Complete Full Stack Web Development Bootcamp AI Integrated



25.62 GB | 21min 0s | mp4 | 1280X720 | 16:9
Genre:eLearning |Language:English

Files Included :
1 -Introduction.mp4 (60 MB)
2 -How to and Who Should take This Course.mp4 (74.6 MB)
3 -Access Course Resources.mp4 (18.06 MB)
4 -How To Work On Coding Exercises.mp4 (31.85 MB)
5 -Setting Up the Development Environment.mp4 (163.72 MB)
6 -Unconventional Advice.mp4 (47.19 MB)
7 -Are Programmers Doomed Is AI Taking Over.mp4 (123.28 MB)
8 -How To Use AI To Your Advantage.mp4 (51.05 MB)
1 -Understanding Inheritance In CSS.mp4 (38.49 MB)
2 -Working With Basic Inheritance.mp4 (81.61 MB)
3 -Understanding The Cascade.mp4 (49.42 MB)
4 -Source Order of Styles.mp4 (72.59 MB)
5 -Specificity in Detail.mp4 (98.09 MB)
6 -Importance With !important Flag.mp4 (24.58 MB)
7 -The Cascade Algorithm.mp4 (17.46 MB)
8 -Solution Inheritance Exercise.mp4 (57.86 MB)
1 -What is Responsive Web Design.mp4 (81.39 MB)
10 -Distribute With justify-content.mp4 (85.19 MB)
11 -align-items Along Vertical Axis.mp4 (71.83 MB)
12 -Distribute Content Vertically align-content.mp4 (84.83 MB)
13 -Adding gaps to Rows and Columns.mp4 (38.18 MB)
14 -Items Properties order, grow and shrink.mp4 (41.24 MB)
15 -Using flex-basis For Widths.mp4 (57.3 MB)
2 -All About Media Queries.mp4 (119.39 MB)
3 -Solution Media Queries Exercise.mp4 (45.56 MB)
4 -Media Queries in Separate Stylesheets.mp4 (48.66 MB)
5 -Responsive Images.mp4 (75.95 MB)
6 -Background Images With Responsive Design.mp4 (134.69 MB)
7 -Introduction To Flexbox.mp4 (110.56 MB)
8 -Flex Display and Direction.mp4 (67.42 MB)
9 -Flex Wrap and Shorthand.mp4 (50.49 MB)
1 -What We Will Build.mp4 (14.03 MB)
10 -Hero Section Article.mp4 (124.46 MB)
11 -Styling The Article Card Elements.mp4 (109.86 MB)
12 -Card Alignment and Responsive View.mp4 (66.04 MB)
13 -Structuring The Latest Posts Section.mp4 (108.19 MB)
14 -Styling Individual Posts.mp4 (127.12 MB)
15 -Creating View All Posts Button.mp4 (47.69 MB)
16 -Adding Footer.mp4 (101.31 MB)
2 -Introduction To Figma.mp4 (111.32 MB)
3 -Creating The HTML File.mp4 (57.63 MB)
4 -Working On The Header.mp4 (108.46 MB)
5 -CSS For The Header.mp4 (101.17 MB)
6 -Completing The Menu Items.mp4 (42.69 MB)
7 -Working On Search Input.mp4 (66.41 MB)
8 -Search Icon and Responsive Header.mp4 (56.83 MB)
9 -The Hero Section Image.mp4 (96.29 MB)
1 -Introduction To Forms.mp4 (72.54 MB)
10 -Radio and Checkbox.mp4 (32.72 MB)
11 -Solution Radio and Checkbox Exercise.mp4 (64.18 MB)
2 -Getting Started With Basic Fields.mp4 (85.88 MB)
3 -Validating Input Fields.mp4 (68.44 MB)
4 -Solution Input Fields Exercise.mp4 (60.72 MB)
5 -Date and Time Fields.mp4 (27.51 MB)
6 -Solution Date and Time Fields Exercise.mp4 (53.13 MB)
7 -Select Dropdown Fields.mp4 (19.36 MB)
8 -Solution Select Dropdown Exercise.mp4 (55.96 MB)
9 -Adding a Color Picker.mp4 (14.05 MB)
1 -Introduction to Tables.mp4 (26.22 MB)
2 -Creating Our First Table.mp4 (37.55 MB)
