[NEW-SEPTEMBER 2024] Master Terraform on GCP GKE: 40 Real-World Demos to become a DevOps SRE and IaC Expert
What you'll learn
You will learn Terraform basics with first 8 practical demos
You will learn to automate GKE standard public cluster with terraform
You will learn to automate GKE standard private clsuter with cluster autoscaler
You will learn to automate GKE standard private cluster with private endpoint
You will learn to automate GKE autopilot private clsuter with terraform
You will learn to implemnent autoscaling features like cluster autoscaler, horiztontal and vertical pod autoscaling
You will learn to automate GKE Storage: GCP Compute Engine Persistent Disk CSI Driver
You will learn to automate GKE Storage: GCP Cloud Storage FUSE CSI Driver
You will learn to automate GKE Storage: GCP Filestore CSI Driver
You will learn to automate GKE Gateway API: Static IP with GCP External IP Address
You will learn to automate GKE Gateway API: Self-signed SSL certs with Kubernetes Secrets
You will learn to automate GKE Gateway API: Self-signed SSL certs with GCP Certificate Manager
You will learn to automate GKE Gateway API: HTTP to HTTPS Redirect
You will learn to automate GKE Gateway API: Context Path-based Routing
You will learn to automate GKE Gateway API: Domain name based Routing
You will learn to automate GKE Gateway API: Traffic Splitting
You will learn to automate GKE Gateway API: Health checks and Session Affinity
You will learn to master services like GCP Cloud Domains and Cloud DNS
You will learn to automate GKE Gateway API: Production grade SSL with Cloud DNS and Cloud Domains
You will learn to automate GKE Gateway API: Production grade SSL with Cloud DNS and AWS Route53
You will learn to automate GKE Gateway API: GCP Global Application Load Balancer
You will learn to automate GKE Gateway API: GCP Regional Application Load Balancer
You will learn to use pre-built Terraform modules from Terraform Registry
You will build GKE Cluster custom terraform module
You will implement GKE Infra devops where we can create multiple GKE environments dev, production using Cloud Build Triggers (Pipelines)
You will build Kubernetes Deployment custom terraform module
You will implement continuous integration for a sample application using GitHub, Cloud Build and GCP Artifact Registry
You will implement GKE Workload devops where we can deploy our dev applications to Dev GKE cluster and prod applications to prod GKE cluster using GitHub and Cl
You need to have basic knowledge of Google Cloud Platform and Kubernetes concepts
To create Google Cloud Account, you need a debit or credit card
You don't need any prior knowledge of Terraform. We will start from the very basics of Terraform. The first 8 demos will focus on Terraform fundamentals.
Course ModulesDemo-01: Install CLI Tools: gcloud CLI, Terraform CLI, VSCode EditorDemo-02: Terraform Commands (init, validate, plan, apply and destroy)Demo-03: Terraform Language Basics Demo-04: Teraform Meta-Argument - Provider (Multiple Providers Demo) Demo-05: Terraform Input Variables and Output Values Demo-06: Terraform Meta-argument: count Demo-07: Terraform Datasources Demo-08: Terraform Meta-argument: for_each Demo-09: GKE Public Standard ClusterDemo-10: Kubernetes Resources using YAML ManifestsDemo-11: Kubernetes Resources using Terraform ManifestsDemo-12: GKE Private Standard cluster with Cluster AutoscalerDemo-13: GKE Horizontal Pod AutoscalingDemo-14: GKE Vertical Pod AutoscalingDemo-15: GKE Private Standard Cluster with Private EndpointDemo-16: GKE Private Autopilot clusterDemo-17: GKE Storage: Compute Engine Persistent Disk CSI DriverDemo-18: GKE Storage: Cloud SQL MySQL Database Demo-19: GKE Storage: Cloud Storage with FUSE CSI DriverDemo-20: GKE Storage: Filestore CSI DriverDemo-21: