DevOps MasterClass - GIT Docker Jenkins Kubernetes Terraform



16.21 GB | 00:36:01 | mp4 | 1280X720 | 16:9
Genre:eLearning |Language:English

Files Included :
1 Introduction (22.36 MB)
2 What is DevOps DevOps Tools (48.32 MB)
3 Continuous Development (32.99 MB)
4 Continuous Testing (12.02 MB)
5 Continuous Integration (40.2 MB)
6 Continuous Deployment --& Monitoring (25.39 MB)
1 GIT Merge vs GIT Rebase (61.67 MB)
2 GIT Rebase Example (47.89 MB)
3 Create Merge Conflicts in Rebase (31.99 MB)
4 Resolve Merge Conflicts in GIT Rebase (21.94 MB)
5 Rebase Remote Repository in GIT (51.81 MB)
1 GIT Stash with Example (61.2 MB)
2 Stash Untracked Files --& Git Stash Pop (54.28 MB)
3 Manage Multiple Stash (38.44 MB)
4 Stashing into Branch (32.64 MB)
1 GIT Tagging Introduction (29.85 MB)
2 GIT Annotated Tags (20 MB)
3 Compare Tags in GIT (28.25 MB)
4 Tag a Specific Commit in GIT (20.18 MB)
5 Update Tags in GIT (16.29 MB)
1 Fixing Common Mistakes in GIT Part 1 (22.01 MB)
2 Fixing Common Mistakes in GIT Part 2 (26.7 MB)
3 Fixing Common Mistakes in GIT Part 3 (21.21 MB)
1 Introduction to Continuous Integration (24.47 MB)
2 What is Jenkins Jenkins Introduction (12.56 MB)
4 Install Jenkins on LinuxUnixCloud Machine (29.25 MB)
6 Download and Configure Jenkins on Windows (20.9 MB)
8 Download and Configure Jenkins on MAC OS (20.92 MB)
1 Architectural Overview of Jenkins (46.13 MB)
3 Create Jenkins First Job (41.22 MB)
1 Jenkins Integration with GIT --& GITHUB (21.24 MB)
2 Install Maven on Jenkin--'s Host Machine (7.93 MB)
4 Configure Jenkins with GIT --& Maven (13.44 MB)
5 Create our First Maven-based Jenkins Job (33.04 MB)
7 Source Code Polling in Jenkins (36.72 MB)
9 Remote Build Trigger in Jenkins (18.24 MB)
1 Archive Artefact in Jenkins (29.97 MB)
2 Install --& Configure Tomcat in Staging Environment (84.95 MB)
5 Deploy Staging Environment (88.47 MB)
6 Build Pipeline Plugin (28.89 MB)
7 Deploy to Production (57.23 MB)
1 Infrastructure as Code (16.53 MB)
1 Introduction to JENKINS Job DSL (21.16 MB)
2 Demo Jenkins Job DSL with Maven Project (66.35 MB)
1 Git WelCome --& Goal (4.75 MB)
2 Audience --& Study Tips (6.75 MB)
3 Key GIT Terminology (12.65 MB)
4 GIT Introduction (77.84 MB)
6 Install GIT on LINUX (18.86 MB)
7 Download and Install GIT on Windows (30.12 MB)
1 Jenkins As Code Pipeline Overview (16.21 MB)
2 Demo Code Pipeline (53.05 MB)
5 Automate Existing Maven Project Pipeline (79.43 MB)
1 Distributed Builds Concept (33.96 MB)
2 Create and Configure Jenkins Slave (80.49 MB)
4 Label Nodes --& Concurrent Builds (29.59 MB)
1 Available Docker Editions (30.18 MB)
2 Install Docker on Linux Machine (38.49 MB)
3 Docker Basics --& Run Container (114 MB)
4 Docker File Basics Introduction (10.64 MB)
5 Docker File Instructions Construction Commands (62.86 MB)
6 Create Docker File of Our Project (46.24 MB)
8 Build and Tag Project Docker Image (52.14 MB)
1 Add Parameters In Jenkins Job (27.2 MB)
2 Add Choice Parameters (12.53 MB)
3 Add Logic with Boolean Parameter (11.62 MB)
1 EnableDisable Login Jenkins (12.19 MB)
2 Allow User to Sign-Up Jenkins (16.07 MB)
3 Install Powerful Security Plugin (10.81 MB)
4 How to Create Users in Jenkins (13.97 MB)
5 Create --& Assign Roles to Users (20.53 MB)
05 Containers vs Virtual Machines (41.77 MB)
1 Check Docker Install and Configurations (50.07 MB)
2 Start Your First Container (109.52 MB)
3 Stop-Remove the Containers (85.03 MB)
4 Docker Internal Processing (16.1 MB)
6 Assignment Manage Multiple Containers (29.72 MB)
7 Assignment Answer Manage Multiple Containers (50.87 MB)
1 Docker CLI Monitoring (43.85 MB)
2 Start Container in Interactive Mode (24.46 MB)
3 Run Commands in Running Containers (40.21 MB)
1 Docker Network Introduction (20.15 MB)
2 Explore Container Networks (36.38 MB)
3 Docker Network CLI List --& Inspect (22.28 MB)
4 Docker Network Create, Connect --& Disconnect Network (36.63 MB)
5 Docker Network DNS Concept (40.34 MB)
1 What is Docker Image (16.13 MB)
2 Docker Hub Repository (50.34 MB)
3 Concept of Docker Image Layers (27.07 MB)
4 Docker Image Tagging (25.87 MB)
5 Upload Docker Image to Cloud (51.71 MB)
1 Dockerfile Basics (9.53 MB)
2 Docker File Instructions (59.85 MB)
3 Create Custom Docker Image (81.36 MB)
4 Extend Official Docker Image (35.34 MB)
5 Assignment Build Docker Image (7.24 MB)
6 Assignment Answer Build Docker Image (42.24 MB)
1 Configure User Information in GIT (21.18 MB)
2 Create First GIT Repository (19.83 MB)
3 First GIT Commit (17.56 MB)