3 -Table Column And Row Styling.mp4 (24.42 MB)
4 -Vertical and Horizontal Headers.mp4 (54.27 MB)
5 -Merging Cells With rowspan and colspan.mp4 (44.31 MB)
6 -Solution HTML Tables Exercise.mp4 (42.22 MB)
1 -Introduction to JavaScript.mp4 (96.42 MB)
10 -Solution Arithmetic Operators Exercise.mp4 (27.24 MB)
11 -Assignment Operators.mp4 (21.22 MB)
12 -Solution Assignment Operators Exercise.mp4 (26.57 MB)
13 -Comparison Operators.mp4 (65.31 MB)
14 -Solution Comparison Operators Exercise.mp4 (23.36 MB)
15 -Logical Operators.mp4 (61.13 MB)
16 -Solution Logical Operators Exercise.mp4 (10.14 MB)
2 -Variables In JavaScript var, let, const.mp4 (91.25 MB)
3 -Primitive Types In JavaScript.mp4 (38.78 MB)
4 -string, number and boolean.mp4 (54.77 MB)
5 -Solution JavaScript Variables Exercise.mp4 (20.02 MB)
6 -Template Literals and String Interpolation.mp4 (70.88 MB)
7 -Special Primitive Values null and undefined.mp4 (39.01 MB)
8 -BigInt and Symbol in JavaScript.mp4 (56.38 MB)
9 -Arithmetic Operators.mp4 (45.08 MB)
1 -Introduction to Objects.mp4 (80.04 MB)
10 -Solution Arrays Exercise.mp4 (23.35 MB)
11 -new Array() and Adding Items.mp4 (27.16 MB)
2 -Solution Objects Exercise.mp4 (13.57 MB)
3 -The new Object().mp4 (25.11 MB)
4 -Mutability and Spread Operator.mp4 (38.69 MB)
5 -Solution Spread Operator Exercise.mp4 (14.3 MB)
6 -Nested Objects.mp4 (46.42 MB)
7 -Solution Nested Objects Exercise.mp4 (31.13 MB)
8 -Introduction To Arrays.mp4 (43.25 MB)
9 -Extracting Values From an Array.mp4 (27.73 MB)
1 -Introduction To Conditional Statements.mp4 (85.17 MB)
10 -for of Loop.mp4 (28.78 MB)
11 -Solution for of Loop Exercise.mp4 (16.99 MB)
12 -The while and do while Loop.mp4 (41.71 MB)
13 -Solution while and do whileLoop Exercise.mp4 (19.06 MB)
2 -Solution Conditional Statements Exercise.mp4 (22.64 MB)
3 -Switch Statements.mp4 (49.19 MB)
4 -Solution Switch Statements Exercise.mp4 (26.62 MB)
5 -Introducing Loops The for Loop.mp4 (55.42 MB)
6 -The for Loop Continued.mp4 (60.38 MB)
7 -Solution for Loop Exercise.mp4 (21.84 MB)
8 -for in Loop.mp4 (25.26 MB)
9 -Solution for in Loop Exercise.mp4 (20.18 MB)
1 -Introduction To Functions.mp4 (56.45 MB)
10 -Solution String Methods Exercise.mp4 (40.93 MB)
11 -number Methods.mp4 (15.86 MB)
12 -Solution Number Methods Exercise.mp4 (34.51 MB)
13 -Array Methods.mp4 (24.27 MB)
14 -Solution Array Methods Exercise.mp4 (30.34 MB)
15 -Math Object.mp4 (23.29 MB)
16 -Solution Math Object Exercise.mp4 (27.46 MB)
17 -Date Object.mp4 (31.24 MB)
18 -Solution Date Object Exercise.mp4 (44.86 MB)
19 -Constructor Functions.mp4 (77.39 MB)
2 -Introduction to Lexical Scopes.mp4 (75.47 MB)
20 -Solution Constructor Function Exercise.mp4 (44.05 MB)
21 -Javascript Built In Constructors and Objects.mp4 (24.87 MB)
3 -Understanding Variables Scopes.mp4 (73.43 MB)
4 -Function Declarations, Expression and Arrow Functions.mp4 (47.46 MB)
5 -Solution function Declaration Exercise.mp4 (31.4 MB)
6 -Understanding Methods.mp4 (48.37 MB)
7 -Solution Methods Exercise.mp4 (44.23 MB)
