Create modern robust web applications with the latest features easily using this PHP Framework
What you'll learn
You can expect to know all the fundamentals of Laravel
You will learn all the latest features of Laravel
Database, Migrations, Seeding, Relationships. Query Building, ORM and much more
Dive right into the world of web development with one of the most popular PHP frameworks out there! This immersive experience is crafted for beginners to get hands-on with Laravel 10, guiding you through the basics straight to creating sophisticated applications with ease. Build a solid foundation with essential concepts like MVC architecture, routing, and migrations, then swiftly move into more advanced territories of authentication, testing, and package development. You'll be not just learning but actually doing, with real-time coding examples and projects tailored to solidify each new skill you acquire.Unlock the power of modern web development as you master the ins and outs of eloquent ORM, blade templating, and so much more. By the end of this journey, you'll confidently craft secure and efficient web applications that can stand the test of real-world demands. This course doesn't just prepare you to follow the development trends, it equips you to set them, ensuring you're a sought-after developer in an ever-evolving tech landscape. So, gear up to turn your creative ideas into deployable realities and join a community of developers who are pushing the boundaries of what's possible on the web!When I started putting this course together, my top priority was to demystify web development with PHP for beginners like you. I've meticulously designed each lesson to build on the last, ensuring a seamless learning experience, where concepts are introduced at the perfect pace for you to absorb and apply. Imagine diving into development without ever feeling overwhelmed - that's what I've aimed for. You'll find the content not just helpful but structured in a way that feels like every question in your mind is answered before you even ask it. We'll explore the robust features of Laravel together, and by the end of our journey, you'll be creating web applications with confidence and clarity that might have once seemed out of reach.Laravel just makes it super easy to do anything you want to do, using JS, CSS, frameworks and other tools are just a couple of lines of code away. Come and see why many students are taking my courses. I make complex things look easy and I promise I won't bore you to sleep. I deeply care about all my students and for me creating content to teach is not a job but responsibility to the world. I am only giving back, so that those that need it the most, can benefit and also one day give back to world - one way or the other. With 100% 30 day money back guaranteed from Udemy, you have nothing to lose, so what are you waiting for? ISee you inside!
Section 1: Windows - Local Environment Setup
Lecture 1 Downloading and Installing PHP for Windows
Lecture 2 Laravel installation in WIndows
Section 2: MAC OS - Local Environment Setup
Lecture 3 Downloading and Installing PHP for MAC OS
Lecture 4 Laravel installation in MAC OS
Section 3: Routes
Lecture 5 Creating a basic route
Lecture 6 Syntax examples of routes
Lecture 7 Dependency injection and redirects
Lecture 8 View method and artisan route list
Lecture 9 Route parameters
Lecture 10 Optional route parameters
Lecture 11 Route regulars expressions - part 1
Lecture 12 Route regulars expressions - part 2 - more complex expresions
Lecture 13 Route regulars expressions - part 3 - Multiple values
Lecture 14 Route regulars expressions - part 4 - Constraint methods
Lecture 15 Named routes
Section 4: Middlewares
Lecture 16 Creating a Middleware
Lecture 17 Using a Middleware
Lecture 18 Alliases
Lecture 19 Global registration
Section 5: CSRF Security
Lecture 20 CSRF Intro
Lecture 21 Blade CSRF directive
Lecture 22 CSRF methods
Lecture 23 Using Laravel CSRF tokens with JS AJAX - part 1 - jQuery install
Lecture 24 Using Laravel CSRF tokens with JS AJAX - part 2 - pulling values from meta
Lecture 25 Using Laravel CSRF tokens with JS AJAX - part 3 - submitting post request easily
Lecture 26 Using Laravel CSRF tokens with JS AJAX - part 4 - using jQuery AJAX object
Lecture 27 Using the JS AXIOS library to submit AJAX requests the EASY way
Section 6: Controllers
Lecture 28 Creating a controller manually
Lecture 29 Creating a controller with artisan
Lecture 30 Controller Middlewares
Lecture 31 Creating a resource controller
Lecture 32 Creating a resource Controller - part 2 - Store method
Lecture 33 Creating a resource Controller - part 3 - Show method
Lecture 34 Creating a resource Controller - part 4 - Edit method
Lecture 35 Creating a resource Controller - part 5 - Update method
