 MB)
10 -57 (1.19 MB)
10 -Create the movies bloc functions (164.09 MB)
11 -Start implementing the splash screen using our Movies BLoC (81.82 MB)
12 -58 (1.19 MB)
12 -Introduce the Bloc Listener and finalize the splash screen code (51.21 MB)
13 -Test the Error Handling - In the Splash Screen - BLoC (25.33 MB)
14 -59 (1.19 MB)
14 -Implement the movies pagination using the BLoC (111.04 MB)
15 -60 (1.19 MB)
15 -Display the correct movies data on the screen (50.04 MB)
16 -61 (1.19 MB)
16 -Display the correct genres on the screen (123.99 MB)
17 -62 (1.2 MB)
17 -Create the Favorites State and Events for our Favorites BLoC (97.31 MB)
18 -Implement the Favorites BLoC Functions (218.06 MB)
18 -Implement the Favorites BLoC Functions (1.2 MB)
19 -63 (1.2 MB)
19 -Allow the User to add to his favorites (126.57 MB)
2 -Add the required packages to use the BLoC in our App (27.84 MB)
20 -64 (1.2 MB)
20 -Introduce the MultiBlocListener Widget and Load the favorites in the Splash (94.21 MB)
21 -65 (1.2 MB)
21 -Fix the add or remove from favorites bug (68.63 MB)
22 -66 (1.2 MB)
22 -Display the favorite movies on the screen (96.88 MB)
23 -67 (1.26 MB)
23 -Introduce the BlocConsumer widget (67.49 MB)
3 -Explain the purpose of the Equatable package (73.03 MB)
4 -Start creating the Theme Bloc, Create the events and the states (97.3 MB)
5 -54 (1.19 MB)
5 -Finalize implementing the Theme Bloc (118.37 MB)
6 -55 (1.19 MB)
6 -Load the last saved theme (105.59 MB)
7 -Allow the user to toggle the theme using BLoC (36.6 MB)
8 -56 (1.19 MB)
8 -Use getIt with the BLoC (32.72 MB)
9 -Create the Movies State and Events (87.24 MB)
1 -Conclusion - Course Recap (92.25 MB)
1 -What is MVVM A very detailed explanation (88.98 MB)
2 -Create a brand new Flutter project (26.45 MB)
3 -Create the Project Structure Using the MVVM Architecture (53.41 MB)
1 -1 (617.87 KB)
1 -Add the required packages throughout the course (49.59 MB)
2 -Create The App Theme (50.36 MB)
3 -2 (626.36 KB)
3 -Start Creating the movies screen and the cached network image (158.82 MB)
4 -3 (623.54 KB)
4 -Start implementing the movies widget mp4 (112.63 MB)
5 -Implement the favorite btn widget (27.05 MB)
6 -4 (625.65 KB)
6 -Create the geners list dynamic widget (133.8 MB)
7 -5 (626.59 KB)
7 -Implement the favorites screen (35.84 MB)
8 -6 (628.25 KB)
8 -Implement the Movie Details Screen (92.59 MB)
9 -7 (630.16 KB)
9 -Implement the Error Widget and the Splash Screen (80.91 MB)
1 -8 (631.8 KB)
1 -Get Started With the Navigation In Flutter Using Clean Way (113.09 MB)
2 -9 (631.92 KB)
2 -Finish Navigation Using Clean Way (50.93 MB)
3 -Display dialog using the clean way (46.35 MB)
4 -10 (632.19 KB)
4 -Show a snackbar using the clean way (41.94 MB)
1 -Create an account on Movies DB and request an API Key (39.13 MB)
10 -16 (639.29 KB)
10 -Create the Repository class (63.28 MB)
2 -API Documentation Overview (82.8 MB)
3 -11 (632.8 KB)
3 -Create the Movie Model (43.21 MB)
4 -Explain why we need to use the genre api and do the mapping (18.85 MB)
5 -Create the API Constants Class (54.8 MB)
6 -12 Create a secured envirement for the API KEYs (636.3 KB)
6 -Create a secured envirement for the API KEYs (61.14 MB)
7 -13 (637.41 KB)
7 -Start integrating the API in our code and send requests (131.47 MB)
8 -14 (637.51 KB)
8 -Override the toString Function in the MoviesModel (39.86 MB)
9 -15 (638.38 KB)
9 -Implement the Movie Genres Model and the API Calls (87.36 MB)
1 -Advanced Local State Management vs Global State Management (80.14 MB)
2 -17 (639.67 KB)
2 -Fetch the movies with pagination using the setState state management (213.8 MB)
3 -18 (639.85 KB)
