Modern Computer Vision PyTorch, Tensorflow2 Keras and OpenCV4



368.72 MB | 17min 11s | mkv | 1280X720 | 16:9
Genre:eLearning |Language:English

Files Included :
1 Course Introduction.mkv (1.6 MB)
2 Course Overview.mkv (1.46 MB)
3 What Makes Computer Vision Hard.mkv (792.35 KB)
4 What Are Images.mkv (874.07 KB)
2 Setup - Download Code and Configure Colab.mkv (412.15 KB)
01 Getting Started with OpenCV4.mkv (2.1 MB)
02 Grayscaling Images.mkv (945.32 KB)
03 Colour Spaces - RGB and HSV.mkv (1.14 MB)
04 Drawing on Images.mkv (1.19 MB)
05 Transformations - Translations and Rotations.mkv (1.33 MB)
06 Scaling, Re-sizing, Interpolations and Cropping.mkv (2.02 MB)
07 Arithmetic and Bitwise Operations.mkv (1.46 MB)
08 Convolutions, Blurring and Sharpening Images.mkv (1.09 MB)
09 Thresholding, Binarization and Adaptive Thresholding.mkv (2.06 MB)
10 Dilation, Erosion and Edge Detection.mkv (1.44 MB)
1 Contours - Drawing, Hierarchy and Modes.mkv (2.29 MB)
2 Moments, Sorting, Approximating and Matching Contours.mkv (2.54 MB)
3 Line, Circle and Blob Detection.mkv (968.81 KB)
4 Counting Circles, Ellipses and Finding Waldo with Template Matching.mkv (1.03 MB)
5 Finding Corners.mkv (687.44 KB)
1 Face and Eye Detection with Haar Cascade Classifiers.mkv (1.72 MB)
2 Vehicle and Pedestrian Detection.mkv (1.51 MB)
1 Perspective Transforms.mkv (1.19 MB)
2 Histograms and K-Means Clustering for Dominant Colors.mkv (1.44 MB)
3 Comparing Images MSE and Structual Similarity.mkv (792.63 KB)
4 Filtering on Colour.mkv (832.36 KB)
5 Watershed Algorithm Marker-Dased Image Segmentation.mkv (870.28 KB)
6 Background and Foreground Subtraction.mkv (1.37 MB)
1 Motion Tracking with Mean Shift and CAMSHIFT.mkv (1.2 MB)
2 Object Tracking with Optical Flow.mkv (1.61 MB)
3 Simple Object Tracking by Color.mkv (956.48 KB)
1 Facial Landmark Detection with Dlib.mkv (696.52 KB)
2 Face Swapping with Dlib.mkv (1.53 MB)
01 Tilt Shift Effects.mkv (1.07 MB)
02 GrabCut Algorithm for Background Removal.mkv (937.75 KB)
03 OCR with PyTesseract and EasyOCR (Text Detection).mkv (2.29 MB)
04 Barcode, QR Generation and Reading.mkv (1.35 MB)
05 YOLOv3 in OpenCV.mkv (1.41 MB)
06 Neural Style Transfer with OpenCV.mkv (2.79 MB)
07 SSDs in OpenCV.mkv (967.69 KB)
08 Colorize Black and White Photos Using a Caffe Model in OpenCV.mkv (1.24 MB)
09 Inpainting to Restore Damaged Photos.mkv (526.6 KB)
10 Add and Remove Noise and Fix Contrast with Histogram Equalization.mkv (1.47 MB)
11 Detect Blur in Images.mkv (736.77 KB)
12 Facial Recognition.mkv (1.39 MB)
1 Using Your Webcam and Creating a Live Sketch of Yourself.mkv (1.52 MB)
2 Opening Video Files in OpenCV.mkv (883.62 KB)
3 Saving or Recording Videos in OpenCV.mkv (694.23 KB)
4 Video Streams and CCTV - RTSP and IP.mkv (826.58 KB)
5 Auto Reconnect to Video Streams.mkv (679.78 KB)
