8.71 GB | 00:27:13 | mp4 | 1280X720 | 16:9
Genre:eLearning |Language:English
Files Included :
1 Course Introduction (96.43 MB)
2 Installing Java on Windows (71.8 MB)
3 Installing Java on Mac (35.43 MB)
4 Installing Java on Ubuntu (21.77 MB)
5 Installing and setting up Intellij (78.25 MB)
6 Basics of API (41.67 MB)
7 Status Codes in API (24.41 MB)
8 Types of API requests (10.74 MB)
1 Before Microservices (4.88 MB)
2 Problems with Monolithic Architecture (26.75 MB)
3 What are Microservices and Why do we need them (15.23 MB)
4 Overcoming Monolithic Architecture Challenges with Microservices (11.04 MB)
1 Planning our changes (4.58 MB)
10 Migrating to PostgreSQL (72.82 MB)
11 Creating docker-compose yml (39.85 MB)
12 Testing changes (27.46 MB)
2 How are we going to structure our microservices (2.56 MB)
3 Creating Job Service (23.99 MB)
4 Refactoring Job Service (75.66 MB)
5 Creating Company Service (7.44 MB)
6 Refactoring Company Service (66.56 MB)
7 Creating Review Service (9.2 MB)
8 Refactoring Review Service (220.06 MB)
9 Unifying the view in Intellij (47.28 MB)
1 Introduction to InterService communication (14.08 MB)
2 What is REST Template and why do you need it (11.64 MB)
3 Communicating via RestTemplate (69.96 MB)
4 DTO Pattern (115.5 MB)
5 Testing Changes in PostMan (57.53 MB)
1 What is Service Registry and Why do we need it (47.29 MB)
10 Behind the scenes of Eureka Server Registration Process HeartBeat Mechanism (54.62 MB)
2 Setting up Service Registry using Eureka Server (52.56 MB)
3 Register Job Microservice with Eureka Server (103.32 MB)
4 Challenge Register Company Microservice with Eureka Server (65.91 MB)
5 @LoadBalanced for Enabling communication via Service Names (64.34 MB)
6 Challenge Register Ratings Microservice with Eureka Server (35.77 MB)
7 Updating GET Request to get a single job (59.25 MB)
8 Restructuring the Response with DTO (77.3 MB)
9 Adding Reviews in Job Response (134.27 MB)
1 Open Feign An Introduction (17.65 MB)
2 Enable Feign Clients (133.91 MB)
1 Introduction to Distributed Tracing (25.88 MB)
2 Introduction to Zipkin (20.5 MB)
3 Zipkin Installation and Setup (71.74 MB)
4 Introduction to Micrometer (18.99 MB)
5 Integration of Zipkin with Spring Boot Microservices using Micrometer (76.08 MB)
6 Challenge Add Zipkin in all our services (24.8 MB)
7 Testing our changes (82.73 MB)
8 Discuss common problems that might occur and how to troubleshoot them (10.94 MB)
1 Introduction to Configuration Management (19.09 MB)
2 Spring Cloud Config Server (15.79 MB)
3 Setting up Config Server (35.59 MB)
4 Setting up git repository for configuration (18.26 MB)
5 Map config server to git repository (46.77 MB)
6 Setting up Spring Cloud Config Client (107.09 MB)
1 Introduction to API Gateways (17.38 MB)
2 API Gateway Functions (12.92 MB)
3 Spring Cloud Gateway (9.78 MB)
4 Setting Up Spring Cloud Gateway (65.91 MB)
5 Enabling Behind the Scenes (13.97 MB)
6 Spring Cloud Gateway in Action (58.79 MB)
7 Http vs lb (82.84 MB)
8 Eureka Discovery Server via API Gateway (44.79 MB)
1 Introduction to Fault Tolerance (12.76 MB)
10 Implementing Rate Limiting with Resilience4J (71.6 MB)
2 Introduction to Resilience4J Modules and Features (25.15 MB)
3 Introduction to Circuit Breaking (43.95 MB)
4 Integrating Resilience4J with Spring Boot (18.28 MB)
5 Implementing Circuit Breaking with Resilience4J (129.38 MB)
6 Seeing our changes in Action (64.49 MB)
7 Adding Fall Back Mechanism (38.22 MB)
8 Implementing Retry Mechanisms with Resilience4J (50.12 MB)
9 What is Rate Limiting and Why is it Needed (21.52 MB)