Lecture 36 Creating a resource Controller - part 6 - Destroy method
Lecture 37 Organizing multiple resource controllers
Lecture 38 Partial resource routes
Lecture 39 API resource routes
Lecture 40 Changing resource route names
Lecture 41 Naming resource routes parameters
Lecture 42 Adjusting Resource URI's to your language of choice
Lecture 43 Supplementing resources with additional methods
Section 7: Requests
Lecture 44 Accessing the request
Lecture 45 Dependency injection and parameters
Lecture 46 Request methods, Path, Host, IP and more
Lecture 47 Inspecting some extra useful methods
Section 8: Requests - Inputs
Lecture 48 Getting all input data
Lecture 49 Using the collect method
Lecture 50 Using the input method
Lecture 51 Placing default values on data returned
Lecture 52 Retrieving dates as objects and using dynamic properties
Lecture 53 The only and except methods
Lecture 54 Checking data with the has method
Lecture 55 Checking for input data missing keys
Lecture 56 Supplementing inputs with more data
Section 9: Requests - Inputs - FLASH
Lecture 57 Flashing data intro
Lecture 58 Redirecting with flash data
Lecture 59 Some more redirects and cookie retrieving
Section 10: Responses - headers - Cookies
Lecture 60 Sending a response with a header
Lecture 61 Attaching multiple headers to a response
Lecture 62 Using Laravel cache middleware for Cache control
Lecture 63 Attaching cookies to a response
Lecture 64 Removing cookies
Section 11: Responses - Redirection
Lecture 65 Redirecting with and without parameters
Lecture 66 Redirecting controller actions
Lecture 67 Redirecting to external domains
Lecture 68 Redirecting with flashed data
Lecture 69 Returning and consuming JSON data
Section 12: Views
Lecture 70 Creating basic views
Lecture 71 Nesting
Lecture 72 Passing data
Lecture 73 Sharing data
Lecture 74 Creating a Service provider
Lecture 75 Creating a View Composer the easy way
Lecture 76 Creating a more complex View Composer
Lecture 77 Optimizing your Views for speed
Section 13: Blade - Directives
Lecture 78 Blade fundamentals
Lecture 79 Escaping for JS
Lecture 80 If statements
Lecture 81 Switch statements
Lecture 82 Loops
Lecture 83 Continue and Break
Lecture 84 Loops variable
Lecture 85 Conditional classes
Lecture 86 Conditional styles
Lecture 87 The Blade include directive
Lecture 88 Including with conditions
Lecture 89 Combining loops and variables iteration in one line with each
Section 14: Blade - Components
Lecture 90 Let's create a Blade master layout
Lecture 91 Anonymous Component
Lecture 92 Class Based Component
Lecture 93 Passing data to class based Components
Lecture 94 Passing data to anonymous Components part 1
Lecture 95 Passing data to anonymous Components part 2 - Dynamic data
Lecture 96 Passing data to anonymous Components part 3 - Props
Lecture 97 Accessing parent variables
Lecture 98 Let's create a class for an Anonymous Component part 1
Lecture 99 Let's create a class for an Anonymous Component part 2
Lecture 100 Let's create a class for an Anonymous Component part 3
Lecture 101 The attributes variable
Lecture 102 One more example of the attributes variable
Lecture 103 Component Methods
Lecture 104 Modal mini project part 1 - CSS
Lecture 105 Modal mini project part 2- Routes and CSS styling
Lecture 106 Modal mini project part 3 - Slots
Lecture 107 Modal mini project part 4 - Color property
Lecture 108 Viewing component data from within the class itself
Lecture 109 Modal mini project part 5 - Let's finish
Lecture 110 Inline Component Views for small components
Lecture 111 Dynamic component rendering
Section 15: Sessions
Lecture 112 Intro
Lecture 113 Adding and retrieving sessions
Lecture 114 Creating a web route, controller and index method for sessions
Lecture 115 Let's create some methods so we can play with sessions
Lecture 116 Controller methods for setting values on sessions
Lecture 117 More methods for retrieving and setting data into sessions
Lecture 118 Storing arrays in sessions and pushing values into them
Lecture 119 Deleting from arrays in sessions
Lecture 120 Deleting session data by creating a collection
Section 16: Form - Validation
Lecture 121 Creating a form
Lecture 122 Creating a web route and resource Controller
Lecture 123 Introducing the errors array
Lecture 124 Error directive and CSS classes
Lecture 125 Completing the body input with validation
Lecture 126 Repopulating the form with flashed input data
Lecture 127 Validation Exception and JSON responses
Lecture 128 Form Requests
Lecture 129 Customizing Form requests rule messages
Lecture 130 Creating Validation manually with Validator
Lecture 131 Customizing rules messages in Validator
Section 17: Database - SQL queries
Lecture 132 Connecting to a SQLITE Database
Lecture 133 Connecting to a MariaDB/MYSQL Database
