8.47 GB | 24min 45s | mp4 | 1280X720 | 16:9
Genre:eLearning |Language:English
Files Included :
1 React - Code Walkthrough.mp4 (28.54 MB)
2 Fastify NodeJS - Code Walkthrough.mp4 (38.94 MB)
1 JSON Web Token Introduction.mp4 (43.53 MB)
10 Login API request testcases.mp4 (85.4 MB)
11 AuthProvider - Login testcases implementation - React.mp4 (174.87 MB)
12 Http Request Interceptor - React.mp4 (69.62 MB)
13 Error view - Material UI Snackbar.mp4 (67.53 MB)
14 Add Register Route - React Router DOM.mp4 (14.59 MB)
15 User Register Component Testcases - React.mp4 (100.38 MB)
16 User Register's Testcases Impl.mp4 (93.07 MB)
17 Register Form Validation Testcase - React.mp4 (169.27 MB)
18 User Registration Form Submit Testcases - MSW.mp4 (147.2 MB)
19 User Reducer And Integration With Registration Form.mp4 (155.21 MB)
2 Fastify Jwt Plugin.mp4 (58.55 MB)
20 Display Current Logged In User and Logout Link On Header.mp4 (125.44 MB)
21 Fixed Failing Testcase.mp4 (31.5 MB)
22 Secure Private Route - Job Listing Page.mp4 (63.53 MB)
23 Public Route - Login and Register Page.mp4 (41.04 MB)
3 Login endpoint - Fastify.mp4 (158.72 MB)
4 Secure Job Endpoints.mp4 (115.61 MB)
5 Add Bearer Token.mp4 (20.13 MB)
6 Router Setup - React.mp4 (39.5 MB)
7 Login Testcases - React Testing Library.mp4 (154.24 MB)
8 Login Form Implementation.mp4 (131.29 MB)
9 Login Form - CSS.mp4 (43.68 MB)
1 Fastify application setup - [Node js].mp4 (87.93 MB)
10 Dockerizing fastify application with Batect.mp4 (101.63 MB)
11 Database Migrations SQL Script with db-migrate - POSTGRESQL.mp4 (69.96 MB)
12 Apply migration with fastify - Postgresql.mp4 (103.4 MB)
13 Connect Fastify application to Postgresql container- Batect development workflow.mp4 (77.58 MB)
14 First Fastify POST Route.mp4 (165.2 MB)
15 Fastify GET Route.mp4 (16.75 MB)
16 PostgreSQL docker container volume mount.mp4 (31.45 MB)
17 Fastify POST route integration test.mp4 (186.19 MB)
18 Get Route Integration test.mp4 (29.64 MB)
19 Local Setup for test execution.mp4 (92.92 MB)
2 Setup ESLint for Fastify node js.mp4 (69.74 MB)
20 Running fastify application locally.mp4 (58.94 MB)
21 Database Plugin unit testcase.mp4 (58.26 MB)
22 Refactoring time.mp4 (110.03 MB)
3 Prettier Code Formatter Setup.mp4 (63.86 MB)
4 Setup Jest Tests - Fastify Node,js.mp4 (95.05 MB)
6 Pushing fastify project to github.mp4 (26.23 MB)
7 Jest ESLint plugin.mp4 (16.16 MB)
8 Install OpenJDK - JDK.mp4 (18.28 MB)
9 Introduction Batect - development tasks - docker container.mp4 (64.66 MB)
1 JSON Schema.mp4 (59.01 MB)
2 Request body validation with JSON schema.mp4 (73.7 MB)
3 Response body validation with JSON Schema.mp4 (84.46 MB)
4 Fastify API documentation with Swagger.mp4 (80.33 MB)
1 What Is CICD and How Does It Work.mp4 (28.9 MB)
2 Setup Batect task for CI.mp4 (83.26 MB)
3 Setup CI Job with Github Actions.mp4 (133.7 MB)
4 Deploy fastify docker container on Heroku - Manually.mp4 (155.98 MB)
5 Setup Postgresql on heroku and connect with fastify docker container.mp4 (71.03 MB)
6 Setup CD JOB with Github Actions and deploy on heroku.mp4 (151.88 MB)
1 Test Driven Development Introduction.mp4 (15.1 MB)
10 Fix Red Pipeline - GO GREEN.mp4 (47.44 MB)
11 User POST Route - Unite Testing.mp4 (135.59 MB)
12 User POST Route Request Body Validation - JSON Schema.mp4 (49.11 MB)
13 User GET Route with Unit testing - TDD.mp4 (90.94 MB)
14 User Endpoints Integration Test.mp4 (94.03 MB)
15 User Endpoints Testing With Postman.mp4 (39.05 MB)
2 How to approach TDD in 3 layers based application.mp4 (81.86 MB)
3 Added User table migration script.mp4 (50.35 MB)
4 Understanding Optimistic Locking.mp4 (69.11 MB)
5 User Repository with TDD.mp4 (168.5 MB)