1 What are Message Queues (47.67 MB)
2 Demonstrating Importance of Message Queues (13.59 MB)
3 What are we going to build (7.75 MB)
4 Setting up RabbitMQ (39.93 MB)
5 Integrating RabbitMQ with Spring Boot (33.97 MB)
6 Publishing Messages to RabbitMQ (87.93 MB)
7 Consuming Messages from RabbitMQ (44.08 MB)
8 Testing RabbitMQ Integration (77.61 MB)
9 Updating Company Ratings after Consuming From Queues (123.32 MB)
1 What is a Web Framework (24.22 MB)
2 Introduction to Spring Framework (42.75 MB)
3 What is Spring Boot (36.72 MB)
4 Spring Boot Architecture (14.09 MB)
1 Introduction to Microservice Packaging (15.97 MB)
2 Packaging Basics (21.56 MB)
3 Steps to Package Microservices into JARs (91.9 MB)
4 Testing our application (16.76 MB)
1 Containerizing Spring Boot Microservices (4.91 MB)
2 Introduction to Spring Boot Profiles (20.88 MB)
3 Preparing our Project for Docker (113.65 MB)
4 Dockerizing our Microservices (58.55 MB)
5 Dockerizing other microsevices (58.66 MB)
6 Docker Compose for Multi-Container Spring Boot Applications (64.02 MB)
7 Dockerizing Gateway, Config Server (165.81 MB)
1 What is Kubernetes (15.36 MB)
10 Deployments (55.39 MB)
2 Benefits of Kubernetes (9.12 MB)
3 Kubernetes Architecture (15.74 MB)
4 Setting up the Environment (58.41 MB)
5 Minikube Dashboard (8.15 MB)
6 Pods (46.56 MB)
7 Service (17.39 MB)
8 Exposing your application (8.13 MB)
9 ReplicaSets (53.32 MB)
1 Structuring deployments and service (17.8 MB)
2 Defining configuration for Zipkin (23.9 MB)
3 Defining configuration for RabbitMQ (17.51 MB)
4 Defining configuration for PostgresSQL (60.58 MB)
5 Running PostgreSQL (29.22 MB)
6 PostgreSQL in Kubernetes (35.02 MB)
1 We don't need API Gateway Eureka Server anymore (5.55 MB)
2 Setting up k8s properties for jobs microservice (35.59 MB)
3 Setting up configuration for jobs microservice (30.5 MB)
4 Setting up k8s properties for company microservice (23.37 MB)
5 Setting up configuration for company microservice (27.58 MB)
6 Setting up k8s properties for review microservice (21.28 MB)
7 Setting up configuration for review microservice (21.84 MB)
1 Deploying the changes (49.23 MB)
2 Enabling and accessing services using minikube (14.44 MB)
3 Testing the application in k8s (68.85 MB)
1 Spring Initializer (44.12 MB)
2 Setting up and understanding the Spring Boot Project in Intellij (73.2 MB)
3 Let's discuss Dependencies in Spring Boot (47.43 MB)
4 Designing our First Hello World API (31.81 MB)
5 How did our API work (33.36 MB)
6 Understanding Spring Boot Auto-Configuration (19.26 MB)
7 Introduction to application properties (28.71 MB)
8 Creating a POST request (18.43 MB)
9 Introduction and Setup for POSTMAN (30.68 MB)
1 Project Overview (12.88 MB)
10 ResponseEntity Class (106.96 MB)
11 Challenge Delete Job (83.51 MB)
12 Challenge Update Job (91.02 MB)
13 @RequestMapping Annotation (57.57 MB)
2 Setting up the Project (8.66 MB)
3 Structuring thoughts (4.07 MB)
4 Fetching All Jobs (51.03 MB)
5 Adding New Jobs (62.07 MB)
6 Setting Up PostMan (35.56 MB)
7 Setting up Job Service (59.66 MB)
8 Challenge Managing ID's (26.78 MB)
9 Getting Single Job (108.41 MB)
1 What is JPA (11.91 MB)
2 Let's understand Data Layer (11.36 MB)
3 H2 database (17.32 MB)
4 Configuring our Project for JPA (40.09 MB)
5 Understanding Entities in JPA (54.23 MB)
6 Defining JPA Repositories (26.83 MB)
7 Making Jobs Persistent (73.61 MB)
8 Testing changes (131.43 MB)
1 What's Next (16.96 MB)
10 Challenge Defining Review Controller, Service and Repository (40.75 MB)