GKE Gateway API (GCP Regional Application Load Balancer)Demo-21-01: GKE Gateway API Basics (Gateway and HTTPRoute)Demo-21-02: GKE Gateway API Static IP (GCP External IP Address)Demo-21-03: GKE Gateway API self-signed SSL (Kubernetes Secrets)Demo-21-04: GKE Gateway API self-signed SSL (GCP Certificate Manager)Demo-21-05: GKE Gateway API HTTP to HTTPS RedirectDemo-21-06: GKE Gateway API Context path-based RoutingDemo-21-07: GKE Gateway API Domain name RoutingDemo-21-08: GKE Gateway API Traffic SplittingDemo-21-09: GKE Gateway API Health check and Session Affinity (GKE custom policies)Demo-21-10: Cloud Domains and Cloud DNSDemo-21-11: GKE Gateway API Production grade SSL (GCP Certificate Manager + Cloud DNS + Cloud Domains)Demo-21-12: GKE Gateway API Production grade SSL (GCP Certificate Manager + Cloud DNS + AWS Route53)Demo-21-13: GKE Gateway API Global LB (GCP Global Application Load Balancer)Demo-22: Use Pre-built Terraform Modules from Terraform RegistryDemo-23: GKE Infra: Create custom GKE Terraform ModuleDemo-24: GKE Infra DevOps using GitHub and GCP Cloud BuildDemo-25: GKE Workloads: Create custom Kubernetes Deployment Terraform ModuleDemo-26: GKE Workload DevOps using GitHub and GCP Cloud BuildDemo-27: GKE App: Implement Continuous Integration with GitHub, Cloud Build and GCP Artifact RegistryDemo-28: GKE App: Implement Continuous Delivery using GitHub and Cloud BuildGCP ServicesGoogle Kubernetes Engine Google Compute Engine VM Instances Google Compute Engine Health Checks Google Compute Engine Persistent Disks Google Cloud VPC Google Cloud Firewalls Google Cloud Storage Google Cloud Monitoring Google Cloud Logging Google Cloud Load Balancing Google Cloud IAM Google Cloud Domains Google Cloud DNS Google Cloud NAT Google Cloud Router Google Cloud External IP Google Cloud Build Google Cloud Certificate Manager Google VPC Private Service Connection GCP Secrets ManagerGCP Cloud Storage BucketsKubernetes ConceptsGoogle Kubernetes Engine - Standard Public ClusterGoogle Kubernetes Engine - Standard Private ClusterGoogle Kubernetes Engine - Autopilot ClusterKubernetes Cluster AutoscalerKubernetes Horizontal Pod AutoscalingKubernetes Vertical Pod AutoscalingKubernetes DeploymentsKubernetes Load Balancer ServiceKubernetes Storage - Storage ClassesKubernetes Storage - Persistent VolumesKubernetes Storage - Persistent Volume ClaimsKubernetes SecretsKubernetes Gateway API (Load Balancers - 13 Important Demos)Each of my courses comes withAmazing Hands-on Step By Step Learning ExperiencesPractical demos for each and every conceptFriendly Support in the Q&A section"30-Day "No Questions Asked" Money Back Guaranteed by Udemy"
Section 1: Introduction
Lecture 1 Introduction
Lecture 2 [OPTIONAL] Detailed Introduction with Architecture Diagrams
Lecture 3 Course GitHub Repository Links
Lecture 4 Create GCP Account and Budget Alerts
Section 2: Demo-01: Install CLI Tools: gcloud CLI, Terraform CLI, VSCode Editor
Lecture 5 Step-00: Terraform Fundamentals - same in both courses
Lecture 6 Step-01: Introduction to installing tools terraform, gcloud, VSCode editor and p
Lecture 7 Step-02: MacOS: Install gcloud CLI
Lecture 8 Step-03: MacOS: Install Terraform CLI, vscode editor
Lecture 9 Step-04: MacOS: Install VSCode Editor and Plugin
Lecture 10 Step-05: WindowsOS: Install gcloud CLI
Lecture 11 Step-06: WindowsOS: Install Terraform
Lecture 12 Step-07: WindowsOS: Install VSCode Editor and Plugin
Section 3: Demo-02: Terraform Commands (init, validate, plan, apply and destroy)
Lecture 13 Step-01: Introduction to Terraform Commands
Lecture 14 Step-02: Implement Terraform Core Commands
Lecture 15 Step-03: Discuss terraform state file and destroy command
Section 4: Demo-03: Terraform Language Basics
Lecture 16 Step-00: What are we going to automate?
