The Beatles - Rare, Unseen & Unheard
MPEG 2, NTSC, 4 : 3, 720 x 480p, Englisch AC-3/2
The Beatles - Rare, Unseen & Unheard
Cover / Bild im Download enthalten!
DVD1-1 Rain # 1
1-2 Rain # 2
1-3 Rain # 3
1-4 Paperback Writer # 1
1-5 Paperback Writer # 2
1-6 Strawberry Fields Forever
1-7 A Day In The Life
1-8 I Am The Walrus
1-9 The Inner Light
1-10 Revolution 9
1-11 The Ballad Of John & Yoko
1-12 I Should Have Know Better (Lost Performance Recovered From In-Studio Footage)
1-13 Bumper # 1 (New)
1-14 Bumper # 2 (New)
1-15 I Feel Fine (Upgrade)
1-16 She's A Woman (Upgrade)
1-17 I'm A Loser (Upgrade)
1-18 Rock And Roll Music (Upgrade)
1-19 Interview
2-1 If I Fell - Different Stereo Mix With Corrected Vocal Mistake
2-2 Twist And Shout - Different Mono Remix With Corrected Vocals
2-3 Dizzy Miss Lizzy - Different Stereo Mix (Very Dry Lead Vocal)
2-4 With A Little Help From My Friends - Different Stereo Mix
2-5 Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite - Different Stereo Mix
2-6 Good Morning Good Morning - Different Stereo Mix
2-7 Savoy Truffle - Different Stereo Mix
2-8 Long Long Long - Different Stereo Mix
2-9 Mean Mr. Mustard - - Different Stereo Mix (Complete Ending)
2-10 12 Bar Original - Full Length Version Without Noise Reduction
2-11 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band - With Clean Ending
2-12 Blue Jay Way
2-13 Oh Darling - Pitch Corrected
2-14 Oh Darling - Take 26 Backing Vocal + Rough Vocal
2-15 Sheik Of Araby - Stereo Remix
A DVD and CD set featuring some rare as a bowl of unicorn teeth video material from the very highest end of collections, upgrading previously seen-in-much-worse-quality video but also some very, very rare visual works that will have you gagging at the TV. This includes more Chiswick Park outtakes, unseen studio footage and TV broadcast material from the master tapes.
1-2 Rain # 2
1-3 Rain # 3
1-4 Paperback Writer # 1
1-5 Paperback Writer # 2
1-6 Strawberry Fields Forever
1-7 A Day In The Life
1-8 I Am The Walrus
1-9 The Inner Light
1-10 Revolution 9
1-11 The Ballad Of John & Yoko
1-12 I Should Have Know Better (Lost Performance Recovered From In-Studio Footage)
1-13 Bumper # 1 (New)
1-14 Bumper # 2 (New)
1-15 I Feel Fine (Upgrade)
1-16 She's A Woman (Upgrade)
1-17 I'm A Loser (Upgrade)
1-18 Rock And Roll Music (Upgrade)
1-19 Interview
2-1 If I Fell - Different Stereo Mix With Corrected Vocal Mistake
2-2 Twist And Shout - Different Mono Remix With Corrected Vocals
2-3 Dizzy Miss Lizzy - Different Stereo Mix (Very Dry Lead Vocal)
2-4 With A Little Help From My Friends - Different Stereo Mix
2-5 Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite - Different Stereo Mix
2-6 Good Morning Good Morning - Different Stereo Mix
2-7 Savoy Truffle - Different Stereo Mix
2-8 Long Long Long - Different Stereo Mix
2-9 Mean Mr. Mustard - - Different Stereo Mix (Complete Ending)
2-10 12 Bar Original - Full Length Version Without Noise Reduction
2-11 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band - With Clean Ending
2-12 Blue Jay Way
2-13 Oh Darling - Pitch Corrected
2-14 Oh Darling - Take 26 Backing Vocal + Rough Vocal
2-15 Sheik Of Araby - Stereo Remix
A DVD and CD set featuring some rare as a bowl of unicorn teeth video material from the very highest end of collections, upgrading previously seen-in-much-worse-quality video but also some very, very rare visual works that will have you gagging at the TV. This includes more Chiswick Park outtakes, unseen studio footage and TV broadcast material from the master tapes.

Darsteller/actor: The Beatles
MPEG 2, NTSC, 4 : 3, 720 x 480p, Englisch AC-3/2
Sprache/Idioma: Englisch

Bildseitenformat/relación de aspecto: 4 : 3
Datenträger/portador de datos: 1 CD (s)
Datenträger/portador de datos: 1 DVD (s) - 5
Studio/Estudio: pro shot
Erscheinungsjahr/año de publicación: 2024
Produktionsjahr/ano de produccion: 2024
Laufzeit/Duración: 67 Minuten
Größe/Tamaño ca. 4157,44 Megabyte in 9 Links
Größe der Parts/tamaño de la pieza: 500 Megabyte

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