Lecture 134 PHPStorm - Data source for SQLITE databases
Lecture 135 PHPStorm - Data source for MariaDB/MySQL databases
Lecture 136 VS CODE - Installing DB plugin for SQLITE
Lecture 137 VS CODE - install extension for MySQL/MariaDB databases
Lecture 138 CRUD - inserting data using SQL queries
Lecture 139 CRUD - reading data using SQL queries
Lecture 140 CRUD - updating data using SQL queries
Lecture 141 CRUD - Deleting data using SQL queries
Lecture 142 SQL commands for the DB CLI
Lecture 143 Migrate commands
Lecture 144 SQlite foreign key options
Section 18: Database - Query Builder
Lecture 145 CRUD - Creating data
Lecture 146 CRUD - Reading and Updating data
Lecture 147 CRUD - Deleting data
Lecture 148 Creating dummy dummy data from JSON file
Lecture 149 Updating our Dummy data
Section 19: Database - Query Builder - Small Project
Lecture 150 Creating layouts - part 1 - styling framework and users view
Lecture 151 Displaying users from - part 2
Lecture 152 Displaying individual user - part 3
Lecture 153 Updating our user - part 4 - starting validation form
Lecture 154 Updating our user - part 5 - finishing validation form
Lecture 155 Updating our user - part 6 - name and email validation rules
Lecture 156 Updating our user - part 7 - advanced password validation rules
Lecture 157 Updating our user - part 8 - Regular expressions
Lecture 158 Updating our user - part 8 - Finally updating and time fix
Lecture 159 Creating a user part 1 - forms and method
Lecture 160 Creating our user - part 2 - creating the user
Lecture 161 Creating our user - part 3 - adding additional data to request
Lecture 162 Adding a navigation to our project
Lecture 163 Finishing navigation and adding a footer
Lecture 164 Deleting a user
Lecture 165 Creating a custom method to add many users from a JSON file
Lecture 166 Deleting and truncating custom methods
Lecture 167 Using advanced select DB queries
Lecture 168 Advanced fake data creation
Lecture 169 Learning about offset and cursor Pagination
Lecture 170 Learning to customize pagination links part 1
Lecture 171 Learning to customize pagination links part 2 - end
Section 20: Database - Migrations - Seeding
Lecture 172 Intro
Lecture 173 Creating a new table and migration execution
Lecture 174 Adding a column and migrating
Lecture 175 Adding a column with another migration
Lecture 176 Dropping columns
Lecture 177 Column ordering
Lecture 178 Stepping and batching
Lecture 179 Column existence and dropping logic
Lecture 180 Connecting to other databases and creating tables
Lecture 181 Connecting to other databases and updating tables
Lecture 182 Connecting to other databases and renaming tables
Lecture 183 Modifying Columns after creation
Lecture 184 Renaming columns
Lecture 185 Creating indexes
Lecture 186 Seeding part 1 - users
Lecture 187 Seeding part 2 - creating
Lecture 188 Seeding part 3 - Factories
Section 21: Database - Eloquent - ORM
Lecture 189 Intro and migrating
Lecture 190 CRUD - creating using ORM
Lecture 191 CRUD - reading - Instance Models
Lecture 192 CRUD - reading - Collections
Lecture 193 CRUD - updating and deleting
Lecture 194 Instance - Builders - Collections - (Important)
Section 22: Database - ORM - Custom Everything Laravel
Lecture 195 Creating classes with custom names part 1
Lecture 196 Creating classes with custom names part 2
Lecture 197 Creating classes with custom names part 3
Lecture 198 Seeding using Laravel default naming conventions
Section 23: Database - ORM - Relationships - One to One / Has one
Lecture 199 Installing a Laravel debug assistant tool
Lecture 200 migration
Lecture 201 seeding
Lecture 202 Defining a has one relation
Lecture 203 Defining and using a has one inverse relation
Lecture 204 Creating and updating a has one relation
Lecture 205 has one deleting
Lecture 206 Cleaning up part 1
Lecture 207 Cleaning up part 2 - done
Section 24: Database - ORM - Relationships - One to Many
Lecture 208 CRUD - Reading
Lecture 209 Creating and updating
Lecture 210 Deleting
Section 25: Database - ORM - Relationships - BelongsTo
Lecture 211 Reading, associating and saving
Lecture 212 Saving models on this relationship
Lecture 213 Saving all related relations at once
Lecture 214 Updating and deleting
Section 26: Database - ORM - Relationships - Has One and Many Through
Lecture 215 Reading
Lecture 216 Updating and deleting
Lecture 217 Creating or Updating
Lecture 218 Updating with the save method
Lecture 219 Deep nesting
Lecture 220 Has Many Through - Entire CRUD one lecture
Section 27: Database - ORM - Relationships - Many to Many
Lecture 221 Creating tables
Lecture 222 Attaching roles
Lecture 223 Detaching, creating sync and more
Lecture 224 Deleting and updating
Lecture 225 Updating parent models timestamps through children relations
Section 28: Database - ORM - Relationships - Polymorphic - One to One