8 -Deeper Dive into this Keyword.mp4 (28.55 MB)
9 -Autoboxing and string Methods.mp4 (50.94 MB)
1 -Spread Operator with Arrays.mp4 (56.76 MB)
10 -Solution Rest Parameters Exercise.mp4 (25.21 MB)
11 -Destructuring Arrays.mp4 (40.97 MB)
12 -Destructuring Objects.mp4 (68.03 MB)
13 -Destructuring Function Parameters.mp4 (39.63 MB)
14 -Solution Destructuring Arrays Exercise.mp4 (21.76 MB)
15 -Solution Destructuring Objects Exercise.mp4 (21.21 MB)
16 -Working With map() Method.mp4 (47.01 MB)
17 -Solution map() Exercise.mp4 (30.13 MB)
18 -Understanding The filter() Method.mp4 (36.81 MB)
19 -Solution filter() Exercise.mp4 (18.18 MB)
2 -Solution Array Spread Operator Exercise.mp4 (19.87 MB)
20 -Introducing The reduce() Method.mp4 (68.46 MB)
21 -Solution reduce() Exercise.mp4 (27.41 MB)
3 -Spread Operator with Objects.mp4 (44.38 MB)
4 -Solution Object Spread Operator Exercise.mp4 (28.36 MB)
5 -Using Default Parameters.mp4 (25.16 MB)
6 -Solution Default Parameters Exercise.mp4 (29.34 MB)
7 -The Spread Operator in Function Calls.mp4 (22.16 MB)
8 -Solution Spread Operator Function Calls Exercise.mp4 (14.79 MB)
9 -Rest Parameters.mp4 (50.81 MB)
1 -Understanding A Computer.mp4 (62.95 MB)
2 -How CPU Works Binary, ASCII.mp4 (76.74 MB)
3 -What is the Internet.mp4 (50.05 MB)
4 -Servers And DNS.mp4 (70.84 MB)
5 -Port Numbers and Request Response Lifecycle.mp4 (65.74 MB)
6 -Understanding A Website.mp4 (34.18 MB)
1 -Introduction To The Document Object Model (DOM).mp4 (75.22 MB)
10 -Setting Styles with style and Classes.mp4 (70.86 MB)
2 -Render Blocking, Async And Defer Scripts.mp4 (38.47 MB)
3 -Selecting DOM Elements Using Selectors.mp4 (66.59 MB)
4 -Solution Selecting DOM Elements Exercise.mp4 (17.13 MB)
5 -querySelector and querySelectorAll.mp4 (57.92 MB)
6 -Solution querySelector() Exercise.mp4 (12.29 MB)
7 -The InnerHtml() and Risks.mp4 (26.13 MB)
8 -Working with getAttribute and setAttribute.mp4 (38.52 MB)
9 -Solution getAttribute and setAttribute Exercise.mp4 (36.4 MB)
1 -Difference Between Nodes and Elements.mp4 (51.59 MB)
2 -Selecting a Parent with parentNode vs parentElement.mp4 (109.48 MB)
3 -Solution parentNode and parentElement Exercise.mp4 (15.21 MB)
4 -Selecting Elements with childNodes vs children.mp4 (37.56 MB)
5 -Solution childNodes and children Exercise.mp4 (13.43 MB)
6 -Selecting the First or Last ChildElement.mp4 (27.29 MB)
7 -Selecting a Sibling of Nodes in the DOM.mp4 (25.78 MB)
8 -Solution Sibling of Nodes Exercise.mp4 (23.67 MB)
9 -nodeName and nodeType.mp4 (39.99 MB)
1 -Introduction To DOM Events.mp4 (59.72 MB)
10 -Solution Keyboard Events Exercise.mp4 (52.54 MB)
11 -Using Form Events.mp4 (67.2 MB)
12 -Solution Form Events Exercise.mp4 (58.65 MB)
13 -Working With Window Events.mp4 (44.59 MB)
14 -Event Bubbling, Capture and Stopping Propagation.mp4 (43.42 MB)
15 -Event Bubbling and Capture in Action.mp4 (63.31 MB)
16 -Solution Event Bubbling and Capture Exercise.mp4 (32.82 MB)