3 -Display the correct movie details on the screen (88.87 MB)
4 -Add animation for the image (19.09 MB)
5 -19 (640.32 KB)
5 -Fetch the genres in the splash screen (68.95 MB)
6 -20 (641.36 KB)
6 -Display the correct genres on the screen and do the mapping (147.44 MB)
7 -Test the retry button in the Error handling (6.6 MB)
8 -21 (641.53 KB)
8 -Implement the favorite btn with the setState management and display why it is (79.91 MB)
9 -Fix the average number formatting (17.49 MB)
1 -22 (1.18 MB)
1 -Code Starter For Different State Managements (116.98 MB)
1 -Explain the Provider State Management in theory (77.52 MB)
10 -30 (1.21 MB)
10 -Display the movies information on the screen using a new way from the Provider (99.08 MB)
11 -Display the correct genres on the screen (24.73 MB)
12 -32 (1.21 MB)
12 -Implement the Favorites Provider (120.55 MB)
13 -33 (1.22 MB)
13 -Allow the user to add and remove from his favorites (45.13 MB)
14 -Load the favorite movies (22.89 MB)
15 -34 (1.22 MB)
15 -Display the favorites in the Favorites Screen (60 MB)
2 -23 (1.21 MB)
2 -Start implementing the Theme State management with provider (191.26 MB)
3 -24 (1.21 MB)
3 -More about the Consumer Widget in Provider (96.62 MB)
4 -25 (1.21 MB)
4 -Load the last saved theme (52.04 MB)
5 -26 (1.21 MB)
5 -Implement the Movies Provider (104.62 MB)
6 -27 (1.21 MB)
6 -Implement the splash screen using the provider state management (118.9 MB)
7 -Recap how our App code is connected together using MVVM (28.78 MB)
8 -28 (1.21 MB)
8 -Test the error handling in the Splash Screen (119.67 MB)
9 -29 (1.21 MB)
9 -Implement the pagination using the provider state management (81.06 MB)
1 -Get Started with the Riverpod state management (54.82 MB)
10 -41 (1.19 MB)
10 -Implement the Splash Screen using async notifier (141.56 MB)
11 -Test the error handling in the Splash Screen - Riverpod (18.99 MB)
12 -Fix the setState() or markNeedsBuild() called during build (24.29 MB)
13 -42 (1.2 MB)
13 -autoDispose & ref keepAlive() (22.5 MB)
14 -43 (1.19 MB)
14 -Fetch movies and implement the pagination in the Movies Screen (55.98 MB)
15 -44 (1.19 MB)
15 -Display the correct movie data on the screen using the Riverpod (129.68 MB)
16 -45 (1.19 MB)
16 -Fix the duplicated movies bug (65.57 MB)
17 -46 (1.2 MB)
17 -Implement the favorites state and provider (68.12 MB)
18 -47 (1.2 MB)
18 -Allow the user to add and remove from his favorites (151.66 MB)
19 -Load the favorites on the App start (54.09 MB)
2 -Create the theme provider (124.37 MB)
20 -48 (1.2 MB)
20 -Display the correct favs on the screen (77.23 MB)
21 -49 (1.2 MB)
21 -Explain Stream Provider (109.86 MB)
22 -50 (1.2 MB)
22 -Explain the logging observer using the Riverpod (67.35 MB)
23 -51 (1.2 MB)
23 -Explain the ConsumerStfulWidget - dont skip (72.05 MB)
24 -52 (1.2 MB)
24 -Display the correct movie genres on the screen (55.16 MB)
3 -Finalize the theme provider using Riverpod (181.64 MB)
4 -36 (1.19 MB)
4 -Recap on how we implemented the theme provider using the riverpod and how thi (53.35 MB)
5 -37 (1.19 MB)
5 -Introduce the Consumer widget in Riverpod (40.55 MB)
6 -Start Implementing the movies state (42.75 MB)
7 -38 (1.19 MB)
7 -Create the copyWith Function to be able to update the movies state (53.96 MB)
8 -39 (1.19 MB)
8 -Create the movies provider (107.55 MB)
9 -40 (1.19 MB)
9 -Implement the Splash Screen using Future Builder (103.28 MB)
2 -Course for the best price (19.41 MB)
3 -GitHub & Discord & Youtube & FB (51.55 MB)
4 -What will you learn in this course (41.96 MB)
5 -Get the most of this course and how to use the attached resources (46.82 MB)
6 -App Demo + More About this course (107.8 MB)
