101 Python Projects The Complete Python Course for



11.24 GB | 45min 49s | mp4 | 1280X720 | 16:9
Genre:eLearning |Language:English

Files Included :
1 -Introduction to 101 Python projects course.mp4 (51.62 MB)
2 -Promotion video.mp4 (19.37 MB)
1 -1 reading pdf document and get number of pages.mp4 (29.25 MB)
10 -10 read a csv file.mp4 (16.77 MB)
11 -11 writing into csv files.mp4 (22.96 MB)
12 -12 writing a text file.mp4 (13.66 MB)
13 -13 Reading a text file.mp4 (16.38 MB)
2 -2 Extract text from pdf.mp4 (18.99 MB)
3 -3 rotating pdf file.mp4 (42.14 MB)
4 -4 read excel file.mp4 (25.3 MB)
5 -5 extracting name of columns using pandas.mp4 (13.23 MB)
6 -6 reading an excel file.mp4 (13.33 MB)
7 -7 reading specific columns in an excel file.mp4 (25.11 MB)
8 -8 creating a new excel file.mp4 (10.95 MB)
9 -9 appending values to an excell file.mp4 (39.4 MB)
1 -1 File Encryptions.mp4 (54.84 MB)
2 -2 File Decryptions.mp4 (55.96 MB)
1 -1 os module to work with directories.mp4 (13.01 MB)
10 -10 examine the content of TAR files.mp4 (10.5 MB)
2 -2 copy move rename delete data.mp4 (29.99 MB)
3 -3 working with paths.mp4 (16.3 MB)
4 -4 comparing data.mp4 (20.97 MB)
5 -5 find files in directories.mp4 (8.97 MB)
6 -6 Getting metadata of the file.mp4 (18.38 MB)
7 -7 Getting metadata about zipfiles.mp4 (30.25 MB)
8 -8 Compressing and restoring files.mp4 (15.35 MB)
9 -9 tarfile module to create TAR archives.mp4 (13 MB)
1 -1 What is Pytest How to install pytest.mp4 (71.1 MB)
2 -2 How to write the first test in pytest.mp4 (64.94 MB)
3 -3 How to run pytest from commonLine.mp4 (136.26 MB)
4 -4 How to use Markers in Pytest.mp4 (71.62 MB)
5 -5 Fixture in Pytest.mp4 (78.29 MB)
6 -6 Conftest in pytest.mp4 (46.22 MB)
7 -7 Parametrizing the fixture part one.mp4 (75.06 MB)
8 -8 Parametrizing the fixture part two.mp4 (74.85 MB)
1 -1 Introduction to UnitTesting.mp4 (40.24 MB)
2 -2 Testing the function on float numbers.mp4 (19.78 MB)
3 -3 Handling user input in UnitTest.mp4 (39.65 MB)
1 -1 How Networks Work.mp4 (30.36 MB)
2 -1 1 Introduction to Telnet and accessing Machine Remotly.mp4 (21.48 MB)
3 -2 User Telnet Within python to control a pc remotely.mp4 (61.24 MB)
4 -3 using SSH to get access remote to a computer.mp4 (39.94 MB)
5 -4 Execute Command remotely with SSH.mp4 (34.43 MB)
1 -1 Post on facebook using python.mp4 (58.57 MB)
2 -2 Post an Image in a facebook page.mp4 (30.97 MB)
3 -3 Put a comment in a facebook post.mp4 (35.29 MB)
4 -4 comment, like and delete a post from facebook.mp4 (44.13 MB)
5 -5 upload YouTube Videos in facebook.mp4 (52.08 MB)
1 -1 Automate WhatsApp send text message.mp4 (38.6 MB)
2 -2 Automate WhatsApp close Tap.mp4 (25.39 MB)
3 -3 Automate WhatsApp Send Image.mp4 (16.79 MB)
4 -4 Automate WhatsApp send Message to group.mp4 (34.2 MB)
5 -5 Automate WhatsApp send Image to Group.mp4 (25.71 MB)
1 -1 Application Architecture.mp4 (24.1 MB)
2 -2 Create Working Hourses.mp4 (66.51 MB)
3 -3 Adding Website to host file.mp4 (76.22 MB)
4 -4 deleting websites if exists.mp4 (97.72 MB)
5 -5 Website Blocker in Kali linux.mp4 (23.72 MB)
6 -6 Run the Program in background in kali.mp4 (21.15 MB)