17 -Event Delegation Using Event Bubbling.mp4 (44.36 MB)
2 -Three Ways to Register Events in JavaScript.mp4 (86.38 MB)
3 -Solution Register Events Exercise.mp4 (30.53 MB)
4 -Important Properties Of Event Object.mp4 (46.57 MB)
5 -Solution Event Object Properties Exercise.mp4 (40.1 MB)
6 -this Keyword In Event Handlers.mp4 (31.99 MB)
7 -Working With Mouse Events.mp4 (44.09 MB)
8 -Solution Mouse Events Exercise.mp4 (40.95 MB)
9 -The Keyboard Events.mp4 (37.09 MB)
1 -Introducing Browser Object Model (BOM).mp4 (39.89 MB)
2 -The Window Object.mp4 (54.12 MB)
3 -The location Object.mp4 (36.54 MB)
1 -Project Overview.mp4 (19.13 MB)
2 -Adding Number Values.mp4 (110.14 MB)
3 -Adding Functionality To Use Operators.mp4 (145.81 MB)
4 -Decimal And Reset.mp4 (49.12 MB)
1 -Understanding JavaScript Modules.mp4 (94.41 MB)
10 -Add Reset For Values.mp4 (25.87 MB)
2 -Named Vs Default Exports.mp4 (35.83 MB)
3 -Understanding Live Bindings.mp4 (28.04 MB)
4 -Module Scope and globalThis.mp4 (34.83 MB)
5 -Modularizing The Calculator App.mp4 (23.63 MB)
6 -Create a Module and Functions For Values.mp4 (29.09 MB)
7 -Module For Selectors and addNumberValue.mp4 (25.13 MB)
8 -Modules For useOperator and addDecimal.mp4 (48.94 MB)
9 -Import Modules And Test.mp4 (18.05 MB)
1 -Unix vs Unix-Like vs Windows.mp4 (81.95 MB)
2 -Terminal Vs Shell Vs Kernel.mp4 (62.37 MB)
3 -Why Use The Command Line.mp4 (22.69 MB)
4 -Using Terminal And Structure of Commands.mp4 (20.31 MB)
5 -Navigating The File System.mp4 (45.53 MB)
6 -Working With Files And Directories.mp4 (20.2 MB)
7 -Copying and Moving Files.mp4 (30.03 MB)
8 -Deleting Files and Directories.mp4 (20.33 MB)
9 -Using Help, Man Pages and Flags.mp4 (37.42 MB)
1 -Understanding Execution Sequence.mp4 (39.31 MB)
2 -Callback Functions In JavaScript.mp4 (50.07 MB)
3 -Asynchronous Tasks.mp4 (50.03 MB)
4 -Working With Promises.mp4 (54.87 MB)
5 -Understanding Call Stack and Event Loop.mp4 (53.94 MB)
6 -Cleaner Code With fetch.mp4 (44.66 MB)
7 -Async and Await.mp4 (18.83 MB)
8 -Try and Catch.mp4 (15.03 MB)
9 -What is JSON (JavaScript Object Notation).mp4 (35.34 MB)
1 -What is Node js And Why We Need It.mp4 (76.81 MB)
2 -Back-End And Front-End Working Together.mp4 (34.2 MB)
3 -What Are We Going To Build.mp4 (12.47 MB)
4 -Install Node js and npm.mp4 (14.35 MB)
5 -Hello World in Node js.mp4 (42.92 MB)
6 -Introducing Node Package Manager (npm).mp4 (102.27 MB)
7 -Create a New Node js Project.mp4 (40.64 MB)
8 -First npm Package.mp4 (63.25 MB)
9 -Node js Module - fs (File System).mp4 (92.04 MB)
1 -Understanding REST APIs.mp4 (142.19 MB)
10 -Creating The Tasks Router.mp4 (57.83 MB)
2 -Testing An API (httpYac Setup).mp4 (31.25 MB)
3 -What is Express.mp4 (19.4 MB)
4 -Setting Up Express Server (Starting With Project).mp4 (71.87 MB)
5 -Using Nodemon For Development.mp4 (38.26 MB)
6 -A Deeper Look Request and Response.mp4 (100.81 MB)
7 -Getting Started With Routing.mp4 (31.38 MB)
8 -Understanding Route Params and Query Params.mp4 (64.59 MB)
9 -URL Path Patterns.mp4 (45.67 MB)