4 Adding Files and GIT Logs (13.81 MB)
5 Understanding of GIT Workflow (11.58 MB)
1 Persistent Data Problem (18.8 MB)
2 Persistent Data Data Volumes (55.83 MB)
3 Persistent Data Bind Mounts (39.7 MB)
4 Assignment Data Volumes (6.61 MB)
5 Assignment Answer Data Volumes (95.39 MB)
6 Assignment Bind Mounts (2.85 MB)
7 Assignment Answer Bind Mount (39.56 MB)
1 Docker Compose Introduction (16.52 MB)
2 Docker Compose YML File (13.5 MB)
3 Run MYSQL --& WORDPRESS via Docker Compose (59.25 MB)
4 Docker Compose Build Application From Scratch (64.94 MB)
1 Docker Swarm Introduction Swarm Orchestration (35.27 MB)
2 Docker Swarm Terminology (23.82 MB)
3 Create Service on Docker Swarm (64.44 MB)
4 Create Docker Swarm Cluster (88.36 MB)
1 Networks in Docker Swarm (48.66 MB)
2 Docker Swarm Traffic Management (34.9 MB)
3 Assignment Deploy Multi-Node Application in Docker Swarm (29.8 MB)
4 Assignment Answer Deploy Multi-Node Application in Docker Swarm (62.99 MB)
1 Docker Swarm Stacks (67.29 MB)
1 1 Docker Project (3.08 KB)
2 Docker Swarm Stack Scale Application (64.18 MB)
3 Docker Swarm Persistent Data Issue in Distributed Application (40.76 MB)
4 Swarm Deploy Distributed Application (56.65 MB)
1 Docker Swarm Secrets Introduction (26.44 MB)
2 Create Docker Service with Secrets (38.37 MB)
3 Deploy Stack with Swarm Secrets (58.53 MB)
1 ZeroDowntime Service Upgrade (62.29 MB)
2 HealthCheck in Docker Swarm (58.43 MB)
3 Container Placement in Docker Swarm (61.11 MB)
4 Service Constraints in YML File (24.48 MB)
1 Kubernetes Introduction --& Uses (34.46 MB)
2 Kubernetes Architecture (34.96 MB)
3 Orchestration Giants Kubernetes vs Docker Swarm (25.7 MB)
1 Kubernetes SetUp (9.14 MB)
2 SetUp Kubernetes with MiniKube (131.22 MB)
1 Kops Introduction (6.42 MB)
2 Prepare AWS Environment for Kops (86.12 MB)
4 Kubernetes Setup on AWS Cloud (95.74 MB)
6 Build and Push Docker Custom Image (40.01 MB)
7 Run First Custom Image on Local Kubernetes (45.36 MB)
9 Run Custom Image on AWS Kubernetes (108.59 MB)
1 GIT Text Editor OverView (2.56 MB)
2 Install SubLime Text on Linux (8.02 MB)
3 Configure SubLime with GIT (11.15 MB)
4 NotePad ++ As GIT Editor for Windows (22.44 MB)
1 SetUp Kubernetes on GCP Cloud (83.14 MB)
3 Run Custom Image on GCP Kubernetes (78.72 MB)
1 Kubernetes Node Workflow (27.34 MB)
2 Scaling Pods in Kubernetes (28.44 MB)
4 Lab Scaling Pods in Kubernetes with Replication Controller (45.77 MB)
5 Replica Set in Kubernetes (68.89 MB)
6 Deployment in Kubernetes (18.48 MB)
7 Lab Deployment in Kubernetes (69.21 MB)
1 Services in Kubernetes (23.39 MB)
10 Lab Secrets in Kubernetes (21.85 MB)
2 Lab Services in Kubernetes (37.34 MB)
3 Labels in Kubernetes (28.87 MB)
4 Lab Labels in Kubernetes (26.34 MB)
5 Liveness--(HealthCheck--) of Application in Kubernetes (20.13 MB)
6 Demo Liveness--(HealthCheck--) of Application in Kubernetes (46.65 MB)
7 Readiness in Kubernetes --& Application (69.38 MB)
8 Lifecycle Of Pods in Kubernetes (57.7 MB)
9 Secrets in Kubernetes (55.94 MB)
1 Service Discovery using DNS (24.23 MB)
2 Lab Service Discovery using DNS (83.26 MB)
3 ConfigMap in Kubernetes (20.6 MB)
4 Lab ConfigMap in Kubernetes (95.82 MB)
5 Ingress in Kubernetes (28.37 MB)
6 Lab Ingress in Kubernetes (65.27 MB)
1 Volume in Kubernetes (32.18 MB)
2 EmptyDir Volume in Kubernetes (29.32 MB)
3 HostPath Volume in Kubernetes (80.79 MB)
4 Dynamic Volume Provisioning in Kubernetes (28.25 MB)
5 Dynamic Volume Run WordPress On Kubernetes (147.19 MB)
1 Pod Presets in Kubernets (37.58 MB)
2 Enable and Execute PodPrests in Kubernetes (56.52 MB)
3 StateFul Sets in Kubernetes (36.71 MB)
4 Deploy Cassandra In StateFul Set (113.32 MB)
5 DaemonSet In Kubernetes (11.73 MB)
6 Demo DaemonSet In Kubernetes (22.95 MB)
1 AutoScaling in Kubernetes (50.23 MB)
2 Demo AutoScaling in Kubernetes (178.79 MB)
3 Affinity in Kubernetes (33.07 MB)
4 Demo Affinity in Kubernetes (66.31 MB)
1 Architecture and Working Model Of Master Component (50.5 MB)
2 Manage Resource Quota in Kubernetes (21.9 MB)
3 Resource Quota in Kubernetes (43.3 MB)
4 Demo Resource Quota in Kubernetes (74.96 MB)
5 User Management in Kubernetes (23.41 MB)
6 Role Base Access Control (25.81 MB)
7 Role Base Access Control Implementation (106.9 MB)
1 Networking in Kubernetes (41.64 MB)
2 Node Management (36.78 MB)
3 Kubernetes In Production High Availability (37.34 MB)
4 Demo Kubernetes HA Deployment (106.32 MB)
1 HELM Introduction (43.33 MB)