6 Added GET User by Id function in Repository with TDD.mp4 (133.93 MB)
7 User Service and unit testing - TDD.mp4 (199.99 MB)
8 Added GetUserById in service - TDD.mp4 (120.64 MB)
9 Handling date with moment js.mp4 (85.08 MB)
1 Job Table Migration Script.mp4 (43.59 MB)
10 Job Endpoints Testing with postman.mp4 (25.82 MB)
2 Job Repository Testcases - TDD.mp4 (114.52 MB)
3 Job Repository Testcases continue - TDD.mp4 (67.37 MB)
4 Job Repository Implementation - TDD.mp4 (99.72 MB)
5 Job Service implementation of save and getJobs using TDD.mp4 (161.92 MB)
6 Job Post Route - testcases - TDD.mp4 (88.08 MB)
7 Job Post Route Implementation - TDD.mp4 (86.28 MB)
8 Job Get Route - TDD.mp4 (49.82 MB)
9 Integration Test Of Job Routes.mp4 (63.02 MB)
1 React Setup.mp4 (66.07 MB)
10 Job Loading Skeleton - Material UI Skeleton.mp4 (79.71 MB)
11 Load More option in Job Listing Page - React.mp4 (97.9 MB)
12 Http Error Handling In React.mp4 (26.72 MB)
2 Layout and Header Component - React.mp4 (64.85 MB)
3 Material UI Grid Explanation - React.mp4 (73.8 MB)
4 How redux works.mp4 (30.24 MB)
5 Job Reducer With Redux Toolkit.mp4 (147.05 MB)
6 Integration of Job Slice to Job Container - React.mp4 (81.58 MB)
7 Explanation Of CORS Issue.mp4 (62.25 MB)
8 Job List and Item Component.mp4 (80.29 MB)
9 Job List and Item Component Styling.mp4 (83.29 MB)
1 Testing Approach Introduction.mp4 (22.94 MB)
2 Job Container Loading State TestCase.mp4 (131.83 MB)
3 Test Util for testing redux component.mp4 (99.38 MB)
4 JobList Unit Testcase - MSW.mp4 (131.13 MB)
5 Load More scenario (Pagination) testcases.mp4 (172.68 MB)
6 Error Scenario TestCase.mp4 (79.01 MB)
1 Upload React project to GIthub.mp4 (9.55 MB)
2 CI Job - React.mp4 (92.32 MB)
3 Deploy On Heroku Manually - React App.mp4 (83.18 MB)
4 Multiple Env Config like Dev, Prod In React Application.mp4 (79.69 MB)
5 Deploy React App On Heroku With Github Action.mp4 (59.36 MB)
2 Fastify NodeJS - Code Walkthrough.mp4 (38.94 MB)
1 JSON Web Token Introduction.mp4 (43.53 MB)
10 Login API request testcases.mp4 (85.4 MB)
11 AuthProvider - Login testcases implementation - React.mp4 (174.87 MB)
12 Http Request Interceptor - React.mp4 (69.62 MB)
13 Error view - Material UI Snackbar.mp4 (67.53 MB)
14 Add Register Route - React Router DOM.mp4 (14.59 MB)
15 User Register Component Testcases - React.mp4 (100.38 MB)
16 User Register's Testcases Impl.mp4 (93.07 MB)
17 Register Form Validation Testcase - React.mp4 (169.27 MB)
18 User Registration Form Submit Testcases - MSW.mp4 (147.2 MB)
19 User Reducer And Integration With Registration Form.mp4 (155.21 MB)
2 Fastify Jwt Plugin.mp4 (58.55 MB)
20 Display Current Logged In User and Logout Link On Header.mp4 (125.44 MB)
21 Fixed Failing Testcase.mp4 (31.5 MB)
22 Secure Private Route - Job Listing Page.mp4 (63.53 MB)
23 Public Route - Login and Register Page.mp4 (41.04 MB)
3 Login endpoint - Fastify.mp4 (158.72 MB)
4 Secure Job Endpoints.mp4 (115.61 MB)
5 Add Bearer Token.mp4 (20.13 MB)
6 Router Setup - React.mp4 (39.5 MB)
7 Login Testcases - React Testing Library.mp4 (154.24 MB)
8 Login Form Implementation.mp4 (131.29 MB)
9 Login Form - CSS.mp4 (43.68 MB)
1 Fastify application setup - [Node js].mp4 (87.93 MB)
10 Dockerizing fastify application with Batect.mp4 (101.63 MB)
11 Database Migrations SQL Script with db-migrate - POSTGRESQL.mp4 (69.96 MB)
12 Apply migration with fastify - Postgresql.mp4 (103.4 MB)
13 Connect Fastify application to Postgresql container- Batect development workflow.mp4 (77.58 MB)
14 First Fastify POST Route.mp4 (165.2 MB)
15 Fastify GET Route.mp4 (16.75 MB)
16 PostgreSQL docker container volume mount.mp4 (31.45 MB)
17 Fastify POST route integration test.mp4 (186.19 MB)