Lecture 226 Creating new migration
Lecture 227 Setting up relationships
Lecture 228 Seeding
Lecture 229 Creating and turning off mass assignment feature globally
Lecture 230 The CRUD in one go
Lecture 231 Accessing the owner
Section 29: DB -ORM - Relationship - Polymorphic - One to Many / Many to Many
Lecture 232 Reading
Lecture 233 Latest of many and oldest of many
Lecture 234 Migrations
Lecture 235 Defining inverse and creating
Lecture 236 Turning on hidden timestamps on this relationship
Section 30: Project - Task List - Authentication - login - Accessors / Mutators / Policies
Lecture 237 Database migrations
Lecture 238 Authentication part 1 - setting it up
Lecture 239 Authentication part 2 - everything that was created
Lecture 240 Authentication part 3 - creating auth routes
Lecture 241 Creating form for validation part 1
Lecture 242 Creating form for validation part 2
Lecture 243 Creating tasks
Lecture 244 Displaying data part 1
Lecture 245 Displaying data part 2
Lecture 246 Deleting data
Lecture 247 Deleting with policies
Lecture 248 Let's integrate components part 1
Lecture 249 Let's integrate components part 2 - delete button
Lecture 250 Custom user registration - (Important)
Lecture 251 Accessors - two ways
Lecture 252 Mutators - two ways
Section 31: Project - Dashboard - Eager Loading and Theme installation
Lecture 253 Intro and resources download
Lecture 254 Laravel install and auth
Lecture 255 Blade yielding and routes
Lecture 256 JS and CSS imports
Lecture 257 Including Sidebar in partials
Lecture 258 Let's use datatable part 1
Lecture 259 Let's use datatable part 2 - Setting up data for it
Lecture 260 Let's use datatable part 3 - Displaying some data
Lecture 261 Let's use datatable part 4 - Displaying thousands of records (SLOW)
Lecture 262 Let's use datatable part 5 - Displaying thousands of records (FAST)
Lecture 263 Eager loading full explanation
Lecture 264 Laravel Redirect Issue addressed
Section 32: Project - Front Blog
Lecture 265 Home layout
Lecture 266 Linking CSS
Lecture 267 Linking JS and displaying posts part 1
Lecture 268 Displaying posts part 2
Lecture 269 Pagination
Lecture 270 Individual Post
Lecture 271 Route model binding
Lecture 272 Creating more views and nav links
Lecture 273 Custom logout
Lecture 274 Masthead feature part 1 - Service providers
Lecture 275 Masthead feature part 2 - View composers
Lecture 276 Masthead feature part 3 - Done
Lecture 277 Pretty URL's (Slug) part 1
Lecture 278 Pretty URL's (Slug) part 2
Lecture 279 Controller for home route
Lecture 280 Creating a nav partial and session lifetime settings
Section 33: Project - Front Blog - Custom Authentication
Lecture 281 Login manually
Lecture 282 Setting up email sending for password reset
Lecture 283 Login form part 1
Lecture 284 Login form part 2 - custom routes
Lecture 285 Login form part 3 - validation
Lecture 286 Password recovery form part 1
Lecture 287 Password recovery form part 2
Lecture 288 Sending email link
Lecture 289 Password reset part 1
Lecture 290 Password reset part 2 - override email link
Lecture 291 Password reset part 3 - validating
Lecture 292 Password reset part 4 - updating password logic
Lecture 293 Password reset part 5 - reseting - everything working
Lecture 294 Custom registration part 1
Lecture 295 Custom registration part 2
Lecture 296 Custom registration part 3 - validation
Lecture 297 Custom registration part 4 - dynamic property creation
Lecture 298 Custom username
Lecture 299 Updating route links for the forms
Lecture 300 Redirecting when authenticated
Section 34: Starter kit - Livewire
Lecture 301 Intro
Lecture 302 Alpine
Lecture 303 Livewire
Lecture 304 Seeding and migration
Lecture 305 Displaying posts part 1 - creating posts component
Lecture 306 Displaying posts part 2 - creating the html
Lecture 307 Displaying posts part 3 - continued work on the html
Lecture 308 Displaying posts part 3 - displaying posts from DB
Lecture 309 Creating a delete button
Lecture 310 Deleting a post with livewire
Lecture 311 Working on the create form part 1
Lecture 312 Working on the create form part 2
Lecture 313 Tailwind CSS working on page columns
Lecture 314 Cleaning up
Lecture 315 Validation and pagination
Lecture 316 Livewire Events
Lecture 317 Deleting confirmations and policies
Lecture 318 Updating - edit property and toggle part 1
Lecture 319 Updating - form input styles
Lecture 320 Updating - binding input values
Lecture 321 Updating - complete
Lecture 322 Different ways to delete a post
Beginners in PHP who want to create really awesome applications fast and easy,Beginners in Laravel who still need to learn more to create their own projects,Laravel developers who need a refresh on Laravel,Begginners in Web Development who want to create applications without spending 5 years learning other languages