6 Capturing Video Using Screenshots.mkv (1016.66 KB)
7 Importing YouTube Videos into OpenCV.mkv (1.42 MB)
01 Introduction to Convolution Neural Networks.mkv (593.83 KB)
02 Convolutions.mkv (1.03 MB)
03 Feature Detectors.mkv (825.04 KB)
04 3D Convolutions and Color Images.mkv (562.35 KB)
05 Kernel Size and Depth.mkv (523.91 KB)
06 Padding.mkv (463.06 KB)
07 Stride.mkv (633 KB)
08 Activation Functions.mkv (610.66 KB)
09 Pooling.mkv (791.48 KB)
10 Fully Connected Layers.mkv (366.33 KB)
11 Softmax.mkv (332.11 KB)
12 Putting Together Your Convolutional Neural Network.mkv (870.77 KB)
13 Parameter Counts in CNNs.mkv (628.12 KB)
14 Why CNNs Work So Well on Images.mkv (532.49 KB)
15 Training a CNN.mkv (737.37 KB)
16 Loss Functions.mkv (773.71 KB)
17 Backpropagation.mkv (832.81 KB)
18 Gradient Descent.mkv (959.28 KB)
19 Optimisers and Learning Rate Schedules.mkv (897.76 KB)
20 Deep Learning CNN Recap.mkv (1.17 MB)
21 Deep Learning History.mkv (1.48 MB)
22 Deep Learning Libraries Overview.mkv (1.23 MB)
1 Importing Required Libraries.mkv (949.41 KB)
2 Transformation Pipeline.mkv (504.8 KB)
3 Inspect and Visualise Data.mkv (1.18 MB)
4 Data Loaders.mkv (613.05 KB)
5 Building Our Model.mkv (1.57 MB)
6 Optimisers and Loss Function.mkv (297.32 KB)
7 Training Your Model.mkv (1.52 MB)
8 Saving Model and Displaying Results.mkv (1006.57 KB)
9 Plot and Visualize Your Results.mkv (550.38 KB)
1 Loading Data.mkv (611.62 KB)
2 View and Inspect Data.mkv (585.49 KB)
3 Preprocessing Our Data.mkv (613.95 KB)
4 Constructing the CNN.mkv (961.67 KB)
5 Training the Model.mkv (789.63 KB)
6 Plotting the Training Results.mkv (751.19 KB)
7 Saving and Loading and Visualising Results.mkv (1.39 MB)
1 Deep Learning Libraries PyTorch vs Keras Review.mkv (1.54 MB)
2 Assessing Model Performance.mkv (699.66 KB)
3 Confusion Matrix and Classification Report.mkv (1.53 MB)
4 Keras Viewing Misclassifications.mkv (1.28 MB)
5 Keras - Confusion Matrix and Classification Report.mkv (826.5 KB)
6 PyTorch Viewing Misclassifications.mkv (957.08 KB)
7 PyTorch - Confusion Matrix and Misclassifications.mkv (610.13 KB)
01 What is Overfitting and Generalisation.mkv (1.03 MB)
02 Introduction to Regularization.mkv (243.05 KB)
03 Drop Out.mkv (382.8 KB)
04 L1 and L2 Regularization.mkv (549.45 KB)
05 Data Augmentation.mkv (529.19 KB)
06 Early Stopping.mkv (407.24 KB)
07 Batch Normalization.mkv (595.62 KB)
08 When Do We Use Regularization.mkv (279.98 KB)
09 Training a Fashion Classifider (FNIST) with no Regularization Using Keras.mkv (1.46 MB)
10 Training a Fashion Classifider (FNIST) with Regularization Using Keras.mkv (1.78 MB)
11 Training a Fashion Classifider (FNIST) with no Regularization Using PyTorch.mkv (1.19 MB)
12 Training a Fashion Classifider (FNIST) with Regularization Using PyTorch.mkv (1.89 MB)