18 Get Route Integration test.mp4 (29.64 MB)
19 Local Setup for test execution.mp4 (92.92 MB)
2 Setup ESLint for Fastify node js.mp4 (69.74 MB)
20 Running fastify application locally.mp4 (58.94 MB)
21 Database Plugin unit testcase.mp4 (58.26 MB)
22 Refactoring time.mp4 (110.03 MB)
3 Prettier Code Formatter Setup.mp4 (63.86 MB)
4 Setup Jest Tests - Fastify Node,js.mp4 (95.05 MB)
6 Pushing fastify project to github.mp4 (26.23 MB)
7 Jest ESLint plugin.mp4 (16.16 MB)
8 Install OpenJDK - JDK.mp4 (18.28 MB)
9 Introduction Batect - development tasks - docker container.mp4 (64.66 MB)
1 JSON Schema.mp4 (59.01 MB)
2 Request body validation with JSON schema.mp4 (73.7 MB)
3 Response body validation with JSON Schema.mp4 (84.46 MB)
4 Fastify API documentation with Swagger.mp4 (80.33 MB)
1 What Is CICD and How Does It Work.mp4 (28.9 MB)
2 Setup Batect task for CI.mp4 (83.26 MB)
3 Setup CI Job with Github Actions.mp4 (133.7 MB)
4 Deploy fastify docker container on Heroku - Manually.mp4 (155.98 MB)
5 Setup Postgresql on heroku and connect with fastify docker container.mp4 (71.03 MB)
6 Setup CD JOB with Github Actions and deploy on heroku.mp4 (151.88 MB)
1 Test Driven Development Introduction.mp4 (15.1 MB)
10 Fix Red Pipeline - GO GREEN.mp4 (47.44 MB)
11 User POST Route - Unite Testing.mp4 (135.59 MB)
12 User POST Route Request Body Validation - JSON Schema.mp4 (49.11 MB)
13 User GET Route with Unit testing - TDD.mp4 (90.94 MB)
14 User Endpoints Integration Test.mp4 (94.03 MB)
15 User Endpoints Testing With Postman.mp4 (39.05 MB)
2 How to approach TDD in 3 layers based application.mp4 (81.86 MB)
3 Added User table migration script.mp4 (50.35 MB)
4 Understanding Optimistic Locking.mp4 (69.11 MB)
5 User Repository with TDD.mp4 (168.5 MB)
6 Added GET User by Id function in Repository with TDD.mp4 (133.93 MB)
7 User Service and unit testing - TDD.mp4 (199.99 MB)
8 Added GetUserById in service - TDD.mp4 (120.64 MB)
9 Handling date with moment js.mp4 (85.08 MB)
1 Job Table Migration Script.mp4 (43.59 MB)
10 Job Endpoints Testing with postman.mp4 (25.82 MB)
2 Job Repository Testcases - TDD.mp4 (114.52 MB)
3 Job Repository Testcases continue - TDD.mp4 (67.37 MB)
4 Job Repository Implementation - TDD.mp4 (99.72 MB)
5 Job Service implementation of save and getJobs using TDD.mp4 (161.92 MB)
6 Job Post Route - testcases - TDD.mp4 (88.08 MB)
7 Job Post Route Implementation - TDD.mp4 (86.28 MB)
8 Job Get Route - TDD.mp4 (49.82 MB)
9 Integration Test Of Job Routes.mp4 (63.02 MB)
1 React Setup.mp4 (66.07 MB)
10 Job Loading Skeleton - Material UI Skeleton.mp4 (79.71 MB)
11 Load More option in Job Listing Page - React.mp4 (97.9 MB)
12 Http Error Handling In React.mp4 (26.72 MB)
2 Layout and Header Component - React.mp4 (64.85 MB)
3 Material UI Grid Explanation - React.mp4 (73.8 MB)
4 How redux works.mp4 (30.24 MB)
5 Job Reducer With Redux Toolkit.mp4 (147.05 MB)
6 Integration of Job Slice to Job Container - React.mp4 (81.58 MB)
7 Explanation Of CORS Issue.mp4 (62.25 MB)
8 Job List and Item Component.mp4 (80.29 MB)
9 Job List and Item Component Styling.mp4 (83.29 MB)
1 Testing Approach Introduction.mp4 (22.94 MB)
2 Job Container Loading State TestCase.mp4 (131.83 MB)
3 Test Util for testing redux component.mp4 (99.38 MB)
4 JobList Unit Testcase - MSW.mp4 (131.13 MB)
5 Load More scenario (Pagination) testcases.mp4 (172.68 MB)
6 Error Scenario TestCase.mp4 (79.01 MB)
1 Upload React project to GIthub.mp4 (9.55 MB)
2 CI Job - React.mp4 (92.32 MB)
3 Deploy On Heroku Manually - React App.mp4 (83.18 MB)
4 Multiple Env Config like Dev, Prod In React Application.mp4 (79.69 MB)
5 Deploy React App On Heroku With Github Action.mp4 (59.36 MB)
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