2 Installing and Running HELM on Kubernetes (79.66 MB)
4 Create --& Deploy HELM Chart on Cluster (99.51 MB)
6 Upload HELM Chart in S3 Bucket (50.98 MB)
1 Verify Changes in GIT (19.13 MB)
2 Compare Stage Area with Local Repository in GIT (9.99 MB)
3 Delete File in GIT (8.3 MB)
1 What is Serverless in Kubernetes (36.82 MB)
2 Kubeless Intro (12.27 MB)
3 Install Kubeless and Deploy Functions (82.65 MB)
1 Introduction to Istio (42.33 MB)
2 Install Istio on Kubernetes (95.93 MB)
4 Demo Istio Enabled Application (88.73 MB)
5 Canary Deployments With Istio (64.39 MB)
6 Istio Retry Policy and Uses (13.03 MB)
1 Maven Introduction (23.67 MB)
2 Configure Maven on Windows Machines (27.9 MB)
5 Configure Maven on Mac Machine (24 MB)
6 Generate First Maven Project From Maven CLI (65.98 MB)
7 Maven Build Life Cycle (55 MB)
8 POM xml File in Maven Project (28.91 MB)
1 What is Terraform as Software (23.87 MB)
1 SetUp Free-Tier AWS Account (16.08 MB)
2 Create Cloud Machine for Terraform Execution (24.4 MB)
4 Terraform Installation --& Verification (22.55 MB)
1 Terraform Configuration Language (36.5 MB)
2 AWS SetUp for Terraform (26.12 MB)
3 Create Machine Using Terraform (49.77 MB)
4 Provide Creds in Separate Centralised File (23.07 MB)
5 Provide Creds in Environment Variables (16.68 MB)
6 Create Multiple Instances (26.84 MB)
1 Variables in Terraform (28.94 MB)
2 Use of Variable in Conf File (21.28 MB)
3 Lab Use of Variable in Conf File (30.67 MB)
4 Lab List and Map Variables (45.52 MB)
1 Provision Software with Terraform (36.75 MB)
2 Lab Provision Software with Terraform (81.47 MB)
3 DataSource in Terraform (14.22 MB)
4 Lab DataSource in Terraform (71.05 MB)
5 Lab 2 DataSource in Terraform (46.32 MB)
6 Output Attribute in TF (16.82 MB)
7 Lab Output Attribute in TF (31.4 MB)
8 Remote State in TerraForm (68.36 MB)
9 Lab Remote State in Terraform (41.58 MB)
1 AWS VPC Introduction (38.17 MB)
10 User Data in AWS (14.65 MB)
11 Lab User Data using Script (31.64 MB)
12 Lab User Data using Cloud Init (44.23 MB)
2 AWS VPC Introduction II (34.36 MB)
3 Demo AWS VPC (46.88 MB)
4 Lab Create AWS VPC (104.39 MB)
5 Launch EC2 Instance using Custom VPC (15.56 MB)
6 Lab Launch EC2 Instance using Custom VPC (81.27 MB)
7 Elastic Block Store --(EBS--) in AWS (40.49 MB)
8 Demo Elastic Block Store --(EBS--) in AWS (28.93 MB)
9 Lab Elastic Block Store --(EBS--) in AWS (80.73 MB)
1 AWS RDS Basics (22.07 MB)
2 Lab Create RDS (109.99 MB)
3 AWS Access and Identity Management (35.51 MB)
4 Lab IAM Users and Groups (33.25 MB)
5 Lab AWS IAM Roles (60.02 MB)
6 EC2 Instance Autoscaling (33.45 MB)
7 Lab EC2 Instance Autoscaling (108.01 MB)
8 Load Balancing in AWS (49.53 MB)
9 Lab AWS Load Balancing (83.5 MB)
1 Explore Git with GITHub (15.22 MB)
2 Create Centralized Repository (35.82 MB)
3 Create Branches in GIT (33.18 MB)
4 Merge Branches in GIT (24.48 MB)
5 Revert a Commit in GIT (15.67 MB)
1 Terraform Module and Application (73.28 MB)
2 Lab Terraform Source From GITHUB (51.66 MB)
3 Lab Local Path Module (49.15 MB)
3 3 Development (550 B)
3 5 Development QA (592 B)
4 Lab AWS VPC Module Part I (34.85 MB)
5 Lab AWS VPC Module Part II (21 MB)
6 Lab AWS VPC Module Part III (25.32 MB)
1 Condition Statements in Terraform (10.11 MB)
2 Lab Condition Statements in Terraform (33.18 MB)
3 Terraform Built-In Functions (30.39 MB)
4 Lab Terraform Built-In Functions (30.39 MB)
5 Loops in TerraFrom HCL (33.26 MB)
6 Terraform Project Structure (13.7 MB)
7 Lab Terraform Project Structure (119.77 MB)
7 1 Terraform Project Structure (6.9 KB)
1 Packer Introduction and It--'s Use (29.87 MB)
2 Install Packer (9.2 MB)
3 Lab Create Custom AMI Scenario I (47.69 MB)
3 1 Packer (6.81 KB)
4 Lab Create Custom AMI Scenario II (50.91 MB)
4 1 Packer (6.81 KB)
5 Lab Terraform + Packer (74.54 MB)
5 1 Packer (6.81 KB)
1 Application Overview (10.96 MB)
2 Create VPC Network (31.52 MB)
3 Create RDS Service (57.26 MB)
4 Create WebServer in AWS (39.05 MB)
5 Deploy Complete Application (48.11 MB)
5 1 casestudy#1 (7.16 KB)
1 Introduction AWS EKS (20.34 MB)
2 Lab SetUp EKS Cluster Using AWS (35.39 MB)
3 Lab SetUp EKS Using AWS CLI (69.22 MB)
4 Lab Access EKS Cluster and Deploy Application (57.23 MB)
6 EKS Cluster TerraForm Configuration files (51.28 MB)
7 Lab Deploy EKS Cluster using Terraform (61.96 MB)
7 1 casestudy#eks (2.45 KB)
001 Introduction AWS EKS (18.22 MB)
002 Lab SetUp EKS Cluster Using AWS (35.31 MB)
003 Lab SetUp EKS Using AWS CLI (69.22 MB)
004 Lab Access EKS Cluster and Deploy Application (57.14 MB)