1 Visualizing CNN Filters or Feature Maps.mkv (698.73 KB)
2 Visualising Filter Activations.mkv (861.66 KB)
3 Keras Filter Visualization and Activations.mkv (2.05 MB)
4 Maximizing Filters.mkv (530.15 KB)
5 Class Maximization.mkv (632.88 KB)
6 Filter and Class Maximization.mkv (3.26 MB)
7 Grad-CAM Visualize What Influences Your Model.mkv (384.26 KB)
8 Grad-CAM Plus.mkv (1.57 MB)
01 History and Evolution of Convolutional Neural Networks.mkv (395.26 KB)
02 LeNet.mkv (511.78 KB)
03 AlexNet.mkv (450.75 KB)
04 VGG16 and VGG19.mkv (622.47 KB)
05 ResNets.mkv (570.62 KB)
06 Why ResNets Work So Well.mkv (546.65 KB)
07 MobileNetV1 and V2.mkv (1.18 MB)
08 InceptionV3.mkv (762.16 KB)
09 SqueezeNet.mkv (595.13 KB)
10 EfficientNet.mkv (664.76 KB)
11 DenseNet.mkv (855.52 KB)
12 The ImageNet Dataset.mkv (738.53 KB)
1 Implementing LeNet and AlexNet in Keras.mkv (2.54 MB)
2 Loading Pre-Trained Networks in PyTorch (ResNets, DenseNets, MobileNET, VGG19).mkv (3.05 MB)
3 Loading Pre-Trained Networks in Keras (ResNets, DenseNets, MobileNET, VGG19).mkv (2.24 MB)
4 The Top-N or Rank-N Accuracy Metric.mkv (350.83 KB)
5 Getting the Rank-N Accuracy in PyTorch.mkv (1.62 MB)
6 Getting the Rank-N Accuracy in Keras.mkv (1.1 MB)
1 What Are Callbacks.mkv (542.04 KB)
2 Cats vs Dogs Classifier Using Callbacks in PyTorch.mkv (2.15 MB)
3 Cats vs Dogs Classifier Using Callbacks in Keras.mkv (2.07 MB)
1 Introduction to PyTorch Lightning.mkv (966.4 KB)
2 Lightning Setup and Class.mkv (1.09 MB)
3 Auto Batch and Learning Rate Selection Plus Tensorboards.mkv (1.97 MB)
4 PyTorch Lightning Calls, Saving, Inference.mkv (1.22 MB)
5 Training on Multiple GPU, Profiling and Tpus.mkv (1.19 MB)
1 Transfer Learning Introduction.mkv (944.44 KB)
2 Transfer Learning in PyTorch Lightning.mkv (1.05 MB)
3 Transfer Learning and Fine Tuning with Keras.mkv (1.73 MB)
4 Keras Feature Extraction.mkv (2.41 MB)
5 PyTorch Fine Tuning.mkv (2.07 MB)
6 PyTorch Transfer Learning and Freezing Network Layers.mkv (542.96 KB)
7 PyTorch Feature Extraction.mkv (1.98 MB)
1 Introduction to Google DeepDream Visualizations.mkv (719.24 KB)
2 Google DeepDream in Keras.mkv (1.26 MB)
3 Google DeepDream in PyTorch.mkv (1.04 MB)
4 Introduction to Neural Style Transfer.mkv (1.21 MB)
5 Neural Style Transfer in Keras.mkv (2.53 MB)
6 Neural Style Transfer in PyTorch.mkv (1.15 MB)
1 Introduction to Autoencoders.mkv (796.83 KB)
2 Autoencoders in Keras.mkv (1.51 MB)
3 Autoencoders in PyTorch.mkv (1.31 MB)
1 Introduction to GANs.mkv (695.08 KB)
2 How Do GANs Work.mkv (643.75 KB)
3 Training GANs.mkv (988.5 KB)
4 Use Cases for GANs.mkv (1.52 MB)
5 Keras DCGAN with MNIST.mkv (2.14 MB)
6 PyTorch GANs.mkv (1.26 MB)
7 Super Resolution GAN.mkv (1.66 MB)
8 AnimeGAN.mkv (671.42 KB)
9 ArcaneGAN.mkv (711.87 KB)