11 Company and Review Relationship (17.45 MB)
12 Getting All Reviews Of a Specific Company (84.09 MB)
13 Add a review for a specific company (98.77 MB)
14 Get a review by review ID for a specific company (69.03 MB)
15 Update a review by review ID for a specific company (71.48 MB)
16 Delete a review by review ID for a specific company (93.83 MB)
2 Setting up Company Controller, Service and Repository (12.67 MB)
3 Getting All Companies (70.65 MB)
4 Challenge Update Companies (74.69 MB)
5 Creating Companies (56.22 MB)
6 Company and Job Relationship (85.99 MB)
7 Challenge Delete Company (44.25 MB)
8 Challenge Get a Specific Company (48.36 MB)
9 Thinking about defining Reviews API (5.34 MB)
1 Introduction to Spring Boot Actuator (8.03 MB)
10 Exploring shutdown endpoint (32.26 MB)
2 Setting up Spring Boot Actuator (58.55 MB)
3 Enabling all endpoints (28.4 MB)
4 Understanding Actuator Endpoints (14.44 MB)
5 Exploring health endpoint (36.79 MB)
6 Exploring info endpoint (17.28 MB)
7 Exploring metrics endpoint (39.1 MB)
8 Exploring loggers endpoint (39.54 MB)
9 Exploring beans endpoint (35.65 MB)
1 Introduction to Docker (82.98 MB)
2 Docker Architecture (15.96 MB)
3 Concepts in Docker (7.45 MB)
4 Docker Registry (49.33 MB)
5 Docker and Spring Boot (36.93 MB)
6 Containerizing Our Spring Boot Application (90.17 MB)
7 Docker Commands (23.05 MB)
8 Running our Spring Boot Project with Docker (50.61 MB)
1 What Is PostgreSQL and Why Use It (20 MB)
2 Understanding dependencies (13.23 MB)
3 Configuring our application to work with PostgreSQL (39.4 MB)
4 Introducing Docker Networks (126.61 MB)
5 Running PostgreSQL locally with Docker (14.06 MB)
6 Docker Compose for Multi-Container Spring Boot Applications (78.64 MB)
7 Creating Databases using PGAdmin (32.98 MB)
8 Testing our application (39.53 MB)
2 Installing Java on Windows (71.8 MB)
3 Installing Java on Mac (35.43 MB)
4 Installing Java on Ubuntu (21.77 MB)
5 Installing and setting up Intellij (78.25 MB)
6 Basics of API (41.67 MB)
7 Status Codes in API (24.41 MB)
8 Types of API requests (10.74 MB)
1 Before Microservices (4.88 MB)
2 Problems with Monolithic Architecture (26.75 MB)
3 What are Microservices and Why do we need them (15.23 MB)
4 Overcoming Monolithic Architecture Challenges with Microservices (11.04 MB)
1 Planning our changes (4.58 MB)
10 Migrating to PostgreSQL (72.82 MB)
11 Creating docker-compose yml (39.85 MB)
12 Testing changes (27.46 MB)
2 How are we going to structure our microservices (2.56 MB)
3 Creating Job Service (23.99 MB)
4 Refactoring Job Service (75.66 MB)
5 Creating Company Service (7.44 MB)
6 Refactoring Company Service (66.56 MB)
7 Creating Review Service (9.2 MB)
8 Refactoring Review Service (220.06 MB)
9 Unifying the view in Intellij (47.28 MB)
1 Introduction to InterService communication (14.08 MB)
2 What is REST Template and why do you need it (11.64 MB)
3 Communicating via RestTemplate (69.96 MB)
4 DTO Pattern (115.5 MB)
5 Testing Changes in PostMan (57.53 MB)
1 What is Service Registry and Why do we need it (47.29 MB)
10 Behind the scenes of Eureka Server Registration Process HeartBeat Mechanism (54.62 MB)
2 Setting up Service Registry using Eureka Server (52.56 MB)
3 Register Job Microservice with Eureka Server (103.32 MB)
4 Challenge Register Company Microservice with Eureka Server (65.91 MB)
5 @LoadBalanced for Enabling communication via Service Names (64.34 MB)
6 Challenge Register Ratings Microservice with Eureka Server (35.77 MB)
7 Updating GET Request to get a single job (59.25 MB)