006 EKS Cluster TerraForm Configuration files (52.45 MB)
007 casestudy-eks (2.45 KB)
007 Lab Deploy EKS Cluster using Terraform (62.4 MB)
001 ELK Basics and Application (17.99 MB)
002 casestudy-ELK (7.67 KB)
002 Lab Deploy ELK and Execute ELK (90.25 MB)
004 casestudy-ELK (7.67 KB)
004 Lab Install ELK using Terraform (72.47 MB)
001 Terraform vs Google Deployment Manager (14.66 MB)
002 Setup GCP Project For Terraform (33.7 MB)
003 Enable Basic APIs on Cloud Project (10.63 MB)
004 Setup Remote State File in Cloud (40.1 MB)
001 Introduction HashiCorp Certification (13.8 MB)
002 Understand infrastructure as code (IaC) concepts (31.7 MB)
003 Understand Terraform's Purpose (26.01 MB)
004 Understand Terraform Basics I (35.42 MB)
005 Understand Terraform Basics II (49.59 MB)
006 Use the Terraform CLI (32.68 MB)
007 Interact with Terraform modules (17.57 MB)
008 Navigate Terraform workflow (40.32 MB)
009 Implement and Maintain State (29.96 MB)
010 Read, Generate, and Modify Configuration (36.11 MB)
011 Understand Terraform Cloud and Enterprise Capabilities (36.69 MB)
001 Preview Automation with Ansible (24.14 MB)
003 Ansible Introduction As a Tool (35.53 MB)
004 Ansible Architecture Overview (16.1 MB)
005 Why Ansible (9.69 MB)
1 Add GIT in Existing Project Part (36.95 MB)
2 Fork GitHub Existing Project (35.51 MB)
3 Git CLI Complete Workflow (40.95 MB)
4 Back-out GIT Changes (43.44 MB)
5 Delete File in GIT (35.33 MB)
6 Rename --& Move File in GIT (55.93 MB)
7 Find Commit, File History in GIT (47.35 MB)
8 GIT Alias (21.74 MB)
9 Exclude Unwanted Files in GIT (41.8 MB)
001 Ansible Installation Overview (13.83 MB)
002 Install Ansible Using PIP (18.72 MB)
003 Create Cloud Machine for Ansible Engine (25.31 MB)
005 Install Ansible Using Python VirtualEnv (38.71 MB)
007 Configure Ansible (47.29 MB)
001 SetUp AWS Nodes (64.23 MB)
002 Connect AWS Nodes with Ansible Engine (53.19 MB)
003 SetUp Google Cloud Nodes (39.12 MB)
004 Connect Google Cloud Nodes with Ansible Engine (20.14 MB)
005 Ansible Directory Config (48.53 MB)
006 Inventory file with Groups (24.43 MB)
001 Syntax of Ansible Ad-Hoc Commands (78.08 MB)
002 How Ansible Execute Stuff on Clients (41.94 MB)
003 Transfer file from Engine to Clients (41.71 MB)
004 Manage FileDirectory on Ansible Clients (29.97 MB)
005 Install Packages on Ansible Clients (36.01 MB)
001 Ansible Modules (52.3 MB)
002 Ansible Facts (8.33 MB)
003 Create Custom Facts (83.07 MB)
001 Work with Dynamic Inventory Script AWS I (42.04 MB)
002 Work with Dynamic Inventory Script AWS II (75.49 MB)
003 Work with Dynamic Inventory Script Google Cloud (72.02 MB)
001 Playbook Introduction (23.94 MB)
002 Demo Playbook Introduction (75.14 MB)
003 Start Writing-Executing PlayBooks (81.65 MB)
001 Logging Debug Statement using Ansible Playbooks (75.2 MB)
002 Variables in Ansible Play-books (28.05 MB)
003 Data Collection in Ansible (48.13 MB)
004 Uses of Set Fact and Register (83.24 MB)
005 Arithmetic Operations on Variables in Playbook (32.08 MB)
006 Practice on Arithmetic Operators (40.23 MB)
007 Filter and Methods of Ansible Playbook (44.74 MB)
001 Comparison Operators (48.99 MB)
002 Membership Operators in Ansible (49.15 MB)
003 Logical Operator (32.32 MB)
004 Conditional Statements (26.02 MB)
001 Handler in Ansible Playbook (69.49 MB)
001 Loops in Ansible Playbook I (71.9 MB)
002 Loops in Ansible Playbook II (42.43 MB)
003 Loops in Ansible Playbook III (45.37 MB)
1 SetUp Git Project for Comparision (30.29 MB)
2 Compare Working Directory --& Stage Area (22.28 MB)
3 Compare Work Directory and GIT Repo (10.35 MB)
4 Compare Stage Area --& GIT Repo (12.11 MB)
5 Compare Commits in GIT (16.71 MB)
001 Tags in Ansible (47.49 MB)
001 Error Handling in Ansible I (65.08 MB)
002 Block and Rescue in Ansible Playbook (78.55 MB)
003 Demo Block and Rescue in Ansible (83.3 MB)
001 Working with include and import module in Ansible (85.25 MB)
001 Ansible local action Module (28.38 MB)
002 Ansible Delegate to Module (32.72 MB)
001 Install Realtime Application I (76.96 MB)
002 Install Realtime Application II (66.07 MB)
003 Install Realtime Application III (44.39 MB)
004 Template Module with Variables (55.98 MB)
1 Basics of Branches in GIT (25.98 MB)
2 Happy Path Merges in GIT (33.56 MB)
3 Auto Merge in GIT (38.55 MB)
4 Merge Conflicts --& Resolution (35.5 MB)

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Bitte Anmelden oder Registrieren um Code Inhalt zu sehen!