1 -Introduction To HTML.mp4 (50.88 MB)
10 -Solution Quotations In HTML Exercise.mp4 (22.74 MB)
11 -Tags and Attributes.mp4 (75.24 MB)
12 -Linking Pages With Anchor Tag.mp4 (87.61 MB)
13 -img Tag For Images.mp4 (71.38 MB)
14 -Widely Used Image Formats.mp4 (57.21 MB)
15 -Head Element - Favicon and Page Title.mp4 (72.97 MB)
16 -Google Chrome Developer Tools.mp4 (25.77 MB)
17 -Solution HTML Basics Coding Exercise.mp4 (50.37 MB)
2 -Basics of HTML Document.mp4 (16.08 MB)
3 -Using Live Server For HTML.mp4 (24.28 MB)
4 -Elements Vs Tags in HTML.mp4 (19.52 MB)
5 -Heading and Paragraph Elements.mp4 (30.54 MB)
6 -Solution Heading and Paragraph Exercise.mp4 (22.24 MB)
7 -HTML Comments.mp4 (16.68 MB)
8 -Text Formatting Using HTML.mp4 (21.01 MB)
9 -Quotations In HTML.mp4 (38.39 MB)
1 -Understanding What is Middleware.mp4 (36.06 MB)
2 -Middleware And Parsing Request Body.mp4 (40.06 MB)
3 -Activity Logging With Morgan.mp4 (63.67 MB)
4 -Understanding (CORS) Cross Origin Resource Sharing.mp4 (68.9 MB)
1 -What is a Controller.mp4 (24.49 MB)
2 -Creating Tasks Controller.mp4 (41.31 MB)
3 -Response For GET Tasks Request.mp4 (34.13 MB)
4 -Understanding HTTP Status Codes.mp4 (58.63 MB)
5 -Using http-status-codes.mp4 (46.05 MB)
6 -Creating Response Formatter Middleware.mp4 (75.72 MB)
7 -Resources Not Found - Default 404.mp4 (25.38 MB)
8 -Creating auth Controllers.mp4 (36.02 MB)
9 -Creating User Controllers.mp4 (34.66 MB)
1 -Introduction To Databases SQL Vs NoSQL.mp4 (34.68 MB)
2 -Advantages Of Using MongoDB.mp4 (48.82 MB)
3 -MongoDB Cloud, Shell and Compass.mp4 (90.23 MB)
4 -Inserting Data in MongoDB.mp4 (50.33 MB)
5 -Finding Data in MongoDB.mp4 (28.06 MB)
6 -Updating Data in MongoDB.mp4 (26.91 MB)
7 -Deleting Data in MongoDB.mp4 (12.29 MB)
1 -Understanding What is Mongoose.mp4 (46.76 MB)
10 -Deleting a Task.mp4 (30.89 MB)
11 -Schema and Model For a New User.mp4 (114.93 MB)
12 -New User Provider.mp4 (52.66 MB)
2 -Working With Schema And Model.mp4 (58.91 MB)
3 -Schema Types Overview In Mongoose.mp4 (28.36 MB)
4 -Integrating Mongoose With Express.mp4 (48.22 MB)
5 -Creating The First Schema.mp4 (59.46 MB)
6 -Creating a Model.mp4 (73 MB)
7 -Dividing Controllers into Providers.mp4 (56.54 MB)
8 -Fetch Documents From The Database.mp4 (37.86 MB)
9 -Updating a Task.mp4 (64.42 MB)
1 -Why is Additional Validation Needed.mp4 (43.82 MB)
10 -Validating Query Parameters.mp4 (91.84 MB)
11 -Validating Patch Request.mp4 (100.21 MB)
12 -Validating Delete Request.mp4 (43.74 MB)
13 -Validating Create User Route.mp4 (102.38 MB)
2 -Getting Started With express-validator.mp4 (136 MB)
3 -Creating Validator Files.mp4 (85.86 MB)
4 -Getting Sanitized Data.mp4 (40.52 MB)
5 -Error Handle Database Interactions.mp4 (62.14 MB)
6 -Error Logging Using Winston.mp4 (101.46 MB)
7 -Auto Error Logging With express-winston.mp4 (52.88 MB)
8 -Specifically Logging Errors to error log.mp4 (83.88 MB)
9 -Creating a Error Logger Helper.mp4 (27.77 MB)