7 -7 Run the program in background in windows.mp4 (44.94 MB)
1 -1 introduction to hash.mp4 (16.62 MB)
10 -10 Send the BTC to a phone number.mp4 (31.17 MB)
11 -11 SMS scheduler with python.mp4 (60.43 MB)
12 -12 Tracking phone number Location With python using API.mp4 (116.66 MB)
13 -13 Music player.mp4 (123.87 MB)
14 -14 Network Scanner.mp4 (54.29 MB)
15 -15 Changing PDF to audio.mp4 (95.17 MB)
16 -16 GUI Quiz Application.mp4 (163.24 MB)
17 -17 System Monitoring Automation.mp4 (75.59 MB)
18 -18 Text Extractor from pdf file.mp4 (36.15 MB)
19 -19 Moder GUI ToDo Applications.mp4 (93.52 MB)
2 -2 Cracking zip file password with password list.mp4 (67.83 MB)
20 -20 Vocabulary flashcard.mp4 (77.91 MB)
21 -21 File management System.mp4 (126.44 MB)
22 -22 Spell Correction application.mp4 (19.97 MB)
23 -23 Text Translator Application.mp4 (16.03 MB)
24 -24 Youtube Downloader Application.mp4 (25.23 MB)
25 -25 Getting Backups With python.mp4 (68.94 MB)
26 -26 Calender Application.mp4 (135.69 MB)
27 -27 Text Editor Application.mp4 (116.5 MB)
3 -3 Seprating password and hashed form one file in to two files.mp4 (45.66 MB)
4 -4 generating hash of a password list.mp4 (70.11 MB)
5 -5 Dycripting Hashed password.mp4 (48 MB)
6 -6 Cracking Windows 7,8,10,11 password.mp4 (103.36 MB)
7 -7 Execute Windows Command With PYthon.mp4 (74.71 MB)
8 -8 Getting price of BTC from API.mp4 (81.33 MB)
9 -9 Send SMS to mobile phone number using API.mp4 (29.32 MB)
1 -Python Interpreter.mp4 (101.25 MB)
10 -10 How to assign values to variables.mp4 (20.36 MB)
11 -11 Introduction to number in python.mp4 (23.43 MB)
12 -12 Number type conversion in python.mp4 (31.33 MB)
13 -13 Introduction to string.mp4 (19.05 MB)
14 -14 String Repetition and concatenation.mp4 (19.77 MB)
15 -15 Slicing String.mp4 (20.19 MB)
16 -16 Updating String.mp4 (15.12 MB)
17 -Course Feedback project.mp4 (53.75 MB)
18 -Asking for feedback.mp4 (15.77 MB)
19 -17 Escape Characters.mp4 (23.48 MB)
2 -Importing modules in Python Interpreter.mp4 (29.98 MB)
20 -18 Special String Operators.mp4 (19.39 MB)
21 -19 String Formatting.mp4 (19.69 MB)
22 -20 Introduction to list.mp4 (19.16 MB)
23 -21 Accessing list Elements.mp4 (22.26 MB)
24 -22 Updateing list.mp4 (41.26 MB)
25 -23 Deleting a value from a list.mp4 (11.36 MB)
26 -24 Basic list Operations.mp4 (35.13 MB)
27 -25 Introduction to Tuples.mp4 (10.25 MB)
28 -26 Updating and deleting tuples.mp4 (22.9 MB)
29 -27 Basic tuple operation.mp4 (29.18 MB)
3 -Python Indentation in python interpreter.mp4 (39.09 MB)
30 -28 Min and Max in python.mp4 (11.35 MB)
31 -29 Sets in python.mp4 (56.73 MB)
32 -30 Introduction to Dictionary.mp4 (45.56 MB)
33 -31 If statement syntax.mp4 (25.35 MB)
34 -32 if else statement syntax.mp4 (16.27 MB)
35 -33 if elif syntax.mp4 (46.78 MB)
36 -34 for loops.mp4 (19.21 MB)
37 -35 for with range.mp4 (13.98 MB)
38 -36 Introduction to while loop.mp4 (18.02 MB)
4 -4 Downloading Python IDE.mp4 (24.74 MB)
5 -5 Introduction to VScode IDE.mp4 (37.1 MB)
6 -6 Create Your First Python Program.mp4 (13.52 MB)
7 -7 Indentation within IDE.mp4 (19.97 MB)
8 -8 Introduction to Variables.mp4 (19.95 MB)