Bitte Anmelden oder Registrieren um Code Inhalt zu sehen!
Bitte Anmelden oder Registrieren um Code Inhalt zu sehen!

16.21 GB | 00:36:01 | mp4 | 1280X720 | 16:9
Genre:eLearning |Language:English

Files Included :
1 Introduction (22.36 MB)
2 What is DevOps DevOps Tools (48.32 MB)
3 Continuous Development (32.99 MB)
4 Continuous Testing (12.02 MB)
5 Continuous Integration (40.2 MB)
6 Continuous Deployment --& Monitoring (25.39 MB)
1 GIT Merge vs GIT Rebase (61.67 MB)
2 GIT Rebase Example (47.89 MB)
3 Create Merge Conflicts in Rebase (31.99 MB)
4 Resolve Merge Conflicts in GIT Rebase (21.94 MB)
5 Rebase Remote Repository in GIT (51.81 MB)
1 GIT Stash with Example (61.2 MB)
2 Stash Untracked Files --& Git Stash Pop (54.28 MB)
3 Manage Multiple Stash (38.44 MB)
4 Stashing into Branch (32.64 MB)
1 GIT Tagging Introduction (29.85 MB)
2 GIT Annotated Tags (20 MB)
3 Compare Tags in GIT (28.25 MB)
4 Tag a Specific Commit in GIT (20.18 MB)
5 Update Tags in GIT (16.29 MB)
1 Fixing Common Mistakes in GIT Part 1 (22.01 MB)
2 Fixing Common Mistakes in GIT Part 2 (26.7 MB)
3 Fixing Common Mistakes in GIT Part 3 (21.21 MB)
1 Introduction to Continuous Integration (24.47 MB)
2 What is Jenkins Jenkins Introduction (12.56 MB)
4 Install Jenkins on LinuxUnixCloud Machine (29.25 MB)
6 Download and Configure Jenkins on Windows (20.9 MB)
8 Download and Configure Jenkins on MAC OS (20.92 MB)
1 Architectural Overview of Jenkins (46.13 MB)
3 Create Jenkins First Job (41.22 MB)
1 Jenkins Integration with GIT --& GITHUB (21.24 MB)
2 Install Maven on Jenkin--'s Host Machine (7.93 MB)
4 Configure Jenkins with GIT --& Maven (13.44 MB)
5 Create our First Maven-based Jenkins Job (33.04 MB)
7 Source Code Polling in Jenkins (36.72 MB)
9 Remote Build Trigger in Jenkins (18.24 MB)
1 Archive Artefact in Jenkins (29.97 MB)
2 Install --& Configure Tomcat in Staging Environment (84.95 MB)
5 Deploy Staging Environment (88.47 MB)
6 Build Pipeline Plugin (28.89 MB)
7 Deploy to Production (57.23 MB)
1 Infrastructure as Code (16.53 MB)
1 Introduction to JENKINS Job DSL (21.16 MB)
2 Demo Jenkins Job DSL with Maven Project (66.35 MB)
1 Git WelCome --& Goal (4.75 MB)
2 Audience --& Study Tips (6.75 MB)
3 Key GIT Terminology (12.65 MB)
4 GIT Introduction (77.84 MB)
6 Install GIT on LINUX (18.86 MB)
7 Download and Install GIT on Windows (30.12 MB)
1 Jenkins As Code Pipeline Overview (16.21 MB)
2 Demo Code Pipeline (53.05 MB)
5 Automate Existing Maven Project Pipeline (79.43 MB)
1 Distributed Builds Concept (33.96 MB)
2 Create and Configure Jenkins Slave (80.49 MB)
4 Label Nodes --& Concurrent Builds (29.59 MB)
1 Available Docker Editions (30.18 MB)
2 Install Docker on Linux Machine (38.49 MB)
3 Docker Basics --& Run Container (114 MB)
4 Docker File Basics Introduction (10.64 MB)
5 Docker File Instructions Construction Commands (62.86 MB)
6 Create Docker File of Our Project (46.24 MB)
8 Build and Tag Project Docker Image (52.14 MB)
1 Add Parameters In Jenkins Job (27.2 MB)
2 Add Choice Parameters (12.53 MB)
3 Add Logic with Boolean Parameter (11.62 MB)
1 EnableDisable Login Jenkins (12.19 MB)
2 Allow User to Sign-Up Jenkins (16.07 MB)
3 Install Powerful Security Plugin (10.81 MB)
4 How to Create Users in Jenkins (13.97 MB)
5 Create --& Assign Roles to Users (20.53 MB)
05 Containers vs Virtual Machines (41.77 MB)
1 Check Docker Install and Configurations (50.07 MB)
2 Start Your First Container (109.52 MB)
3 Stop-Remove the Containers (85.03 MB)
4 Docker Internal Processing (16.1 MB)
6 Assignment Manage Multiple Containers (29.72 MB)
7 Assignment Answer Manage Multiple Containers (50.87 MB)
1 Docker CLI Monitoring (43.85 MB)
2 Start Container in Interactive Mode (24.46 MB)
3 Run Commands in Running Containers (40.21 MB)
1 Docker Network Introduction (20.15 MB)
2 Explore Container Networks (36.38 MB)
3 Docker Network CLI List --& Inspect (22.28 MB)
4 Docker Network Create, Connect --& Disconnect Network (36.63 MB)
5 Docker Network DNS Concept (40.34 MB)
1 What is Docker Image (16.13 MB)
2 Docker Hub Repository (50.34 MB)
3 Concept of Docker Image Layers (27.07 MB)
4 Docker Image Tagging (25.87 MB)
5 Upload Docker Image to Cloud (51.71 MB)
1 Dockerfile Basics (9.53 MB)
2 Docker File Instructions (59.85 MB)
3 Create Custom Docker Image (81.36 MB)
4 Extend Official Docker Image (35.34 MB)
5 Assignment Build Docker Image (7.24 MB)
6 Assignment Answer Build Docker Image (42.24 MB)
1 Configure User Information in GIT (21.18 MB)
