40 Days Bootcamp 40 Data Science and Machine Learning Projects



14.18 GB | 25min 55s | mp4 | 1280X720 | 16:9
Genre:eLearning |Language:English

Files Included :
1 Introduction to the course.mp4 (68.38 MB)
2 Udemy Course Feedback.mp4 (2.05 MB)
1 Introduction.mp4 (21.48 MB)
2 Improting Libraries And Data.mp4 (57.48 MB)
3 Data Processing.mp4 (30.95 MB)
4 4Creating Machine Learning Model.mp4 (94.38 MB)
5 Creating A Flask Application.mp4 (72.09 MB)
6 1 Bird Species Flask App.zip (3.86 MB)
6 2 Collab Code.zip (15.26 MB)
1 Introduction.mp4 (25.75 MB)
2 Importing and processing data.mp4 (65.85 MB)
3 Creating a Model.mp4 (88.48 MB)
4 Creating a Flask App.mp4 (59.5 MB)
5 1 Collab Code.zip (42.63 MB)
5 2 Intel Image Flask App.zip (3.53 MB)
1 Introduction.mp4 (9.16 MB)
2 Project Notebook Google Colab.mp4 (140.8 MB)
3 Building Django App.mp4 (71.96 MB)
4 Deploying App in Heroku.mp4 (79.15 MB)
5 1 1-Sentiment Analysis Code.zip (96.73 KB)
1 Introduction.mp4 (9.25 MB)
2 Creating Colab Notebook.mp4 (213.68 MB)
3 Creating Django App.mp4 (85.04 MB)
4 Deploying App in Heroku.mp4 (20.34 MB)
5 1 2-Attrition Rate Django code.zip (121.37 KB)
1 Introduction.mp4 (10.3 MB)
2 Creating Colab Notebook.mp4 (177.14 MB)
3 Creating Django App.mp4 (108.24 MB)
4 Deploying App in Heroku.mp4 (62.21 MB)
5 1 Pokemon APP Code.zip (1.42 MB)
1 Introduction to face app.mp4 (11.39 MB)
2 Creating The Face App Using OpenCV.mp4 (103.74 MB)
3 Creating The Face App Part-2.mp4 (65.66 MB)
4 Creating The face app Part-3.mp4 (94.19 MB)
5 1 Face Detection App- Code.zip (142.33 KB)
1 Introduction.mp4 (13.17 MB)
2 Creating Project Notebook.mp4 (244.28 MB)
3 Building Model.mp4 (74.68 MB)
4 Building Flask App.mp4 (51.89 MB)
5 Flask App Deployment.mp4 (65.82 MB)
6 1 Cats Vs Dogs App Code.zip (180.58 MB)
1 Introduction.mp4 (13.29 MB)
2 Colab Notebook.mp4 (201.74 MB)
3 Creating Flask App.mp4 (117.96 MB)
4 Deploying Flask App.mp4 (66.46 MB)
5 Creating an app using streamlit.mp4 (51.26 MB)
6 1 Customer Revenue Prediction Code.zip (1.15 MB)
1 Introduction.mp4 (10.55 MB)
2 Creating Project Notebook.mp4 (243.01 MB)
3 Creating Project App Django.mp4 (106.68 MB)
4 Deploying The App.mp4 (61.09 MB)
5 1 Voice Gender Prediction code.zip (3.06 MB)
1 Introduction.mp4 (21.28 MB)
2 Creating Colab Notebook.mp4 (116.65 MB)
3 Exploratory Data Analysis.mp4 (85.45 MB)
4 Data Analysis 2.mp4 (242.84 MB)
5 1 Restaurant Rec - Code.zip (1.06 MB)
1 Introduction To Pan Card Tempering Detector.mp4 (4.26 MB)
1 1 Collab Code.zip (339.28 KB)
1 2 Pan Card Tampering Flask App.zip (421.69 KB)
2 Loading libraries and dataset.mp4 (31.48 MB)
3 Creating the pancard detector with opencv.mp4 (106.96 MB)
4 Creating the Flask App.mp4 (14.93 MB)
5 Creating Important functions.mp4 (29.08 MB)
6 Deploy the app in Heroku.mp4 (45.52 MB)