9 -9 How Variables type can be changed through the execution program.mp4 (18.68 MB)
1 -1 Image compression with OpenCV.mp4 (23.34 MB)
2 -2 Image Optimization.mp4 (172.24 MB)
3 -3 Changing png to jpg and vs.mp4 (35.29 MB)
4 -4 Image face detection with opencv.mp4 (25.24 MB)
5 -5 Image Editing Application with Tkinter.mp4 (342.13 MB)
6 -6 Live Face Detection with opencv.mp4 (44.74 MB)
7 -7 Real Time Remove Background Application.mp4 (52.88 MB)
1 -1 Hello word Enhancement.mp4 (55.46 MB)
10 -10 converting age to seconds.mp4 (30.28 MB)
11 -11 Fibonacci Sequence.mp4 (32.76 MB)
12 -12 Sort Three Number.mp4 (29.11 MB)
13 -13 Palindrome.mp4 (23.59 MB)
14 -14 Calculate Factorials Recursively.mp4 (28.49 MB)
15 -15 Find the LCM of two number.mp4 (40.82 MB)
16 -16 Find the GCD of two number.mp4 (29.83 MB)
17 -17 Convert Decimal to Binary octal hexadecimal.mp4 (23.4 MB)
18 -18 Factor of a Number.mp4 (24.65 MB)
19 -19 Sum of Digits.mp4 (23.7 MB)
2 -2 Basic Calculator.mp4 (121.59 MB)
20 -20 Reverse String.mp4 (17.14 MB)
21 -21 Create a Multiplication Table using python.mp4 (23.58 MB)
22 -22 Find the largest number among a list.mp4 (20.13 MB)
23 -23 Random Number Generator.mp4 (26.96 MB)
24 -24 Count Vowels in a stirng.mp4 (21.75 MB)
25 -25 Char Frequency Counter in a String.mp4 (31.36 MB)
26 -26 Anagrams Strings.mp4 (21.07 MB)
27 -27 Check Odd and Even Number.mp4 (8.88 MB)
28 -28 Calculate sum of list.mp4 (15 MB)
29 -29 Find length of a string.mp4 (14.78 MB)
3 -3 Number Guessing Game.mp4 (95.21 MB)
30 -30 Calculate the Average of the numbers in a list.mp4 (19.89 MB)
31 -31 check if a string is alphanumeric.mp4 (23.94 MB)
32 -32 Generate random password.mp4 (21.12 MB)
33 -33 find median of a list.mp4 (20.78 MB)
34 -34 find the HCF of two numbers.mp4 (23.66 MB)
35 -35 Sort a list of string alphabetically.mp4 (9.87 MB)
36 -36 find sum of even numbers.mp4 (14.19 MB)
37 -37 check if string contains only digits.mp4 (20.64 MB)
38 -38 Find ASCII value of a character.mp4 (24.46 MB)
39 -39 Swap Two variables.mp4 (14.24 MB)
4 -4 Parallelogram area.mp4 (17.8 MB)
5 -5 Cylinder Area and volume.mp4 (66.1 MB)
6 -6 Surface area and volume of sphere.mp4 (31.08 MB)
7 -7 area of a regular polygon.mp4 (27.41 MB)
8 -8 Repeat a string.mp4 (18.45 MB)
9 -9 Complex number creating.mp4 (26.71 MB)
1 -1 introduction about OOP(classes, methods, attribute).mp4 (42.73 MB)
2 -2 Home work to create a bank account.mp4 (12.57 MB)
3 -3 Error Handling in python.mp4 (37.34 MB)
4 -4 Wrking with API's.mp4 (48.84 MB)
5 -5 Reading and writing into a CSV file.mp4 (39.94 MB)
6 -6 read and write in an excel file.mp4 (29.34 MB)
7 -7 Datetime Manipulation.mp4 (52.3 MB)
8 -8 introduction to Modules.mp4 (17.46 MB)
1 -1 Introduction to Webs craping.mp4 (42.11 MB)
10 -9 Getting course information from website.mp4 (83.61 MB)
11 -10 Getting name and price of the course.mp4 (45.26 MB)
12 -11 Getting the house information from real-state website.mp4 (192.61 MB)
2 -1 1 Regular Expression.mp4 (41.16 MB)
3 -2 Introduction to Regex.mp4 (48.9 MB)
4 -3 Regex is Greedy.mp4 (63.21 MB)
5 -4 More in Regex.mp4 (35.93 MB)
6 -5 Find all in Regex.mp4 (20.62 MB)
7 -6 Sub in Regex.mp4 (15.15 MB)