1 Introduction to Siamese Networks.mkv (771.81 KB)
2 Training Siamese Networks.mkv (439.56 KB)
3 Siamese Networks in Keras.mkv (1.47 MB)
4 Siamese Networks in PyTorch.mkv (1.31 MB)
1 Face Recognition Overview.mkv (896.07 KB)
2 Facial Similarity Keras VGGFace.mkv (1001.6 KB)
3 Face Recognition Keras One Shot Learning and Friends.mkv (1.34 MB)
4 Face Recognition PyTorch FaceNet.mkv (1019.52 KB)
5 DeepFace - Age, Gender, Emotion, Ethnicity and Face Recognition.mkv (2.57 MB)
1 Object Detection.mkv (1.14 MB)
2 History of Object Detectors.mkv (1.04 MB)
3 Intersection Over Union.mkv (362.69 KB)
4 Mean Average Precision.mkv (913.43 KB)
5 Non Maximum Suppression.mkv (348.97 KB)
6 R-CNNs, Fast R-CNNs and Faster R-CNNs.mkv (1013.76 KB)
7 Single Shot Detectors (SSDs).mkv (840.28 KB)
1 Introduction to YOLO.mkv (743.52 KB)
2 How YOLO Works.mkv (716.84 KB)
3 Training YOLO.mkv (611.77 KB)
4 YOLO Evolution.mkv (717.9 KB)
5 EfficientDet.mkv (784.58 KB)
6 Detectron2.mkv (972.35 KB)
1 Gun Detector - Scaled-YOLOv4.mkv (2.25 MB)
1 Mask Detector TFODAPI MobileNetV2 SSD.mkv (1.53 MB)
1 Sign Language Detector TFODAPI EfficentDet.mkv (1.77 MB)
1 Pothole Detector - TinyYOLOv4.mkv (1.22 MB)
1 Mushroom Detector Detectron2.mkv (1.47 MB)
1 Website Region Detector YOLOv4 Darknet.mkv (984.57 KB)
1 Drone Maritime Detector R-CNN.mkv (1.3 MB)
1 Chess Piece YOLOv3.mkv (838.44 KB)
1 Bloodcell Detector YOLOv5.mkv (1.09 MB)
1 Hard Hat Detector EfficentDet.mkv (649.33 KB)
1 Bloodcell Detector YOLOv5.mkv (1.1 MB)
1 Plant Doctor Detector YOLOv5.mkv (1.21 MB)
1 Introduction to Deep Segmentation.mkv (1.59 MB)
2 Image Segmentation Keras UNET SegNet.mkv (1.4 MB)
3 PyTorch DeepLabV3.mkv (1.11 MB)
4 Mask-RCNN TensorFlow Matterport.mkv (1.12 MB)
5 Detectron2 Mask R-CNN.mkv (1.2 MB)
6 Train Mask R-CNN Shapes Dataset.mkv (1 MB)
1 Body Pose Estimation.mkv (642.46 KB)
1 DeepSORT Introduction.mkv (1.13 MB)
2 DeepSORT with YOLOv5.mkv (1.73 MB)
1 Creating a Deep Fake.mkv (1.08 MB)
1 Introduction to Vision Transformers.mkv (668.38 KB)
2 Vision Transformer in Detail with PyTorch.mkv (1.43 MB)
3 Vision Transformers in Keras.mkv (907.69 KB)
1 BiT BigTransfer Classifier Keras.mkv (1.03 MB)
1 Depth Estimation Project.mkv (1.24 MB)
1 Image Similarity Using Metric Learning.mkv (1006.24 KB)
1 Image Captioning with Keras.mkv (1.54 MB)
1 Video Classification Usign CNN+RNN.mkv (1 MB)
1 Video Classification with Transformers.mkv (865.97 KB)
1 Point Cloud Classification PointNet.mkv (1.11 MB)
1 Point Cloud Segmentation Using PointNet.mkv (1.66 MB)
1 X-Ray Pneumonia Prediction.mkv (1.12 MB)
1 3D CT Scan Classification.mkv (1.12 MB)
1 Low Light Image Enhancement MIRNet.mkv (1.64 MB)
1 Flask RestFUL API.mkv (1.37 MB)
2 Flask Web App.mkv (921.46 KB)
1 OCR Captcha Cracker.mkv (907.21 KB)

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