7 Testing the deployed pan card detector.mp4 (5.71 MB)
1 Introduction to Happiness Ranking.mp4 (16.33 MB)
2 Project Notebook.mp4 (240.54 MB)
3 Creating Django App.mp4 (138.28 MB)
4 Deploying Django App.mp4 (59.4 MB)
5 1 Happiness Ranking - Code.zip (107.42 KB)
1 Introduction To Forest Fire.mp4 (19.42 MB)
2 Project Notebook.mp4 (207.15 MB)
3 Project Notebook Part-2.mp4 (76.38 MB)
4 Creating Django App.mp4 (117.09 MB)
5 Deploying Django App.mp4 (57.59 MB)
6 1 Forest Fires App -Code.zip (187.45 MB)
6 2 Forest Fires App -Code.zip (187.45 MB)
1 Importing libraries and data.mp4 (36.44 MB)
2 Understanding data.mp4 (37.56 MB)
3 Model building part1.mp4 (49.29 MB)
4 Model building part2.mp4 (58.84 MB)
5 1 Notebook Black friday.zip (7.69 MB)
1 Importing libraries and data.mp4 (65.13 MB)
2 Text normalization.mp4 (74.96 MB)
3 Lemmatization.mp4 (45.4 MB)
4 Data preprocessing.mp4 (103.67 MB)
5 Model Building.mp4 (87.09 MB)
6 1 Sentiment analysis files.zip (6.28 MB)
1 Importing libraries and data.mp4 (39.75 MB)
2 Understanding the data.mp4 (73.38 MB)
3 Data visualization.mp4 (54.91 MB)
4 Model building part 1.mp4 (74.58 MB)
5 Model building part 2.mp4 (104.84 MB)
6 1 Parkinson Disease files.zip (96.85 KB)
1 Importing libraries and data.mp4 (32.14 MB)
2 Data preprocessing.mp4 (40.75 MB)
3 Text cleaning.mp4 (60.98 MB)
4 Vectorizer.mp4 (18.59 MB)
5 Model Building.mp4 (101.89 MB)
6 1 Fake news classifier files.zip (37.24 MB)
1 Importing libraries and data.mp4 (47.82 MB)
2 Understanding data.mp4 (31.93 MB)
3 Data visualization and preprocessing.mp4 (80.52 MB)
4 Balancing the target column.mp4 (51.5 MB)
5 Model building.mp4 (75.5 MB)
6 Model evaluation.mp4 (44.57 MB)
7 1 Toxic Comment Classifier files.zip (28.56 MB)
1 Importing libraries and data.mp4 (85.72 MB)
2 Understanding data.mp4 (92.19 MB)
3 Data visualization.mp4 (68.62 MB)
4 Data preprocessing.mp4 (70.49 MB)
5 Model building.mp4 (114.48 MB)
6 1 IMDB files.zip (4.88 MB)
1 Importing libraries and data.mp4 (59.53 MB)
2 Understanding data.mp4 (71.72 MB)
3 Data visualization.mp4 (92.54 MB)
4 Data preprocessing.mp4 (22.75 MB)
5 Feature Engineering.mp4 (113.84 MB)
6 Model building part1.mp4 (123.39 MB)
7 Model building part2.mp4 (49.45 MB)
8 1 Indian Air Quality Files.zip (11.57 MB)
1 Importing libraries and data.mp4 (62.02 MB)
2 data preprocessing.mp4 (119.22 MB)
3 Data Analysis part1.mp4 (102.52 MB)
4 Data Analysis part2.mp4 (134.97 MB)
5 1 Covid-19 Analysis Files.zip (1.28 MB)
1 Introduction to dog breed prediction.mp4 (15.92 MB)
1 1 Collab Code.zip (13.51 KB)
1 2 Dog Breed Prediction Streamlit App.zip (1.75 MB)
2 Importing the data and libraries.mp4 (56.82 MB)
3 Data Preprocessing.mp4 (29.97 MB)
4 Build and Train Model.mp4 (73.21 MB)
5 Testing the model.mp4 (18.76 MB)
6 Creating the Flask App.mp4 (28.12 MB)