8 Restructuring the Response with DTO (77.3 MB)
9 Adding Reviews in Job Response (134.27 MB)
1 Open Feign An Introduction (17.65 MB)
2 Enable Feign Clients (133.91 MB)
1 Introduction to Distributed Tracing (25.88 MB)
2 Introduction to Zipkin (20.5 MB)
3 Zipkin Installation and Setup (71.74 MB)
4 Introduction to Micrometer (18.99 MB)
5 Integration of Zipkin with Spring Boot Microservices using Micrometer (76.08 MB)
6 Challenge Add Zipkin in all our services (24.8 MB)
7 Testing our changes (82.73 MB)
8 Discuss common problems that might occur and how to troubleshoot them (10.94 MB)
1 Introduction to Configuration Management (19.09 MB)
2 Spring Cloud Config Server (15.79 MB)
3 Setting up Config Server (35.59 MB)
4 Setting up git repository for configuration (18.26 MB)
5 Map config server to git repository (46.77 MB)
6 Setting up Spring Cloud Config Client (107.09 MB)
1 Introduction to API Gateways (17.38 MB)
2 API Gateway Functions (12.92 MB)
3 Spring Cloud Gateway (9.78 MB)
4 Setting Up Spring Cloud Gateway (65.91 MB)
5 Enabling Behind the Scenes (13.97 MB)
6 Spring Cloud Gateway in Action (58.79 MB)
7 Http vs lb (82.84 MB)
8 Eureka Discovery Server via API Gateway (44.79 MB)
1 Introduction to Fault Tolerance (12.76 MB)
10 Implementing Rate Limiting with Resilience4J (71.6 MB)
2 Introduction to Resilience4J Modules and Features (25.15 MB)
3 Introduction to Circuit Breaking (43.95 MB)
4 Integrating Resilience4J with Spring Boot (18.28 MB)
5 Implementing Circuit Breaking with Resilience4J (129.38 MB)
6 Seeing our changes in Action (64.49 MB)
7 Adding Fall Back Mechanism (38.22 MB)
8 Implementing Retry Mechanisms with Resilience4J (50.12 MB)
9 What is Rate Limiting and Why is it Needed (21.52 MB)
1 What are Message Queues (47.67 MB)
2 Demonstrating Importance of Message Queues (13.59 MB)
3 What are we going to build (7.75 MB)
4 Setting up RabbitMQ (39.93 MB)
5 Integrating RabbitMQ with Spring Boot (33.97 MB)
6 Publishing Messages to RabbitMQ (87.93 MB)
7 Consuming Messages from RabbitMQ (44.08 MB)
8 Testing RabbitMQ Integration (77.61 MB)
9 Updating Company Ratings after Consuming From Queues (123.32 MB)
1 What is a Web Framework (24.22 MB)
2 Introduction to Spring Framework (42.75 MB)
3 What is Spring Boot (36.72 MB)
4 Spring Boot Architecture (14.09 MB)
1 Introduction to Microservice Packaging (15.97 MB)
2 Packaging Basics (21.56 MB)
3 Steps to Package Microservices into JARs (91.9 MB)
4 Testing our application (16.76 MB)
1 Containerizing Spring Boot Microservices (4.91 MB)
2 Introduction to Spring Boot Profiles (20.88 MB)
3 Preparing our Project for Docker (113.65 MB)
4 Dockerizing our Microservices (58.55 MB)
5 Dockerizing other microsevices (58.66 MB)
6 Docker Compose for Multi-Container Spring Boot Applications (64.02 MB)
7 Dockerizing Gateway, Config Server (165.81 MB)
1 What is Kubernetes (15.36 MB)
10 Deployments (55.39 MB)
2 Benefits of Kubernetes (9.12 MB)
3 Kubernetes Architecture (15.74 MB)
4 Setting up the Environment (58.41 MB)
5 Minikube Dashboard (8.15 MB)
6 Pods (46.56 MB)
7 Service (17.39 MB)
8 Exposing your application (8.13 MB)
9 ReplicaSets (53.32 MB)
1 Structuring deployments and service (17.8 MB)
2 Defining configuration for Zipkin (23.9 MB)
3 Defining configuration for RabbitMQ (17.51 MB)
4 Defining configuration for PostgresSQL (60.58 MB)
5 Running PostgreSQL (29.22 MB)
6 PostgreSQL in Kubernetes (35.02 MB)
1 We don't need API Gateway Eureka Server anymore (5.55 MB)
2 Setting up k8s properties for jobs microservice (35.59 MB)
3 Setting up configuration for jobs microservice (30.5 MB)