2 Create First GIT Repository (19.83 MB)
3 First GIT Commit (17.56 MB)
4 Adding Files and GIT Logs (13.81 MB)
5 Understanding of GIT Workflow (11.58 MB)
1 Persistent Data Problem (18.8 MB)
2 Persistent Data Data Volumes (55.83 MB)
3 Persistent Data Bind Mounts (39.7 MB)
4 Assignment Data Volumes (6.61 MB)
5 Assignment Answer Data Volumes (95.39 MB)
6 Assignment Bind Mounts (2.85 MB)
7 Assignment Answer Bind Mount (39.56 MB)
1 Docker Compose Introduction (16.52 MB)
2 Docker Compose YML File (13.5 MB)
3 Run MYSQL --& WORDPRESS via Docker Compose (59.25 MB)
4 Docker Compose Build Application From Scratch (64.94 MB)
1 Docker Swarm Introduction Swarm Orchestration (35.27 MB)
2 Docker Swarm Terminology (23.82 MB)
3 Create Service on Docker Swarm (64.44 MB)
4 Create Docker Swarm Cluster (88.36 MB)
1 Networks in Docker Swarm (48.66 MB)
2 Docker Swarm Traffic Management (34.9 MB)
3 Assignment Deploy Multi-Node Application in Docker Swarm (29.8 MB)
4 Assignment Answer Deploy Multi-Node Application in Docker Swarm (62.99 MB)
1 Docker Swarm Stacks (67.29 MB)
1 1 Docker Project (3.08 KB)
2 Docker Swarm Stack Scale Application (64.18 MB)
3 Docker Swarm Persistent Data Issue in Distributed Application (40.76 MB)
4 Swarm Deploy Distributed Application (56.65 MB)
1 Docker Swarm Secrets Introduction (26.44 MB)
2 Create Docker Service with Secrets (38.37 MB)
3 Deploy Stack with Swarm Secrets (58.53 MB)
1 ZeroDowntime Service Upgrade (62.29 MB)
2 HealthCheck in Docker Swarm (58.43 MB)
3 Container Placement in Docker Swarm (61.11 MB)
4 Service Constraints in YML File (24.48 MB)
1 Kubernetes Introduction --& Uses (34.46 MB)
2 Kubernetes Architecture (34.96 MB)
3 Orchestration Giants Kubernetes vs Docker Swarm (25.7 MB)
1 Kubernetes SetUp (9.14 MB)
2 SetUp Kubernetes with MiniKube (131.22 MB)
1 Kops Introduction (6.42 MB)
2 Prepare AWS Environment for Kops (86.12 MB)
4 Kubernetes Setup on AWS Cloud (95.74 MB)
6 Build and Push Docker Custom Image (40.01 MB)
7 Run First Custom Image on Local Kubernetes (45.36 MB)
9 Run Custom Image on AWS Kubernetes (108.59 MB)
1 GIT Text Editor OverView (2.56 MB)
2 Install SubLime Text on Linux (8.02 MB)
3 Configure SubLime with GIT (11.15 MB)
4 NotePad ++ As GIT Editor for Windows (22.44 MB)
1 SetUp Kubernetes on GCP Cloud (83.14 MB)
3 Run Custom Image on GCP Kubernetes (78.72 MB)
1 Kubernetes Node Workflow (27.34 MB)
2 Scaling Pods in Kubernetes (28.44 MB)
4 Lab Scaling Pods in Kubernetes with Replication Controller (45.77 MB)
5 Replica Set in Kubernetes (68.89 MB)
6 Deployment in Kubernetes (18.48 MB)
7 Lab Deployment in Kubernetes (69.21 MB)
1 Services in Kubernetes (23.39 MB)
10 Lab Secrets in Kubernetes (21.85 MB)
2 Lab Services in Kubernetes (37.34 MB)
3 Labels in Kubernetes (28.87 MB)
4 Lab Labels in Kubernetes (26.34 MB)
5 Liveness--(HealthCheck--) of Application in Kubernetes (20.13 MB)
6 Demo Liveness--(HealthCheck--) of Application in Kubernetes (46.65 MB)
7 Readiness in Kubernetes --& Application (69.38 MB)
8 Lifecycle Of Pods in Kubernetes (57.7 MB)
9 Secrets in Kubernetes (55.94 MB)
1 Service Discovery using DNS (24.23 MB)
2 Lab Service Discovery using DNS (83.26 MB)
3 ConfigMap in Kubernetes (20.6 MB)
4 Lab ConfigMap in Kubernetes (95.82 MB)
5 Ingress in Kubernetes (28.37 MB)
6 Lab Ingress in Kubernetes (65.27 MB)
1 Volume in Kubernetes (32.18 MB)
2 EmptyDir Volume in Kubernetes (29.32 MB)
3 HostPath Volume in Kubernetes (80.79 MB)
4 Dynamic Volume Provisioning in Kubernetes (28.25 MB)
5 Dynamic Volume Run WordPress On Kubernetes (147.19 MB)
1 Pod Presets in Kubernets (37.58 MB)
2 Enable and Execute PodPrests in Kubernetes (56.52 MB)
3 StateFul Sets in Kubernetes (36.71 MB)
4 Deploy Cassandra In StateFul Set (113.32 MB)
5 DaemonSet In Kubernetes (11.73 MB)
6 Demo DaemonSet In Kubernetes (22.95 MB)
1 AutoScaling in Kubernetes (50.23 MB)
2 Demo AutoScaling in Kubernetes (178.79 MB)
3 Affinity in Kubernetes (33.07 MB)
4 Demo Affinity in Kubernetes (66.31 MB)
1 Architecture and Working Model Of Master Component (50.5 MB)
2 Manage Resource Quota in Kubernetes (21.9 MB)
3 Resource Quota in Kubernetes (43.3 MB)
4 Demo Resource Quota in Kubernetes (74.96 MB)
5 User Management in Kubernetes (23.41 MB)
6 Role Base Access Control (25.81 MB)
7 Role Base Access Control Implementation (106.9 MB)
1 Networking in Kubernetes (41.64 MB)
2 Node Management (36.78 MB)
3 Kubernetes In Production High Availability (37.34 MB)
4 Demo Kubernetes HA Deployment (106.32 MB)