Lecture 17 Step-01: Introduction to Terraform Language Basics
Lecture 18 Step-02: Understand Terraform Fundamental Blocks
Lecture 19 Step-03: Understand Terraform Block in detail
Lecture 20 Step-04: Understand Providers and Registry
Lecture 21 Step-05: Create VPC and Subnet
Lecture 22 Step-06: Create firewall rule ssh and http 80
Lecture 23 Step-07: Create VM Instance terraform manifest
Lecture 24 Step-08: Execute Terraform commands and verify demo3
Lecture 25 Step-09: Understand Terraform State Concept
Section 5: Demo-04: Teraform Meta-Argument - Provider (Multiple Providers Demo)
Lecture 26 Step-01: Introduction to Meta-argument provider
Lecture 27 Step-02: Multiple Providers demo
Section 6: Demo-05: Terraform Input Variables and Output Values
Lecture 28 Step-01: Introduction to Input Variables and Output Values
Lecture 29 Step-02: Define variables and call them in resources
Lecture 30 Step-03: Understand different ways to define variables
Lecture 31 Step-04: Introduction to Terraform Output Values
Lecture 32 Step-05: Implement Output values and clean-up
Section 7: Demo-06: Terraform Meta-argument: count
Lecture 33 Step-01: Introduction to Meta-argument count
Lecture 34 Step-02: Implement Meta-argument count
Lecture 35 Step-03: Implement for expression and splat operator
Lecture 36 Step-04: Execute TF Commands for Meta-argument count demo
Section 8: Demo-07: Terraform Datasources
Lecture 37 Step-01: Introduction to Terraform Datasources
Lecture 38 Step-02: Implement Terraform Datasources demo
Section 9: Demo-08: Terraform Meta-argument: for_each
Lecture 39 Step-01: Introduction to Meta-argument for_each
Lecture 40 Step-02: Demo-1: for_each input as set values
Lecture 41 Step-03: Demo-2: for_each input as map values
Section 10: Demo-09: GKE Standard Public Cluster using Terraform
Lecture 42 Step-01: Introduction to GKE Standard Public Clsuter
Lecture 43 Step-02: Terraform Backends - Local vs Remote
Lecture 44 Step-03: Install kubectl cli and create cloud storage bucket
Lecture 45 Step-04: Create remote backend and locals block resources
Lecture 46 Step-05: Create GKE Standard Public Cluster
Lecture 47 Step-06: Create GKE Nodepool and Terraform Outputs
Lecture 48 Step-07: Execute TF Commands, Verify GKE Public Standard Cluster
Section 11: Demo-10: Kubernetes Deployments using YAML
Lecture 49 Step-01: Kubernetes Deployment and Service - YAML Manifests
Lecture 50 Step-02: Review, Deploy and Verify and Cleanup
Section 12: Demo-11: Kubernetes Resources using Terraform
Lecture 51 Step-01: Introduction to TF k8s Resources, Remote State Datasource
Lecture 52 Step-02: Define Terraform Remote State Datasource
Lecture 53 Step-03: Define Kubernetes Provider
Lecture 54 Step-04: Define Kubernetes Deployment TF Resource
Lecture 55 Step-05: Define Kubernetes Load balancer TF Resource
Lecture 56 Step-06: Execute TF Commands, Verify, CleanUp All including public GKE Cluster
Section 13: Demo-12: GKE Standard Private Cluster with Public API Endpoint using Terraform
Lecture 57 Step-01: Introduction to GKE private cluster with Public API Endpoint
Lecture 58 Step-02: Introduction to Cluster Autoscaler
Lecture 59 Step-03: Discuss changes to GKE Cluster
Lecture 60 Step-04: Create Variables, Zones datasource TF Configs
Lecture 61 Step-05: Define GKE Private cluster TFConfigs
Lecture 62 Step-06: Create Nodepool, Outputs, Cloud NAT and Cloud Router