7 Running the app in system.mp4 (17.28 MB)
1 Importing libraries and data.mp4 (113.33 MB)
2 Understanding data.mp4 (68.94 MB)
3 Data visualization.mp4 (160.55 MB)
4 Model building.mp4 (147.35 MB)
5 Hypertuning.mp4 (102.19 MB)
6 1 Customer churn files.zip (3.6 MB)
1 Importing libraries.mp4 (39.07 MB)
2 Understanding data.mp4 (50.71 MB)
3 Data visualization.mp4 (74.32 MB)
4 Text normalization.mp4 (112.8 MB)
5 Creating a application.mp4 (77.02 MB)
6 1 Chatbot files.zip (1.45 MB)
1 Introduction.mp4 (16.61 MB)
2 Google Colab part-1.mp4 (202.1 MB)
3 Google Colab part-2.mp4 (47.06 MB)
4 Creating Django App.mp4 (147.42 MB)
5 Heroku App Deployment.mp4 (64.58 MB)
6 1 Video games sales - Code.zip (617.63 KB)
1 Introduction.mp4 (11.98 MB)
2 Machine Learning model building part1.mp4 (62.47 MB)
3 Machine Learning model building part 2.mp4 (100.91 MB)
4 Machine Learning model building part 3.mp4 (110.8 MB)
5 Creating Django Application part1.mp4 (76.58 MB)
6 Creating Django Application part 2.mp4 (66.8 MB)
7 Deploying on Heroku.mp4 (53.55 MB)
8 1 Car selling price prediction -Code.zip (21.43 MB)
1 Introduction.mp4 (14.92 MB)
2 Introductory Machine Learning model building.mp4 (95.65 MB)
3 Feature Building and Selection.mp4 (103.36 MB)
4 Model Building.mp4 (12.37 MB)
5 Django Application Introduction.mp4 (43.01 MB)
6 Django Application building.mp4 (111.38 MB)
7 Deploying on Heroku.mp4 (40.43 MB)
8 1 Affair prediction- Code.zip (8.79 MB)
1 Introduction.mp4 (14.23 MB)
2 Importing libraries and Understanding data.mp4 (129.54 MB)
3 Building the model.mp4 (98.68 MB)
4 Building Django Application.mp4 (105.96 MB)
5 Deploying on Heroku.mp4 (58.82 MB)
6 1 Mushroom Classification App Code.zip (4.17 MB)
1 Introduction.mp4 (12.14 MB)
2 Introduction to libraries and dataset.mp4 (108.74 MB)
3 Preprocessing the data.mp4 (74.92 MB)
4 building the model.mp4 (50.92 MB)
5 Django Application.mp4 (94.85 MB)
6 Deploying to Heroku.mp4 (48.16 MB)
7 1 Google App rating preiction Code.zip (4.68 MB)
1 Introduction to the Project.mp4 (23.76 MB)
2 Importing Libraries and Datasets.mp4 (15.71 MB)
3 Data Analysis.mp4 (56.06 MB)
4 Model Building Part 1.mp4 (46.71 MB)
5 Model Building Part 2.mp4 (33.66 MB)
6 Model building and Predictions using Auto ML( Eval ML ).mp4 (61.4 MB)
7 1 Heart Attack Preidction- Auto Ml -Code Files.zip (743.08 KB)
1 Introduction to the Project.mp4 (29.54 MB)
2 Importing Libraries and DataSet.mp4 (27.4 MB)
3 Data Analysis.mp4 (43.37 MB)
4 Model Building using ML.mp4 (17.39 MB)
5 Model Building and Prediction using PyCaret (AutoML).mp4 (97.05 MB)
6 1 Credit Card Fraud Using Pycaret -Code and Files.zip (66.08 MB)
1 Introduction to the Project.mp4 (21.88 MB)
2 Importing Libraries and DataSet.mp4 (45.19 MB)
3 Data Analysis.mp4 (31.65 MB)