1 HELM Introduction (43.33 MB)
2 Installing and Running HELM on Kubernetes (79.66 MB)
4 Create --& Deploy HELM Chart on Cluster (99.51 MB)
6 Upload HELM Chart in S3 Bucket (50.98 MB)
1 Verify Changes in GIT (19.13 MB)
2 Compare Stage Area with Local Repository in GIT (9.99 MB)
3 Delete File in GIT (8.3 MB)
1 What is Serverless in Kubernetes (36.82 MB)
2 Kubeless Intro (12.27 MB)
3 Install Kubeless and Deploy Functions (82.65 MB)
1 Introduction to Istio (42.33 MB)
2 Install Istio on Kubernetes (95.93 MB)
4 Demo Istio Enabled Application (88.73 MB)
5 Canary Deployments With Istio (64.39 MB)
6 Istio Retry Policy and Uses (13.03 MB)
1 Maven Introduction (23.67 MB)
2 Configure Maven on Windows Machines (27.9 MB)
5 Configure Maven on Mac Machine (24 MB)
6 Generate First Maven Project From Maven CLI (65.98 MB)
7 Maven Build Life Cycle (55 MB)
8 POM xml File in Maven Project (28.91 MB)
1 What is Terraform as Software (23.87 MB)
1 SetUp Free-Tier AWS Account (16.08 MB)
2 Create Cloud Machine for Terraform Execution (24.4 MB)
4 Terraform Installation --& Verification (22.55 MB)
1 Terraform Configuration Language (36.5 MB)
2 AWS SetUp for Terraform (26.12 MB)
3 Create Machine Using Terraform (49.77 MB)
4 Provide Creds in Separate Centralised File (23.07 MB)
5 Provide Creds in Environment Variables (16.68 MB)
6 Create Multiple Instances (26.84 MB)
1 Variables in Terraform (28.94 MB)
2 Use of Variable in Conf File (21.28 MB)
3 Lab Use of Variable in Conf File (30.67 MB)
4 Lab List and Map Variables (45.52 MB)
1 Provision Software with Terraform (36.75 MB)
2 Lab Provision Software with Terraform (81.47 MB)
3 DataSource in Terraform (14.22 MB)
4 Lab DataSource in Terraform (71.05 MB)
5 Lab 2 DataSource in Terraform (46.32 MB)
6 Output Attribute in TF (16.82 MB)
7 Lab Output Attribute in TF (31.4 MB)
8 Remote State in TerraForm (68.36 MB)
9 Lab Remote State in Terraform (41.58 MB)
1 AWS VPC Introduction (38.17 MB)
10 User Data in AWS (14.65 MB)
11 Lab User Data using Script (31.64 MB)
12 Lab User Data using Cloud Init (44.23 MB)
2 AWS VPC Introduction II (34.36 MB)
3 Demo AWS VPC (46.88 MB)
4 Lab Create AWS VPC (104.39 MB)
5 Launch EC2 Instance using Custom VPC (15.56 MB)
6 Lab Launch EC2 Instance using Custom VPC (81.27 MB)
7 Elastic Block Store --(EBS--) in AWS (40.49 MB)
8 Demo Elastic Block Store --(EBS--) in AWS (28.93 MB)
9 Lab Elastic Block Store --(EBS--) in AWS (80.73 MB)
1 AWS RDS Basics (22.07 MB)
2 Lab Create RDS (109.99 MB)
3 AWS Access and Identity Management (35.51 MB)
4 Lab IAM Users and Groups (33.25 MB)
5 Lab AWS IAM Roles (60.02 MB)
6 EC2 Instance Autoscaling (33.45 MB)
7 Lab EC2 Instance Autoscaling (108.01 MB)
8 Load Balancing in AWS (49.53 MB)
9 Lab AWS Load Balancing (83.5 MB)
1 Explore Git with GITHub (15.22 MB)
2 Create Centralized Repository (35.82 MB)
3 Create Branches in GIT (33.18 MB)
4 Merge Branches in GIT (24.48 MB)
5 Revert a Commit in GIT (15.67 MB)
1 Terraform Module and Application (73.28 MB)
2 Lab Terraform Source From GITHUB (51.66 MB)
3 Lab Local Path Module (49.15 MB)
3 3 Development (550 B)
3 5 Development QA (592 B)
4 Lab AWS VPC Module Part I (34.85 MB)
5 Lab AWS VPC Module Part II (21 MB)
6 Lab AWS VPC Module Part III (25.32 MB)
1 Condition Statements in Terraform (10.11 MB)
2 Lab Condition Statements in Terraform (33.18 MB)
3 Terraform Built-In Functions (30.39 MB)
4 Lab Terraform Built-In Functions (30.39 MB)
5 Loops in TerraFrom HCL (33.26 MB)
6 Terraform Project Structure (13.7 MB)
7 Lab Terraform Project Structure (119.77 MB)
7 1 Terraform Project Structure (6.9 KB)
1 Packer Introduction and It--'s Use (29.87 MB)
2 Install Packer (9.2 MB)
3 Lab Create Custom AMI Scenario I (47.69 MB)
3 1 Packer (6.81 KB)
4 Lab Create Custom AMI Scenario II (50.91 MB)
4 1 Packer (6.81 KB)
5 Lab Terraform + Packer (74.54 MB)
5 1 Packer (6.81 KB)
1 Application Overview (10.96 MB)
2 Create VPC Network (31.52 MB)
3 Create RDS Service (57.26 MB)
4 Create WebServer in AWS (39.05 MB)
5 Deploy Complete Application (48.11 MB)
5 1 casestudy#1 (7.16 KB)
1 Introduction AWS EKS (20.34 MB)
2 Lab SetUp EKS Cluster Using AWS (35.39 MB)
3 Lab SetUp EKS Using AWS CLI (69.22 MB)
4 Lab Access EKS Cluster and Deploy Application (57.23 MB)
6 EKS Cluster TerraForm Configuration files (51.28 MB)
7 Lab Deploy EKS Cluster using Terraform (61.96 MB)
7 1 casestudy#eks (2.45 KB)
001 Introduction AWS EKS (18.22 MB)
002 Lab SetUp EKS Cluster Using AWS (35.31 MB)