8 -7 Working with Requests.mp4 (19.14 MB)
9 -8 Challng get the Udemy Course Information.mp4 (52.58 MB)
1 -1 Expense Tracker.mp4 (117.25 MB)
10 -10 Password Strength Checker.mp4 (75.58 MB)
11 -11 Dice Rolling Game.mp4 (12.18 MB)
12 -12 Budget Tracker.mp4 (107.32 MB)
13 -13 Alarm Clock.mp4 (52.12 MB)
14 -14 birthday reminder.mp4 (41.08 MB)
15 -15 Mad Libs Game.mp4 (24.61 MB)
16 -16 Simple Chatbot.mp4 (23.93 MB)
17 -17 Contacts book.mp4 (77.45 MB)
18 -18 Library Management System part one.mp4 (25.07 MB)
19 -19 Library Management System part two.mp4 (48.04 MB)
2 -2 Weather App.mp4 (190.75 MB)
20 -20 Library Management System part three.mp4 (21.98 MB)
21 -21 file organizer.mp4 (66.04 MB)
22 -22 Sending Email to multiple persons.mp4 (80.09 MB)
23 -23 QR Code Generator.mp4 (16.14 MB)
24 -24 OTP Verification.mp4 (43.35 MB)
25 -25 Bulk Uploader.mp4 (99.1 MB)
26 -26 Email Scheduler.mp4 (48.01 MB)
3 -3 Working with Dictionary.mp4 (57.8 MB)
4 -4 Hangman Game.mp4 (186.68 MB)
5 -5 Inventory Management System.mp4 (66.79 MB)
6 -6 Blog Post Generator.mp4 (115.22 MB)
7 -7 Creating Quiz Game part one.mp4 (103.22 MB)
8 -8 Creating Quiz game part two.mp4 (18.9 MB)
9 -9 expense categorizer with python.mp4 (87.24 MB)
1 -1 Installing Jupyter Notebook.mp4 (51.92 MB)
2 -1 1 Introduction to Pandas.mp4 (54.7 MB)
3 -2 Reading different types of file.mp4 (65.44 MB)
4 -3 Set Header for data that has no header.mp4 (20.39 MB)
5 -4 assign header and index.mp4 (41.39 MB)
6 -5 drop some data from file.mp4 (25.49 MB)
7 -6 add new record to columns.mp4 (29.33 MB)
8 -7 update and add new rows.mp4 (46.88 MB)
1 -1 socket programming create server.mp4 (26.3 MB)
2 -2 socket programming create client and start chat.mp4 (28.11 MB)
3 -3 HTTP client get methods.mp4 (21.21 MB)
4 -4 HTTP client post methods.mp4 (31.85 MB)
5 -5 http server and share file in the network.mp4 (7.76 MB)
6 -6 Downloading file from a remote computer.mp4 (66.98 MB)
7 -7 send command to the server.mp4 (37.82 MB)
1 -1 Introduction to python Telegram bot.mp4 (39.42 MB)
10 -7 4 Send Text message to group.mp4 (24.54 MB)
11 -7 5 Sending questions from a list to group.mp4 (42.02 MB)
12 -7 6 Sending images to a group.mp4 (33.01 MB)
13 -7 7 Sending image from local computer to a group.mp4 (21.83 MB)
14 -7 8 Sending audio to a group.mp4 (25.57 MB)
15 -7 9 Sending Documents to a group.mp4 (20.98 MB)
16 -7 10 Reply to text message.mp4 (81.35 MB)
17 -7 11 Reading and replying new message.mp4 (83.92 MB)
18 -7 12 Making the bot more intelligent.mp4 (105.4 MB)
19 -7 13 Mention the text while replying.mp4 (42.39 MB)
2 -2 Create your first telegram bot.mp4 (60.55 MB)
20 -7 14 Uploading the bot in IBM cloud for free.mp4 (73.99 MB)
3 -3 start your telegram bot.mp4 (66.68 MB)
4 -4 Add more functionality to your telegram bot.mp4 (49.12 MB)
5 -5 add button telegram bot.mp4 (114.76 MB)
6 -6 adding favor button and customizing buttons.mp4 (97.56 MB)
7 -7 1 Telegram API Introduction.mp4 (35.87 MB)
8 -7 2 Getting message information from group.mp4 (45.3 MB)
9 -7 3 Limit getting message Information from group.mp4 (34.74 MB)

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