4 Feature Engineering 1.mp4 (43.61 MB)
5 Feature Engineering 2.mp4 (50.65 MB)
6 Feature Selection.mp4 (25.01 MB)
7 Model Building using ML.mp4 (38.48 MB)
8 Model Building and Prediction using Auto SK Learn.mp4 (41.86 MB)
9 1 Flight fare- auto sk learn- Project Code and Files.zip (589.04 KB)
1 Introduction.mp4 (15.14 MB)
2 Importing libraries and logo.mp4 (25.21 MB)
3 Create text and image watermark.mp4 (75.94 MB)
4 Creating the app.mp4 (22.78 MB)
5 Deploying the app in Heroku.mp4 (29.99 MB)
6 1 Collab Code.zip (55.78 KB)
6 2 Image Watermarking Flask App.zip (3.31 MB)
1 Introduction to the Project.mp4 (30.57 MB)
2 Importing Libraries and Data Set.mp4 (20.03 MB)
3 Data Analysis and splitting of Data.mp4 (39.96 MB)
4 Data Preprocessing.mp4 (36.82 MB)
5 Model Building and Prediction using LSTM model.mp4 (32.58 MB)
6 Model Building and prediction using ARIMA and Auto Keras (Auto ML).mp4 (37.53 MB)
7 1 Petrol Price Forecasting- Auto Kearas- Code Files.zip (21.45 KB)
1 Introduction to the Project.mp4 (33.05 MB)
2 Importing Libraries and DataSet.mp4 (25.04 MB)
3 Data Analysis.mp4 (65.22 MB)
4 Feature Engineering.mp4 (16.5 MB)
5 Model Building and Prediction using ANN.mp4 (34.17 MB)
6 Model Building and Prediction using H2O Auto ML(Auto ML).mp4 (91.96 MB)
7 1 Bank Customer Churn-Auto Keras -Project code and Files.zip (554.76 KB)
1 Introduction.mp4 (30.82 MB)
2 importing the data and libraries.mp4 (57.51 MB)
3 Image processing.mp4 (45.09 MB)
4 Creating and testing the model.mp4 (62.06 MB)
5 Creating model for test set.mp4 (47.47 MB)
6 1 Collab Code.zip (266.28 KB)
1 Introduction to text extraction.mp4 (18.51 MB)
2 Importing libraries and data.mp4 (33.94 MB)
3 Extracting the test from image.mp4 (40.7 MB)
4 Modifiying the extractor.mp4 (69.94 MB)
5 Creating the extractor app.mp4 (38.63 MB)
6 Running the extractor app.mp4 (14.86 MB)
7 1 Collab Code.zip (41.28 KB)
7 2 Text Extraction Flask App.zip (251.83 KB)
1 Introduction.mp4 (35.12 MB)
2 Importing libraries and data.mp4 (31.8 MB)
3 Understanding the data and data preprocessing.mp4 (49.77 MB)
4 Model building.mp4 (29.71 MB)
5 Creating an app using streamlit.mp4 (51.26 MB)
6 1 Collab Code.zip (14.56 MB)
6 2 Plant Disease Flask App.zip (2.26 MB)
1 Introduction.mp4 (25.81 MB)
2 Importing libraries and data.mp4 (22.45 MB)
3 Transforing Images and creating output.mp4 (99.06 MB)
4 Creating a Flask APP Vehicle.mp4 (84.02 MB)
5 1 Collab Code.zip (5.68 MB)
5 2 Detect and Count Vehicle Flask App.zip (623.54 KB)
1 Introduction.mp4 (20.38 MB)
2 Importing libraries and data.mp4 (36.19 MB)
3 Data preprocessing and creating output.mp4 (127.67 MB)
4 Creating A Flask APP.mp4 (78.52 MB)
5 1 Collab code.zip (13.4 KB)
5 2 Face Swap Flask App.zip (70.13 MB)

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