003 Lab SetUp EKS Using AWS CLI (69.22 MB)
004 Lab Access EKS Cluster and Deploy Application (57.14 MB)
006 EKS Cluster TerraForm Configuration files (52.45 MB)
007 casestudy-eks (2.45 KB)
007 Lab Deploy EKS Cluster using Terraform (62.4 MB)
001 ELK Basics and Application (17.99 MB)
002 casestudy-ELK (7.67 KB)
002 Lab Deploy ELK and Execute ELK (90.25 MB)
004 casestudy-ELK (7.67 KB)
004 Lab Install ELK using Terraform (72.47 MB)
001 Terraform vs Google Deployment Manager (14.66 MB)
002 Setup GCP Project For Terraform (33.7 MB)
003 Enable Basic APIs on Cloud Project (10.63 MB)
004 Setup Remote State File in Cloud (40.1 MB)
001 Introduction HashiCorp Certification (13.8 MB)
002 Understand infrastructure as code (IaC) concepts (31.7 MB)
003 Understand Terraform's Purpose (26.01 MB)
004 Understand Terraform Basics I (35.42 MB)
005 Understand Terraform Basics II (49.59 MB)
006 Use the Terraform CLI (32.68 MB)
007 Interact with Terraform modules (17.57 MB)
008 Navigate Terraform workflow (40.32 MB)
009 Implement and Maintain State (29.96 MB)
010 Read, Generate, and Modify Configuration (36.11 MB)
011 Understand Terraform Cloud and Enterprise Capabilities (36.69 MB)
001 Preview Automation with Ansible (24.14 MB)
003 Ansible Introduction As a Tool (35.53 MB)
004 Ansible Architecture Overview (16.1 MB)
005 Why Ansible (9.69 MB)
1 Add GIT in Existing Project Part (36.95 MB)
2 Fork GitHub Existing Project (35.51 MB)
3 Git CLI Complete Workflow (40.95 MB)
4 Back-out GIT Changes (43.44 MB)
5 Delete File in GIT (35.33 MB)
6 Rename --& Move File in GIT (55.93 MB)
7 Find Commit, File History in GIT (47.35 MB)
8 GIT Alias (21.74 MB)
9 Exclude Unwanted Files in GIT (41.8 MB)
001 Ansible Installation Overview (13.83 MB)
002 Install Ansible Using PIP (18.72 MB)
003 Create Cloud Machine for Ansible Engine (25.31 MB)
005 Install Ansible Using Python VirtualEnv (38.71 MB)
007 Configure Ansible (47.29 MB)
001 SetUp AWS Nodes (64.23 MB)
002 Connect AWS Nodes with Ansible Engine (53.19 MB)
003 SetUp Google Cloud Nodes (39.12 MB)
004 Connect Google Cloud Nodes with Ansible Engine (20.14 MB)
005 Ansible Directory Config (48.53 MB)
006 Inventory file with Groups (24.43 MB)
001 Syntax of Ansible Ad-Hoc Commands (78.08 MB)
002 How Ansible Execute Stuff on Clients (41.94 MB)
003 Transfer file from Engine to Clients (41.71 MB)
004 Manage FileDirectory on Ansible Clients (29.97 MB)
005 Install Packages on Ansible Clients (36.01 MB)
001 Ansible Modules (52.3 MB)
002 Ansible Facts (8.33 MB)
003 Create Custom Facts (83.07 MB)
001 Work with Dynamic Inventory Script AWS I (42.04 MB)
002 Work with Dynamic Inventory Script AWS II (75.49 MB)
003 Work with Dynamic Inventory Script Google Cloud (72.02 MB)
001 Playbook Introduction (23.94 MB)
002 Demo Playbook Introduction (75.14 MB)
003 Start Writing-Executing PlayBooks (81.65 MB)
001 Logging Debug Statement using Ansible Playbooks (75.2 MB)
002 Variables in Ansible Play-books (28.05 MB)
003 Data Collection in Ansible (48.13 MB)
004 Uses of Set Fact and Register (83.24 MB)
005 Arithmetic Operations on Variables in Playbook (32.08 MB)
006 Practice on Arithmetic Operators (40.23 MB)
007 Filter and Methods of Ansible Playbook (44.74 MB)
001 Comparison Operators (48.99 MB)
002 Membership Operators in Ansible (49.15 MB)
003 Logical Operator (32.32 MB)
004 Conditional Statements (26.02 MB)
001 Handler in Ansible Playbook (69.49 MB)
001 Loops in Ansible Playbook I (71.9 MB)
002 Loops in Ansible Playbook II (42.43 MB)
003 Loops in Ansible Playbook III (45.37 MB)
1 SetUp Git Project for Comparision (30.29 MB)
2 Compare Working Directory --& Stage Area (22.28 MB)
3 Compare Work Directory and GIT Repo (10.35 MB)
4 Compare Stage Area --& GIT Repo (12.11 MB)
5 Compare Commits in GIT (16.71 MB)
001 Tags in Ansible (47.49 MB)
001 Error Handling in Ansible I (65.08 MB)
002 Block and Rescue in Ansible Playbook (78.55 MB)
003 Demo Block and Rescue in Ansible (83.3 MB)
001 Working with include and import module in Ansible (85.25 MB)
001 Ansible local action Module (28.38 MB)
002 Ansible Delegate to Module (32.72 MB)
001 Install Realtime Application I (76.96 MB)
002 Install Realtime Application II (66.07 MB)
003 Install Realtime Application III (44.39 MB)
004 Template Module with Variables (55.98 MB)
1 Basics of Branches in GIT (25.98 MB)
2 Happy Path Merges in GIT (33.56 MB)
3 Auto Merge in GIT (38.55 MB)
4 Merge Conflicts --& Resolution (35.5 MB)

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