1 -Understanding the Node Environment.mp4 (66.69 MB)
2 -Setting NODE ENV.mp4 (52.71 MB)
3 - env Files For Environment Variables.mp4 (82.73 MB)
4 -Moving Variables to Env Files.mp4 (39.69 MB)
5 -Create a Configuration File.mp4 (59.88 MB)
1 -Introduction to Pagination.mp4 (33.83 MB)
2 -Updating the Pagination Query.mp4 (76.96 MB)
3 -Building the Pagination Object.mp4 (75.97 MB)
4 -Setting Default Values.mp4 (38.03 MB)
5 -Sorting Final Data.mp4 (24.29 MB)
6 -Refactor Final Data.mp4 (52.24 MB)
7 -Filter And Count Based On Status.mp4 (17.58 MB)
1 -Introducing Relationships With Sub Documents.mp4 (15.83 MB)
10 -Generate JWT.mp4 (83.97 MB)
11 -Guarding Routes With Middleware.mp4 (129.42 MB)
12 -Assigning Authenticated Users To Tasks.mp4 (28.22 MB)
2 -Adding Relationship Between User and Tasks.mp4 (41.93 MB)
3 -Introduction To User Authentication.mp4 (38.13 MB)
4 -Hashing And Salting Passwords.mp4 (29.71 MB)
5 -Using bCrypt for Hashing.mp4 (55.87 MB)
6 -Check For Unique Email.mp4 (21.33 MB)
7 -User Login Controller and Validator.mp4 (64.42 MB)
8 -Comparing Password To Hash.mp4 (84.67 MB)
9 -Understanding (JWTs) JSON Web Tokens.mp4 (39.51 MB)
1 -Introducing Open API Specification and Swagger.mp4 (26.21 MB)
2 -Configuring Swagger.mp4 (82.57 MB)
3 -Documenting Task Schema.mp4 (101.38 MB)
4 -Documenting Task POST Endpoint.mp4 (112.13 MB)
5 -Documenting Task GET Endpoint.mp4 (46.44 MB)
6 -Documenting Task PATCH Endpoint.mp4 (43.17 MB)
7 -Documenting Task DELETE Endpoint.mp4 (29.15 MB)
8 -Documenting User Endpoints.mp4 (55.54 MB)
9 -Documenting Auth Endpoints.mp4 (49.94 MB)
1 -Why Do We Need React.mp4 (131.15 MB)
2 -Hello World in React.mp4 (71.51 MB)
3 -Introduction To JSX.mp4 (27.17 MB)
4 -Creating React Components.mp4 (24.63 MB)
5 -React Props And Attributes.mp4 (49.19 MB)
6 -JavaScript Expressions in JSX.mp4 (35.97 MB)
7 -React Fragments.mp4 (18.09 MB)
1 -Block Vs Inline Elements.mp4 (56.28 MB)
10 -Practical Semantic Elements.mp4 (66.07 MB)
11 -Solution Semantic HTML.mp4 (30.69 MB)
2 -Container Elements div and span.mp4 (24.06 MB)
3 -HTML Entities And Symbols.mp4 (37.37 MB)
4 -Introduction To List Items.mp4 (22.8 MB)
5 -Unordered Lists.mp4 (61.76 MB)
6 -Ordered Lists.mp4 (31.63 MB)
7 -Description Lists.mp4 (21.46 MB)
8 -Solution HTML Structure Exercise.mp4 (52.13 MB)
9 -Understanding Semantics.mp4 (47.49 MB)
1 -Better Way To Create a React App.mp4 (52.89 MB)
2 -Understanding a Single Page Application.mp4 (24.71 MB)
3 -Vite Structure and Cleanup.mp4 (20.52 MB)
4 -Creating First Component.mp4 (30.85 MB)
5 -Understanding CSS Modules.mp4 (33.87 MB)
6 -Working With Props.mp4 (37.23 MB)
7 -Assigning Default Values To Props.mp4 (15.68 MB)
8 -LikeButton Component and Events in React.mp4 (41.78 MB)
9 -First React Hook useState().mp4 (38.64 MB)
1 -Introduction To Tailwindcss.mp4 (40.49 MB)
2 -Install and Configure Tailwindcss.mp4 (51.54 MB)
3 -Styling Elements with Tailwindcss.mp4 (37.45 MB)
1 -Introduction To React Router.mp4 (32.03 MB)
2 -Installing React Router.mp4 (18.44 MB)
