5.07 GB | 00:40:18 | mp4 | 1920X1080 | 16:9
Genre:eLearning |Language:English
Files Included :
01-course overview.mp4 (13.8 MB)
03-software installation.mp4 (39.63 MB)
04-generating spring boot starter project.mp4 (26.45 MB)
05-walkthrough of spring boot starter project files and folders.mp4 (111.82 MB)
06-introduction to spring framework and spring boot.mp4 (47.58 MB)
07-restful webservices http methods status code spring boot annotation.mp4 (156.55 MB)
08-mvc design pattern part 1.mp4 (119.87 MB)
09-mvc design pattern part 2.mp4 (56.92 MB)
10-understanding and creating dto.mp4 (43.74 MB)
11-understanding restful webservice with practical example.mp4 (75.83 MB)
12-understanding requestparam annotation with practical code example.mp4 (163.1 MB)
13-understanding pathvariable annotation with practical code example.mp4 (122.15 MB)
14-understanding post put delete annotation and responseentity with practical code.mp4 (168.89 MB)
01-save new property post endpoint.mp4 (51.4 MB)
02-creating service layer dependency injection autowired singleton prototype.mp4 (106.85 MB)
03-understanding layered architecture and need for different database in dtap.mp4 (18.71 MB)
04-overview of hibernate orm framework and jpa specification.mp4 (318.65 MB)
05-understanding how orm framework like hibernate work and different hibernate.mp4 (80.03 MB)
06-working on entity class and understanding different jpa annotation.mp4 (70.8 MB)
07-saving property in db with propertyrepository.mp4 (185.53 MB)
08-mvc pattern.mp4 (22.3 MB)
09-added propertyconverter for dto to entity.mp4 (50.58 MB)
10-sending back the new entity along with status using responseentity.mp4 (92.09 MB)
01-get all properties.mp4 (90.5 MB)
02-putmapping and full update of a property.mp4 (120.82 MB)
03-partial update of price or description using patch operation.mp4 (129.82 MB)
04-delete property by property id and delete mapping.mp4 (55.19 MB)
01-understanding about spring profiles.mp4 (7.3 MB)
02-implementing spring profile with different db config for dtap.mp4 (67.89 MB)
03-testing profile configuration for different environment database.mp4 (54.57 MB)
04-reading custom config properties inside java class.mp4 (81.17 MB)
01-setting up git and github for our local project.mp4 (61.51 MB)
02-committing and pushing our local code changes to github server.mp4 (79.54 MB)
03-connecting intellij editor with github.mp4 (34.95 MB)
04-important git operations that developer must know.mp4 (97.26 MB)
01-understanding user login and registration.mp4 (2.22 MB)
02-creating userentity and userrepository.mp4 (20.24 MB)
03-creating userservice interface and dto.mp4 (20.12 MB)
04-working on userservice impl.mp4 (20.08 MB)
05-working on user converter layer.mp4 (34.96 MB)
06-completing the user registration flow.mp4 (41.44 MB)
07-test user registration functionality.mp4 (58.38 MB)
08-jsonignore and jsoninclude annotation.mp4 (20.09 MB)
09-sonar analysis and git commit.mp4 (70.49 MB)
10-findby and jpql queries.mp4 (67.37 MB)
11-creating login rest api endpoint and integrate with service layer.mp4 (32.93 MB)
12-testing user login functionality.mp4 (14.39 MB)
01-what is aspect oriented programming aop.mp4 (12.49 MB)
02-creating the error model.mp4 (15.14 MB)
03-creating custom exception class.mp4 (22.37 MB)
04-creating custom aop exception handler.mp4 (51.11 MB)
05-throw custom exception for invalid login.mp4 (35.46 MB)
06-testing the invalid login attempt.mp4 (21.23 MB)
07-avoid duplicate user registration with same email.mp4 (38.61 MB)
08-testing duplicate registration and committing code to github.mp4 (27.48 MB)
09-adding field level validation annotation.mp4 (56.61 MB)
10-custom handler for field level error handler.mp4 (57.85 MB)
11-enabling field level validation with valid annotation.mp4 (31.79 MB)
01-overview of logging and logging levels.mp4 (17.26 MB)
02-adding logback xml configuration and logger statements.mp4 (101.59 MB)