Lecture 63 Step-07: Deploy App, Test cluster autoscaler and cleanup
Section 14: Demo-13: GKE Horizontal Pod Autoscaling using Terraform
Lecture 64 Step-01: Introduction to GKE Horizontal Pod Autoscaling
Lecture 65 Step-02: Create HPA V2 TF Configs
Lecture 66 Step-03: Execute TF Commands, Verify HPA and CleanUp
Section 15: Demo-14: GKE Vertical Pod Autoscaling using Terraform
Lecture 67 Step-01: Introduction to GKE Vertical Pod Autoscaling
Lecture 68 Step-02: Review YAML VPA and Create Terraform VPA manifest
Lecture 69 Step-03: Execute TF Commands, Verify and cleanup VPA, GKE Cluster
Section 16: Demo-15: GKE Standard Private Cluster with Private API Endpoint using Terraform
Lecture 70 Step-01: Introduction to GKE Private cluster with private endpoint
Lecture 71 Step-02: Review Terraform Configs BastionVM, GKE Cluster
Lecture 72 Step-03: Execute TF Commands Create GKE Cluster, verify
Lecture 73 Step-04: Deploy App from bastion vm to gke cluster, verify and cleanup
Section 17: Demo-16: GKE Autopilot Private Cluster with Public API Endpoint using Terraform
Lecture 74 Step-01: Introduction to GKE Autopilot private cluster
Lecture 75 Step-02: Review TF Configs and create GKE autopilot cluster
Lecture 76 Step-03: Deploy Sample and Verify
Section 18: Demo-17: GKE Storage: Compute Engine Persistent Disks
Lecture 77 Step-01: Introduction to GKE Storage - Persistent Disks
Lecture 78 Step-02: Understand UMS Sample App Architecture
Lecture 79 Step-03: Understand P2 YAML, P3 Terraform Manifests
Lecture 80 Step-04: Review SC, PVC, MySQL Deployment, CIP YAML manifests
Lecture 81 Step-05: Review UMS Deployment, LB Service, Deploy and Verify
Lecture 82 Step-06: Create SC, PVC, ConfigMap TF Configs
Lecture 83 Step-07: Review MySQL and UMS Deployment and Services
Lecture 84 Step-08: Execute TF Commands and Verify SC, PVC, PVC, MySQL DB, UMS App and Clea
Section 19: Demo-18: GKE Storage: Cloud SQL with Private Service Connection
Lecture 85 Step-01: Introduction to GKE Storage with Cloud SQL
Lecture 86 Step-02: Understand UMS Web App with Cloud SQL
Lecture 87 Step-03: Create Private Service Connection TF Config
Lecture 88 Step-04: Create Cloud SQL Database Instance
Lecture 89 Step-05: Create DBSchema, DBUsers, VM Instance TFConfigs
Lecture 90 Step-06: Execute TF Commands, Verify DB Connection from VM Instance
Lecture 91 Step-07: Review TFConfigs for Project-3 UMS WebApp
Lecture 92 Step-08: Execute TF Commands, Verify and CleanUp P2 and P3 projects
Section 20: Demo-19: GKE Storage: GCS Fuse CSI Driver - Cloud Storage Buckets
Lecture 93 Step-01: Introduction to GKE Storage with Cloud Storage Buckets
Lecture 94 Step-02: Create Cloud Storage bucket and IAM Policy binding
Lecture 95 Step-03: Review Kubernetes YAML Manifests
Lecture 96 Step-04: Deploy YAML manifests, Verify and cleanup
Lecture 97 Step-05: Create GCS Bucket, IAM Binding TF Configs
Lecture 98 Step-06: Create TF Configs for NS, SA, PV, PVC, DEPLOY, SVC
Lecture 99 Step-07: Execute TF Commands, Verify GCS Fuse demo and cleanup
Section 21: Demo-20: GKE Storage: File Store
Lecture 100 Step-01: Introduction to GKE Storage File store
Lecture 101 Step-02: Demo-1: Filestore YAML - Create, verify and cleanup
Lecture 102 Step-03: Demo-2: Filestore Terraform Configs - Create, Verify and CleanUp
Section 22: Demo-21-01: GKE Load Balancing: Kubernetes Gateway API Basics
Lecture 103 Step-00: What is Kubernetes Gateway API?