3 -Creating First Few Routes.mp4 (44.07 MB)
4 -Creating Pages.mp4 (23.92 MB)
5 -Defining Routes For Pages.mp4 (39.14 MB)
6 -404 Page Not Found Route.mp4 (24.14 MB)
1 -Introduction To Shadcnui.mp4 (34.49 MB)
10 -Props For TasksCounter.mp4 (38.2 MB)
11 -Creating Filter Bar.mp4 (98.21 MB)
12 -Creating Task Component.mp4 (106.23 MB)
13 -Adding Props To Task Component.mp4 (97.58 MB)
14 -Creating Form Layout.mp4 (92.22 MB)
15 -User Profile Component.mp4 (48.76 MB)
16 -Create TaskForm and Logout.mp4 (132.92 MB)
2 -Installing Shadcnui.mp4 (97.36 MB)
3 -Planning User Interface Development.mp4 (10.23 MB)
4 -Enable Dark Mode.mp4 (29.61 MB)
5 -Signup Page Layout.mp4 (54.51 MB)
6 -Creating Signup Form.mp4 (64.79 MB)
7 -Creating Login Page.mp4 (30.85 MB)
8 -Setting Layout For Tasks Page.mp4 (64.24 MB)
9 -Tasks Counter Component.mp4 (54.22 MB)
1 -What is Client Server Synchronization.mp4 (36.91 MB)
2 -Using Zod For Form Validation.mp4 (86.96 MB)
3 -Using react-hook-form With shadcnui.mp4 (171.92 MB)
4 -Validating Login Form.mp4 (45.56 MB)
5 -Handling Controlled Components.mp4 (56.77 MB)
6 -Validating Create Task Form.mp4 (168.45 MB)
1 -Introducing Tanstack Query.mp4 (23.11 MB)
10 -Loading Tasks On Task Page.mp4 (65.06 MB)
11 -Displaying Tasks On The Page.mp4 (105.12 MB)
12 -Implement Logout Behaviour.mp4 (25.33 MB)
2 -Setup Tanstack Query.mp4 (46.53 MB)
3 -Creating Signup Mutation Hook.mp4 (150.98 MB)
4 -Managing Side Effects With useEffect().mp4 (122.56 MB)
5 -Creating Login Mutation Hook.mp4 (49.12 MB)
6 -Adding Bearer Token To Cookies.mp4 (110.77 MB)
7 -Implementing Private Routes.mp4 (56.67 MB)
8 -Mutation Hook For Creating New Task.mp4 (81.06 MB)
9 -Query Hook To Get All Tasks.mp4 (99.61 MB)
1 -Introducing The Context API.mp4 (59.04 MB)
10 -Mark a Task as Complete.mp4 (17 MB)
11 -Updating The Counters.mp4 (47.61 MB)
12 -Smooth Pagination Transitions.mp4 (25.98 MB)
13 -Populating Profile Avatar.mp4 (33.58 MB)
2 -Creating the TasksContext.mp4 (131.65 MB)
3 -Query Params For Pagination.mp4 (72.36 MB)
4 -Using Context To Set Pagination Links.mp4 (86.23 MB)
5 -Completing Pagination.mp4 (65.28 MB)
6 -Sorting Tasks By Order.mp4 (176.83 MB)
7 -Improving Query String Conditions.mp4 (37.46 MB)
8 -Refetch Query On Create Tasks.mp4 (30.12 MB)
9 -inProgress Button On Tasks.mp4 (104.61 MB)
1 -Understanding Server Infrastructure.mp4 (33.28 MB)
2 -Creating A Server On AWS.mp4 (144.3 MB)
3 -Pointing DNS Records To Server.mp4 (68.1 MB)
4 -Installing And Configuring Nginx.mp4 (151.68 MB)
5 -Securing Connections With SSL.mp4 (37.8 MB)
6 -Installing React Application.mp4 (85.87 MB)
7 -Installing NodeJS Application.mp4 (35.22 MB)
8 -Understanding And Configuring PM2.mp4 (53.42 MB)
1 -What is Version Control.mp4 (53.6 MB)
10 -Understanding A Conflict.mp4 (24.05 MB)
11 -How To Resolve Conflicts.mp4 (32.61 MB)
12 -What is GitHub Why Use it.mp4 (66.3 MB)
13 -Setting Up a Git Repository.mp4 (23.51 MB)
14 -Git push, pull and fetch.mp4 (49.17 MB)