03-testing logging with different profiles and committing code to github.mp4 (73.82 MB)
04-raising pull request for code review.mp4 (28.69 MB)
01-understanding about swagger api documentation.mp4 (6.86 MB)
02-configuring swagger documentation.mp4 (61.39 MB)
03-exploring swagger json from consumers point of view.mp4 (29.47 MB)
04-exploring swagger ui and accessing different api endpoints.mp4 (20.15 MB)
05-enriching swagger documentation with extra annotation.mp4 (38.05 MB)
06-produces and consumes application json.mp4 (24.98 MB)
01-monitoring with spring boot actuator.mp4 (80.58 MB)
02-enabling web and jmx endpoints for monitoring.mp4 (49.27 MB)
01-understanding relationship in springdata jpa.mp4 (4.01 MB)
02-adding many to one relationship in property.mp4 (41.93 MB)
03-get the user from db and set to the property entity.mp4 (54.76 MB)
04-save multiple property belonging to one user.mp4 (23.75 MB)
05-updating controller service repository.mp4 (58.62 MB)
06-testing the get all properties for one user.mp4 (56.57 MB)
07-fetchtype eager versus fetchtype lazy.mp4 (41.46 MB)
08-one to one relationship.mp4 (35.18 MB)
09-creating repository and updating logic in dto and service for saving address.mp4 (48.65 MB)
10-testing one to one relationship.mp4 (19.18 MB)
01-why should we upgrade to springboot 3.mp4 (15.11 MB)
02-upgrading java 8 to java 17.mp4 (22.5 MB)
03-upgrade pom to springboot 3 and replace the javax imports.mp4 (44.82 MB)
04-upgrade swagger 2 to springdoc openapi.mp4 (61.32 MB)
05-fixing logback and slf4j with springboot 3.mp4 (39.86 MB)
06-springboot 3 and mysql database config fixes.mp4 (67 MB)
07-upgrade actuator.mp4 (32.15 MB)
01-findby query.mp4 (34.55 MB)
02-findby contains order by query.mp4 (26.93 MB)
03-findallby query by via more than one entity.mp4 (25.19 MB)
04-findby query with multiple attributes and operator.mp4 (28.49 MB)
05-pagination with springdata jpa crud vs jpa repository.mp4 (51.36 MB)
06-countby query existsby query deleteby query.mp4 (24.34 MB)
03-software installation.mp4 (39.63 MB)
04-generating spring boot starter project.mp4 (26.45 MB)
05-walkthrough of spring boot starter project files and folders.mp4 (111.82 MB)
06-introduction to spring framework and spring boot.mp4 (47.58 MB)
07-restful webservices http methods status code spring boot annotation.mp4 (156.55 MB)
08-mvc design pattern part 1.mp4 (119.87 MB)
09-mvc design pattern part 2.mp4 (56.92 MB)
10-understanding and creating dto.mp4 (43.74 MB)
11-understanding restful webservice with practical example.mp4 (75.83 MB)
12-understanding requestparam annotation with practical code example.mp4 (163.1 MB)
13-understanding pathvariable annotation with practical code example.mp4 (122.15 MB)
14-understanding post put delete annotation and responseentity with practical code.mp4 (168.89 MB)
01-save new property post endpoint.mp4 (51.4 MB)
02-creating service layer dependency injection autowired singleton prototype.mp4 (106.85 MB)
03-understanding layered architecture and need for different database in dtap.mp4 (18.71 MB)
04-overview of hibernate orm framework and jpa specification.mp4 (318.65 MB)
05-understanding how orm framework like hibernate work and different hibernate.mp4 (80.03 MB)
06-working on entity class and understanding different jpa annotation.mp4 (70.8 MB)
07-saving property in db with propertyrepository.mp4 (185.53 MB)
08-mvc pattern.mp4 (22.3 MB)
09-added propertyconverter for dto to entity.mp4 (50.58 MB)
10-sending back the new entity along with status using responseentity.mp4 (92.09 MB)
01-get all properties.mp4 (90.5 MB)
02-putmapping and full update of a property.mp4 (120.82 MB)
03-partial update of price or description using patch operation.mp4 (129.82 MB)
04-delete property by property id and delete mapping.mp4 (55.19 MB)
01-understanding about spring profiles.mp4 (7.3 MB)
02-implementing spring profile with different db config for dtap.mp4 (67.89 MB)