Lecture 104 Step-01: Introduction to Gateway API Basics
Lecture 105 Step-02: Create Proxy only subnet and verify
Lecture 106 Step-03: YAML: Create Gateway YAML Manifest
Lecture 107 Step-04: YAML: Review HTTPRoute, Deploy, Verify and Cleanup
Lecture 108 Step-05: TF: Review TFConfigs Gateway API Basics
Lecture 109 Step-06: TF: Execute TFCommands, Verify gateway and cleanup
Section 23: Demo-21-02: GKE Load Balancing: Kubernetes Gateway API - Static IP
Lecture 110 Step-01: Introduction to Gateway API - Static IP
Lecture 111 Step-02: YAML: Implement Gateway Static IP Demo
Lecture 112 Step-03: TF: Create TF Configs for static ip, update gateway
Lecture 113 Step-04: TF: Execute TF Commands, Verify Static IP and cleanup
Section 24: Demo-21-03: GKE Load Balancing: Gateway API - Self-signed SSL with k8s Secrets
Lecture 114 Step-01: Introduction to Gateway with selfsigned SSL with Kubenretes Secrets
Lecture 115 Step-02: YAML: Create SSLcert, k8s secret, update gateway with HTTPS listener an
Lecture 116 Step-03: Deploy, Verify, cleanup k8s secrets demo
Lecture 117 Step-04: TF: Create TFConfigs, k8s secret, Update gateway HTTPS listener and TLS
Lecture 118 Step-05: TF: Execute TF Commands, Verify and Cleanup
Section 25: Demo-21-04: GKE Load Balancing: Gateway API- Self-signed SSL Certificate Manager
Lecture 119 Step-01: Introduction to Gateway with selfsigned SSL with Certificate Manager
Lecture 120 Step-02: YAML: Create SSL cert using cert manager and update gateway tls with op
Lecture 121 Step-03:YAML: Deploy, Verify, Cleanup cert manager demo
Lecture 122 Step-04: Create TF Configs for cert manager, update gateway tls
Lecture 123 Step-05: TF: Execute TF Commands, Verify and Cleanup cert manager demo
Section 26: Demo-21-05: GKE Load Balancing: Kubernetes Gateway API - HTTP to HTTPS Redirect
Lecture 124 Step-01: Introduction to HTTP to HTTPS Redirect
Lecture 125 Step-02: YAML: HTTP to HTTPS Redirect Demo
Lecture 126 Step-03: Terraform: : HTTP to HTTPS Redirect Demo
Section 27: Demo-21-06: GKE Load Balancing: Gateway API - Context Path based Routing
Lecture 127 Step-01: Introduction to Gateway API Context Path based Routing
Lecture 128 Step-02: YAML: Gateway Context Path based routing demo
Lecture 129 Step-03: Terraform: Gateway Context Path based routing demo
Section 28: Demo-21-07: GKE Load Balancing: Gateway API - Domain name based Routing
Lecture 130 Step-01: Introduction to Gateway Domain Name Routing
Lecture 131 Step-02: YAML: Gateway Domain name based Routing Demo
Lecture 132 Step-03: Terraform: Gateway Domain name based Routing Demo
Section 29: Demo-21-08: GKE Load Balancing: Gateway API - Traffic Splitting
Lecture 133 Step-01: Introduction to Gateway Traffic Splitting
Lecture 134 Step-02: YAML: Gateway Traffic Splitting Demo
Lecture 135 Step-03: Terraform: Gateway Traffic Splitting Demo
Section 30: Demo-21-09: GKE Load Balancing: Gateway API - Health Checks, Session Affinity
Lecture 136 Step-01: Introduction to Gateway Health Checks and Session Affinity
Lecture 137 Step-02: YAML: Gateway Health Check and Session Affinity Demo
Lecture 138 Step-03: Terraform: Gateway Health Check and Session Affinity Demo
Section 31: Demo-21-10: GCP Cloud Domains and Cloud DNS Services
Lecture 139 Step-00: Pre-requisite-Note: Cloud Domains and Cloud DNS
Lecture 140 Step-01: Introduction to Cloud Domains
Lecture 141 Step-02: Implement Cloud Domains Demo
Lecture 142 Step-03: Introduction to Cloud DNS
Lecture 143 Step-04: Implement Cloud DNS Demo
Section 32: Demo-21-11: GKE Load Balancing: Gateway API - Cloud DNS, Domains, Prod grade SSL
Lecture 144 Step-01: Introduction to Cloud DNS, Cloud Domains and Prod grade SSL
Lecture 145 Step-02: Create Cloud DNS Record set TFConfig
Lecture 146 Step-03: Create Prod grade SSL cert, DNS Auth and DNS Record set for dns auth
Lecture 147 Step-04: Execute TF Commands, Verify Prod grade SSL and cleanup
Section 33: Demo-21-12: GKE Load Balancing: Gateway API - Cloud DNS, AWS Route53, Prod SSL
Lecture 148 Step-01: Introduction to Cloud DNS, AWS Route53 and Prod grade SSL
Lecture 149 Step-02: Create DNS managed zone, update nameservers in domain registrar AWS Rou