2 -Understanding Git and GitHub.mp4 (46.56 MB)
3 -Installing Git, Github Desktop.mp4 (35.32 MB)
4 -Graphical User Interface Command Line Interface.mp4 (57.27 MB)
5 -First Git Repository and Commits.mp4 (64.06 MB)
6 -Understanding Branches.mp4 (60.99 MB)
7 -Working With Branches.mp4 (47.45 MB)
8 -Understanding Merge.mp4 (29.08 MB)
9 -Git Merge Practical Example.mp4 (33.01 MB)
1 -What is CSS Cascading Style Sheets.mp4 (64.94 MB)
10 -Using Different Units of Measurement.mp4 (79.22 MB)
11 -Solution Units of Measurement Exercise.mp4 (25.18 MB)
2 -Understanding Colors in CSS.mp4 (87.32 MB)
3 -Color, Background and Border.mp4 (69 MB)
4 -Solution Using Colors in CSS.mp4 (18.27 MB)
5 -Text Formatting - Alignment and Decoration.mp4 (66.04 MB)
6 -Solution Text Formatting Exercise.mp4 (22.04 MB)
7 -Text Transformation and Spacing.mp4 (71.53 MB)
8 -Solution Text Transformation and Spacing Exercise.mp4 (19.69 MB)
9 -Common Units Of Measurement.mp4 (100.68 MB)
1 -Overview of CSS Selectors.mp4 (25.87 MB)
10 -Solution Pseudo Elements Exercise.mp4 (40.18 MB)
11 -CSS Attribute Selectors.mp4 (114.82 MB)
12 -Solution Attribute Selectors Exercise.mp4 (63.23 MB)
2 -Internal Styles And External Stylesheets.mp4 (63.62 MB)
3 -Id, Class and Universal Selectors.mp4 (74.82 MB)
4 -Combinator Selectors.mp4 (71.08 MB)
5 -Solution Combinator Selectors Exercise.mp4 (26.61 MB)
6 -Introduction To Pseudo-Classes.mp4 (65.76 MB)
7 -More Pseudo-Classes.mp4 (82.44 MB)
8 -Solution Pseudo-Classes Exercise.mp4 (30.83 MB)
9 -CSS Pseudo Elements.mp4 (72.97 MB)
1 -Understanding Fonts.mp4 (96.16 MB)
10 -Solution CSS Transitions Exercise.mp4 (26.22 MB)
11 -The Nuisance of Vendor Prefixes.mp4 (26.31 MB)
12 -Variables In CSS.mp4 (67.33 MB)
13 -Solution CSS Variables Exercise.mp4 (26.71 MB)
2 -Working With Fonts.mp4 (50.6 MB)
3 -Deep Dive Into Font Properties.mp4 (63.15 MB)
4 -Solution Font Properties Exercise.mp4 (15.35 MB)
5 -Using Google Fonts (Webfonts).mp4 (80.41 MB)
6 -Using Google Material Icons.mp4 (22.23 MB)
7 -Styling List Items.mp4 (58.14 MB)
8 -Solution Styling List Items Exercise.mp4 (23.04 MB)
9 -Working With Transitions.mp4 (67.47 MB)
1 -Introduction To Box Model.mp4 (61.13 MB)
10 -The box-sizing Property.mp4 (45.99 MB)
11 -The Overflow Property.mp4 (73.96 MB)
12 -Max And Min Properties.mp4 (53.41 MB)
13 -Working With Floats.mp4 (72.62 MB)
14 -Positions In CSS.mp4 (75.29 MB)
15 -Solution Positions Coding Exercise.mp4 (29.08 MB)
16 -Layers and z-index.mp4 (72.2 MB)
17 -Solution z-index Exercise.mp4 (26.88 MB)
2 -Padding, Border and Margin Basics.mp4 (108.39 MB)
3 -Solution Padding, Border and Margin Exercise.mp4 (42.73 MB)
4 -Block, Inline and Inline-Block.mp4 (63.74 MB)
5 -Display None and Inherit.mp4 (41.98 MB)
6 -Solution Display Exercise.mp4 (26.84 MB)
7 -Understanding Collapsing Margins.mp4 (64.58 MB)
8 -Rounded Corners.mp4 (53.2 MB)
9 -Solution Rounded Corners Exercise.mp4 (23.94 MB)

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