Pink Floyd - Video Anthology Volume 5
MPEG 2, NTSC, 4 : 3, 720 x 480p, Englisch PCM/2
Pink Floyd - Video Anthology Volume 5
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Crystal Voyager
Crystal Voyager is a 1973 surf film directed by David Elfick and was filmed, written and narrated by surfer, photographer and filmmaker George Greenough in 1972. The song Echoes is featured during the final sequence comprised of footage shot by Greenough from his surfboard.
French Windows
Ian Emes’ first animated film, inspired by One Of These Days. The film went on to win awards across the world and lead to an invitation to work with Pink Floyd.
Dark Side Of The Moon Concert Films
1974 - 1975
Concert backdrop films of Time (animation by Ian Emes), Money, Us & Them, Brain Damage, and Eclipse.
Originally projected during performances of Dark Side Of The Moon from 1974-1975.
Welcome To The Machine
Animated film designed and directed by Gerald Scarfe. Originally projected during the Animals tour in 1977.
Pig Launch Film, Battersea Power Station, London
3 December, 1976
Footage of the inflatable pig being launched above Battersea Power Station.
Edited by Harvested Records, 2002.
Another Brick In The Wall (Part 2)
Promotional video for the single Another Brick In The Wall (Part 2) directed by Gerald Scarfe.
When The Tigers Broke Free
Promotional video for the single When The Tigers Broke Free directed by Alan Parker from the film Pink Floyd The Wall.
The Final Cut Video EP
Promotional videos of The Gunner’s Dream, The Final Cut, Not Now John, and The Fletcher Memorial Home were released as an extended play video on VHS in the U.K. The source of this video is from a pre-broadcast TV master which features an uncensored (and longer) version of Not Now John as well as an alternate running order. Screenplay by Roger Waters, directed by Willie Christie.
Released on 25 April, 1983.
Crystal Voyager
Crystal Voyager is a 1973 surf film directed by David Elfick and was filmed, written and narrated by surfer, photographer and filmmaker George Greenough in 1972. The song Echoes is featured during the final sequence comprised of footage shot by Greenough from his surfboard.
French Windows
Ian Emes’ first animated film, inspired by One Of These Days. The film went on to win awards across the world and lead to an invitation to work with Pink Floyd.
Dark Side Of The Moon Concert Films
1974 - 1975
Concert backdrop films of Time (animation by Ian Emes), Money, Us & Them, Brain Damage, and Eclipse.
Originally projected during performances of Dark Side Of The Moon from 1974-1975.
Welcome To The Machine
Animated film designed and directed by Gerald Scarfe. Originally projected during the Animals tour in 1977.
Pig Launch Film, Battersea Power Station, London
3 December, 1976
Footage of the inflatable pig being launched above Battersea Power Station.
Edited by Harvested Records, 2002.
Another Brick In The Wall (Part 2)
Promotional video for the single Another Brick In The Wall (Part 2) directed by Gerald Scarfe.
When The Tigers Broke Free
Promotional video for the single When The Tigers Broke Free directed by Alan Parker from the film Pink Floyd The Wall.
The Final Cut Video EP
Promotional videos of The Gunner’s Dream, The Final Cut, Not Now John, and The Fletcher Memorial Home were released as an extended play video on VHS in the U.K. The source of this video is from a pre-broadcast TV master which features an uncensored (and longer) version of Not Now John as well as an alternate running order. Screenplay by Roger Waters, directed by Willie Christie.
Released on 25 April, 1983.
Darsteller/actor: Pink Floyd
MPEG 2, NTSC, 4 : 3, 720 x 480p, Englisch PCM/2
Sprache/Idioma: Englisch
Bildseitenformat/relación de aspecto: 4 : 3
Datenträger/portador de datos: 1 DVD (s) - 5
Studio/Estudio: HRV
Erscheinungsjahr/año de publicación: 2011
Produktionsjahr/ano de produccion: 2011
Laufzeit/Duración: 72 Minuten
Größe/Tamaño ca. 4034 Megabyte in 41 Links
Größe der Parts/tamaño de la pieza: 100 Megabyte
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