John Lennon - Holy Grails, Upgrades & Reconstructions Vol.1
MPEG 2, NTSC, 4 : 3, 720 x 480p, Englisch AC-3/2
John Lennon - Holy Grails, Upgrades & Reconstructions Vol.1
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“Holy Grails, Upgrades and Reconstructions” is the first in a new series of releases focusing on John’s solo years and will bring us all brand new material and upgrades for existing releases alongside reconstructions to make the material complete. This set focuses on the beginning of John’s residency in New York City. The DVD (NTSC/Code Free) featuring rehearsal footage, interviews, news reports and footage from the Jerry Lewis MDA, labor day telethon featuring John, Yoko and the Elephants Memory Band.
DVD: Several Times in New York City
1-1 Luck Of The Irish (Bank Street Rehearsal Reconstruction) 22:34
1-2 Bank Street "Home T-Shirt" News Interview Raw Footage (Colour) - Upgrade! 21:47
1-3 Bryant Park Peace Rally Raw News Footage (Colour) - Upgrade! 1:40
1-4 Immigration Hearing Raw News Footage (Colour) - Upgrade! 1:56
1-5 The Labor Day Telethon Complete Broadcast Version (B&W - Clean) 15:31
1-6 The Labor Day Telethon Complete In-Line Feed Version (Colour!! - Super Clean) 15:40
CD: Audio Clean Up Time Volume 1
2-1 Getting Levels 6:30
2-2 Quick Sound Check 0:44
2-3 New York City - Take 1 1:08
2-4 New York City - Take 2 0:16
2-5 New York City - Take 3 3:55
2-6 Getting More Levels 1:11
2-7 New York City - Take 4 2:27
2-8 Tex's Levels 1:08
2-9 New York City - Take 7 4:13
2-10 New York City - Take 8 / John's Levels 6:35
2-11 New York City - Take 9-10 5:08
2-12 New York City - Take 11-12 3:33
2-13 New York City - Take 12 4:36
2-14 New York City - Take 13-14 2:36
2-15 New York City - Take 15 3:29
2-16 New York City - Take 16 0:45
2-17 New York City - Take 17-18 3:04
2-18 New York City - Take 19 "Well That's Right" 0:45
2-19 New York City - Take 20 5:33
2-20 New York City - Take 21-22-23 5:17
2-21 The Telethon Repaired (Bonus) 15:38
DVD: Several Times in New York City
1-1 Luck Of The Irish (Bank Street Rehearsal Reconstruction) 22:34
1-2 Bank Street "Home T-Shirt" News Interview Raw Footage (Colour) - Upgrade! 21:47
1-3 Bryant Park Peace Rally Raw News Footage (Colour) - Upgrade! 1:40
1-4 Immigration Hearing Raw News Footage (Colour) - Upgrade! 1:56
1-5 The Labor Day Telethon Complete Broadcast Version (B&W - Clean) 15:31
1-6 The Labor Day Telethon Complete In-Line Feed Version (Colour!! - Super Clean) 15:40
CD: Audio Clean Up Time Volume 1
2-1 Getting Levels 6:30
2-2 Quick Sound Check 0:44
2-3 New York City - Take 1 1:08
2-4 New York City - Take 2 0:16
2-5 New York City - Take 3 3:55
2-6 Getting More Levels 1:11
2-7 New York City - Take 4 2:27
2-8 Tex's Levels 1:08
2-9 New York City - Take 7 4:13
2-10 New York City - Take 8 / John's Levels 6:35
2-11 New York City - Take 9-10 5:08
2-12 New York City - Take 11-12 3:33
2-13 New York City - Take 12 4:36
2-14 New York City - Take 13-14 2:36
2-15 New York City - Take 15 3:29
2-16 New York City - Take 16 0:45
2-17 New York City - Take 17-18 3:04
2-18 New York City - Take 19 "Well That's Right" 0:45
2-19 New York City - Take 20 5:33
2-20 New York City - Take 21-22-23 5:17
2-21 The Telethon Repaired (Bonus) 15:38

Darsteller/actor: John Lennon
MPEG 2, NTSC, 4 : 3, 720 x 480p, Englisch AC-3/2
Sprache/Idioma: Englisch

Bildseitenformat/relación de aspecto: 4 : 3
Datenträger/portador de datos: 1 CD (s)
Datenträger/portador de datos: 1 DVD (s) - 5
Studio/Estudio: pro shot
Erscheinungsjahr/año de publicación: 2017
Produktionsjahr/ano de produccion: 2017
Laufzeit/Duración: 79 Minuten
Größe/Tamaño ca. 4526,08 Megabyte in 10 Links
Größe der Parts/tamaño de la pieza: 500 Megabyte

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