Led Zeppelin - Final Kingdome Remastered
MPEG 2, NTSC, 4 : 3, 720 x 480p, Englisch AC-3/2
Led Zeppelin - Final Kingdome Remastered
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Led Zeppelin at the Seattle KingdomeJuly 17, 1977
One of the very few fully-filmed concerts. This being the only one (to my knowledge) that hasn't been officially released by the band.
There are slight cuts every 30 minutes or so (for example, a few seconds into SIBLY). That's from when I combined all the segments of the footage. If I had removed those cuts, it would seem like the video is skipping. It was much easier to just leave them in. I hope that it's forgivable.
0:37 The Song Remains the Same
5:53 (The Rover) Sick Again
13:51 Nobody's Fault But Mine
21:42 Over the Hills and Far Away
30:32 Since I've Been Loving You
39:31 No Quarter
1:09:56 Ten Years Gone
1:22:31 The Battle of Evermore (Featuring JPJ on backing vocals)
1:29:41 Going to California
1:36:34 Black Country Woman
1:38:20 Bron-Y-Aur Stomp
1:50:41 White Summer/Black Mountain Side
2:01:49 Kashmir
2:12:48 Over the Top (Out on the Tiles intro/Moby Dick outro)
2:37:21 Guitar Solo
2:52:54 Achilles Last Stand
3:03:32 Stairway to Heaven
3:23:58 Whole Lotta Love
3:25:12 Rock and Roll
This is the first concert since the LA Forum shows, the last of which was on June 27th. The band is playing for the first time in over 3 weeks.
One of the very few fully-filmed concerts. This being the only one (to my knowledge) that hasn't been officially released by the band.
There are slight cuts every 30 minutes or so (for example, a few seconds into SIBLY). That's from when I combined all the segments of the footage. If I had removed those cuts, it would seem like the video is skipping. It was much easier to just leave them in. I hope that it's forgivable.
0:37 The Song Remains the Same
5:53 (The Rover) Sick Again
13:51 Nobody's Fault But Mine
21:42 Over the Hills and Far Away
30:32 Since I've Been Loving You
39:31 No Quarter
1:09:56 Ten Years Gone
1:22:31 The Battle of Evermore (Featuring JPJ on backing vocals)
1:29:41 Going to California
1:36:34 Black Country Woman
1:38:20 Bron-Y-Aur Stomp
1:50:41 White Summer/Black Mountain Side
2:01:49 Kashmir
2:12:48 Over the Top (Out on the Tiles intro/Moby Dick outro)
2:37:21 Guitar Solo
2:52:54 Achilles Last Stand
3:03:32 Stairway to Heaven
3:23:58 Whole Lotta Love
3:25:12 Rock and Roll
This is the first concert since the LA Forum shows, the last of which was on June 27th. The band is playing for the first time in over 3 weeks.

Darsteller/actor: Led Zeppelin
MPEG 2, NTSC, 4 : 3, 720 x 480p, Englisch AC-3/2
Sprache/Idioma: Englisch

Bildseitenformat/relación de aspecto: 4 : 3
Datenträger/portador de datos: 1 DVD (s) - 5
Studio/Estudio: pro shot
Erscheinungsjahr/año de publicación: 2024
Produktionsjahr/ano de produccion: 1977
Laufzeit/Duración: 211 Minuten
Größe/Tamaño ca. 7331,84 Megabyte in 15 Links
Größe der Parts/tamaño de la pieza: 500 Megabyte

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