7 -Course and Udemy important hints (97.72 MB)
8 -Source code on Github + Attached lectures (34.97 MB)
1 -BLoC Intro - Theory (120.16 MB)
10 -57 (1.19 MB)
10 -Create the movies bloc functions (164.09 MB)
11 -Start implementing the splash screen using our Movies BLoC (81.82 MB)
12 -58 (1.19 MB)
12 -Introduce the Bloc Listener and finalize the splash screen code (51.21 MB)
13 -Test the Error Handling - In the Splash Screen - BLoC (25.33 MB)
14 -59 (1.19 MB)
14 -Implement the movies pagination using the BLoC (111.04 MB)
15 -60 (1.19 MB)
15 -Display the correct movies data on the screen (50.04 MB)
16 -61 (1.19 MB)
16 -Display the correct genres on the screen (123.99 MB)
17 -62 (1.2 MB)
17 -Create the Favorites State and Events for our Favorites BLoC (97.31 MB)
18 -Implement the Favorites BLoC Functions (218.06 MB)
18 -Implement the Favorites BLoC Functions (1.2 MB)
19 -63 (1.2 MB)
19 -Allow the User to add to his favorites (126.57 MB)
2 -Add the required packages to use the BLoC in our App (27.84 MB)
20 -64 (1.2 MB)
20 -Introduce the MultiBlocListener Widget and Load the favorites in the Splash (94.21 MB)
21 -65 (1.2 MB)
21 -Fix the add or remove from favorites bug (68.63 MB)
22 -66 (1.2 MB)
22 -Display the favorite movies on the screen (96.88 MB)
23 -67 (1.26 MB)
23 -Introduce the BlocConsumer widget (67.49 MB)
3 -Explain the purpose of the Equatable package (73.03 MB)
4 -Start creating the Theme Bloc, Create the events and the states (97.3 MB)
5 -54 (1.19 MB)
5 -Finalize implementing the Theme Bloc (118.37 MB)
6 -55 (1.19 MB)
6 -Load the last saved theme (105.59 MB)
7 -Allow the user to toggle the theme using BLoC (36.6 MB)
8 -56 (1.19 MB)
8 -Use getIt with the BLoC (32.72 MB)
9 -Create the Movies State and Events (87.24 MB)
1 -Conclusion - Course Recap (92.25 MB)
1 -What is MVVM A very detailed explanation (88.98 MB)
2 -Create a brand new Flutter project (26.45 MB)
3 -Create the Project Structure Using the MVVM Architecture (53.41 MB)
1 -1 (617.87 KB)
1 -Add the required packages throughout the course (49.59 MB)
2 -Create The App Theme (50.36 MB)
3 -2 (626.36 KB)
3 -Start Creating the movies screen and the cached network image (158.82 MB)
4 -3 (623.54 KB)
4 -Start implementing the movies widget mp4 (112.63 MB)
5 -Implement the favorite btn widget (27.05 MB)
6 -4 (625.65 KB)
6 -Create the geners list dynamic widget (133.8 MB)
7 -5 (626.59 KB)
7 -Implement the favorites screen (35.84 MB)
8 -6 (628.25 KB)
8 -Implement the Movie Details Screen (92.59 MB)
9 -7 (630.16 KB)
9 -Implement the Error Widget and the Splash Screen (80.91 MB)
1 -8 (631.8 KB)
1 -Get Started With the Navigation In Flutter Using Clean Way (113.09 MB)
2 -9 (631.92 KB)
2 -Finish Navigation Using Clean Way (50.93 MB)
3 -Display dialog using the clean way (46.35 MB)
4 -10 (632.19 KB)
4 -Show a snackbar using the clean way (41.94 MB)
1 -Create an account on Movies DB and request an API Key (39.13 MB)
10 -16 (639.29 KB)
10 -Create the Repository class (63.28 MB)
2 -API Documentation Overview (82.8 MB)
3 -11 (632.8 KB)
3 -Create the Movie Model (43.21 MB)
4 -Explain why we need to use the genre api and do the mapping (18.85 MB)
5 -Create the API Constants Class (54.8 MB)
6 -12 Create a secured envirement for the API KEYs (636.3 KB)
6 -Create a secured envirement for the API KEYs (61.14 MB)
7 -13 (637.41 KB)
7 -Start integrating the API in our code and send requests (131.47 MB)
8 -14 (637.51 KB)
8 -Override the toString Function in the MoviesModel (39.86 MB)
9 -15 (638.38 KB)
9 -Implement the Movie Genres Model and the API Calls (87.36 MB)
1 -Advanced Local State Management vs Global State Management (80.14 MB)