03-testing profile configuration for different environment database.mp4 (54.57 MB)
04-reading custom config properties inside java class.mp4 (81.17 MB)
01-setting up git and github for our local project.mp4 (61.51 MB)
02-committing and pushing our local code changes to github server.mp4 (79.54 MB)
03-connecting intellij editor with github.mp4 (34.95 MB)
04-important git operations that developer must know.mp4 (97.26 MB)
01-understanding user login and registration.mp4 (2.22 MB)
02-creating userentity and userrepository.mp4 (20.24 MB)
03-creating userservice interface and dto.mp4 (20.12 MB)
04-working on userservice impl.mp4 (20.08 MB)
05-working on user converter layer.mp4 (34.96 MB)
06-completing the user registration flow.mp4 (41.44 MB)
07-test user registration functionality.mp4 (58.38 MB)
08-jsonignore and jsoninclude annotation.mp4 (20.09 MB)
09-sonar analysis and git commit.mp4 (70.49 MB)
10-findby and jpql queries.mp4 (67.37 MB)
11-creating login rest api endpoint and integrate with service layer.mp4 (32.93 MB)
12-testing user login functionality.mp4 (14.39 MB)
01-what is aspect oriented programming aop.mp4 (12.49 MB)
02-creating the error model.mp4 (15.14 MB)
03-creating custom exception class.mp4 (22.37 MB)
04-creating custom aop exception handler.mp4 (51.11 MB)
05-throw custom exception for invalid login.mp4 (35.46 MB)
06-testing the invalid login attempt.mp4 (21.23 MB)
07-avoid duplicate user registration with same email.mp4 (38.61 MB)
08-testing duplicate registration and committing code to github.mp4 (27.48 MB)
09-adding field level validation annotation.mp4 (56.61 MB)
10-custom handler for field level error handler.mp4 (57.85 MB)
11-enabling field level validation with valid annotation.mp4 (31.79 MB)
01-overview of logging and logging levels.mp4 (17.26 MB)
02-adding logback xml configuration and logger statements.mp4 (101.59 MB)
03-testing logging with different profiles and committing code to github.mp4 (73.82 MB)
04-raising pull request for code review.mp4 (28.69 MB)
01-understanding about swagger api documentation.mp4 (6.86 MB)
02-configuring swagger documentation.mp4 (61.39 MB)
03-exploring swagger json from consumers point of view.mp4 (29.47 MB)
04-exploring swagger ui and accessing different api endpoints.mp4 (20.15 MB)
05-enriching swagger documentation with extra annotation.mp4 (38.05 MB)
06-produces and consumes application json.mp4 (24.98 MB)
01-monitoring with spring boot actuator.mp4 (80.58 MB)
02-enabling web and jmx endpoints for monitoring.mp4 (49.27 MB)
01-understanding relationship in springdata jpa.mp4 (4.01 MB)
02-adding many to one relationship in property.mp4 (41.93 MB)
03-get the user from db and set to the property entity.mp4 (54.76 MB)
04-save multiple property belonging to one user.mp4 (23.75 MB)
05-updating controller service repository.mp4 (58.62 MB)
06-testing the get all properties for one user.mp4 (56.57 MB)
07-fetchtype eager versus fetchtype lazy.mp4 (41.46 MB)
08-one to one relationship.mp4 (35.18 MB)
09-creating repository and updating logic in dto and service for saving address.mp4 (48.65 MB)
10-testing one to one relationship.mp4 (19.18 MB)
01-why should we upgrade to springboot 3.mp4 (15.11 MB)
02-upgrading java 8 to java 17.mp4 (22.5 MB)
03-upgrade pom to springboot 3 and replace the javax imports.mp4 (44.82 MB)
04-upgrade swagger 2 to springdoc openapi.mp4 (61.32 MB)
05-fixing logback and slf4j with springboot 3.mp4 (39.86 MB)
06-springboot 3 and mysql database config fixes.mp4 (67 MB)
07-upgrade actuator.mp4 (32.15 MB)
01-findby query.mp4 (34.55 MB)
02-findby contains order by query.mp4 (26.93 MB)
03-findallby query by via more than one entity.mp4 (25.19 MB)
04-findby query with multiple attributes and operator.mp4 (28.49 MB)
05-pagination with springdata jpa crud vs jpa repository.mp4 (51.36 MB)
06-countby query existsby query deleteby query.mp4 (24.34 MB)
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