Lecture 150 Step-03: Execute TFCommands, Verify prod grade ssl with external domain provider
Section 34: Demo-21-13: GKE Load Balancing: Gateway API - Global Application Load Balancer
Lecture 151 Step-01: Introduction to Global Application Load Balancer
Lecture 152 Step-02: YAML: Gateway - Global Application Load Balancer Demo
Lecture 153 Step-03: Terraform: Gateway - Global Application Load Balancer Demo
Lecture 154 Step-04: Terraform: Delete GKE Autopilot cluster
Section 35: Demo-22: Terraform Modules
Lecture 155 Step-00: Pre-requisite Note: Terraform Pre-built Modules
Lecture 156 Step-01: Introduction to Terraform Pre-built Modules
Lecture 157 Step-02: Create VPC Module
Lecture 158 Step-03: Update VM Instane Outputs, Firewalls with Module attributes
Lecture 159 Step-04: Run TF Commands and Verify VPC, Subnet, Firewall and VM Instance
Section 36: Demo-23: GKE Cluster - Custom Terraform Module
Lecture 160 Step-01: Introduction to GKE Cluster custom module
Lecture 161 Step-02: Review GKE Cluster custom module TFConfigs
Lecture 162 Step-03: Call child module in root module and define module outputs
Lecture 163 Step-04: Execute TF Commands, Verify, Delete cluster
Section 37: Demo-24: GKE Cluster - Infrastructure DevOps using Cloud Build and GitHub
Lecture 164 Step-01: Introduction to GKE Infrastructure DevOps using Cloud Build and GitHub
Lecture 165 Step-02: Review GitRepoFiles, Environments, Cloudbuild yaml file
Lecture 166 Step-03: Create new git repository in GitHub
Lecture 167 Step-04: Configure GitHub SSHKey Authentication
Lecture 168 Step-05: Commit and push all code to GitHub Repo
Lecture 169 Step-06: Create CloudBuild Host Connection, Link Repo and Trigger
Lecture 170 Step-07: Create Dev and Prod GKE Cluster base environments using Cloud Build
Lecture 171 Step-08: Make changes, promote to dev and prod environments using Cloud Build
Section 38: Demo-25: GKE Cluster - GKE Workloads Custom Terraform Module
Lecture 172 Step-00: Introduction to GKE workloads CI CD
Lecture 173 Step-01: Introduction to GKE workloads custom terraform module
Lecture 174 Step-02: Create k8s deployment custom Terraform module and verify
Section 39: Demo-26: GKE Cluster - GKE Workloads DevOps using Cloud Build and GitHub
Lecture 175 Step-01: Introduction to GKE workloads devops
Lecture 176 Step-02: Review GitRepoFiles, Environments, Cloudbuild yaml file
Lecture 177 Step-03: Create Gitrepo, linkrepo to cloud build, and create trigger
Lecture 178 Step-04: Create dev, prod branches, approve builds and verify dev and prod app d
Lecture 179 Step-05: Upgrade Dev and Prod apps to v2 version and verify
Lecture 180 GKETF-26-06-Merge-prod-branch-to-main-branch
Section 40: Demo-27: GKE Cluster - Application Continuous Integration
Lecture 181 Step-01: Introduction to GKE App Continuous Integration
Lecture 182 Step-02: Create Artifact Registry, Review GitRepofiles
Lecture 183 Step-03: Create GitHub Repo, LinkRepo, Trigger, Run and Verify Cloud Build logs
Lecture 184 Step-04: Deploy k8s resources verify v1 and v2 versions of app - Test CI Process
Section 41: Demo-28: GKE Cluster - Application Continuous Delivery
Lecture 185 Step-01: Introduction to GKE App Continuous Delivery
Lecture 186 Step-02: Create SSH Keys, Put private key in secretmanager, public key in github
Lecture 187 Step-03: Review main.tf.tpl file and know_hosts.github file
Lecture 188 Step-04: Review cloudbuild.yaml with continuous delivery code
Lecture 189 Step-05: Commit V3 changes, verify CI CD process in detail
Lecture 190 Step-06: Apply changes in dev and prod environments
Lecture 191 Step-07: V4 commit - end to end CI CD test performed
Lecture 192 Step-08: Cleanup GKE deployed apps and GKE clusters
This course is designed for students who are planning to automate Google Kubernetes Engine Infrastructure using Terraform,Students who planning to learn Terraform on Google Cloud Platform and Google Kubernetes Engine,Students who are planning to master DevOps, SRE (Site Reliability Engineerig) and IaC (Infrastructure as Code) concepts using Terraform, Google Cloud and Google Kubernetes Engine, Cloud Build and GitHub