2 -17 (639.67 KB)
2 -Fetch the movies with pagination using the setState state management (213.8 MB)
3 -18 (639.85 KB)
3 -Display the correct movie details on the screen (88.87 MB)
4 -Add animation for the image (19.09 MB)
5 -19 (640.32 KB)
5 -Fetch the genres in the splash screen (68.95 MB)
6 -20 (641.36 KB)
6 -Display the correct genres on the screen and do the mapping (147.44 MB)
7 -Test the retry button in the Error handling (6.6 MB)
8 -21 (641.53 KB)
8 -Implement the favorite btn with the setState management and display why it is (79.91 MB)
9 -Fix the average number formatting (17.49 MB)
1 -22 (1.18 MB)
1 -Code Starter For Different State Managements (116.98 MB)
1 -Explain the Provider State Management in theory (77.52 MB)
10 -30 (1.21 MB)
10 -Display the movies information on the screen using a new way from the Provider (99.08 MB)
11 -Display the correct genres on the screen (24.73 MB)
12 -32 (1.21 MB)
12 -Implement the Favorites Provider (120.55 MB)
13 -33 (1.22 MB)
13 -Allow the user to add and remove from his favorites (45.13 MB)
14 -Load the favorite movies (22.89 MB)
15 -34 (1.22 MB)
15 -Display the favorites in the Favorites Screen (60 MB)
2 -23 (1.21 MB)
2 -Start implementing the Theme State management with provider (191.26 MB)
3 -24 (1.21 MB)
3 -More about the Consumer Widget in Provider (96.62 MB)
4 -25 (1.21 MB)
4 -Load the last saved theme (52.04 MB)
5 -26 (1.21 MB)
5 -Implement the Movies Provider (104.62 MB)
6 -27 (1.21 MB)
6 -Implement the splash screen using the provider state management (118.9 MB)
7 -Recap how our App code is connected together using MVVM (28.78 MB)
8 -28 (1.21 MB)
8 -Test the error handling in the Splash Screen (119.67 MB)
9 -29 (1.21 MB)
9 -Implement the pagination using the provider state management (81.06 MB)
1 -Get Started with the Riverpod state management (54.82 MB)
10 -41 (1.19 MB)
10 -Implement the Splash Screen using async notifier (141.56 MB)
11 -Test the error handling in the Splash Screen - Riverpod (18.99 MB)
12 -Fix the setState() or markNeedsBuild() called during build (24.29 MB)
13 -42 (1.2 MB)
13 -autoDispose & ref keepAlive() (22.5 MB)
14 -43 (1.19 MB)
14 -Fetch movies and implement the pagination in the Movies Screen (55.98 MB)
15 -44 (1.19 MB)
15 -Display the correct movie data on the screen using the Riverpod (129.68 MB)
16 -45 (1.19 MB)
16 -Fix the duplicated movies bug (65.57 MB)
17 -46 (1.2 MB)
17 -Implement the favorites state and provider (68.12 MB)
18 -47 (1.2 MB)
18 -Allow the user to add and remove from his favorites (151.66 MB)
19 -Load the favorites on the App start (54.09 MB)
2 -Create the theme provider (124.37 MB)
20 -48 (1.2 MB)
20 -Display the correct favs on the screen (77.23 MB)
21 -49 (1.2 MB)
21 -Explain Stream Provider (109.86 MB)
22 -50 (1.2 MB)
22 -Explain the logging observer using the Riverpod (67.35 MB)
23 -51 (1.2 MB)
23 -Explain the ConsumerStfulWidget - dont skip (72.05 MB)
24 -52 (1.2 MB)
24 -Display the correct movie genres on the screen (55.16 MB)
3 -Finalize the theme provider using Riverpod (181.64 MB)
4 -36 (1.19 MB)
4 -Recap on how we implemented the theme provider using the riverpod and how thi (53.35 MB)
5 -37 (1.19 MB)
5 -Introduce the Consumer widget in Riverpod (40.55 MB)
6 -Start Implementing the movies state (42.75 MB)
7 -38 (1.19 MB)
7 -Create the copyWith Function to be able to update the movies state (53.96 MB)
8 -39 (1.19 MB)
8 -Create the movies provider (107.55 MB)
9 -40 (1.19 MB)
9 -Implement the Splash Screen using Future Builder (103.28 MB)
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um Code Inhalt zu sehen!
um Code Inhalt zu sehen!