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Organisationskultur Und Quartiersöffnung In Der Stationären Altenhilfe
German | 600 pages | Springer; 1. Aufl. 2021 edition (May 21, 2021) | 365832337X | PDF | 9.77 Mb
Die Quartiersöffnung der stationären Altenhilfe bietet zwei Chancen: Einerseits kann die interne Organisation und die Struktur...
Impact Studies Of Composite Materials (composites Science And Technology)
English | 318 pages | Springer; 1st ed. 2021 edition (May 22, 2021) | 9811613222 | PDF | 10.35 Mb
This book discusses the impact of different range of velocities (low, high, ballistic and hyper-velocity impact) on...
Rectenna: Wireless Energy Harvesting System (advances In Sustainability Science And Technology)
English | 260 pages | Springer; 1st ed. 2021 edition (May 22, 2021) | 9811625352 | PDF | 17.78 Mb
This book covers the theory, modeling, and implementation of different RF energy harvesting systems...
edited 3 hours ago
rectenna: wireless energy harvesting system (advances in sustainability science and technology)
Culture Your Culture: Innovating Experiences At Work
English | 272 pages | Emerald Publishing (June 14, 2018) | 1787438996 | PDF | 7 Mb
Organizational culture isn't just a hot topic-it's an untapped asset and potential liability for all businesses. And yet, for all its potential to make or...
Algorithms And Autonomy: The Ethics Of Automated Decision Systems
English | 250 pages | Cambridge University Press (May 20, 2021) | 1108841813 | PDF | 38.57 Mb
Algorithms influence every facet of modern life: criminal justice, education, housing, entertainment, elections, social media, news...