4 Setting up k8s properties for company microservice (23.37 MB)
5 Setting up configuration for company microservice (27.58 MB)
6 Setting up k8s properties for review microservice (21.28 MB)
7 Setting up configuration for review microservice (21.84 MB)
1 Deploying the changes (49.23 MB)
2 Enabling and accessing services using minikube (14.44 MB)
3 Testing the application in k8s (68.85 MB)
1 Spring Initializer (44.12 MB)
2 Setting up and understanding the Spring Boot Project in Intellij (73.2 MB)
3 Let's discuss Dependencies in Spring Boot (47.43 MB)
4 Designing our First Hello World API (31.81 MB)
5 How did our API work (33.36 MB)
6 Understanding Spring Boot Auto-Configuration (19.26 MB)
7 Introduction to application properties (28.71 MB)
8 Creating a POST request (18.43 MB)
9 Introduction and Setup for POSTMAN (30.68 MB)
1 Project Overview (12.88 MB)
10 ResponseEntity Class (106.96 MB)
11 Challenge Delete Job (83.51 MB)
12 Challenge Update Job (91.02 MB)
13 @RequestMapping Annotation (57.57 MB)
2 Setting up the Project (8.66 MB)
3 Structuring thoughts (4.07 MB)
4 Fetching All Jobs (51.03 MB)
5 Adding New Jobs (62.07 MB)
6 Setting Up PostMan (35.56 MB)
7 Setting up Job Service (59.66 MB)
8 Challenge Managing ID's (26.78 MB)
9 Getting Single Job (108.41 MB)
1 What is JPA (11.91 MB)
2 Let's understand Data Layer (11.36 MB)
3 H2 database (17.32 MB)
4 Configuring our Project for JPA (40.09 MB)
5 Understanding Entities in JPA (54.23 MB)
6 Defining JPA Repositories (26.83 MB)
7 Making Jobs Persistent (73.61 MB)
8 Testing changes (131.43 MB)
1 What's Next (16.96 MB)
10 Challenge Defining Review Controller, Service and Repository (40.75 MB)
11 Company and Review Relationship (17.45 MB)
12 Getting All Reviews Of a Specific Company (84.09 MB)
13 Add a review for a specific company (98.77 MB)
14 Get a review by review ID for a specific company (69.03 MB)
15 Update a review by review ID for a specific company (71.48 MB)
16 Delete a review by review ID for a specific company (93.83 MB)
2 Setting up Company Controller, Service and Repository (12.67 MB)
3 Getting All Companies (70.65 MB)
4 Challenge Update Companies (74.69 MB)
5 Creating Companies (56.22 MB)
6 Company and Job Relationship (85.99 MB)
7 Challenge Delete Company (44.25 MB)
8 Challenge Get a Specific Company (48.36 MB)
9 Thinking about defining Reviews API (5.34 MB)
1 Introduction to Spring Boot Actuator (8.03 MB)
10 Exploring shutdown endpoint (32.26 MB)
2 Setting up Spring Boot Actuator (58.55 MB)
3 Enabling all endpoints (28.4 MB)
4 Understanding Actuator Endpoints (14.44 MB)
5 Exploring health endpoint (36.79 MB)
6 Exploring info endpoint (17.28 MB)
7 Exploring metrics endpoint (39.1 MB)
8 Exploring loggers endpoint (39.54 MB)
9 Exploring beans endpoint (35.65 MB)
1 Introduction to Docker (82.98 MB)
2 Docker Architecture (15.96 MB)
3 Concepts in Docker (7.45 MB)
4 Docker Registry (49.33 MB)
5 Docker and Spring Boot (36.93 MB)
6 Containerizing Our Spring Boot Application (90.17 MB)
7 Docker Commands (23.05 MB)
8 Running our Spring Boot Project with Docker (50.61 MB)
1 What Is PostgreSQL and Why Use It (20 MB)
2 Understanding dependencies (13.23 MB)
3 Configuring our application to work with PostgreSQL (39.4 MB)
4 Introducing Docker Networks (126.61 MB)
5 Running PostgreSQL locally with Docker (14.06 MB)
6 Docker Compose for Multi-Container Spring Boot Applications (78.64 MB)
7 Creating Databases using PGAdmin (32.98 MB)
8 Testing our application (39.53 MB)
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